14. Fuck toy.


She got the lighter again, and did something she never thought she would do..

She slowly pulled down her pants, and started to burn her inner thigh.

After a few minutes of burning herself she put the the lighter down and pulled her pants up.

"Why can't I just call the cops?!" She shrugged and dialled the number.


"Hello, what's your name and what kind of danger are you in?"


"Alright, Neely. Stay somewhere safe. And tell us your address please."

"I-I don't know where I am."

"Okay Neely, we are going to track your location.. and we're going to send someone alright."

"Okay, please be quick!"

"I'm sorry Neely."


"We can't help you."

The man on the phone just hung up.

"Hello? HELLO?!" Tears started forming in her eyes.

She heard her door unlock. It was her brother.

"Hey, Neely. Heard you gave a blowjob." He smirked.

"Ethan, please. Let me go. You were nice. You weren't like this before. What happened?! Where is mom?!" Neely said begging and crying.

He completely ignores her. "Anyway, your hired as a.. you'll see." Her brother said and winked at her. "You have some costumers tonight!" He leaves the room, and locked the door.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  Β Β  NEELYS POV:

What did he mean by that?! Wait. It's not what I think it is, right? I hope it's not I'm gonna cry. He said tonight, it's already 7pm does that mean that my 'costumers' will come soon?? I hope not. I've never done that before. I really hope it's not what I think it is..

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  3RD PERSON POV:


Neely was laying down in her carpet as her door unlocked. It was her brother. "I forgot, if you needed to pee or something, here." He gave her a huge bucket and some toilet paper. "What about water?" Neely says while just looking him. "Ugh. Wait here." He says and goes to get water. He forgot to lock the door behind him.

Neely ran out the door as fast as possible. She ran until she was outside. She stopt to breath for a second, when he heard her brother behind him. "FUCK! NEELY COME BACK!!!" He shouted while running after her. She ran until she saw a couple of houses. She went to hide in a corner so her brother won't see her.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." She said while catching her breath. "I think I lost him." She smiles softly.

"Better luck next time, bitch." Her brother was standing behind her. He grabbbed her by her neck and pushed her against the wall. "You fucking try to escape us again, you will fucking die." He said, removing his hand. "Even dying is better than this." Neely said while tears were slowly running down her cheek. "Now come on. Your costumers will be here in a couple of minutes." Ethan grinned evilly. "For what?!" Neely decides to finally ask. "Your basically a- hmmm.. what's a good word for that.. sextoy! People come to hire you, to fuck you, and do to what they want with you." Ethan easily explains with a grin. "Now come on. You've got to put on something.. sexy." Ethan grins. "Your disgusting. You and dad both disgust me!" She started to cry more. He pulls her ear and whispers. "If you call me something like that again, your dead."

They both go home, and his brother gives her a harness. "Wear this under a robe. When they come in, take the robe off. Alright?" He gives her the robe. "I'm not doing that." Neely says looking disgusted. "You are." He says "And there is no escape at all. Even the cops can't help you." He grins.

The harness:


"No way I'm putting that on." Neely shakes her head. "Your putting that on." Her dad comes behind her brother. "I'm not. You can't force me." She said throwing the harness on the floor. "I fucking can. Now, put that on before I make you." Her dad hissed. Neely cringed. "But, I've never done this before." Neely whined. "Just wait, you just have to sit there and they'll tell you what to do." Ethan shrugs and leaves the room. "Put that thing on, and we'll give you the robe." Her dad said. "My dad is going to see me naked?! Aint no way I'm letting him." She thought to herself.

She put the harness on, and knocked on the door. She quickly wrapped her blanket around her. Her dad opened the door.

"Show me." Her dad said waiting. "No. I'm not going letting you see me naked." She said I'm defence. "Well then, I guess I have to do it myself." He came closer and was about to unwrap the blanket, when Neely kicked his balls. She ate.

"YOU BITCH." Her dad yelled in pain. "What happened?!" Ethan comes in and sees Neely in her robe, and his dad almost crying in pain. "What the fuck did you do?!" He asks looking at his dad. "Fuck you two." Neely said while holding back tears. "There is no way that I'm going to be used as a 'sextoy'."

