The Judgement Day

Matsutani Kei's Visual

Matsutani's Dream

Fire...raging red. Burning. 18 years old Matsutani Akira was in a burning house trying to find his little sister, Matsutani Kei. It was night time and both siblings were sleeping in their respective room until Matsutani Akira smells something burned.

Electrical short circuit is the cause of their current conditions.

"Kei! Where are you?!" Akira yelled, hoping his sister to answer it.

"Nii-san!" Spoke the crying voice.

"I'm coming, Kei!" Akira ran to her bedroom as he finally found her, a 16 year old girl with long white hair, crying. The ceiling above had caved in and electrical wires were all around, sparking Kei. She was far enough that they weren't hurting her, but she couldn't move.

As Akira began to pull away one of the electrical cables around Kei, a window on his left exploded, which caused the window particles flying towards his direction. Akira was strucked by the particles and also by the electrical cables.

"AAAAAAAH!" Akira screamed in excruiating pain as the electrons coursed through his veins.

"NII-SAN!" Kei screamed as she watched her own brother die.

Matsutani's Apartment

"Gah!" I gasped and rose from where I was laying down. I was panting heavily and then I looking around. I was in my apartment room.

"Nightmare?" Yubel materialized beside me.

"More like a bitter memory." I sighed as I preparing myself for the opening day of Maiami Championship and meeting that arranged by the leader himself. So far, my plan is worked as it should. Now I just need to beat Sora in the Maiami Championship and planted a seed of doubt in his mind.

"And what you'll do after that?" Of course brought him to Reiji and Siscon to interrogate him, and also convince him to join our side. "You really prepared everything, huh? As expected from cunning boy."

I didn't comment at her remarks as I make omurice for breakfast. After breakfast, I leave my room and go straight to Maiami Central Stadium.

30 Minutes Later - Maiami Central Stadium

The stadium is very crowded. I know Maiami Championship is a serious, most anticipated event in this world, but geez, to think these people pay for watching a card game tournament...

"-about I crush you right here and prove to everyone what a pushover you really are?!"

Ah, there they are. And it seems that Yuya's childhood bully had already making a move. Huh, I guess I really take my time to come here.

Alright, let's give an example why bullying is bad for your health. When the bully approach Yuya with that menacing attitude, I grabbed his neck and pushed him away from Yuya.


"Yo, everyone." I greeted them back while still choking the bastard. "We can talk later. First, let me dispose this trash to the place where he truly belongs."

"Who do you call-ack!" He can't finished his words as I tightened my grip.

"I know how to snap someone's neck in less than 3 seconds." That sentence turned him pale. With sweet, sickening smile, I says, "If you still want to draw breath, don't harassed Yuya ever again. Do I make myself clear?"

"Ye-ack! Yes!"

"Good. Now scram." I release my grip and he run as fast as he can. One problem is done, and now is for another problem, the You Show crew. "That was just a bluff. The important part is Yuya is free from bullying."

"It looks like you're really gonna do it, though." Sora commented.

"Bluff must look believable. If not, then who's gonna believe that?" I smiled. Before anyone can comments, the voice from the audio inform rang through our ears.

"All participants of Maiami Championship, please enter the stadium and line with your respective schools."

"Anyway, that's our cue."

We enteted the stadium and damn, it was crowded. The quantity of people that watched these tournament is almost equivalent as quantity of people that watched football.

Nico Smiley announced the official opening of Maiami Championship as the team walked one by one. However, I can see Yuya, Yuzu and Sora was surprise when they saw a certain Siscon in LDS team.

"Why is he with LDS?" Yuzu wondered. "Doesn't he hunt LDS's students and teachers before?"

"Beats me. Maybe that's the reason why he attacked LDS in the first place." Everyone didn't need to know the real reason yet. "He want a free pass ticket to enter the championship."

"That's actually make sense." Yuya nodded. "I'm still shocked when he beat Hokuto, Yaiba and Masumi in front of my eyes."

"The day I met him is the strangest day of my life." Believe me Yuzu, that day is not even close compared the whole shenanigans in the future. "Also, I want the explanation of what do you mean of 'that', Matsutani-san."

I know what she means. It was about the 'heart ripped apart' speak that I spoke to emo boy when siscon almost going rampage. But really Yuzu? You need to spoke that in front of the kids?

Thank god when everyone about to ask about 'that', it was You Show's turn to come out.

"The school that focused on entertainment duel, please welcome You Show Duel School!" The announcer yelled enthusiasly. "Meet the creator of Pendulum Summoning: Sakaki Yuya!"

The crowds cheers as the said man can only sheppishly waving his hand to the crowds.

"Have fun, Yuya!" "You Show Duel School! Fight! Fight! Fight!" The voice of Sakaki Yoko and Shuzo could be heared.

