
(Modern AU. Tina is 19 and Queenie is 18. Theseus and Jacob are 22. Newt and Leta are 20. Newt and Tina have two cats, a grumpy boy named Pickle and an excitable and cheery girl named Rosie.)

"Newt! There's a letter from Theseus!" Tina called. Newt poked his head around the corner.

"Okay. What's it say?"

"Him and Leta are staying over tonight."

"So that's what I forgot."

Tina put her hands on her hips, her lips curling into a small smile. Newt grinned cheekily at her. She looked back down at the letters.

"There's one from Jacob and Queenie, too. They're coming as well."

Newt looked down sheepishly. "So..."

"You're an idiot."

"But I'm your idiot." Newt leant down and kissed her forehead.

The doorbell rang, and Theseus and Leta entered. Leta hugged Tina.

"Tina! I haven't seen you in ages!"

Tina laughed. "You saw me last week, dingbat!"

"A week is a long time, y'know."

Theseus hugged Newt. Newt did not hug him back.

A few minutes later Queenie and Jacob arrived.

"Newt, buddy! Hey, Tina!" Jacob thrust a bag (that smelled delicious) into Newt's hands.

Queenie squealed. "Hi, Teen! Hi, Leta! We're going to have a lot of fun today!"

Tina grinned, hugging her sister. "Sure, Queenie."

"HA! HA, NEWT! GIVE ME YOUR MONEEEEY!" Theseus yelled gleefully. Newt sighed. He was not very good at Monopoly.

"Shouldn't have traded Mayfair, huh, Newt?" Tina nudged him. He poked his tongue out.

"At least Queenie always lands on my stuff, she's my source of money."

"Oi!" Queenie said. Pickle and Rosie meowed and threatened to tip the board over.

A few hours later the game ("Finally!") ended, with Leta winning with over a thousand dollars more than everyone else.

"I'm exhausted." Queenie said, flopping onto the couch. Pickle sat beside her, looking disgruntled. Rosie leapt up to the spot next to him.

"What, from losing?" Leta teased. That got her a pillow in the face. Tina grabbed a pillow, snuck behind Theseus, and whacked him straight in the head.

"Oi! Tina, get back here!" Theseus shouted. Everyone laughed, and Theseus lunged at Newt.

"What have I done?!" Newt yelped. He was running around the living room.

"Well, Tina's your girlfriend, and I feel like hitting you with a pillow." Theseus replied.

Tina laughed.

"Do you see the things I go through for you?!" Newt ran past Tina, grabbing her and tackling her to the ground. She squealed and they had a full on tackle that ended in Tina throwing every cushion they had in Newt's face.

"Fine, fine! You win!" Newt slumped over in defeat. Everyone else had started a pillow war and flurries of feathers cascaded from the ceiling, which Rosie (and less enthusiastically, Pickle) jumped up to catch.

The girls sat in a circle on the mattresses, sipping hot cocoa.

"Truth or dare!" Queenie bounced on the mattress.

"Really?" Tina groaned. "Do we have to?"

Leta giggled. "Yes we do! Come on, Teen! It'll be fun."

"Fine," Tina said, rolling her eyes. "Who's going first?"

"Me! Okay, Leta.. truth or dare?" Queenie squealed.

"Ooooh... dare!"

Queenie grinned. "The boys are sleeping, right?"

"Yeah?" Tina answered.

"Put Pickle in the blanket next to Theseus!"

Leta laughed. They went to the living room where Pickle slept, picked her up and tiptoed into the boys' room. They were sleeping peacefully on the floor.

Leta grabbed the jar from Queenie and crept to Theseus' side. Grinning at the other girls, she slipped Pickle next to Theseus.

Trying not to laugh, they got out.

They only went to bed a bit after 12 o'clock, exhausted.

"Who the hell put a Pickle in my bed?!" Theseus exclaimed.

Newt rubbed his eyes to see Theseus laying on top of an annoyed Pickle. Pickle hissed at Theseus and darted out of the room. Despite his tiredness, Newt laughed.

"Maybe it was the girls."

Jacob got up a bit later (after a bit of shaking), and together they went into the girls' bedroom.

Tina was in the most normal position, curled up in the middle, with Rosie in her arms. Queenie was laying on her belly, her head on a pillow on the far left mattress, her legs flung over Tina's. Leta's head was leaning on Tina's back, the rest of her on the mattress on the far right. Pillows were everywhere.

"Girls... wake up." Newt quietly shook each one in turn. Leta got up, and so did Queenie, but Tina absolutely refused to wake up.

"Come on, Tina. Get up." Newt pulled her into a sitting position.

"I... don't... want to..." she groaned.

"Come on, Teen. Wake up." Newt tried to smooth her hair down.

Tina finally seemed to register she was supposed to wake up and she opened her eyes.

"Okay," she mumbled. Newt hugged her.

Next everyone had to leave.

"Bye!" Newt had his arm around Tina's hip, and they both waved to everyone.

"Wait! Queenie, Leta!" Tina called. The girls all met in front of the house.

"Hey, Leta. You're officially now the third Goldstein sister!" Tina said.

Leta grinned. "Cool! See you, sisters!"

Tina jogged back up to where Newt was waiting. They waved and waved and waved until they couldn't see their cars anymore. 

Okay, so this is absolute trash. I dunno.

I just wanted something happy where Leta's not dead 😭 


Be safe, eat cookies, ship Newtina a lot and comment!

