
Unedited! 5/1 


Lydia’s POV


            “Louis!” I shouted, trying as hard as I could not to laugh when he completely biffed it and rolled onto the hard concrete in what I assumed was sheer pain.

            “M’fine!” He called back to me, his black beanie had long since fallen off and his dark hair was just swept across his forehead now.

            “Then get up?” I suggested, cracking into another set of giggles when he grunted a response before groaning as he still remained on the ground.

            “I’m almost there,” he was still speaking to me, so that must be a good sign?

            “Yeah, it sure looks like it.” I snorted, debating whether on whether or not I should get up off the grass and walk over to make sure he wasn’t bleeding out.

            “Fuck off,” he complained, his already high-pitched voice cracking an octave higher into a whiny white girl status.

            It was only a few more strangled grunts and groans after that before he pushed himself up to a sitting position, examining the collateral damage that marred his tan skin.

            “Are you bleeding?” I sighed, picking at the grass and observing our half eaten lunches with amusement.

            It had taken him a record time to become bored with the slides today, and he had literally jumped on me the second lunch came, demanding that we go outside and celebrate what could be the last sunny day for awhile.

            After that it had just been a whole lot of Louis cracking inappropriate jokes to unsuspecting college interns and older women who looked conflicted between laughing and wondering why on Earth I was hanging around him.

            “I’m only bleeding a bit on me side.” He was lifting up his shirt now to examine the damage, and again he left me unfocused.

            There were concrete induced marks on his golden skin, and I was questioning how exactly he was even tan there. I’d only seen him shirtless once, and that was in a dark room.

            Someone’s been tanning.

            “Stop touching it,” I rolled my eyes when his hand came to brush off the dirt that had imbedded itself into his skin.

            “It hurts,” Louis was complaining again. A slight pout on his lips as he squinted his blue eyes at me.

            “You’re just going to make it worse babe.” I sighed, trying to keep my focus away from the TopMan band of his boxers. The cut was just like anything you’d see when you fell onto the hard ground, little bits of white peeling up on a large spanse of scraped skin, while tiny beads of blood threatened to meet and turn into one giant flow.

            “Babe?” Louis teased me, momentarily forgetting that he had fallen off of the railing and straight onto his face just minutes ago.

            “Don’t get used to it.” I sighed, picking at the bag of craisans Louis had brought for me this morning. Grinning as I remembered how big his smile had been. He’d held his hands behind his back for nearly five minutes, just teasing me with the prospect of what was behind him when he’d finally revealed my favorite snack in his tattooed arms.

            You couldn’t beat a present like that from anyone; I didn’t care what the argument was. There was no way in hell you could ever one up a man who remembered your favorite snacks, bought them, and then presented them to you with a heartbreaking smile. The fact that, that same man was also dressed in tight black skinny jeans with a vans t-shirt and matching black beanie was beside the point. That was just to add to the effect that he seriously could not be one-upped, Louis Tomlinson was one damn asshat and he was a hell of a lot more perceptive and romantic than I had originally believed.

            Tell me craisans weren’t romantic all you wanted, but that wouldn’t stop me from sitting on my ass and popping them in my mouth while I argued with you.

            “Hey, Lydia!” Louis had somehow made it back up the stairs and a few hundred feet back. His skateboard in one hand while he attempted to put his beanie back on his floppy hair.

            “Louis be careful!” I called back, rolling my eyes to a few passing teenage girls who were giggling and pointing like they’d never seen a guy on a skateboard.

            “I was fine the last time!” He shouted, throwing his middle finger up at me before he took off again.

            “You ate shit last time!” I snorted, leaning back on the brick wall with my craisans resting on my lap. It was time to enjoy the show, he’d been trying the same trick for nearly two hours now, and every single time he landed either on his face or didn’t even make it onto the metal rail.

            This time was no different either, and the second he flipped the skateboard under him I knew he was going to roll off. Sliding on the concrete with a muffled ‘shit’ before his muscular body came to a stand still on the same side he’d fucked up the last four times.

            “Bloody ‘ell.” His voice had deepened to a grunt, and then he was on his back, clutching his side and taking heaving breaths up to the sky.

            “Louis? Louis are you ok?” I was hesitantly standing up, not really sure what exactly to do and the longer he stayed on the ground with his hand glued to his hip the more worried I became. “Oh my god Louis we have to be on a plane tomorrow and you probably broke something or died!” I was freaking out now, running over to him and kneeling down to make sure he still had a pulse. Although I think it was safe to say with the amount of swear words coming out of his mouth, that he was still very much alive.

            He didn’t answer me though, just continued to mutter like a psychopath to himself, his shirt bunched in his grip. In any other situation I would have found this hilarious, but right now I was terrified.