"And meet the exceptional duelist from Tokyo who goes unbeaten since his arrival at Maiami City, The Chaos King - Matsutani Akira!" I know I'm using Chaos Deck too, but seriously Reiji? Chaos King?

"You literally has chaos magic, too. So Chaos King is suit you perfectly." Right.

"Matsutani-san!" Matsushita-san? I know you'll be watching, but what's up with that poster? "Good luck!"

"Looks like Matsutani had already got his first fan, and a cute girl nonetheless." Sora looked at me with a smirk. "Are you plan to see each other more often?"

"Dude, she's my coworker. I meet her everyday." I deadpanned. "If you implying that we are dating, no we're not."

"Uhuh, keep telling yourself that." Good thing I held my urge to beat your ass until tomorrow, Sora.

After several introduction and cheers, we wait to hear the oath of fair play. I hope you prepare yourself, Yuya.

"The oath of fair play will be perform by...Matsutani Akira!" If jaw could detached from the skull, I'm pretty sure mine would already dropped.

Reiji, what the fuck is this?! Isn't Yuya is the one who do this whole speech?! Why me?!

"How unlucky you are, Matsutani-san." Yuya patted me on the shoulder. "You can do it. Don't worry, no one will laugh at you."

I was supposed to say that to you! And Yubel, stop laughing! It's not funny!

"I'm not sorry, cunning boy."

I sighed, walking to the podium and grabbed the mic from Nico Smiley. Alright, let's do this shit.

"First of all, I feel honoured to be chosen for saying the oath." I'm not. "All participants here are training hard to earn their spots in the championship. Some people may treat this championship as their stepping stone for their carrer, some may want to promote their respective duel schools, or they just want to make their love one proud. That's why, fear that all we do is not enough to earn the victory is understandable. Even so-"

I take a deep breath and smile, "Even so, that's normal. Dueling is just like a gamble that nobody can win. In the end, everyone ends up losing. But because there is an end, everyone shines in it. Now it is our time to shine! Those who fear the bitter taste of the defeat, will never taste the sweet taste of victory. And with that, ladies and gentlement."

I made a bow.

"Let the championship begins."

The applause and cheers from the audiences is simply deafening. I stepped down from the podium, only to be swarmed by You Show crew.

"That was awesome speech!"

"Yeah! So inspiring!"

"Matsutani nii-chan is so cool!"

I just smile at these overexcited kids. It seems what Squidward said was true. Speeches is the third biggest trigger of stress, after colleges and marriages.

"Now then, we will pronounce our first matches! All participants, please put your registration card to your duel disk!"

I inserted the card and let the algorithm do the work. The end result was-yep, Shiunin Sora.

"I'm facing Sawatari." Yuya said. "My match is tomorrow."

"I'm facing against...Masumi?!" Yuzu seemed greatly surprised. "My own match is this afternoon."

"Yuya! Everyone!" The big guy approached us.

"Gongenzaka!" Yuya waved at his best friend. "Who is your opponent and when is your match?"

Gongenzaka silently turned his Duel Disk towards us, allowing everyone to see the picture of-

"Oh, that trash." I commented.

"This must surely be fate..." Gongenzaka commented with an expression filled with fighting spirit.

"Mine's right after this!" Futoshi said with evident excitement.

"Mine's right after Futoshi's." Ayu said.

"As for me, I'm tomorrow." Tatsuya said.

"Alright!" Yuya said. "In that case, we'll cheer for Futoshi, Ayu and Yuzu today. Speaking of that, what about you, Matsutani-san, Sora?"

"Actually, it's kinda funny. Because I'll facing Sora tomorrow." I stated.

"What?!" You Show crew plus Gongenzaka exclaimed in total shocked.

"True." Sora showed his duel disk. "I was quite surprise at this, too."

"Why they put duelists on the same school against each other?" Yuya wondered.

"Maybe because this is individual tournament that even we are on same school, we will compete against each other at some point. I just didn't expect mine would be this early." And stop staring at me, Siscon. I know you are the culprit.

"Hiiragi Yuzu." The familiar voice of Masumi was suddenly rang through our ears. "It appears you're my first opponent."

"Masumi, tell me!" Yuzu addressed her with a distraught expression. "Why is Kurosaki Shun listed as an LDS member?"

"Huh?" Masumi looked confused. "What are you talking about? He's been a part of us from the start."

"From the start, you say...?" With my 10/10 acting, I narrowed my eyes at that 'strange' statement. "You were clearly hostile to him before, accusing him of being the culprit of the attacks towards LDS's staff. Why would you do that if he was a member of your group from the start?"

"I...accused him of attacking LDS?" Masumi had an incredulous look on her face. "That's impossible. I think you must be mistaken about something, Matsutani Akira. In any case, we will next meet in our Duel, Hiiragi Yuzu. I'll be looking forward to see how much you've improved since the last time we fought."

