





Lydia’s POV


            “You spray paint your own walls? Don’t the fumes bother you?” I squinted even harder at the dark haired man in front of me, for the more he spoke the less real he seemed to be.

            An angsty hot bad boy trapped in the body of an awkward guy who was just a tad bit shy and giggled like a small child.

            “Only if I do walls outside the room. You should come see it before the tour starts.” Zayn was giving me a small smile, his honey colored eyes in severe contrast to Louis’ as the latter stood next to me. His small frame leaning over the kitchen island with a cup of tea held firmly between his hands.

            “Yeah, you should go see it. It’s bad.” Louis added on, bumping my hip with his own as I tried to remember that to the British, bad meant good.

            “You could make your own if you wanted.” Zayn shrugged his shoulders, contrary to popular belief he was actually really prone to walking around in plain white v-necks and the same pair of jeans. Leather jackets and doc martens only a staple when he was on stage.

            “I could spray paint your walls?” My mouth nearly popped open, the coffee I had aimlessly been stirring now lay still in my hands because Zayn Malik wanted me to spray paint his walls.

            “Louis said you could draw, I’ll give it a go. Already have something from each of the boys.” He nodded, his dark hair was shaved at the sides, giving him the impression that he had a really floppy Mohawk. Facial hair framing his incredibly bone structure mercilessly, and if I was going to be honest, he was the only one Louis would ever have to worry about because he was fuckin’ hot.

            “Are you trying to steal my girlfriend?” Louis chuckled from beside me, both him and Zayn already quite evidently the troublesome pair. Mischief usually presented in their conversations because Zayn may be quiet most days, but he definitely wasn’t innocent.

            “You’ve got a sick girlfriend mate, she can spray paint on my walls any day.” Zayn cracked up, his laugh making more and more appearances the more comfortable he became around me.

            “Fuckin’ twat-“ Louis started for Zayn, big grins on both of their faces as the smaller of the two was nearly around the island when the front door slammed open.

            I don’t really know what changed, but the atmosphere around us suddenly grew very quiet and very tense. The changing emotions of all five boys acutely mapped inside each other, and I don’t know how Zayn and Louis knew Harry was worried other than they just felt it.

            Both boys had stopped their play bickering, Louis standing slightly in front of me, his hands worriedly tapping on the nearest surface as Zayn just went blank. Blank stare, blank face, nothing but the hint of worry that edged his honey colored eyes because Zayn was perceptive, Zayn had been high that night, Zayn knew.

            “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, but I have to tell you guys and I know you’re both going to be pissed, but I’m not changing it.” Harry walked into the kitchen with the strangest sort of determination burning in his green eyes, a microscopic change to the usually passive popstar as Louis tensed in front of me.

            Harry’s hair was a mess, tangled up in his bandana as his hands fidgeted with the paper airplane necklace he always wore. It wasn’t even that though that Louis was catching onto, the troubles of the eldest shadowing what Harry had been up to for nearly four months now as both Zayn and I gave each other worried glances.

            His lips were stained a bright red, a red that every one of these boys was familiar with and a color that only meant one thing. Something I was simultaneously happy and worried for, because Harry deserve to feel what I felt, but I wasn’t quite sure how Louis –let alone the rest of the world- would take it.

            “Spit it out mate.” Zayn prompted Harry, his thick accent sometimes hard to unravel as I focused everything else on Louis.

            “Morgan from our management team, I’ve been seeing her since we got back and I kissed her today.” Harry was visibly struggling with the words, his tall frame shrinking as the anger control with his older counterpart slipped away like water in your hands.

            “Since we got back? From lunch today?” Louis sneered, the confusion echoing with the hurt in his words as he used the painful words he was so good at crafting against his best friend.

            “No, uh, since we got back because you and her fought.”

            Wrong thing to say.

            Harry’s eyes growing wide because I knew that had not been how he meant it, but Zayn and Louis seemed to be taking it a different way. Zayn’s concerned face morphing into that of irritation as I physically had to stop Louis from what he no longer had any control over.