            What if he’d actually done something? It wouldn’t be the first time someone got fucked up on a landing.

            “Gotcha!” Louis shouted with a burst of good natured laughter, pulling me by my wrists to fall onto him. I couldn’t even process what he had said before I was relieved laughing with him, clinging onto his shirt as hysterical tears and silent clips of laughter snaked around us.

            “I hate you,” I gasped through the tears, falling on top of him completely and wrapping my arms around his sturdy frame without really caring that he was still on the cement ground.

            “That was quality entertainment,” soft fingers tugged on my curls and I could just hear the cheeky grin on his handsome features. He was completely pleased with himself for playing the good actor, when not even a scratch damaged any more of his skin from that god awful bail.

            “I’m so mad at you right now!” I giggled, only contradicting my point by holding him tighter.

            “You sure sound like it babe,” he was still cracking up and I opened my eyes to give him a stern look, only to realize I was facing his black jeans and I closed them just as abruptly. Begging my thoughts to stay on the Earth shattering blue of his eyes, or even the day old stubble that begged to run against my neck. “Well, I’m going to try that again.” Louis was starting to stand up with me still held tightly to him, an air of determination in his unique voice as I took another moment to make sure that he had actually said what I’d thought he just said.

            “No, you’re not.” I pulled away from him, yelling mentally at myself when I started smiling again because his hand caught mine at the last second, and didn’t let go.

            “Of course I am, and I’m going to land it and then I’m going to kiss you.” Louis was holding our hands out between us like they were everything to him, small fingers fitting between mine easily. It wasn’t like holding Sam’s hand or David’s or any of the rest of theirs, because for whatever reason Louis’ hand was just more suited to me.

            Maybe it was because his hands weren’t large and burly as the rest had been, his fingers weren’t long and spindly like David’s or callused and worn like Sam’s. I for one didn’t have very large hands at all, I was hardly able to pick a mug up without breaking it all over the floor, and holding a guy’s hand when it was three times the size of mine was just plain uncomfortable. That’s why Louis’ hand just fit with mine, his hands weren’t big or rough, they weren’t spindly fingered or clammy, they were just soft hands that were as masculine as they were feminine and I found myself vaguely intrigued and incredibly turned on with the thought of them.

            “And if you don’t land it?” I was asking him the burning question before he got to far into his plan, because everyone knew someone like Louis. Perhaps they didn’t know someone as charismatic and all together charming as Louis, but there was definitely that one person that we all knew could have their way with you if they just phrased the vocab correctly.

            “If I don’t land it I’m going to kiss you twice, once because I can’t stop, and the second time because falling on my ass in front of you is not exactly an ego booster.” He was grinning again, that same crinkly eyed smile taking over all of his perfectly placed features until you couldn’t deny the sincerity behind it.

            “You don’t need any more ego boosters,” I rolled my eyes and sighed in compliance. Giving him one look for being an asswipe, and another one for later when he fell on his ass again and I got to say ‘I told you so.’

            Louis just gave me his signature smirk, raising his eyebrows in a light mocking before he leaned in quickly and placed a light kiss on the tip of my nose.

            “You’re an ego boost by yourself.” He was chuckling to himself, his skateboard in his hand as he took the same path up the stairs to the very edge of the unused Lizard building.

            “I’m an ego booster?” I crossed my arms over chest in a scoff, ignoring the tingly feeling I got in my heart when he met my eyes and winked with the same ridiculous smile. I loved how he didn’t always smile with teeth, it just made the sharp lines of his features stand out and you just never saw people doing that anymore. It was a bit of fresh air to watch his cheeks light up in amusement, while he struggled to hold it in. Plus, it was mega cute, and I’m pretty sure it would never get old.

            He didn’t answer my question though, just took off on his skateboard with a determined look that hadn’t been present before. Hues of sea-foam and teal blues mingled in the heavy light that shone down on him. Almost illuminating him as a godlike creature, every hair on his head gave off a golden glow and mirrored his eyes to a T.

            Lips were pressed in a straight line, and his attention for once was not focused on me –was that conceited? Oh well? – but on the metal rail in front of him, and just like that he broke every law of physics I’d ever learned and became airborn.            He’d replaced his dirty vans with an incredibly vibrant red pair and they were probably the most fascinating thing in the world right now, because they were somehow staying connected to a board while the man wearing them was sliding down a railing and somehow staying upright.

            He looked so happy, a giant smile spreading across his lips as he ended his time on the railing and somehow flipped the entire skateboard several times over underneath his feet before fucking landing on it in front of my eyes and whizzing past me with a stupid ass smirk on his still closed lips, and his stupid ass hands tucked into his pockets, the top of his rope tattoo peeking out.  