And with that, the trio of Masumi, Hokuto and Yaiba took their leave.

"Well, that was...odd to say the least." Gongenzaka commented.

"Yeah." Yuya agreed with a nod. "However, let's leave this issue aside for now. We have to accompany Futoshi to his match and cheer him on!"

Following after the rest of You Show, I arrived at the arena where the Junior-class matches were held. Shortly afterwards, Futoshi began his Duel against a kid named Shimizu Takeshi of Smile Duel School. He won using his ace Monster, Sketch Beast - Tyranno, much to everyone's joy.

After everyone congratulated Futoshi, it was Ayu's turn to Duel next, with her opponent being none other than Akaba Reira. Like in Canon, Reira beat Ayu quite easily.

In any case, the real highlight of the day proved to be Yuzu's revenge match against Masumi. Although Masumi was successful in cornering Yuzu with her Gem-Knight Fusion Monsters at first, Yuzu counterattacked by using Masumi's own Crystal Rose against her in order to bring out her new ace Monster, Bloom Diva, to grasped the victory. Following her victory, Yuzu was approached by Masumi, who gave her Crystal Rose as a sign of acknowledgement and friendship.

After that, everybody split up, promising to meet again at the Stadium tomorrow. At the entrance of the stadium, Nakajima already waiting for me. I wordlessly followed him.

Stadium Control Room

As I arrived at the Control Room, I met Reiji with Siscon and Reira beside him.

"I'll go straight to the point. You were the one who arranged my duel against Sora. What for?"

"It's quite simple." Reiji said in calm manner. "I gave you a chance to prove yourself that you are not siding with Academia."

"Figures. I bet bird brain over there is the one who gave you that idea?" I looked at Siscon, who looked at me back.

"Sorry if I had my doubts. It commonly happens when you're getting betrayed over and over again."

"A-huh. If dueling him will make you coorperate, I'll do it. Not like I have a choice, anyway." I shrugged as I turned at Reiji. "So, are you gonna tell me about your plan?"

"Yes. First, I'll tell you the true purpose of this tournament." Reiji stated. "Maiami Championship has a purpose to selected a strong duelists to fight against Academia's main army: Obelisk Force. My calculations  they'll arrived here in the fourth day of tournament, which is during top 16. That's why in the top 16, I would change the rules of the tournament into Battle Royale."

"You know that 16 people wouldn't be enough to handle hundred, or maybe thousand army of duelist, right?"

"I'm aware of that. That's why I prepared a back-up duelists for that." Reiji stated. "One of them being Kurosaki's partner, Yuto."

"Cool." Let bunch of teenagers handle an invasion. Truly yugioh moment. "Thanks for informing me. I'll bid my farewell from here. Good evening, gentlemen."

After those parting words, I leaving the Control Room and go straight to my apartment. I've decided to explain my 'theory' about the girls connection with that pedo's plan after I beat Sora.

("Are you sure we can trust him?" Shun asked.

"You can see his duel against Shiunin Sora tomorrow to make your judgement. As for myself, I trust him." Reiji replied).

The Next Day

Today, it goes Yuya and Gongenzaka's matches. Gongenzaka obliterates the trash using Warlord Susanowo and Ninja Sarutobi. Gongenzaka's red sash is safe thanks to Yubel.

"Thanks to your 'demon that possessed the red sash' plan, cunning boy." Yeah, yeah. Glad you enjoyed it though.

And there's Yuya against Sawatari. This duel goes back and forth but everyone can see Yuya dominating this duel. As the finale, Yuya beating Sawatari using the Synchro Monster: Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon and Fusion Monster: Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.

What a way to lock all Yosenju Monster effects during Battle Phase.

"After an amazing battle between Sakaki Yuya and Sawatari Shingo, we will move to the third match between Matsutani Akira against Shiunin Sora!" Nico announced.

I walked to the field while waving at the crowds.

"Go Matsutani-san, Sora!" Yuya cheered on.

"Do your best!" Yuzu added.

"Give it your all!" Gongenzaka shouted.

"Good luck, Matsutani-san!" Matsushita-san cheered.

"I'll satisfy the crowd as Yuya did!" Sora turned to me. "And make sure you satisfy that cute girl, Matsutani!"

"Whatever, Sora." Instead of worrying that, you better be ready because you're gonna be toasted by me.

"For this duel, we will use this Action Field: Neo City Heartland!" Our surrounding turned into landscape of Heartland City. What's the point, Reiji? Kicking Siscon's PTSD about his home being wrecked once again?

"I'd be more excited if we were in a town of candies though...but the audience likes it, so it's fine, right?" Sora asked me.

"Yep." I inserted my new lswarm deck into my duel disk and activating it. Sora also do the same with his Fluffal/Frightfur deck and our duel finally began.


