3. Eyes.

The group went to go to watch a movie. Bill sat next to Neely, Ji-Hoon sat next to Esila, Tom sat next to Malak, Gustav sat at the other side of Bill, and Georg sat at the other side of Tom. It was a horror movie. Bill wasn't scared, but Neely was, she kept screaming and pulling Bills jacket to cover her eyes. Georg just watched it peacefully, Gustav was laughing so hard. Esila did the same as Neely but instead of grabbing his jacket she grabbed head. Malak wasn't scared but Tom was, he kept screaming and holding onto Malak.

On the romantic parts, it got kinda awkward.

Everyone one looked at eachother exept Esila and Ji-Hoon. They were both kissing.

"DUDE WTF?!" Neely looks at them with eyes wide open.

"CALM DOWN YOU GUYS ARE EATING EACHOTHER" Malak said as she was trying to eat her popcorn but she couldn't bc these 2 lovebirds were kissing hard and it just made so much noise.

Bill starts laughing, Neely looks at him. His eyes. The way they brighten when he smiles.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  NEELYS POV:
shit, he's so pretty. The way his eyes brighten when he smiles or laughs. And his laugh. It's so pretty I could just die omg. How is he so pretty?! He's too pretty to be real omg. He's so majestic. I love him sm. I hope he never leaves and always stays with me.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  3RD PERSON POV:
As Neely is admiring Bill, they accidentally make eye contact. But sadly, Neely breaks it cuz she got nervous. Meanwhile Esila is still kissing her bf. Malak notices Neely and Bill, "OOOOOHHHHH LOVEBIRDSSSSS YOU GUYS ARE JUST TOO CUTE AHAHAHA"Β  Malak says while laughing her ass off. "shhh" say the people in the back who are trying to enjoy the movie. They all hush them back.

Esila breaks from the kiss. She takes a deep breath "i love you." She says looking him in the eye. "I love you, more." They are about to kiss again when Malak pulls Esila. "That's enough" she says looking grossed out. "I'm afraid you guys were gonna fuck." Neely said as Malak nodded.

After that they were all quiet and enjoyed the movie.

Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β  -TIME SKIP-

The movie had ended. They all had a great time together. They also got to know eachother better. They all went home together.

As Neely got home, she went to wash her hands and greet her mum. Then she went to eat dinner. She ate 1/4 of her food. She wasn't that hungry. Then she went upstairs to change in comfier clothes. She checked the time and it was only '9:58' but she was still sleepy.

The moment she layed on the bed, she fell asleep.

'ring, ring, ring, ring, ring'

Her phone starts ringing.

She picks it up. "Hello..?"


Malak said while Esila was next to her getting ready.

"What? but it's literally 1am."

"Whatever just sneak out, be ready by 1:30"

"Why do I always have 30 minutes to get ready?!"

She gets up, takes a quick shower, goes to find clothes.

What she wore.

She quickly went outside and quietly closed the door. She saw Malak and Esila waving at her. She went up to them. "BILL IS GONNA DIE FR" Malak said as she was checking her out. "GIRL TOMS GONNA FUCK YOU THIS NIGHT, DAMN ESILA IF I WAS GAY I WOULD BE INLOVE WITH YOU" she said as she was checking out her 2 wifeys.

After a couple of minutes, Tokio Hotel came with Esila's bf. "Hey babe!" Esila said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he put his hands on her waist. "Let's go before we're late to the party" Georg says waving at them. Bill walks up to Neely "hey." He says calmly. Neely looks up at him "hey! I love your outfit omg!!!" She could see Bills cheeks go red. "Awww look at Silly Billy blushing" Tom shouts looking you 2. "TOM I SWEAR IM GONNA KILL YOU" Bill shouts at Tom. He gets scared. "Wow! Calm down, brother! Just a joke."

Everyone laughs and goes to the car. (It's actually more like a van.) Georg's driving.

Bill sits next to Neely, Ji-hoon next to Esila, and Tom next to Malak. Gustav is also sitting next to Georg. They talk for a little while, Neely puts his head on Bills shoulder. "Don't make me fall asleep please" Neely says putting her hands on Bills stomach. He got butterflies.

Malak pats Esila's shoulder and points at Neely and Bill. They both start laughing and shipping them.

Bill just rolls his eyes.

