
Hello! This isn't a oneshot... but it's a story idea I'm thinking of doing after I finish The Porcupine's Daughter (hey if you haven't seen it maybe check it out) and I'm wondering if you guys would want to read it.

It's a book mostly surrounding Tina Goldstein and her life in 1930 because, hey, why not? There's so many stories about Newt and I thought our salamander gal needed some time in the limelight.

I know, this first chapter isn't much to do about her, but it's going to mostly be about her after. I just wanted to do Hermione's POV first. More interesting.

Welp. Here goes. Make sure to comment whether you like it or not.

"Harry, be careful! You're going to break it!" Hermione said in a hushed voice. "If you break it, goodness knows what will happen!"

"Nonsense, Hermione. I'm not going to break it," Harry assured her. He was tossing Hermione's Time-Turner into the air and catching it again. Ron sat beside Hermione, eating his ice cream, looking anxious. "Mate, for the first time I agree with Hermione. I don't want to go seventy years into the past."

Harry rolled his eyes and gave it to Hermione, but dropped it on the ground. Hermione gasped slightly. Harry picked it up and inspected it.

"Merlin's beard, Hermione, look, it's fine." He showed her it. She exhaled slightly. Hermione felt a funny feeling in her stomach but pushed it away.

Ginny came towards them. "Everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah, everything's fine. Hermione's worried that I've zapped us seventy years into the past," Harry laughed. "Look, everything's fine."

Hermione, however, felt different. "I'm not so sure. Where's your parents?"

Ron spun around. "Blimey, I'm very sure they were just there a second ago."

A sick and worried feeling overcame Hermione. "This isn't good. I mean, look around. The place looks newer than it was a minute ago."

She reached into her pocket and felt around until she found the Time-Turner. It was completely destroyed, as if something inside of it exploded. The sick and worried feeling felt even worse.

"Uh, is it just me, or do you hear a meowing sound?" Ginny said nervously. It wasn't just her, because Hermione spotted a black cat that wasn't there a few seconds ago sitting on the road, inspecting them. It didn't look like a normal black cat. On closer inspection Hermione noticed it had many scars all over its body. The black cat looked down the road and seemed to freak out (another sign Hermione took of it not being a normal cat) and stood up, running toward them.

The cat beckoned with its tail, disappearing into a small alley a few metres away from where Ron stood.

"Guys, I think the cat wants us to follow it," Hermione took a step forward. Ron held his arm out in front of her.

"For all we know, it could be a spy trying to kill us," he said quietly.

A few seconds later a human hand, with a bandage wrapped around the palm, appeared. It seemed to be beckoning them urgently. Hermione knew they had to take the chance.

"C'mon, let's go!" She grabbed Ron's arm and led them into the alleyway. Harry and Ginny arrived a bit later.

"Keep your heads back. He mustn't know you're here," a new voice said. It was feminine. Hermione looked to her side and saw a woman, maybe in her late 20s, looking out of the alleyway. She must've noticed Hermione watching her, because she smiled warmly and held out her hand.

"I'm Tina, Tina Goldstein. Nice to meet you." Hermione took her hand. Something about her was... quite familiar? Maybe from one of the books she'd read.

"I'm Hermione. That's Ron, Harry and Ginny."

Tina looked over all of them and dropped her voice to a whisper.

"Listen, I know you're not from around here. I'm going to try to help you. Grab onto my hand, we're going to Newt Scamander's house."

"You mean... the guy who wrote Fantastic Beasts And Where to Find Them?" Ginny asked excitedly.

Tina nodded. "The very same. Actually, he got the title from me,"

Hermione analysed her again and recognised her finally.

"Wait, you're Porpentina Scamander!" Hermione exclaimed. Tina blushed. "Mercy Lewis, no! I'm... I'm not married or anything..."

"Oh, oops, I forgot. What year is it, by the way?" Hermione asked innocently, with a small smirk on her face.

Tina recovered from Hermione's question, yet a faint blush remained on her cheek. "Oh- oh, you're in 1930."

Ron slapped his head. "Blimey, I was right! We've been zapped 70 years in the past."

Harry looked guilty, and even more so when Hermione glared at him, shooting daggers.

Tina interrupted them by grabbing all of them and apparating.

"Bloody hell, next time can you tell us when you're going to do that?" Ron rubbed his head. Ginny shoved him.

They all froze when they saw a red haired witch exiting a house.

"Hey, Bunty!" Tina called. "D'you know where Newt is?"

The woman (Bunty, apparently) spun around, and upon seeing Tina smiled.

"Oh, hey, Tina. He went out looking for you two hours ago, came back a few minutes ago and fell asleep. Why were you out so late?"

Tina flushed red and looked down. "Couldn't sleep," she mumbled.

"Alright. I'm going overseas, so I won't be around. See you." Bunty waved to Tina. She waved back.

"Come on, you four." Tina brought them inside the apartment. It had been magically expanded to accomodate more people, Hermione noticed. Which meant there was more than just Newt and Tina.

"Sit down," Tina led them to a couch. "Hey, Hermione, mind passing me that pillow?"

Hermione, confused, passed her the brown pillow next to her on the couch. Tina grinned and entered one of the rooms. Hermione couldn't hear much, but she heard some scuffling behind the partially opened door.