Sora: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 4000 LP x5

"I'll go first!" Sora declared. "I Summon Fluffal Bear!"

Fluffal Bear (ATK 1200/DEF 800/Fairy/Earth/Effect/LV 3)

"So cute!" Chill, audience! You'll never expect what his 'real' deck is.

"And I have something even cuter!" Sora waved at audience. "If I have "Fluffal" monster on my field, I can Special Summon Fluffal Sheep from my hand!"

Fluffal Sheep (ATK 400/DEF 800/Fairy/Earth/Effect/LV 2)

"I set a card facedown and end my turn." Sora concluded.

Sora: 4000 LP x2
Matsutani: 4000 LP x5

"I draw for turn." I draw my cards. "If my opponent control more monsters than I do, I can Special Summon Evilswarm Mandragora from my hand."

Evilswarm Mandragora (ATK 1550/DEF 1450/Plant/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"If I Normal or Special Summoned "lswarm" monster, I can Special Summon this card along with one "lswarm" monster from my hand. Appear, Evilswarm Orochi and Evilswarm Azzathoth!" A corrupted Dragunity Dux and Worm Zero descended into my field.

Evilswarm Orochi (ATK 1550/DEF 1050/Winged-Beast/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

Evilswarm Azzathoth (ATK 750/DEF 1950/Reptile/Dark/Flip/Effect/LV 4)

"Next, I'll Summon Evilswarm Ketos in attack position."

Evilswarm Ketos (ATK 1750/DEF 1050/Aqua/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"Matsutani Akira just summon four monsters on his first turn!" Nico yelled enthusiasly. "It would seem that Matsutani Akira is growing stronger than before!"

"First, I'll overlay my Level 4 Evilswarm Mandragora and Evilswarm Orochi. With these two monsters, I'll construct the overlay network!" As both Mandragora and Orochi entered the galaxy portal, I chants, "Justice that born in the hive of evil! Descended from the star and slay the evilness! Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 4! Evilswarm Exciton Knight!"

Evilswarm Exciton Knight (ATK 1900/DEF 0/Fiend/Light/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

"And I'll overlay my Level 4 Evilswarm Azzathoth with Ketos. With these two monsters, I'll construct the overlay network! The great general of underworld demons! Resonating with these lingering souls and become my absolute servant! Blessed our allies with your power! Xyz Summon! Manifest, Rank 4! Evilswarm Thanatos!"

Evilswarm Thanatos (ATK 2350/DEF 1350/Fiend/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

"There is it! Two Xyz monsters that gave Matsutani Akira a slight advantage!"

"You know Matsutani, you should using your Chaos deck instead of using your Xyz deck." Sora smiled, a hint of maliciousness could be seen on that smile. "Xyz user can't win against me."

"I think using Xyz is enough for duelist like you, Sora." I grinned when saw he growled like a dog. "I activate Pot of Greed in order to draw two cards, then I chained by activating Evilswarm Exciton Knight's effect and I'll chained by activating Evilswarm Thanatos' effect."

"What is this?! Double chain combo?!" Nico yelled in interest.

"With Thanatos, by detach one overlay unit, Thanatos will unaffected by monster effects until the end of this turn. With Exciton Knight, I can detach one overlay unit to destroy all cards on the field except itself."

Evilswarm Thanatos (OVU 2 - 1)

Evilswarm Exciton Knight (OVU 2 - 1)

Since I activate Thanatos as a chain two, unaffected by monster effects will apply first so Exciton Knight's effect couldn't destroyed it, and while Pot of Greed is destroyed, the effect of drawing two is still resolve since destruction didn't negate the effect of a spell cards. Except for a few Continuous Spells, but you get my point.

The conclusion is: I managed nuke Sora's Field without harming my field.

"Astonishing! I've never seen double chain strategy like this! Truly magnificent!"

"So what?!" Sora's pride started to crack. "It's not that impressive!"

"What's up with Sora?" Yuya wondered. "He's not acting like usual."

"Maybe Sora has a problem with Matsutani-san?" Gongenzaka theorized.

"Maybe." Yuzu replied, looking worried.

"The audience beg to differ, unfortunately. Now battle! Exciton Knight, attack Sora directly!" I commanded my monsters as Exciton Knight charges at him.

Sora 'tch'ed as he jumped into one of the building and grab an Action Card, "Action Magic: Great Escape! Your battle phase immediately ends!"

Idiot. He taking the bait.

"I set two cards and that goes my turn." Defense Draw and new Infestation cards I made.

Sora: 4000 LP x2
Matsutani: 4000 LP x1

"My turn! Draw!" Sora declared. "Well, I guess that I should go all out, since you are doing the same. I activate Pot of Greed in order to draw two cards. Then I'll Summon Fluffal Owl!"