"You are. Because your costumers are here." Her brother calmly said. "I'm going to go get them." He walked out of the door, his dad following him.

Neely wanted to run away, again but she thought to herself. "If I run away, they will find me and I might get abused again. But I don't want to be used as a fucktoy. What should I do?! The door is unlocked.. maybe if I just go out silently."

She quickly went out, and reached the back door, still in her robe. She opened the door, and quickly went out.

"She ran until she saw some cars, and a street. She smiled to herself. "Is this my escape?" She smiled softly. She started running again, when she saw a bus stop. While she was waiting for the bus, people kept giving her disgusted stares. "Maybe it's because of my robe..?" She thought to herself. A group of boys walked past her and started talking. "Yo dude, that's her!!" They said looking at her. "We'll be your next costumers." One of them winked at her. Did her dad post her on social media?

The bus finally arrived, she got on the bus, and people immediately gave her looks. She didn't say anything, she just went to sit. The person in front of her was on his phone, he was looking at some girl and clicking on a link. She just realised who that was. That was her. She got her phone and looked up her name. And there she was, she was naked and asleep. Her dad must've gotten that picture when she was asleep. She started crying slowly, looking at her naked pic. Above her picture, it said:

"NEW SEXTOY!! €45 FOR EACH NIGHT WITH HER. Click on the link for more information."

She started crying even more. At the next bus stop, she got off the bus and started walking. After a few minutes of walking, she saw a police station. She ran inside.

"Excuse me? I've been abused, and almost been used as a fucktoy. I've been locked up, and my dad has been posting naked pictures of me." She said everything in one breath. "I'm sorry what?" The police officer asked. "I'm sorry, uhmm.. I was locked up, abused, almost used as a sex toy, my dad has been posting naked pictures of me." She said slowly. "Can you tell me you, and your dads name?" The officer asked. "Uhm, my name is Neely Keller, and my dads name is Stefan Keller." She said waiting for a response. "Oh. I'm sorry." The officer said. "What??" Neely asks confused. "Wait here please." He said while going to make a phone call.

She shrugged and went to sit.

Neely's minding her own business, when 2 guys come in. She looks at them, its her dad and her brother. "Shit." She mumbles to herself. "Neely. Get up. We're going." Ethan signalled for her to come. "You can't take me from here!" Neely looked at the cop who was just standing there. "PLEASE. DO SOMETHING. IM GOING TO GET RAPED. PLEASE!!" She begged. "I'm sorry." The cop said looking down. "Come here you bitch." Her dad grabbed her arm and brought her out of the police station.

"You tried to escape again huh?!" Her dad squeezed her arm. "O-ouch! Stop!!" Neely whined. "Your costumers are waiting." Her dad said smiling. "Why did that cop not do anything?!" She asked her dad and brother. "Because I'm friends with the chief." Her dad simply said. "Now hop in." He commanded.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  NEELY'S POV:

They brought me back to my room and told me to wait, they locked the door this time. I just sat there, waiting for what was going to come.

A few minutes later I heard some talking and then my door started to unlock. My heart was racing faster and faster each second. The door opened and there was a man. He had grey hair, blue eyes and was old. "Shit." I mumbled to myself. While looking at him, then the floor.

"This is her right?" That man asked my dad. My dad nodded and locked the door. He then came closer to me. "Hello, babygirl." He said smirking at me. I cringed at his words. I kept looking down. "Is this your first time?" He asked, the smirk was still on his face. I nodded still looking down. "How old are you?" He asked curiously. "I'm 16.." I said, now looking up at him. "Since this is your first time, I'll be gentle." He winked at me and started untying my robe. I tried to stop him, but he pushed my hands away and took off my robe.

"My, my." He said looking me up and down. I wanted to throw up. An old man is seeing me naked. I'm going to have sex with an old man. I didn't want him to be my first time. I wanted Bill to be my first time. My first everything..

He took off his pants and his underwear. He grabbed my hair, and the only words that came out of his head were "suck." I refused to do so, when he slapped me. "Do it." I started sucking his dick, making him groan.

After I gave him a blowjob, he took off his shirt and threw me on the bed.

After that everything went blurry..






-N 🫢