            My hand jumped out to him, grasping the front of his shirt and keeping him from moving any further. It wasn’t a warning I was used to, but more of one that was unspoken. His entire body rigid against me, but not a single step further was taken.

            “She’s a bitch Harry, she’s going to use you and help the damn tabloids when we leave their management. You’re so fucking stupid if you think she actual-“

            “Louis!” I snapped, not willing to take another moment of Harry’s green eyes dulled down to a small fraction of the pain and regret he was feeling for not telling them, but how else would he have done it?

            He couldn’t have told the boys, not if he was feeling this way because they would all have labeled him the same way. His feelings irrelevant because none of them tried to understand Morgan and everything she did for them. Only Harry had the heart to, and while the rest of them were busy with their own lives, no one had bothered to ask.

            “What?” Louis snapped right back at me, the sharp contours of his torso sliding under my hands as he turned to face me instead. Blue eyes were on fire, the darkest sort of fury burning in them.

            “Let him finish.” I seethed, not at all afraid of Louis like many people seemed to be, because in moments like this I was very aware of what was turning in his head and exactly why he couldn’t see beyond the obvious.

            “You fucking told my girlfriend before you told me?” He wasn’t facing me anymore, turned back to Harry as the two men carried completely different stances. Harry showing signs of backing down, while his eyes sparked with the determination of proving a point.

            “Stop yelling at him! He didn’t tell me anything!” I shouted, not noticing when Zayn’s eyes widened impossibly, his own posture heightening because Harry and Louis never argued, but Louis and I arguing seemed to pose a threat because in this situation Louis was wrong, and neither of us were good at stopping.

            “This is shit. Mate you could have just told me, if you can’t tell me that then what else am I missing on?” Louis was at a loss for words, the hurt knotting into the anger as my reflexes were too slow. Gray sweatpants disappearing up the stairs, Harry’s eyes remaining filled with confusion and hurt.

            “I’m happy for you Harry, really she’s nice. I just need to go, and I’m sorry.” I was speaking in a mix up of syllables, my main concern locked in the heart of a man who was incredibly hurt and too proud to say it.

            “No, go. He needs you and I need to figure out what I’ve just done. Thank you.” Harry nodded after me, looking hesitantly at Zayn who stood with a watchful posed at me and his tattooed hands tucked into his pockets.

            Neither man saying another word as I disappeared from the kitchen, nearly tripping myself over the football that Louis always left near the stairs.

            The door to his room was shut, not a single sound marring the air around us as I took a deep breath and pushed it open.

            Louis was standing in front of his guitar stands, silently looking between the three beautiful instruments like they held the answer for him.

            His love for music had actually caught me off guard the first time I’d been anywhere near his ‘flat,’ but now it was so heavily a part of him that I didn’t know how I hadn’t seen it.

            I’d watched his fingers float easily across a grand piano, playing anything from classical music to The Fray. Everytime he’d cracked up because playing the drums was a lot harder when him and Niall were determined to toss their drumsticks between each other like jugglers at the circus. The smile he aimed at no one but his own heart when he sat on top of his amp late at night, the ink of his tattoos mirroring his complicated mind that was hidden behind beautifully crafted blue. His fingers strumming chords that built with his emotions and crashed with the easy fall of his soft hair across his forehead. Nothing mattered to him then, just the silent air between us as I loved him impossibly more for everything he wasn’t and everything he had yet to give.

            “You have to tell me why you’re upset.” I sighed, leaning on the doorframe because space was one thing he never got enough of.

            “I think it’s pretty damn obvio-“

            “It wouldn’t hurt for you to just say it Louis! Jesus fucking Christ! Just communicate with me!” I couldn’t cap my temper, his easy way about pushing my buttons was becoming to much right then because he wasn’t even trying to listen.

            “What the hell is going to happen when she’s not who he thinks she is? How the fuck did they even start talking?” He had turned back around to face me, neither of us aware of our surroundings as anger clouded my vision.

            This wasn’t about us, but it was about Harry and it may as well have been my own heart because I’d grown to love that kid like a brother in such a short span of time that I didn’t understand how Louis didn’t see why Harry would have been drawn to her.

