In just a few hours, it would be (Y/B/D). Yor and Anya were fast asleep while Loid and (F/N) were awake and alert. 

Loid was double checking all his equipment while (F/N) was doing some last minute revising. 

Looking through the folder with everything that WISE was able to get their hands on about this war.

Tomorrow on (Y/B/D), Desmond Donovan would be launching a bomb a little further away from the border of Ostania to the west, declaring war. 

WISE does not know what time so spies were dispatched along the border. 

(F/N) and Loid were told to come later on if the bomb was to be launched later that day.

Just then, the clocks in the Forger resident chimed. "12 am..." Both spies muttered. 

Despite being back ups, the 2 did not sleep the entire night, deciding to run on coffee and energy drinks to stay awake.

At the ass crack of dawn, Desmond Donovan woke up and started to get ready for the day. 

"Finally, after all this planning. The day has come." He smirked.

Leaving his room, he walked into the dinning room and sat his eldest already seated and was on his phone. "Morning, father." The boy greeted.

Demetrius placed his phone down. "Demetrius, such a fine morning, don't you think?" Donovan asked.

"Well, today is the big day." The older man smirked. 

"It is. After breakfast, the both of us will watch as everyone prepares the bomb and at exactly 12 pm, the war begins." He said.

After eating, Demetrius excused himself, telling his father that he would quickly change into something more professional. 

Once the young boy was in his room, he quickly called (F/N). 

"Hello? (F/N) speaking." The girl answered. "(F/N), at exactly 12 pm today, the bomb would be launched." Demetrius said.

The air turned tense. "Alright. Thank you, Demetrius. I, along with my organisation, appreciate your help." The young boy smiled. 

"Of course, anything for my girlfriend." The boy replied.

(F/N), on the other end of the phone, went silent. "Bye. I'll see you whenever." Demetrius heard the girl getting shy.

"Yeah, I'll see you. Please stay safe." Before he hung up, Demetrius continued. "And happy birthday, (F/N)." He said.

(F/N)'s eyes widened before she smiled. "Thank you." She replied.

When the call ended, she quickly sent a text to the organisation about the new information she was able to get.

(F/N) was so focused on this mission that she even forgot that today was her birthday. 

When all the WISE agents caught wind of the new information, they all rushed to where one of the spies spotted would be where Desmond would be launching the bomb.

Loid and (F/N) rushed into the car as the older man started to drive. 

The car drive was tense as no one said a thing. 

"I'll be disguising myself as my late mother." (F/N) said. "But she's dead." Loid said.

"I'll say that I faked my death to make people think that the war looks like it was put on hold." (F/N) said.

Loid looked at the girl who started to take off her seat belt. 

"Would they believe you?" The man asked.

"Twilight, I get that you're on the edge but don't doubt me. Before I killed my mom, I noticed I looked a lot like her. I don't even need a mask. All I need is makeup." She said.

Loid focused his eyes back onto the road while (F/N) went into the back seat to change.

Once she climbed back, he noticed she was wearing a black pencil skirt and white blouse that was tucked in along with a lab coat with the name tag (L/N) (M/N) with black, glossy stilettos (or anything you would like). 

She took out a makeup bag and using the mirror, she started to add wrinkles on her face.

By the time she finished, Loid stopped the car a few miles from the bombing site to get himself in disguise. 

He changed into a bodyguard for (F/N) with a fake story of ever since faking her death, (M/N) hired a bodyguard. 

Loid wore a formal black suit with sunglasses and an earpiece.

He wore a mask along with a brown haired wig which he secured. 

Both (F/N) and Loid started to strap on weapons such as guns and knives along with ammo and grenades. 

Once they were done, Loid started to drive to the actual site. 

As they pulled up, both Loid and (F/N) saw a limo pull up as well.

"It's the target." Loid pointed out. (F/N) squinted her eyes. 

"Demetrius is also with him." The girl also pointed out. As the car halted into a stop, both spies walked out. 

As they scanned the area, they noticed fellow spies around the premises.

 "(M-(M/N)-SAN!?" A man pointed at (F/N) and yelled. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!?" He shouted.

The shout had caught everyone's attention and they turned to the young girl. 

"It's me! I had to fake my death to make it seem like the war was put on hold! 

When I faked my death, I felt so paranoid since I don't have my husband anymore that I got a bodyguard." (F/N) replied.

Everyone there was swayed by Midnight's act. "

Well, it's nice to have you back, (M/N)-san." Donovan nodded his head at the girl. 

(F/N) felt Demetrius's eyes on her as she bowed her head. 

"Thank you, Desmond-san. And it seems like your son will be here for this big day." She said. The target nodded. 

"This is my son, Demetrius. Demetrius, meet the woman that built the bomb alongside her late husband. She's the mastermind behind this incredible bomb." Donovan introduced the female.

"Oh, please, Desmond-san." (F/N) said.

The young boy looked at 'woman' and couldn't help but notice the resemblance of her to his girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you, Demetrius-kun. You can call me (M/N)." She said.

The boy nodded. "Nice to meet you too, (M/N)-san." Demetrius said.

After introductions, the group started to advance to the warehouse where all the magic would happen.

Inside was a rocket with the deadly bomb attached to it. 

The rocket was about 190 feet in height and around 2 million pounds and with the large bomb, it weighed even more. 

"Holy shit." (F/N) turned to her 'bodyguard'. "Impressive, am I right, Sebastian?" She asked. "Yes, ma'am."

Stretching out her hand, a nearby worker handed her a clipboard and (F/N) started to flip through its contents. 

It was about the bomb along with the plan. 

At exactly 12 pm, is when the rocket would be launched. Using a remote, you can control the rocket which the target would be doing.

When the rocket is hovering above its desired location, the rocket would turn off their jets and start to fall. 

On impact, the bomb would explode, killing off an entire city and destroying all the buildings. 

Once a city in the west is destroyed, Ostania will send army troops and start creating havoc in Westilia.

To disable the bomb, you would first have to hack into its system to remove the cover of the bomb. 

Once finished with that, you would be met with wires of the same colour. 

Though, it's just paint so you would have to carefully chip it off to reveal the true colour of the wire.

Using pliers, you would have to cut the red and black wire to successfully disarm the bomb. 

Once (F/N) read and memorised everything on the paper, she handed it back to the worker. 

"Everything is going to plan, I assume?" She asked the worked. "Of course, (L/N)-san."

(F/N) then parted with the Desmonds and walked away towards the back of the warehouse with Loid following her. 

Once the 2 saw no one around them, (F/N) messaged everything to the WISE agents.

The handler texted back saying that (F/N) and Loid would be the ones to disable the bomb. 

All the spies around the border saw army troops starting to camp out near where they were positioned and knew it was about to get really bloody once 12 pm came rolling around.