Fluffal Owl (ATK 1000/DEF 1000/Fairy/Earth/Effect/LV 2)

"When Normal or Special Summoned, Fluffal Owl's effect let me add "Polymerization" from my Deck into my hand!" Sora add Polymerization with sadistic smile. "Now I'll activate Fluffal Owl's second effect! By pay 500 Life Points, I can Fusion Summon "Frightfur" monster using its material from my field or hand! I'll fuse it with Edge Imp Saw!"

Sora: 4000 LP -> 3500 LP

As both monsters sucked into Fusion vortex, Sora chanted.

"Steel blades possessed by demons! Become one with the fanged beast, and show us a new form and power! Fusion Summon! Show yourself! King of the hundred beasts that tears everything to pieces! Frightfur Leo!"

Frightfur Leo (ATK 2400/DEF 2000/Fiend/Dark/Fusion/Effect/LV 7)

"Shiunin Sora responded by perform a Fusion Summoning!" Nico announced.

"I activate Frightfur Leo's effect!" With sadistic smile, Sora declared. "I can target and destroy a monster my opponent controls and that opponent would take damage equal to its original Attack Points! I'll destroy that annoying Exciton Knight!"

While Exciton Knight is about to be sliced and diced by Frightfur Leo, I activate my new Infestation card.

"Quick-Play Magic: Infestation Epidemic. This turn, all "lswarm" monsters I control is unaffected by monster effects." And just like that, Exciton Knight block the wheelsaw.

"Damn it! Then how about this?! I activate Polymerization in order to fuse Fluffal Cat and Edge Imp Chain! Chain of demon! Demonic fur! Become one on this mystical whirlpool and show them your new form! Fusion Summon! Show yourself, Level 9! A beast that spread terror on the seven seas - Frightfur Cruel Whale!"

Frightfur Cruel Whale (ATK 2600/DEF 2400/Fiend/Water/Fusion/Effect/LV 9)

"When Edge Imp Chain is send to the graveyard, I can add one "Frightfur" Spell/Trap from my Deck. I add Frightfur Fusion." Sora declared. "Frightfur Whale's effect activates! By send "Frightfur" Fusion monster from my Extra Deck, Cruel Whale will gain that monster's half Attack Points until the end of this turn! I'll send Frightfur Bear!"

Frightfur Cruel Whale (ATK 2600 - 3700)

"Tough guy, huh?" Sora try to taunt me. "Let's see if you still look like that after this. Battle! Cruel Whale, attack Exciton Knight!"

"Trap card: Defense Draw. Battle damage I took from this battle turn to 0." Invisible barrier protected me from the attack. Same couldn't be said to Exciton and those poor building. "After that, I draw a card."

"Damn it! Action Magic: High Dive! Frightfur Leo gains more 1000 Attack Points and it'll attack Thanatos!" Thanatos get sliced and diced by Frightfur Leo.

Frightfur Leo (ATK 2400 - 3400)

Matsutani: 4000 LP -> 2950 LP

"I end my turn." Sora concluded as he looked at me with his sickening smile. "Like I said, Xyz user cannot win against me."

Frightfur Leo (ATK 3400 - 2400)

Frightfur Cruel Whale (ATK 3700 - 2600)

Sora: 3500 LP x1
Matsutani: 2950 LP x2

"I draw for turn." Kerykeion? Heh, someone would yelled at me for this. But I won't summon it now. Need to pop that pride first before humbling him. "I set a monster and I set a card. I'm ending my turn here."

Sora: 3500 LP x1
Matsutani: 2950 LP x1

"Ow! It seems Matsutani Akira didn't have many choice of move for this turn!" Nico announced.

Meanwhile, Sora was laughing.

"Hahahaha! Really Matsutani? You should try harder if you want to beat me, you know?" Sora said in mocking manner.

"Against a mediocre duelist like you? I pass." I retorted back, causing the little imp to growled like a dog.

"You are going to regret that, you Xyz scum!" Just a little bit more. "Draw! I activate Frightfur Fusion! I can Fusion Summon a "Frightfur" Fusion monster by banishing its material from my graveyard! I'll fuse Fluffal Owl and Edge Imp Sabres!"

Sora chantes with a such a twisted face that even I don't know it was possible (Marik type of twisted face), "Demonic claws, sharp fangs! Become one in the mystic vortex and show us a new form and power! Fusion summon! Show yourself! Mystical jungle beast that rips everything to shreds! Frightfur Tiger!"

Frightfur Tiger (ATK 1900/DEF 1200/Fiend/Dark/Fusion/Effect/LV 6)

"Frightfur Tiger's effect activates!" Sora declared with a sinister smile. "When Fusion Summoned, I can destroy cards on the field up to the number of fusion materials used for its Summon! I'll destroy your set card and set monster!"

My two cards were destroyed, but it's okay.