            “How the hell?” Unfortunately for me I was at a complete loss for words, I didn’t actually have a logical explanation for how what he just did was possible. All I knew was that he had landed in one piece, a cheeky look crinkling his the side of his eyes as he was now dishing out the ‘I told you so.’

            “The answer just came to me. It was as though jesus himself opened up the gates of heaven and gave me wings to spread and fl-“ Louis was cracking up even before I stomped over and smacked my hand over his sarcastic mouth.

            “You win! Ok! You win!” I stretched up on the tops of my toes to reach his chin height, moving my hand off of his mouth and down to the familiar span of his solid chest.

            “Were you impressed?” He stepped off of his skateboard, kicking it to the side absentmindedly as his hands fell easily to my hips.

            “Fuck off.” I grumbled, attempting to scamper away from his light grip before it tightened and he yanked me back to him. Securing both of his arms in a tight grip around me, a pair of soft lips placing a kiss as soft as the morning light to my forehead.

            “You don’t get to leave until I tell you, you can leave.” Louis’ poor attempt at remaining serious failed miserably when he giggled like a little girl directly after he finished the absurd sentence.

            “Women’s rights!” I shouted to the sky, giggling in tune to his deeper laughs. Neither of us seeming to care that literally anyone had access to this path.

            “I’m not from America, please inform me of the history of separation of church and state.”


            I was just half a second away from calling him a bunch of names that he probably deserved, and then congratulating him on that clever joke when he leaned in quite suddenly and kissed me quickly. His lips fit with mine like I’d been kissing him for years instead of days, and the feeling disappeared all too quickly when he pulled away and settled on resting his forehead against my own.

            As short as he was for a fully grown man, he still had to lean down to reach me and I was certain that, that boosted his ego far more than anything else I could ever do.

            “Mmmf,” I complained. Standing up on my tip-toes and clutching the fabric of his shirt in a haphazard attempt to pull myself back up to his lips.

            “Louis!” Someone else called from off in the distance, foiling my brilliant plan of seduction via skateboard. Both of our heads turned to the direction of the half overgrown path, cracking up simultaneously when we saw the burly figures of Markus and Victor struggling through the brush with looks of annoyance on their big faces.

            “Right here!” Louis called, not even pretending that we hadn’t been just moments away from restarting what had quite obviously happened.

            He was good about that though, I think I admired his honesty above all. Never once had he sugar coated anything, and despite the fact that he very willingly held information from me because it was hard for him to talk about, he would never fail to tell you exactly what he felt. That’s something I tried to do as well, it just had such an easy quality about it when it came from Louis though, and that was what drew you to him. You just couldn’t explain him in enough words.

            “Boy, we have to go. You have a meeting in twenty minutes and a plane at eight!” Markus’s deep voice cut through again, and both men again seemed to be avoiding our gaze. Of course I wouldn’t look at us either, because Louis was nothing is not obvious about his PDA.

            “Give me a minute?” Louis had seemed much friendlier with both of them since our breakfast meeting just days ago, a light smile on his lips as both the men nodded and disappeared with a few farewell grunts back onto the path.

            “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?” I chirped happily, I was as nervous as I was excited to see him in his own element with a few of the people I’d heard so much about.

            “You’ll definitely see me tomorrow. Wear something comfortable, do not come out until Victor tells you he’s at your apartment and keep your head down.” Louis was smiling through the warnings he’d given me at least a hundred times already, but you could tell it was a bit forced. He was nervous, and I wanted to make sure that I did everything right so he could trust me if there was a next time for us.

            Tomorrow I would appear with a twenty one year old heartthrob and I was completely unsure of how it would go or even what to expect.

            “Be safe,” were his last words before he leaned in for a final time that day and brought a powerfully quick kiss to my lips. It heated just as quickly as it began, and it stayed a burning fire even after his curvy figure disappeared to Markus and Victor.

            There was an amount of passion behind that kiss that just let me into a small window of how incredibly scared he was for tomorrow, and that made me so entirely sure of the fact that I cared a fair sight more than I’d ever anticipated about him.

            Louis could bottle years of passion and love into one kiss, and I was so completely ready to make him a permanent fixture in my life that I perhaps forgot one important detail, a detail that only tomorrow could sharpen into focus.

            Because for now, it was just us, and for now, I had no idea what the light of a burning sun would cast upon us in less than twenty four hours.



I'm tryna wait patiently for this damn livestream to start BUT ITS NOT WORKING!

ALso..... Louis has been lookin real good in those checkered Vans and yea.... all of his shirts have been referencing weed lately.... :P WHAT A STUD


130 votes to an early update?

Next update: Monday May, 5th
