Waking up, I got ready for school and when I was done, I sat beside Anya-chan for breakfast. 

The air was lighter than usual, maybe because of what went down yesterday. 

-Oh, ya. Anya-chan is a telepath.- I glanced at the pink haired girl beside me. "(F/N)-NEE FOUND OUT!?" Anya-chan yelled.

-I forgot she could read minds.- I nodded. "I found out yesterday along with mom and dad." O said. The girl's eyes started to get teary. 

"P-PLEASE DON'T RETURN ME!" She yelled. I was confused, so was mom and dad. 

"Who said we're returning you?" Dad asked. "Eh?" Anya-chan looked at the rest of us. "You're not?" She asked.

We all shook our heads with a smile. 

"Yesterday, mom found out that dad and I are spies and we found out mom is an assassin. And I think you already knew everything." I explained as I booped her nose. 

Placing down our breakfast, mom and dad took their seats. 

"It makes our family unique. We all had secrets to hide." I said.

"Mmh! Now, we don't have to worry about anything anymore! I actually quit my job as an assassin." Mom said.

Anya-chan choked on her food. "WHAT!?" She shouted.

"Hey, don't yell with food in your mouth." Dad warned her. The rest of breakfast was full of talking until we all had to go to work or school. 

Watching Anya-chan get on the bus, mom, dad, and I bid her goodbye. 

I then waved mom and dad goodbye before making my way to school.

Entering through the gates of Eden, I greeted everyone a good morning before heading to my first class, English. 

Sitting down, I greeted Demetrius-kun as well. "Morning, Demetrius-kun." I said. The boy smiled at me. 

"Good morning to you as well, (F/N)-chan." Talking for a bit, we talked about random topics before the teacher entered.

The day went by quickly and now it was lunch. Walking beside Seijuro-kun, we made our way to the cafeteria. 

But before the 2 of us could enter the room, I heard my name being called out. 

Turning around, I saw Demetrius-kun walking towards us. "Demetrius-kun?" I called out. "C-can I talk to you?" He asked.


Throughout the classes, I couldn't help but stare at (F/N)-chan. Today, I don't know if it's just me, but she looked happier. 

"I swear, just tell her that you like her by now." Lukas said. "Seriously, just tell her." Jonas muttered.

I snapped my head to my friends. "Be quiet! She could hear you!" I yelled.

Lukas and Jonas just sighed. "I heard that some dude in our class, I forgot his name, is going to ask (F/N)-san out." "Oh? Daniel-kun?" They said.

"Oh yeah! Him! Heard he liked her ever since she came to Eden." Jonas said.

I stopped walking. -I don't know if they're trying to push my buttons or are being for real.-

"Are you joking?" I asked. Looking at them, I saw how serious they were. 

"You should tell her now. Don't want to lose her, right?" "Do it before it's too late." They said.

The 2 boys then smirked at each other. "Or... We can tell (F/N)-san ourselves." 

I glared at them. "Fine! I'll tell her at lunch! Geez." I rolled my eyes. "Hell yeah!"

Lunchtime came rolling in real quick, I noticed (F/N)-chan and Akashi-kun leaving before me so I quickly caught up to them. -It's now or never.- 

"(F/N)-chan!" I called out to her. Turning around, she tilted her head. "Demetrius-kun?" She tilted her head.

Getting closer to her, I lower my gaze. "C-can I talk to you?" I asked.

I watched as she told Akashi-kun to get her lunch and wait at their usual table before looking at me. "Of course." I smiled. 

"Alright, come on. Let's go somewhere with fewer people." I said.

I took her to the school's library. Facing her, she was looking up at me. "What's up?" She asked.

I tried to calm my nerves down. I could tell she was also getting nervous. 

-Come on, just say it.- I kept hearing Jonas' and Lukas' voices in my head telling me to tell her. 

"Fine! I'll admit it. I like you, Forger!" I said.

Her eyes widened and a blush started to form on her face. I also felt my face getting hotter. Suddenly, she ran up to me and hugged me.

"I like you too, Desmond. But this is taboo for the both of us." She said. 

My feelings were a mixture of relief, happiness, and confusion. 

"What? Taboo? Why?" I asked.

Look up at me, (F/N)-chan continued her thoughts. "You're the son of a famous political figure. I'm basically a nobody with any status." She explained.

Her eyes started to get teary. Wiping them away, I smiled down at her. "Who cares?" I said.

The girl in my arms looked away. "It's also taboo because... I'm a spy." She dropped the bomb.

I was shocked. "You're lying... No... Way..." I slowly said. (F/N)-chan backed out from the hug. 

"And my target is your father. M-my feelings are genuine but... I can't just date you and kill your father." She said.

All I could do was stand there. "W-what had my father done for you to try and kill him?" I carefully asked her. 

"He's trying to create chaos between the east and west. And my job is to stop it." (F/N)-chan's tears started to fall. 

"You're afraid of me now, aren't you? You might even think I'm a stone cold killer." She said.

I wanted to say no and hug (F/N)-chan again but just thinking that my father would be trying to start a war just consumed my thoughts. 

"Please, just don't tell anyone about this... I'll be going now. I'm so sorry, Desmond." She said.

Hearing her call me by my last name again hurts.

I watched as she walked away. I tried to reach for me and voice out my thoughts but I couldn't. "Shit." I just fell to my knees. 

"Father wouldn't be doing this, right?" I asked myself.

I stayed there for a little, trying to collect my thoughts. 

