It was quite a rowdy morning for the Forger family. (F/N) was woken up by Anya shouting. "WHY DIDN'T YOU LET ME SEE HIM!?" She yelled.

(F/N) got up from the bed and headed out into the hallway. 

"What's with the yelling, Anya-chan?" She asked. The rest of the family looked at her as she rubbed her eyes. "Morning." (F/N) smiled.

Loid smiled and patted her head. "Morning, (F/N)-san!" Yor smiled.

"(F/N)-nee! Good morning!" Anya smiled. "Morning, (F/N). I was just about to wake you up for breakfast. Quickly go get ready before you're late to school." Loid said. "Alright." 

After (F/N) got cleaned up and changed, she sat with the rest of the family to eat breakfast.

"Papa... Mama is..." Anya started. "Hm? Mama is what?" Loid asked. "Mama is a really bad cook." Yor flinched and looked at the youngest at the dinner table. 

"You could tell I made breakfast today!? Sorry, I really tried my best today!" She yelled. "We all need to hurry before we're all late." Dad said.

As the Forger family got ready, Loid placed a listening device on Yor which (F/N) caught on.

Today, (F/N) went with Anya on the bus to school. Before Anya went on, she looked back at the adults. 

"Hm? What's wrong, Anya?" Loid asked. "Mama, papa, you have to get along." She said. "But we aren't fighting." "Everything is fine!" The couple said.

Loid looked at (F/N) before looking at Anya. "But you make sure to get along with your classmates." He said.

"Okay." That is when Anya climbed aboard and took a seat beside (F/N).

The 2 children waved to their parents as the bus took off. Once they arrived at their destination, everyone got off. 

"Have a nice day, Anya-chan. If you need anything, please go and look for me." (F/N) smiled.

Anya looked at her older sister with bright eyes. "Okie! Bye bye, (F/N)-nee." She waved her hand.

"I'll see you later, Anya-chan." Both sisters then went their separate ways.

As (F/N) was walking to class, someone ran up to her from behind. "Good morning, (F/N)-chan." She turned and saw her red-headed friend. 

"Seijuro-kun, good morning to you too." She smiled.

"I heard we would be having a project in pairs today for chemistry. If we get first place, we would get Stella stars even if we are already Imperial Scholars." (F/N) thought back.

She knew there was no Stella being handed out but kept it to herself. 

"Oh really? Then, wanna be my partner, Seijuro-kun? Let's try to get Stella stars together!" The said boy smiled. "Of course!" He nodded.

Once they got to class, they both sat at their designated seats across the class. "Good morning to you, Demetrius-kun." (F/N) smiled.

The said boy looked up from his book and nodded at his seatmate. "Good morning, (F/N)-chan."


First period went by pretty fast and now it was the second period, chemistry. 

"Today, your chemistry teacher is not here so I will be filling in for him." The teacher said.

I listened to Mr. Tobias stood in front of the class and started to talk about our assignment.

"For today's class, I want you all to pair up into either pairs or a group of 3 and create a chemical reaction with the materials that I have provided for you all on each table. Now, start!" 

I looked at Seijuro-kun and we paired up together just like we planned this morning.

We both went to a table and looked at the materials on the table. 

There were beakers, droppers, matches, yeast, toothpaste, dish soap, water, hydrogen peroxide, color dye, and much more. 

"What can we use to make a chemical reaction?" I looked at the materials once more. 

"Water, yeast, dish soap, color dye, and hydrogen peroxide. We can make elephant toothpaste with that." I said.

Seijuro-kun looked at me with a smile. "I just noticed too! Good eye, (F/N)-chan. Let's get to work then." He said. "Alright." 

He got the materials we needed while I cleared up the table. Seijuro-kun placed down 2 beakers in front of us. 

"First, add 2 tablespoons of warm water then add 1 tablespoon of yeast into one beaker." I measured the water while he measured the yeast.

We then both added it into the beaker. "Now, we add half a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the other empty beaker and add color dye into it too." I said.

Seijuro-kun added the hydrogen peroxide and I added a few drops of (F/C) into the bottle. 

"I have to add the dish soap into the bottle, right?" He asked. "Yup." I nodded my head.

After he added the color dye, we called over Mr. Tobias. "Sir!" He turned around and looked at us. 

"How can I help the 2 of you?" He asked. "We would like for you to watch our chemical reaction!" The older man smiled.

"Of course." As he approached our table, the rest of the class also crowded our table.

"So, what are you both trying to make?" Mr. Tobias asked. "Elephant toothpaste." Seijuro-kun answered.

"It required water, yeast, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap. Color dye was optional. All we have to do now is pour the yeast and water mixture together and bam! The chemical reaction." I explained.

Me and Seijuro-kun smiled at each other. "We would love to see it then."


I watched Akashi-kun and (F/N)-chan smile at each other. For some reason, it really didn't sit well with me but it was whatever. 

I was curious on how successful their assignment would be and if they would get a Stella. 

We all watched as (F/N)-chan grabbed the beaker with the yeast and water mixture and poured it into the beaker with the hydrogen peroxide.

Moments later, the concoction started to puff up. "Woah!" We all were amazed. 

A few moments later, it started to calm down. Everyone started to clap their hands as the duo high fived each other. 

I have to say, I was impressed. "That was amazing, Akashi-kun, Forger-chan. Good job." Mr. Tobias praised them.

"Does that mean we get a Stella?" Akashi-kun asked. Mr. Tobias was confused and that made all of us confused.

"Stella? Who said we were giving out Stellas? This was just a normal chemistry class." Everyone was silent until the bell rang. 

"Well, that was it boys and girls. It's ok if you guys didn't complete the task. Just start packing up and head to your next class. I'll see you guys later. Good work!" He said.

"Thank you! Good work!" We thanked our teacher.

We all started to pack up and head to our next class. Lukas and Jonas came up to me as we walked down the hall. "That was really impressive, wasn't it, Demetrius." I nodded. 

"I would say so." I agreed. "This is their first year at Eden and they're doing a good job keeping up with all the work." Jonas said.

"I'll give it to them. Coming to Eden and becoming an Imperial Scholar right off the bat is impressive." Lukas continued. "Hm."

It really was. I looked ahead and saw the 2 walking and talking to each other while smiling. 

I had to admit, (F/N)-chan really had a pretty smile, not like I would say it out loud. 

We all entered our next class and sat down. In this class, me and (F/N)-chan don't sit next to each other sadly. -Well, whatever.-