"Neely..? Are u asleep??" He asks trying to look at her.

"Almost.." Neely says making herself comfier next to Bill.

"Dont sleep, love."

Neely tilts her head.

"We're almost there." Bill says as he's patting her head.

"Okay.." Neely says while yawning.


"Let's go guys! We're here!" Georg yells.

They all get out of the car.

Neely starts freezing.

Tom notices Neely and look at Bill. Bill looks back at him and he looks at Neely.

Bill notices her. He takes off his jacket and puts it on her shoulders.

"Thankyou Bill." Neely says while rubbing her arms.

"Your welcome, love." Bill says as he takes hand and they both go inside.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Esila says looking at them and then at Malak. "IDK BUT IT WAS ROMANTIC THO OMG" Malak says while smiling at Esila.

"You cold bae?" Ji-hoon asks Esila while rubbing her shoulders.

"Nahh it's not even that cold" Esila says while shrugging.

"Wbu? U cold?" Tom asks Malak.

"Nah same as Esila." Malak says shrugging.

Georg and Gustav decide to copy them.

"You cold?" Georg asks in his deepest voice.

"Uhh, no not really" Gustav says in the most girly, high pitched voice, while rubbing his arm.

They both start laughing.

Everyone goes inside.
Neely doesn't feel very comfortable bc there are a lot of people in there, and most of them are drunk. She goes to search for her friends.

She looks everywhere and sees them dancing. Esila is dancing with Ji-hoon, and Malak is dancing with Tom.

She goes to get a drink.

"Hey sexy.." an unfamiliar voice approaches her.

"Your clothes are so pretty, but they will look prettier on the ground" he says as she winks at her.

"Excuse me?!" Neely shouts.

"Oh squeeze me!" The man sorta moans. And gets closer to her.

"Go away!"

"No." The man comes closer and closer.

He puts his hands on her ass, squeezing it.

"Now-" The creepy guy gets cuts off, and she slaps his face. Then kicks his tiny little balls.

"Come closer and I'll kick it harder, bitch"

That didn't stop the man. He kept coming closer. This time he slapped the girl. The girl threw him on the ground and kept kicking him, and punching him. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER" the girl yells. "NEELY!!" She hears a familiar voice. It's Bill. "Come on!!" He helps Neely get up, and checks her if she's okay.

"Are you okay?? Did you get hurt?" Bill asks worried.

"Yea, yea I'm okay but that fucker grabbed my ass and he kept coming closer to and he was saying inappropriate stuff" Neely says while rolling her eyes.

"Now, you will come with me. U will be safe with me, come on!" He tells Neely to follow him.

"Now, come sit here" Bill pats on the red sofa that's in a little corner.

"okay" Neely sighs and sits.

"Come on, love. Now show me where you got hurt." He says holding her hands and rubbing his thumb with it.

"Ehh, just my knuckles, it doesn't really hurt tho" Neely says as she's trying not to make eye contact with the boy.

"What's wrong..?" Bill asks worried.

"Eh, nothing." Neely replies trying not make eyecontact.

"I want a drink, wbu??" Neely asks Bill but this time looking him right in eye.

"Uhh, sure" Bill replies getting up and also helping the girl.

They go to the bar.


"Neely!! This is your 11th shot! Calm down!!" The boy says trying to get the shot of her hand.

"Nooo let me!!" Neely shouts at Bill.

She quickly drinks that and goes to pour herself a glass of beer or wine or whatever that is. She just wants to drink that "mystery drink"
"I want t-that" she points at the "mystery drink" Bill sighs and says "Neely that's vodka."
Neely shrugs. "JUST GIVE ME" she snatched the vodka out of his hands.

She just drank it like it was water.

*gulp gulp gulp*

She puts the bottle down, and tries to walk, but she fails and falls in Bills arms *kdrama moment πŸ’€*

"Neely, come on let's go sit on the sofa you've been drinking to much. Okay?" Bill says as he holds Neelys hand.

"Fine whatever just bring me" the girl said as Bill put her on the sofa.

"Hey Bill..?"


"Guess what??"


"CHICKEN BUTT HAHAHA" the girl laughs her ass off.

"Hey Neely..?"


"Guess what??"

"Chicken butt? I already said that!!"

"No.. I love you"


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