-The only way to find out is by getting closer to dad.- Getting up, I formed a plan and was ready to execute it this weekend.


It was a Saturday morning when I woke up early. Looking over to my alarm clock, it was only 6 in the morning. -Perfect.- 

After washing up, I headed towards the kitchen, making sure I passed dad's bedroom and his office. 

"Oh, Demetrius. You woke up early." A voice called out to me. Turning around, I faced my father.

"Good morning, father. I just happened to wake up early today." I said.

Looking at father, he was dressed up in his usual beige suit. 

"Are you going somewhere, father?" I asked.

"I was just going to eat breakfast and start my day." He explained.

"Mind if I accompany you? As, I will be taking your position in the future. Think of this as training." I asked.

Father looked at me. "So you finally accept following in my footsteps." I nodded. 

"Great. Get dressed and we will start our day." Father said.

Going back into my room, I changed into a pair of black dress pants with a white button up that I tucked in. 

Rolling up the sleeves until my elbow, I placed a watch on it.

I also did my hair before going to the kitchen and eating breakfast with my father. 

"So, what's on today's agenda?" I asked.

"I have some business to discuss with a partner. And do some paperwork and check up on something. 

Of course I'll give you some background knowledge on whatever is to come." He explained. I nodded. "Alright."

After breakfast was done, the both of us went into the car and the driver drove us to where we needed to go. 

We ended up at a company that I don't have much knowledge of. 

Entering the building, father and I were acknowledged and led up to the top floor. 

"This is a very close business partner with the Desmond group over the years." Father explained to me.

I looked around. "What do they do for a living?" I asked.

"They provide underground protection." He said.

"Underground protection?" I repeated. "They provide weapons and all sorts without the public's knowing." Father said.

-If what (F/N)-chan said was right, using these weapons, father can start a war and he has people backing him up.-

"Alright. So if I were to take your position, I should keep these people close to me." I said.

"Correct." When we stopped, father knocked on the door before entering. 

"Ah, Donovan. It's nice to see you again. Oh? Is that your son?" The man asked.

"If you don't mind, he will be attending as well as training." Father said. "I don't mind at all. Nice to meet you, Demetrius-kun. I'm (idk what to name this man)."

The man stuck his hand out which I shook. "Likewise." I smiled at the man.

"Please, have a seat." Taking a seat, I listened as father and the man started to talk. 

"Alright. So, how's the bomb production going?" Father asked.

"It's going well, but a few days ago, we found out that (M/N) and (D/N) have been killed." The man said. "Would that set back the start of the war?" Father asked.

-Bullseye.- (F/N)-chan was not lying. 

"It won't since their co-workers also know everything the 2 plan on doing." The man explained. "Perfect." I raised my hand. 

"A war? Are we planning to start a war with the west?" I asked. 

The men looked at me. "That's right. Do you have any input?" Father asked. I pretended to think.

"Well, when and where are we launching the bomb? We have to make sure nothing will interfere with the plan." I tried to get any information so I can tell (F/N)-chan. 

I really didn't want a war to happen between the 2 countries. "Smart. I forgot to put that into consideration." The man said.

Pulling up the weather forecast, the man read out the weather. 

"On (Y/B/D), it would be sunny at 28 degrees celsius (82.4 degrees fahrenheit)." The man said.

-(Y/B/D)? Isn't that (F/N)-chan's birthday?- 

"We will launch the bomb a little further away from the border of Ostania." The man continued. "Everything is going according to plan." Father nodded.

I started to zone out when I heard my name. "Is Demetrius-kun betrothed to anyone as of right now?" I shook my head. 

"I am not." I said. "Donovan, did you not find anyone suitable for him?" The man asked my father.

"I wouldn't say that. There's actually this one girl from his school that caught his eye along with the family's." Father said.

"Oh?" The man tilted his head. "Why did you mention such a topic?" Father asked.

The man smiled. "My daughter is actually Demetrius-kun's age. I was thinking of possible suitors for her." He said.

I flashed the man a fake smile. "Well, thank you for the offer but I would have to politely decline." I replied.

After a few more hours in this building, father and I were able to leave for somewhere else. 

"Where are we going now, father?" I asked. "I need to check up on the bombs that are in the making." He said.

I widened my eyes. "Is that so?" When the car stopped, father and I stepped out.

It looked like we were in the middle of nowhere. There was a large factory which we then entered.

The worker there bowed to us and gave us masks and some plastic suits to wear over our clothing for precaution from the chemicals.

Entering the real factory, I was astonished by the amount of bombs and weapons being created. 

"You see, my son? Do you see the power the Desmond family has?" He asked. "I do." I nodded.

Everyone there was working tirelessly to produce these weapons for the war that was to come.

-I need to tell (F/N)-chan this and help her put an end to this as soon as possible. Even if it might kill my father in the end.- 

After the mini tour, dad and I went back to the Desmond family company. 

Entering his office, I sat in front of him. "That's a lot of paperwork to do." I said.

Dad looked at me. "Of course. This is what happens when you are that successful." He explained.

"So, what is it about?" I asked.

"Most of them are about the war I'm about to start. 

Start some propaganda in the country to have everyone on board. Making sure the west doesn't hear about this until the last minute." Father said.

I nodded, even though I felt sick to my stomach. 

"Come here and pay closer attention as I show you every paperwork you are to do in the future." He said.

Pulling a chair beside him, I listened to the older man talk. 

"You know, with (F/N)-san beside you, both of you will be the best of the best." I stayed quiet. "I know."