            “How did we start talking?” I rolled my eyes, these were the times when I didn’t understand him and although I was working on it, my temper got the best of me because he was so damn blind.

            “It’s not the same Lydia! We started talking because you’re you and I love every bit about you!” His voice had raised, moving from the happy tone I’d grown used to, to the deep voice of a man who was struggling with the realization that his best friend hadn’t told him for obvious reasons.

            “He’s not allowed to love someone? Louis she’s a go-“

            “You can’t trust someone like her!” He exploded, the tattoos and day old stubble lining his sharply defined features and I was once more completely off guard by the way he switched. Soft and loving to someone who was a little bit dangerous to be honest.

            “You can trust someone like her more than nearly everyone else Louis! She’s spent years making sure everytime you stuck your head up your ass you didn’t get persecuted for it!” I hissed, every part of me on fire because this was how Louis and I seemed to need to settle our issues, screaming until our lungs gave out.

            “Exactly, because it’s her job. What happens when it’s not her job and it’s just them?” His hands were clenched into fists, the picture Cindy had sent him of us casting a shadow as it sat directly behind him on my side of the bed.

            “What happened to us Louis! What happened when it was us? Why is that such a hard outcome for you to understand?” It fell from my lips, nothing stopping the honest truth because he hadn’t paid any attention to Harry’s subtle hints recently. None of them had.

            “It won’t happen like that! She’s – she makes money off of us! He trusts people and they always let him down! He’s Harry, he’s the one everyone wants to know more about or throws under the bus!”

            “You can’t keep him from shit like this, he’s going to fall in love Louis. It might not be her but you can’t tell him when and when not to, you can’t be mad at him for this because he can’t help it. Do you understand me?” I gave up on the round-about away, instead just spilling exactly what I was thinking because the bigger picture was that Louis was unable to willingly put Harry in a position to get hurt.

            He had always been more protective of Harry than any of the other boys, it was evident in the videos I’d watched and the times I’d observed. Louis was something no one else could ever amount to in Harry’s heart and the same was reversed for the older. It was something that was as beautiful as it was painful to watch, because of all the things that had changed for those two in the last year, this would be one of the hardest Louis would have to come to terms with.

            “Love, Lydia he just fucking kissed her be-“

            “Everyone falls in love Louis! Everyone! Give up the idea that he’s not going to eventually feel it and get the hell over the idea that it could be her! If you care about h-“

            “Don’t throw that shit at me. You haven’t been around to see half of i-“

            “Stop cutting me off! Stop pretending you know more about this just because you can’t handle the fact that I knew before you did!”

            “Fuckin’ just dammit Lydia. Dammit.” Louis shoved past me, not even apologizing when his shoulder bumped me to the side like a bad movie.

            “Where the hell are you going?” I shouted after him, the desperation in my voice making me feel even worse. My arms coming up to hold myself together as Louis messed with putting a beanie over his mop of hair and walked out the front door without so much as a breath of an answer.

            The house seemed empty, the shadows of Zayn moving up the stairs impossible for me to hear because I was lost in the screaming of my own head. The voices shouting things at me to the lilt of Louis’ accent.

              “You’re not cryin’ are you babe?” Zayn used the name I had grown to love because of the way it sounded when Louis said it, his dark figure catching me off guard as he leaned down to my eye level. Dark skin pulling my hands out of my mess of hair as I didn’t realize I had sunk down to the floor.

            “I don’t cry.” I mumbled, looking up to meet his speckled eyes and wishing it had been a fatal color of blue that had come to me instead.

            “You’re just like him, everyone tells you that though.” Zayn smiled softly at me, sitting down against the other side of the door and watching me with a peculiar expression on his sculpted features.

            “Yeah, sometimes I don’t want to be like him though.” I smiled humorlessly at the carpet, tracing invisible patterns that ended in the words I saw inscribed into his body every day.