"Frightfur Tiger's effect make all "Frightfur" monster I control gains 300 Attack Points for each "Fluffal" and "Frightfur" monster I control! Since I control three, then my monsters will get another 900 Attack Points!"

Frightfur Leo (ATK 2400 - 3300)

Frightfur Cruel Whale (ATK 2600 - 3500)

Frightfur Tiger (ATK 1900 - 2800)

"Battle!" Sora declared. "Frightfur Tiger, attack him directly! This is the end!"

"Nuh-uh." I pointed at my graveyard. "I activate the set card that you just destroyed. It's called Infestation Incursion! When I am about to get direct attack, I can banish it in order to Special Summon "lswarm" monsters as much as I want from my graveyard in defense position, but its effect are negated and it'll be destroyed during End Phase. Come forth, my monsters!"

Evilswarm Thanatos (ATK 2350/DEF 1350/Fiend/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

Evilswarm Exciton Knight (ATK 1900/DEF 0/Fiend/Light/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

Evilswarm Orochi (ATK 1550/DEF 1050/Winged-Beast/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"Grr! Destroy them, my monsters!" Sora yelled as his Frightfur brutally annihilates my monsters and also the building that surrounded us.

"Umm...even if it's only a Solid Vision, the way he destroy those monsters and the surrounding is a little-"

"Sadistic, psychopatic and destructive." I pointed at Sora. "He can't help himself. Being doctrine with fucked up propaganda at the place called 'school' really break him mentally. Right, Academia spy?"

"Propaganda? Academia spy?" Yuya repeated in confusion.

"I finally found someone that I could hunt..." Sora looked at me with twisted smile. "Unfortunately, it was you."

How nostalgic.

"He shows his true nature. It seems your plan is successful, Cunning boy." Yubel commented.

"Took you long enough to throw that cutesy mask of yours." I crossed my arms. "Commiting genocide, hurting civiliants and destroying the whole city. Care to tell me what good can possibly arise by doing such a thing?"

"G-Genocide?!" Yuzu stuttered in shock.

"Hahahahaha!" Sora laugh maniacally. "Do you really think I care about those weaklings?! They are just a prey for us to hunt! Nothing more! Nothing less!"

At the Control Room, Kurosaki clenched his fist, "That pathetic little..."

"All of this just a game. You, alongside Xyz scums that hides here, are just prey for our hunting games!" Sora said with a twisted grin. "I set a card end my turn here! Draw your last pathetic card so I can end you quickly!"

Sora: 3500 LP x0
Matsutani: 2950 LP x1

"Don't you get too carried away? Do you really belief that you are the hunter and I am the prey? How cute. You see, all this time...since I started my turn..."

I smiled at him.

"I was just messing with you."

"What...?" I smirked when saw his expression. It's priceless.

"First, when I attacked you with Exciton Knight, it was a bluff move. Exciton Knight's effect prevent me to deal damage to you when I used its effect. Which means, you waste your Action Card for nothing."

Sora's eyes widened as he clenched his fist.

"Second, during my first turn, I could just Summon Evilswarm Ophion instead of Thanatos to prevent you to Summoning your Fusion monsters, but I don't do that."


"Oh, and lastly-" I showed him my Kerykeion. "-I can use Kerykeion in my previous turn to Summon my Xyz monster that can steal your Fusion monster, but again, I don't do that."

"You..." Seems I really hurt his pride. "You really are pissing me off! You will pay for underestimating me, Xyz scum!"

"Still don't get it yet? Here, let me explain it for you. I manufractured this whole situation to come down into your advantage." Sora looked taken aback. "If I really wanted to win early, I would have summoned Evilswarm Ophion in my first turn. I make sure to make it looked like it was going to your advantages."

"You're saying you let me run like an idiot while you watched?!" Sora asked aggresively.

"Bingo. I made you think that you are in the advantage and I had slim chance of winning, when in reality..." I let out a smile that make Sora and the audiences shivering. "...I made you dance in the palm of my hand."

(Illustration of Matsutani Akira's smile to Sora).

At the Control Room, Reiji was astonished while Kurosaki was baffled.

"Draw! I think it's time to excecuting you. I activate Spell: Card of Demise. I can draw five cards but during my End Phase, I need to send all cards on my hand to the graveyard."

I remake the Card of Demise effect so instead of drawing until I had five cards, I can draw five cards instead.

"Bear witness to my new cards! With the scale 1 Steelswarm Caller and scale 7 Steelswarm Gatekeeper I set the Pendulum Scale!" This is the changed I made for my Deck: Change the Steelswarms into Pendulum monsters.

Steelswarm Caller (ATK 1700/DEF 0/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 1)

Steelswarm Gatekeeper (ATK 1500/DEF 1900/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 7)

"What is this?! Matsutani Akira unexpectedly perform a Pendulum Summon!" Nico yelled as everyone cheers. On the other hand, You Show gang were shocked at this.

