I'm right behind you.

(Newt's lost Tina.)

Newt cast a look behind him, where he saw Tina. She tried to smile reassuringly at him.

"Tina! Come on!" He called.

She looked at Grindelwald. "I'm right behind you. I'll always be right behind you. It's okay."

And then the first rumble shook the earth. Newt's case tumbled out of his hand, he tried to grab it again but it flew backwards. Instinctively he started to run back to get it but Tina pushed him forward.

"Go. I'll get it. I'm right behind you."

"No! You're going to get yourself killed!" He shouted.

"Trust me," she said. He called her. Too late. She had already run back. He couldn't risk hurting someone else so he hurried to where the others were waiting. He looked back, expecting to see Tina grinning at him, saying 'I told you so!'.

She wasn't there.

Tina jumped onto the case, and spun to see Grindelwald about to explode. She saw the others huddled in the hallway of the destroyed building. Tina heard a faint whirring somewhere near Grindelwald's direction. She met Newt's eyes, raised her wand, and blocked the doorway, right when it exploded.

"TINA!" He shouted and screamed and shouted until he ran out of breath. "Tina!"

Eventually everything had gone deadly silent. He raised his wand and the wall went down.

The entire place was full of rubble and debris.

How was he going to find Tina?

He ran among the concrete and wood all over the ground, until he heard a hoarse coughing.

"Tina?" He called.

"O-over h-h-here..." a weak whisper. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him until he found Tina, half submerged in debris. He cold still see her face. It was caked in dirt and blood.

"Tina, oh, Tina, are you okay?"

She rummaged around behind her, pulling out his case. She looked at him. He slowly took it.

"It got a bit scratched and dented, but I think the creatures are okay-" but then she was overcome with a coughing fit. Blood came trickling down the side of her mouth. Newt removed the debris weighing her down and found a long spear, stuck near Tina's stomach. She looked down and winced. Blood kept trickling out of the wound.

"I was wondering what that was."

He could hear Theseus whispering 'Merlin's beard,' behind him and Jacob gasping, but he couldn't pay attention to that. He took Tina's face in his hands. She gently reached up with what energy she had left and wiped his tears off his face.

"Don't cry, Newt."

"Tina- you're going to be okay, we'll get you to St Mungo's, they can treat you... cmon, Tina..." he tried.

"He enchanted it to come after me," she said weakly. "He enchanted it to come straight for me. I couldn't go to you."

She smiled at him and closed her eyes.

"Tina? Tina, wake up... come on... please, please get up..." he cried and cried. Theseus came over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"We should still get her to St Mungo's." Theseus told Newt. Newt nodded, carried Tina and apparated. They appeared in the lobby of St Mungo's.

"I'm so sorry. We don't know if she's going to survive. She's shown no signs of waking up at all yet." The healer informed them sadly.

Newt put his head in his hands.

He wanted to see her smiling at him.

He wanted to see her playing with the creatures.

He wanted to see her awake and alive.

But he feared he wouldn't see any of that ever again.

"Newt. It's a letter from St Mungo's. I don't know if it's good news... it's been three weeks." Theseus grabbed the letter tied to Coconut's (Theseus' owl) leg.

Theseus read it out loud. Newt held his breath.

"Dear Mr Scamander,

I'm very happy to announce that Ms Goldstein is indeed awake" Newt looked hopefully up at Theseus, "and is asking for your presence. Sincerely, Healer Dora."

"She's really awake? I can see her?" Newt jumped up, much like a young child. Theseus laughed.

"Yes. Now, let's go!"

Tina stared down into the locket, watching the pictures. On the left, a you Tina and Queenie dancing around their parents. The right- Newt. It was just a newspaper clipping, but it meant the world to her. She clicked it shut just as Healer Dora strolled into the room.

"Ms Goldstein- there's people here to see you." She grinned. "I'll leave you to it."

"Newt!" Newt saw her, paler than usual but the most breathtaking smile etched upon her face. He dashed to her bedside, and held her tight, never wanting to let go.

"Tina," he breathed. He looked into her eyes. They were still glittering with the determination they always had.

"So... surprise? I'm not dead?" She said, a cheeky grin on her face.

Newt laughed and hugged her again, pressing his forehead against hers. It's warm and comfortable and he can feel her breath mingling with his.

"See, Tina, this is why I don't trust you when you say 'trust me'!"

She laughed. "I was going to come back if it weren't for a gigantic harpoon sent straight for me!"

"Alright you two. Ms Goldstein, you need your rest. You can visit her tomorrow," the healer said kindly.

Newt kissed Tina on the forehead.

"Come tomorrow?" She asked.


I've just realised that most of the stories I write end up with Tina in hospital. I am an idiot. Anyway, comment, vote, eat cookies, stay home, stay safe and don't die.