"Newt. Get up."

"No..." the next sound Hermione heard was a loud thump.

"Come on, Newt!"




"Merlin's beard, Tina! Stop that!"

Ginny bumped Hermione's shoulder and whispered in her ear. "They're arguing like an old married couple."

Hermione snickered.

"Newt! There are people in your house and you're here sleeping like an idiot!"


"You're a person." Newt murmured.


"Okay, okay, you lunatic! I'm getting up!"

Next thing Hermione saw was Tina getting out of the room, passing the pillow back to her with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"Okay, you four, this is Newt."

Newt Scamander looked half asleep as he peered at them under a messy fringe.

"Tina... they're kids."

"I gathered that much. They're lost, and I'm going to help them."

Newt rolled his eyes playfully and gazed at her. "Of course you are. What's the problem?"

Tina explained the entire situation of how Hermione, Harry, Ginny and Ron had gotten lost and needed help.

"Oh Merlin. This is a big, big, messy mess." Newt ran his hand through his hair. "How on earth did you get seventy years into the past?"

Everyone glared at Harry.

"What? What did I do?" He panicked.

"So... we're going to have to add extra rooms. Is it alright if you boys shared one and Hermione and Ginny shared another?" Tina asked.

They nodded.

"So... we have Ginny and Hermione in one room, Ron and Harry in another, Leta and Theseus-"

"They're moving out tomorrow, Tina."

"Right. Jacob, Nagini, and us." Tina finished. Her cheeks were faint pink.

"You two share a room?" Harry asked rather loudly. Ron shoved him.

Tina winced slightly. "Y-yeah. Nagini wanted her own room, so did Jacob, and there was one room left, which was the biggest."

Hermione nudged Ginny and they tried not to laugh.

Newt and Tina got to work making one more bedroom while not waking up the others.

"For tonight can you all share one room? Tomorrow you can have seperate rooms." Tina informed them. "Hermione and Ginny could probably fit into Queenie- Queenie's stuff. Except for her pyjamas, so you two can borrow mine."

Hermione noticed how Tina very quickly skimmed over this mysterious 'Queenie' as if she didn't want to talk about her.

"The boys could probably share my stuff," Newt mumbled. Tina smiled.

"Okay, we're all set."

Hermione had trouble sleeping that night, and looking to her side, so was Ron.

"You alright?" He asked quietly.

Hermione offered a small smile. "Can't sleep. Maybe we should go out so we don't," gesturing to Harry and Ginny's sleeping figures, "disturb them."

Ron nodded. "Good idea.'

Out of the room, Hermione saw Newt sitting at the kitchen table, reading something with a smile. He noticed her and Ron and got up.

"Oh, Hermione, Ron. Is there anything wrong?"

"No, but I- I have some questions. About Tina." Hermione sat on the other side of the table. "Who's Queenie? And why does she have so many scars?" Ron sat beside her, interested. Newt sighed and sat back where he was before.

"Well. I should probably start at the start. Me and Tina met in New York, 1926, four years ago. She was a demoted Auror. The most determined person I'd ever met. She arrested me," he smiled slightly, "and a whole bunch of things happened in between. We nearly died a few times, all my creatures got out, we got 'em back in, an obscurus named Credence kinda blew things up. Anyways, Queenie is Tina's sister." He took a breath. "Queenie fell in love with a no maj- I mean muggle, holy nifflers, Tina's growing on me. His name was Jacob. He's still here. He had to be obliviated. I left to publish my book, Tina became an Auror again, Jacob didn't remember anything and Queenie... she missed him.

"Jacob actually remembered some of it, with a bit of pushing from Queenie. This was 1927. They came here, to London, to find me. I thought Tina was with them." His face fell a little. "She thought I was engaged to Leta, who was engaged- now married- to my brother. We have a little bit of... history. They're asleep right now. She left to Paris to find Credence. Queenie put a love spell on Jacob because he was scared they were gonna put Queenie in jail because in New York you can't marry a muggle. She got upset, ran after Tina. We went to Paris, Jacob and me, to find both of them. Along the way, a lot of things happened. I managed to tell Tina that I wasn't engaged without saying something too stupid. At the end, Queenie joined Grindelwald for love. So did Credence."

Newt closed his eyes. "Tina was kidnapped after that fight, and for months nobody knew where she was. They tortured her, again and again, they were going to kill her for information. She didn't tell them a thing.

"The day she was going to be killed, Tina managed to turn into her animagus self and fled, coming back here. They had to keep her in St Mungo's for a while, the scars were so bad."

Newt stopped. He rubbed his head. "Now, she's struggling. I think you four are slowly putting her back together again."

Hermione digested all of this information with wide eyes. Ron sat beside her looking absolutely dumbfounded. Hermione realised that somewhere in between all that she had grasped Ron's hand, and quickly let go.

"You guys should get to bed now. Goodnight." Newt got up and quietly opened the door to his and Tina's room.

Hermione got up, followed by Ron, and went to sleep thinking about everything.

I know. Terrible. Still, tell me if you want to see it as a book or not.

(It'll probably be better than TPD (the porcupine's daughter) or OLF (our little family) anyway)

Curse my stupid thinking-it's-a-writer brain.