"Matsutani nii-chan has Pendulum monsters?!" The kids exclaimed in total shock.

"I, the man Gongenzaka, didn't see that coming at all..." Gongenzaka was speechless.

"Can it be?" Yuya wondered. "That Matsutani-san get it from Akaba Reiji?"

"That's actually make sense." Yuzu nodded. "Akaba Reiji owe Matsutani-san one wish, after all."

"No way!" Sora exclaimed.

"Yes way. With this I can Special Summon "lswarm" monsters with level between 2 and 6 at the same time! The blackest night falls from the skies as the light dies! The darkness grows, and the deaths shall rise! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters!"

Three lights burst out from the portal.

"Appear, Evilswarm Kerykeion! Evilswarm Heliotrope! Evilswarm Stollwurm!" A corrupted version of Constellar Rasalhauge, Gem-Knight Emerald and XX-Saber Rarigura descended into my field.

Evilswarm Kerykeion (ATK 1600/DEF 1550/Spellcaster/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

Evilswarm Heliotrope (ATK 1950/DEF 650/Rock/Dark/Normal/LV 4)

Evilswarm Stollwurm (ATK 1250/DEF 250/Beast-Warrior/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"Y-You copycat!" I heard the LDS trio yelled. "You monster! What did you do to my monsters?!"

"Duh. Possessed their corpses, idiot. Y'all never read Blackest Night comic or something?" Ignored their yellings, I started my combo. "Steelswarm Caller's pendulum effect activates! Once per turn, when I Normal or Special Summon "lswarm" monsters, I can Special Summon "lswarm" monster from my graveyard in defense position. Revive, Evilswarm Azzathoth!"

Evilswarm Azzathoth (ATK 750/DEF 1950/Reptile/Dark/Flip/Effect/LV 4)

"I overlay my Level 4 Evilswarm Heliotrope and Evilswarm Azzathoth. With these monsters, I'll construct the overlay network!" As my monsters turned into the galaxy portal, I chanted. "O' the great dragon of immortal winter! Resonating with these lingering souls, and become my absolute servant! Eradicate our assemble foe! Xyz Summon! Descend, Rank 4! Evilswarm Bahamut!"

Evilswarm Bahamut (ATK 2350/DEF 1350/Dragon/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

"This is it! Matsutani Akira's Xyz monsters!"

"I activate Kerykeion's effect. I can banish one "lswarm" monster in my Graveyard to add one "lswarm" monster in my Graveyard back into my hand. I add back Evilswarm Ketos." I declared. "And I'll overlay my Level 4 Evilswarm Stollwurm with Kerykeion. With these two monsters, I'll construct the overlay network! The mighty guardian of the ancient tree! Resonating with these lingering souls, and become my absolute servant! Charge forward and eradicate everything! Xyz Summon! Come forth, Rank 4! Evilswarm Nemea!"

A corrupted version of Naturia Beast descended into my field.

Evilswarm Nemea (ATK 2250/DEF 1750/Beast/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

"If Evilswarm Nemea is Xyz Summoned, it can destroy all Spell/Trap card on my opponent's field." Sora's last backrow is destroyed. "I activate Evilswarm Bahamut's effect. By detach one overlay unit and discard one "lswarm" monster, I can target and take control one monster you control, and I'll take your Frightfur Leo."

"What?!" Sora saw Bahamut throw parasite as it possessed Frightfur Leo, turning it against him.

Evilswarm Bahamut (OVU 2 - 1)

Frightfur Tiger (ATK 2800 - 2500)

Frightfur Cruel Whale (ATK 3500 - 3200)

"And now I'll activate Frightfur Leo's effect. I can destroy one face-up monster you control, and then you'll take damage equal to its original Attack Points. I'll destroy your Frightfur Cruel Whale!"

"I activate Action Magic: Tough Armor, with this, Cruel Whale-" Sora try to explain but I cut him off.

"-will still be destroyed. I activate Evilswarm Nemea's effect. When Spell card is activate, I can detach one overlay unit and send two cards from my deck into graveyard to negate that activation and destroy it. As such, Frightfur Leo's effect still continue."

Evilswarm Nemea (OVU 2 - 1)

"AHHHH!" Sora screamed in pain as the shockwave from Frightfur Cruel Whale's destruction send him flying.

Sora: 3500 LP -> 900 LP

Frightfur Tiger (ATK 2500 - 2200)

"Sora!" The You Show crew yelled for their friend's safety.

"Oh, you are not unconscious yet." I looked at Sora who slowly get up. "Then, let me ask you a question."

"What is that?!" He snapped.

"If your leader give you an order to hurt Yuya and Yuzu, would you do it despite everything they've done to you?" Sora was taken aback by this.

