Street girl

(Newt's an 18 year old prince. Tina's a 17 year old poor girl. Could they ever be together?)

"Prince Newt. There is a princess here to see you." A messenger informed him. Newt sighed. Every day a new princess came.

"Why do I have to marry another princess?" He asked his pet turtle, Fernando. "Why can't I marry someone I want to marry?"

He got ready to meet the new princess. Some of the things Newt hated about meeting princesses was that they were all spoiled silly, only wanted to be with him because his father was rich and they were all really annoying.

Oh, and the fact that he was in love with someone else.

He smiled at the thought of the short, brown haired woman who spent her life on the streets, free of worry, with her monkey. He fondly remembered that she'd saved his neck when he tried to escape from the palace. Tina Goldstein. She was sarcastic, she was funny, she was happy and she was beautiful. More beautiful than any of the snobby princesses. And she had a monkey. That was just plain awesome.

Newt glanced at the clock. 5:00. Tina would come at 7:00, so he had a good two hours.

He buttoned up the rest of his suit and walked out the door. For now, he would wait.

Tina looked up at the full moon. She knew it was time to go. Saying goodbye to Bunty, her pet monkey, Tina leapt from her tower to the building next to it, and leapt from building to building until she could see the palace. Tina sighed.

I have to tell him. This can't go on any longer.

She kept jumping, until she reached Newt's balcony. Tina waited for a while.


She spun around and spotted a mop of familiar, messy reddish-brown hair. Even though she knew they couldn't be together, Tina couldn't help but feel safe and loved in Newt's arms.

"Hi, Newt." She said softly.

Newt looked directly into her eyes. "Something's wrong."

She inhaled sharply. "Newt, I- we can't keep doing this."

Newt looked down. "I know, but-"

"Listen to me, Newt. I'm just a girl living on the streets. You're a prince. There's no way we can be together. Besides, you've got all those princesses, there's bound to be one for you."

"But I don't want a princess. I want you." Newt cupped her face in his hands. "I want someone who actually would love me back, someone I can talk to, someone like you."

Tina closed her eyes and took Newt's hands in her own.

"You deserve better than me."

"No, Tina- I just want you." Newt took a deep breath. "Tina, I- I love you. I love you and I don't want anyone else but you."

Newt brushed the tears flowing down Tina's cheeks away.

"Newt, I love you too. That's why I can't come to see you anymore."

Newt felt hot tears build up in his eyes. "We can- we can run away together, run somewhere far and live happily, please, Tina-"

"I love you, Newt." Tina pressed her forehead against his. She placed a small bracelet in his hand and sped away. He watched, helpless, as the love of his life ran far away, far away where he couldn't hold her tight.

He looked down at the small bracelet in his hand. Newt recognised it as the bracelet that used to belong to Tina's little sister, Queenie, before she went missing. He recalled listening to the story ages ago. Wiping away tears, he stuffed the bracelet in his breast pocket.

"Newton, come here." King George beckoned his son closer. Newt guessed his father noticed that he was feeling a lot more down recently. The huge truckload of princesses being sent to see him wasn't helping, either.

"Newton, son, tell me. What's wrong?" The kings asked, gently.

Newt didn't want to answer, he was scared he wouldn't be able to see Tina ever again. He shook his head. The king sighed.

"Look, Newton, I promise I won't get mad," he tried to reassure Newt.

Newt looked down. "Promise?"


"Okay..." he told the story of how he met Tina, and how she left yesterday.

The king listened attentively, not saying anything.

"Thank you for telling me, Newton. Now, bedtime."

Head down, Newt trudged to bed.

"Prince Newt! Wake up, remember today's the day you have to choose a princess!" Newt's servant, Roberto, hastily shook Newt awake.

Newt sat upright. Today I have to choose a princess.

His eyes stung. I don't want to marry a princess.

"Prince Newt, sir, you must get ready," Roberto reminded him. "The ball starts in three hours."

Roberto had been Newt's servant and friend since Newt had been born. He knew when something was up.

"Oh, come on, Prince Newt, the princesses can't be that bad."

Newt raised his eyebrows.

"Okay, but it's not like you have to talk to them!" Roberto patted his back comfortingly. Newt couldn't help but grin. Roberto knew how to cheer him up.

Newt braced himself. The princesses were to be lined up and he had to choose one to marry.

I'm literally 18! Why do I have to marry now? he thought desperately.

The curtains whooshed, and instead of the bright explosion of pink (that burnt his eyes out, but he was used to it by now), there was just one single black dress. The person in that black dress was staring at the view of the city from the balcony. She looked... familiar?

Newt took a step forward out of curiosity. She didn't seem like most of the princesses he'd met. She turned around, and greenish-blue eyes met brown.

"Tina?" He whispered. Tina smiled uncertainly at him.

"Uh... surprise?" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm here?"

He ran to her as fast as he could and engulfed her into a huge hug.

"How... how did you-"

"Your father dressed up in some sort of potato sack, found me, took me back here and, well, that's it." she replied. "I don't know what you told him, but he seemed pretty determined to get me here."

Bunty clambered onto Tina's shoulder, looking somewhat disgruntled but happy to see Newt at the same time.

"What's gotten your tail into a knot, eh, Bunty?" Newt asked, scratching Bunty's head. She babbled madly.

"They made her take a shower," Tina answered while trying to suppress giggles.

"Are you going to stay?" Newt took Tina's hands.

She grinned. "Forever."

Yay! I finally did the Aladdin x Newtina thing I've been meaning to do for a while.

In case you haven't noticed, I've snuck in some little bits from Aladdin, aka 'potato sack' (what was jasmine wearing?!) and 'it's not like you have to talk to them!' from 2019 Aladdin which is one of my favourite movies ever. Dahlia is the best Disney sidekick ever.

I think I'm done rambling. Also, please comment, please please comment, I love hearing from y'all.

Eat cookies, vote, comment, don't die, the usual.

