As Loid and (F/N) were in the kitchen cooking some food up, they listened in on the Briar sibling's conversation while looking from the kitchen. 

"Thanks for the flowers, Yuri." Yor thanked her brother. 

"It's not a problem. Besides, the real problem here is that I don't like this marriage! How can you go a year without telling me that you got married!?" He yelled. The air became tense.

"If you want my blessing, you have to give me a reasonable answer!" Yuri said.

(F/N) and Loid just looked at each other and looked back at the older female, counting on her. 

"So, Yor? What do you have to say?" Yuri asked. "I.. The thing is... I just forgot!" Yor smiled.

The rest of the people awake looked at the red eyed female in disbelief. "So you're saying..." Yor cut him off. "I forgot!"

Yuri started to think. "But before when we were on call, you said that you were going to a party with your boyfriend. What's up with that!?" He yelled.

"Oh, you see... I forgot to tell you that I was married." Yor continued.

Yor smiled. (F/N) felt like fainting at any moment. "And if he actually believes mom..." (F/N) muttered.

"If you say so, I believe you." Yuri smiled.

And there you have it folks, the kitchen was filled with broken plates. "My bad, dad." (F/N) apologized.

"It's alright. I understand where you are coming from." He said. "You are such a mess, Yor!" Yuri said. "I know! I'm sorry!" Yor replied.

Loid and (F/N) came out the kitchen with some food after cleaning up the mess inside the kitchen.

"Sorry for the wait." Loid said. They both placed the food down and sat down. 

Loid sat beside Yor while (F/N) sat beside her uncle. 

By the looks of it, Yuri was pissed off at Loid and was forced to eat the food the other 2 Forgers made out of respect when... He just couldn't stop eating the food.

"Hehe. Doesn't Loid and (F/N) make the best food?" Yor asked her brother.

"Oh, that's right. I bought some wine. Might you join me?" Yuri asked.

"I would love to." Loid nodded. "Don't worry, (F/N)-chan. I got some juice for you." Yuri smiled. "Why thank you, Uncle Yuri." (F/N) smiled.

Loid then proceeded to eye talk with Yor about drinking the wine. 

(F/N) shivered, remembering what happened before when her mom was drunk. 

"So, how did you guys meet?" Yuri asked. "Oh, that place... Uhm..." Yor trailed off.

"At the tailor on third street." Loid finished off her sentence. "I was walking in when I felt his gaze on me and was like 'What is going on here?'." Yor continued.

"I mean, when I saw her, she was just beautiful." Loid smiled. 

(F/N) looked at Loid with cautious eyes. "Later, we went had a few dinners together and hit it off well." He finished the story off. Yuri's face darkened. 

"What did you eat? When? Where? How many times? 

Name the restaurant. At what point did you start a relationship? What made you guys get married? What do you guys call each other?" Yuri asked.

(F/N) was just sitting at her uncle's side, watching everything go down while sipping on some juice given to her. 

"Well, uh, 'Yor'?" Loid answered but it sounded like a question. "And what do you call him, Yor!? 'Loidy'!? 'Loi-Loi'!?" Yuri started to yell.

"H-Huh!? Er..." Yor was cut off. "THAT'S IT, ISN'T IT!? LOI-LOI!? DAMMIT YOR! GOTTA DRINK THE PAIN AWAY!" Yuri yelled.

(F/N) just took out her phone and started to record this nonsense that she finds amusing. "N-NO! I JUST CALL HIM 'LOID'!" Yor yelled back.

The man of the topic got up and grabbed a glass of water. "Are you ok? I brought you some water." Loid offered.

Yuri yanked it from his so-called brother-in-law's hand and growled. "DAMNIT!"

Yuri chugged the glass of water. "Yuri! Slow down!" Yor yelled. Loid and (F/N) just looked at the siblings with slight judging eyes. 

"Uncle! I heard that you work in the diplomacy business! Is that what it's called? But that sounds so cool! Mom loves to talk about you!" (F/N) smiled.

Loid sent (F/N) a nod. "You bet! I'm such a cool uncle, don't you think!?" Yuri smirked. The young female nodded her head. 