            “He’s the strongest one of us all, I think of all of us you’d want to be like Louis.” Zayn pulled my hand from the carpet, creating a barrier between the floor and me as I allowed my hand to rest in his palm. “Everything he does is filled with a passion we can’t understand, all the music he makes is the only way we can really understand him. You changed that a bit though, you mixed him up a bit in the head love.” Zayn was biting his lip in a grin, watching me carefully like he was waiting for a tantrum he had already decided wasn’t coming.

            “I don’t want to change him.” I answered, having felt that I’d brought out something different in Louis a hundred times before, but never had I wished it would change him.

            “No, you didn’t change him at all. He’s still the sarcastic asshat with too many priorities, none of which entertain the idea of taking care of himself first.” He nailed the description of Louis so accurately that I almost felt like Zayn of all the boys was the one who understood the most. “You put him back in his place, we saw him look actually content with where he was again even when you were gone. Part of me still believes that he doesn’t think you’re real, but he has a hard time accepting things like what Harry just told us because of what he’s done for us and what he’s been through.” Zayn explained what Louis couldn’t articulate, the halfway love Louis had given to other women was something he was scared of for the other boys because of the path it had put him on.

            “Where did he go?” I nodded slowly, understanding Zayn but also realizing that I needed a bit of time to myself.

            It had been constant Louis since I’d arrived here, and it wouldn’t always be sunshine and daisies. We would fight, we would have days where we questioned why we loved each other and hurtful words would be thrown.

            It wouldn’t be a relationship if we didn’t fight over things that were as stupid as they were important.

            “He followed Harry, they’ve never been good at leaving each other for very long.” Zayn gave me the one answer I hadn’t expected, too caught up in myself to realize Louis hadn’t left me so much as he’d gone after Harry. “He knew he was going to have to choose which one to go after, and I think you and I would agree that he chose right. Harry needs him right now, and Louis needs to understand.”

            “He’ll come back though?” Voices in my head were still telling me otherwise, the fresh cuts of his sharp words taking over.

            “You two are crazy you know that? Of course he’s coming back for you, he’d never leave you if it was even a choice to him. Your fights are going to be explosive though Lydia, the temper you to hold between each other is bound to go off every once in awhile.” Zayn chuckle, light humor dancing amongst his dark eyes and framing his face with happiness.

            “Do you mind if I?” I pointed to the guest room, hoping he understood the time I required to myself to just replay the events of the past six months over in my head until it made sense.

            Zayn was too articulate with his mind, giving me days worth of information to understand in just hours before I was faced with Louis and the chaos of our last fight.

            “No, go ahead. Although I think you’d get more thinking done on his side of the bed, sometimes it’s better to be in a different mindset if you really wish to understand completely.” Zayn nodded, standing up slowly and helping me up with his hand still wrapped around mine.

            “Damn you Zayn.” I lifted the corners of my lips up into a soft smile, wrapping my arms around the skinny idiot and thanking him endlessly in my slowly clearing mind.

            “I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” he chuckled into my ear. Pressing a light kiss to my forehead before he took the stairs down and left me in a room that was as much Louis’ as it was now mine.

            My head sinking into the pillow that smelled like expensive cologne and his shampoo as I began to do the sorting and picking up of the information that had been crammed into my brain in such a small space of time.

            There really was only one thought that mattered though, a thought that had appeared for the first time because it hadn’t been true the last time.

            Louis and I had fought, screamed until we were blue in the face just like the time before, but this time we had survived it.

            This time, something was different.


You didn't actually think because they were dating they wouldn't fight? Right? ;)

Dammit I love Zayn so much... look at him bein a little shit and stuff. He's such a sweetheart

And Lydia and Louis getting worked up over Harry because they love him so much... damn you Harry. AND MORRY IS OUT OF THE CLOSET... I dunno if it works like that but they've been outed.

So this was definitely a lot of fun and a lot of feelings to write... but I really really like how it turned out.... to be honest it was originally just gonna be those three and then Zayn showed up and the chapter literally wrote itself.

Haha that happens to much :) WELL...... YEP :) Nexy update is Spurious chapter 15! :) STAY TUNED FOLKS :) 

Leave your post Zouis, Lourry and Zarry feels in da box below. I also ship Lydia and Zayn and Zadia. HOLLA :)

Love you all! :)