"What's he doing?" In the Control Room, Kurosaki narrowed his eyes.

"He testing Shiunin Sora's loyalty to Academia." Reiji straightened his glasses.

"My life's only purpose is to accomplish Professor's and Academia's goals..." Sora half shouted. "If he give me that mission, I WILL fulfill it into the end no matter what the cost!"

"Is he really..." "Sora..." Yuya and Yuzu's sad voice could be heared by me.

" are such a big liar, you know that?" I ate my crispy plum and looked at Sora. "No matter what you do, you can't hurt them. Not because I prevent you to do that, but you simply CAN'T hurt them because they treated you as their own family. Must suck to life as orphan and then going to school that forbid you to having fun, yeah?"

"How do you even-" Sora began saying but I cut him off again.

"As such, let me give you a warning. One day, your leader will give you an order to hurt both Yuya and Yuzu, and when that time happened, you will lose the only person who treated you like a family. Think now, is that really what you want?" Seed of doubt has been planted. "Battle. Frightfur Leo, attack Frightfur Tiger. And then Evilswarm Bahamut, finish this!"

As Frightfur Leo destroyed Frightfur Tiger, Evilswarm Bahamut dealing a finishing blow at Sora, causing him to send flying to the nearby building.

Sora: 900 LP -> 700 LP -> 0 LP

Winner: Matsutani Akira

"T-The winner is Matsutani Akira!" Nico announced but crowd didn't cheer. That's good, at least they still had a heart to realize this is a plain brutal.

"Good job." I heard Reiji's voice from my Duel Disk. "Come into my office to discuss about your addition to the Lancers. As for Shiunin Sora, we will interrogate him after he woke up."

"About that, I had another plan. I'll tell you when I go to your office." After I said that, I heard Sora's voice calling out of me.

"W-wait..." I looked at him, who are greatly injured. "It isn't over yet..."

"You are right." I approached him and chopped his neck, causing him to go unconscious. "Now it's over."

I then carrying Sora and then leave the arena. The yells of You Show crew could be heared but I couldn't careless.

After all, I'll make sure he joined us first before he can face Yuya and the others again.

To Be Continued.

Custom Cards:

Evilswarm Orochi (ATK 1550/DEF 1050/Winged-Beast/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

Monster Effect:
If you Normal/Special Summoned "lswarm" Monsters, you can Special Summon this card from your hand along with one "lswarm" Monster from your hand. You can only activate this effect of "Evilswarm Orochi" Once per Turn.

Steelswarm Caller (ATK 1700/DEF 0/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 1)

Pendulum Effect:
You cannot Pendulum Summon monsters, except "lswarm" Monsters (This effect cannot be negated). Once per Turn (Quick Effect): If you Normal/Special Summon "lswarm" Monsters, you can Special Summon one "lswarm" Monster from your Graveyard.

Monster Effect:
When a "lswarm" monster is Tribute Summoned or Xyz Summoned by using this card as Material: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "lswarm" monster from your Deck.

Steelswarm Gatekeeper (ATK 1500/DEF 1900/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 7)

Pendulum Effect:
You cannot Pendulum Summon monsters, except "lswarm" Monsters (This effect cannot be negated). If your opponent declares an direct attack: You can destroy this card, and if you do, end the Battle Phase.

Monster Effect:
If a "lswarm" monster is Tribute Summoned face-up while this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon or Set 1 monster in addition to your Normal Summon or Set that turn.

Evilswarm Stollwurm (ATK 1250/DEF 250/Beast-Warrior/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

Monster Effect:
Once per Turn: You can Special Summon one "lswarm" Monster from your GY in defense position, but its effect are negated. An "lswarm" Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as material gains this effect.
• Cannot be targeted by card effects.

Evilswarm Nemea (ATK 2250/DEF 1750/Beast/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

Monster effect:
2+ Level 4 DARK Monsters
If this card is Xyz Summoned, destroy all Spell/Trap your opponent control. When a Spell Card is activated (Quick Effect): You can detach one material from this card, send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy it. 

Infestation Epidemic (Quick-Play Spell)

Card effect:
All face-up "lswarm" monsters you currently control are unaffected by other Monster effects this turn.

Card of Demise (Spell Card)

Card effect:
Draw five cards. During the End Phase after this card's activation, send all cards on your Hand into your GY.

Infestation Incursion (Trap Card)

Card effect:
You can only activates the 1st and 2nd effects of "Infestation Incursion" Once per Turn.
• When "lswarm" Monster you control declares an attack: You can negate the attack, and if you do, destroy all monsters on your opponent's field. Your opponent takes no further damage this turn.
• If your opponent declares an direct attack: You can banish this card, and if you do, Special Summon "lswarm" monsters as much as possible in defense position, but their effects are negated, also destroy them during End Phase.