"Of course!" "When I met Dominic the other day, he told me you went to Hungria." Yor said.

"Yea. I went for work. It's a beautiful city, I wish to take you there. The cafe there is also very good. I heard the empress back then liked them too!" Yuri said.

That caught the attention of the 2 spies. 

"Was that in the capital of Obda? There are a lot of great restaurants near the embassy. I visited there when I was in med school. I was also a single father to (F/N). Remember, (F/N)?" Loid asked.

The said girl smiled. "Of course! I want to go back sometime." (F/N) said. Yuri faked a smile. 

"Oh? There's this great restaurant called 'Kalpatia' where the owner, an old man, makes the best stew." Yuri continued.

"I've eaten there too! Oh, is this wine from Hugaria? It's amazing." Loid asked.

(F/N) and Loid's eyes narrowed. "Yeah, the wine there, I found it at a little shop on Hedger Street." Yuri answered.

"I hope it's not too expensive." Loid smiled. "It was only 200 dalcs." Yuri said with a shrug.

Loid and (F/N) stared at each other. "That's still pricey. Thank you for sharing." Loid smiled.

The convo came from the manual used to train Ostiana Intelligence agents in the arts of deception. 

It was all just a big fat lie. "We would have to treat you next time." Loid said. 

"Aren't you happy to have such a caring brother-in-law along with a kind niece? Sadly you can't meet Anya as she is sleeping." Yor asked.

After Yor's question, Yuri slammed the table. "I told you I don't like this marriage so don't call him my brother-in-law. I see (F/N)-chan as my niece, though." Yuri answered.

"You're being rude, Yuri." Yor said. "You're right about me, Loid. Because of my job like (F/N)-chan said, I can buy expensive wine. It's all because of Yor that I am who I am today." Yuri said.

Yuri started to bring us down memory lane. 

"When our parents died, we were so poor would couldn't even buy school books. But despite that, my sister was able to buy stuff for me. 

She worked so hard just from me. So I made it my goal to be successful and protect her as I am the last blood relative of hers." He started. Yuri then turned to Loid. 

"Now with 2 nieces, how can you expect me to feel when the most important person to me gets taken away by some random stranger from who knows where!? 

I wanted you to meet someone that you love so much but also someone that is capable of protecting you more than me. Are you the man that can do that, Loi-Loi!?" He yelled.

Yuri pointed at the said man. "It's Lo... I assure you that I loved your sister very much and my daughters really love her too. 

She is now a very important part of my family. Whether it is knifes or bullets or a neluear bomb, I won't stop at nothing to save her and my daughters." Loid answered.

Yuri looked surprised while (F/N) continued to sip on her juice. But if I'm being honest, Loid's words really melted her heart. 

"You lair! I can tell because of your stupid face!" Yuri knocked over a cup of water. "Yuri! Why are you so careless!?" Yor yelled. "Don'y worry, Yor. I'll clean it up." Loid said.

Just then, their hands brushed against each other and they pulled back and looked the other way. 

"Wait, you guys have been married for a year and that's how you react when your hands touch?" Yuri asked. "Oh shit..." (F/N) grinned as her phone was still recording everything.

"W-what are you talking about? We are so in love!" "Yes, exactly." The 'couple' held up a photo of them hugging that was photoshopped by the eldest daughter. 

"Where the hell did you pull that from?" Yuri asked. 

"No, something's wrong. If you two are really in love, prove it." He continued. Loid and Yor looked at the standing Yuri.

"NO! Not that! Kiss her, right here, and right now." (F/N) choked on her juice after hearing her uncle's words. 

"WHAAAAT!?" The couple yelled. "If you love each other, what's the problem." Yuri continued. "I mean, right in front of you and (F/N)..." Yor said.

"Just once. If you do, I'll approve of this marriage and if not, I will annul your marriage." Yuri said.

Loid looked right into Yuri's eyes. "That's all it takes, then fine." Loid answered. (F/N) then choked on air instead of her juice. 

"WHAT!?" Everyone yelled. "Loid, wait..." Yor muttered. "What's wrong? Just like we do everyday. Well?" Loid said.

(F/N) watched as Yor turned crimson. Loid leaned closer to Yor and placed a hand on her back...
