A view to remember

(Literally a few minutes after the events of Crimes of Grindelwald. The Eiffel Tower is a pretty good place to tell someone you like them. City of Love, and all...)

Their last day in Paris. Newt had to admit it was a pretty place (apart from... everything) and he admired it. Jacob was completely silent most of the time, Nagini (the poor girl. Tina would watch over her and comfort her) was shy and Tina... she tried to be happy to comfort everyone. As did Newt. They stayed in Flamel's house, having nowhere else to go. Flamel's place was very quiet, except for the occasional door creaking or sob.

A few footsteps echoed down the hall, and Tina looked away from her book to see Nagini standing uncertainly at the doorway to the girls bedroom.

"T-Tina?" Nagini said. Her voice was quiet. Tina rubbed her eyes and set her book down (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Newt had finally given her the first ever copy of the book; Newt thought she'd like it because of the misspelled word on page 23).

"Yes, Nagini? Is it dinner already?" Tina asked her gently.

Nagini smiled somewhat uncertainly back. "Not yet. Newt's asking where you are. He's in his case."

Tina positively blushed and exited the room.


Newt turned around and saw Tina getting down from the ladder that led into his shed.

"Hi, Tina. Me, Jacob, Theseus and Nagini are going to go out soon for a walk, if- if you want to come," he said.

Tina smiled nervously, biting her lip. "Okay. I think we could all do with a walk."

Newt pulled his scarf a bit tighter around his neck. It was quite cold in Paris that day. Tina was walking beside Nagini, Jacob next to him and Newt was on Tina's other side.

"So... where should we go?" Tina asked. Nagini shrugged, Jacob looked down at his feet. Newt spoke up. "I thought- maybe we could go to the Eiffel Tower? I heard it was nice and we could go to the top?"

Tina thought for a moment. "That sounds alright." The rest of the group agreed.

"Wow," Tina breathed. The top of the Eiffel Tower was a really good distraction for everything.

Queenie would've liked this... stop thinking about that! Tina scolded herself. She sighed. Her little sister, the one she raised for 20 years, was gone! She could've stopped it, but no, her idiotic self had to let her go! Tina sat at the edge of the platform, swinging her legs over the edge. For a second she just breathed heavily, teetering on the edge... what if it could all end? She leaned forward slightly, seeing how far she would fall. What if she could make everything right again? It could all stop, the pain, the worry-

"Tina, you shouldn't do that, you could fall." Newt came up behind her and sat beside her. He could sense she was trying not to cry, and he awkwardly put his arm around her waist and shuffled closer. Tina breathed in his smell, of the earth and tea and trees, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Newt gently asked. She knew that Newt knew that was a soft topic for her.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine."

Newt looked her straight in the eyes. "You weren't actually thinking of falling off, were you?"

Tina inhaled deeply. Some questions are better off unanswered.

Newt sighed. "It's nice up here."

"It really is." Tina was staring off into the distance.

"Remember, Tina. We're all here. We're all here if you need anybody to talk to." Newt reminded her.

"Of course." Tina answered quietly.

Newt tucked some of her hair behind her ear. "We're going to get her back."

"I hope so."
