19. Shopping

"Esilaaaaa!! We're going shopping!!! Come out!!" Said Malak and Neely while knocking on the door. "No!!" Esila yelled back at them, hiding under her blanket. "It's 11am!!" Malak yelled. "Yeah! So let me sleep please." Esila went under her blanket again and slept again.

"Let's go ask her later? I'm gonna lay with Bill for some bit." Neely said as she leaned on the door. Malak nodded, her smile slowly turned into a smirk. "Lay down with him or.." She smirked. "No! That's you and Tom, not me and Bill!!" Neely jokingly punched her shoulder. "Mhm, sure." Malak raised her hands and moved her fingers. Neely rolled her eyes jokingly.


The girl opened his door and saw Bill sleeping. She smiled to herself as she started walking towards him and his bed.

She lays down with him, and cuddles with him. He's the little spoon.

As Neely's starts cuddling with him, he slowly wakes up, and turns his head around, then his body. "Morning." He says in a raspy, quiet voice. "Good morning." The girl smiled at him, he smiled back. "Can we please stay like this for awhile?" Bill asks holding her tight. "Mhm." She smiles and nods. Bill buries his head in her chest.

A few seconds later, the girl hears quiet snoring. She smiles and closes her eyes so she can also fall asleep.


The girl wakes up and checks the time. 1:47 pm. "Oh shit, I've been sleeping for a long time." She mumbles to herself. Bill is still sleeping. "Bill.." She runs her fingers trough hisΒ  hair. "Mmhh.." Bill responded, half asleep. "Wake upp!! It's almost 2pm!!" She brings his face impossibly closer to her face. "Wake up." She whispers. "No." Bill turns around. "Bill, if you don't wake up, I'll throw away all your bottles of hairspray." She said while sitting up. Bill jumped. "I'm awake!" He said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Are we going somewhere?" He asked curiously. "Hm, we might go shopping but I don't know yet." She shrugged. "Then why did you wake me upppp!!" He acts like child. "Bill, you can't sleep all day." She shakes her head. "So you woke me up for nothing?" Bill rolls his eyes. "I guess." She shrugs while Bill crosses his arms.

They both sit still, not knowing what to do. "Should we-" Neely gets cut off by Bill smashing his lips on Neely's. She gets surprised at first, but then kisses him back. She puts her hands on his face, and Bill puts his hands on her waist, still kissing each other.

"Bill! did you take my- oh. uhm am I disturbing something?" Tom comes in. "No! Tom, I didn't take anything! Check your own room!" Bill yells at him. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry." He leaves the room and gives both of them a wink before closing the door.

"He ruined the mood." Neely thinks to herself. "Let's go downstairs?" She rubs his shoulder. Bill nods, still annoyed why Tom came in and ruined the mood.


They both go downstairs, and see Malak and Tom smirking at them. She looks at Bill, and he's already giving Tom the finger.

"Where's Esila?" Neely looks around, not seeing her. "Still in her room." Georg shrugs. She signals Malak to come with her.

The 2 girls go to Esila's room. Esila's already awake and she's watching tv. "Esilaaa. Come onn." Malak grabs her hand. "Uff.. why?" She rolls her eyes. "We're going shopping, and you love shopping. So come." Neely and Malak both grab her hands and drag her out of the bed. "Can we go partying after?" Esila asks while rubbing her eyes. "Uhm, sure." Malak smiles. "Now, go, get ready." Neely tells her. Esila nods and goes to the bathroom.

"Guys!! Go get ready!" Neely and Malak both shout. "Why?" Georg asks, while turning the tv off. "We're going shopping, and then we're gonna go to a party." Malak gives them a thumbs up. "Finally! A party!" Tom claps his hands like a child. "Come on!" Neely grabs Bill's hand and goes upstairs with him. "Should I style my hair?" He asks, holding a bottle of hairspray. "Nahh, your hair is pretty like that." She smiles. "Okay, what about makeup?" He asks, now holding his eyeshadow palette. "No." Neely shakes her head. "Okay." Bill puts it down and goes to get ready.

Neely puts on Bill's shirt, and his pants, the one that Jakob gave him, and Bill said it looked good on her. She slightly blushed as she thought of what Bill said.

After that, the girl put on some makeup and combed her hair.

After awhile, Bill came out of the bathroom. He was wearing a shirt with black and white stripes, and dark blue jeans.

"I love your outfit!" Bill smiles while checking her out. "But, why are you wearing makeup and not me?" He crosses his arms. "Bill. Me and you both know that you look good without makeup." Neely says as she grabs his hand and drags him out of the room.

"About time!" Gustav points at his watch. "Sorry!" They both raise their hands.

"Whatever, let's go!" Malak runs to the door.


"We should all buy dresses for the party!" Neely smiles at them. "Oh my god yes!" Malak claps her hands. Esila nods and smiles.

Neely rests her head on Bill's shoulder, and she holds his hand.

Georg's driving and he looks back. "Are y'all dating?" He asks, looking at them and then looking back at Gustav with a smirk.

"Yeah." Bill rubs Neely's hand with his thumb. "Gustavvv!" Georg reaches his hand out to Gustav, smiling. "Fine! Here!" He hands him 20 bucks. "I'm rich anyway." He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, a rich bitch!" Esila says, and everyone starts laughing.

"Y'all seriously made a bet on us?" Bill sighs. "We did." Georg nods while grinning. Bill rolls his eyes.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  - TIME SKIP -

π“π‡π„π˜ π€π‘π‘πˆπ•π„πƒ

The 3 girls ran into the store, with the guys following behind.

"I NEED THIS." Neely holds a dress infront of her. "Can you hold this for me?" She asked Bill. Bill nodded and smiled at her.

"IM GONNA GET THIS!" Esila holds a dress and scans it with her eyes. "Hold this please!" She gives her dress to Georg. Georg nods and looks at Gustav. "Here." He gives it to him. Gustav sighs and starts walking around.

"I need this so bad." Malak shakes the dress that's in her hand. She runs to Tom. "Babe, can you hold this?" Before Tom could say anything, Malak was gone.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  - TIME SKIP -

After awhile of looking for clothes. It was time to go home. They bought 2 bags full of clothes, and 1 bag full of snacks.

𝐀𝐓 π‡πŽπŒπ„

"What time is the party?" Malak asked. "It starts at 6pm and ends at I don't know." Tom said. "6 is too early!" Esila said while her eyes widened.


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-𝐍 🫢
