A Small Lie

"Akaba Reiji, are you affiliated with Academia?" Akaba Reiji's eyes narrowed after he heard that statement come out from my mouth.

"And who give you that idea to ask me that question?" His voice might be polite, but his face didn't match with his tone of voice.

"A duelist named Kurosaki Shun attacked me when I'm on my way here. He accused me for affiliated with Academia. Though I emerge as the winner, he give me quite a few bruises." I replied calmly. "His ally named Yuto, who attacked Sawatari Shingo and me three days ago, told me everything about Academia, its leader and Four Dimensions. Thus, I'll ask you once again: Are you affiliated with Academia?"

"What are you gonna do if I affiliated with Academia?" He asked once again.

"Then I'll stop you right here and now. However-" I pointed at him. "-I can safely assumed that you don't affiliated with them."

"Oh? And may I ask why you come to that conclusion?"

"If you really affiliated with them, you didn't have to faked your father's 'death' as you and him will spread propaganda about whatever your goal is to gain more soldiers. Tell me if I'm wrong."

With a small smile, he nodded, "That's true. Very well, since you know this much, it's pointless to hide it from you anymore. The leader of Academia, Akaba Leo, was planned to destroy the four dimensions for unknown purposes."

"So, he left his wife and son and make them run such a big company for achieving his fucked up dream?" I asked.

Throw your new life and family away for an old world and daughter that doesn't exist anymore is a definition of ungrateful. This is the main reason why I hated him.

"Yes. And you can see, I'm success in that endeavor." Reiji stated.

"I appreciated you for that, Akaba Reiji. So, are you had a plan to stop your father?"

"I'll tell you after I convinced the Xyz natives who goes on rampage in this city to join me." Reiji straightened his glasses. "For now, let's go into our business. Please follow me."

I followed Reiji as he guide me to some kind of room that had metallic doors in it. When he opened it, I saw a high-tech lab with giant computers at the other end of the room.

"This is my private lab. A place where I makes my own cards." Damn, to think this lab has purpose for making cards, this is what makes a yugioh is yugioh. "I'll guide you here, as well as I'm curious at the cards you planned to make."

"Sure." I opened the note app on my D-Pad and click 'Project Rain of Cards' content. "I'm looking forward for your guidance, Akaba Reiji."

And with that last sentences, we began to do the first step to make official cards. This project of mine surely would strengthen the trio, and Sora.

Tomorrow - Matsutani's Apartment

Yuya and I are currently at my apartment. At first, I planned to train him in Harbour, but I overheard Yuzu and Sora gonna train at that place. Thus, I used plan B: my apartment.

"First of all, I need to look at your Deck." Yuya was a little hesistant but he obliged. I looked at his Deck and in instant, I sighed. "Yuya, with all due respect, what the fuck is this? Your deck is an abomination that already happened."

Lack of searchers and starters, many bricky cards, and most of his Pendulum cards had a same scales. This answer my question of why the heck Yuya bricked at his match against Mieru.

"What's wrong with my deck?" Yuya asked, genuinely confused. "It works just fine."

"Everything. Lack of searchers, many unecessary cards, and spell/trap that doesn't compatible with your deck. Believe me, someday you'll doomed if you keep this." I took out the cards that I prepared for Yuya. "Good thing we can fix that before it's too late."

If human eyes could bulged out from their sockets, I'm pretty sure Yuya's eyes would've already been on the floor.

"Matsutani-san...where did you get this?"

"I made them myself." I replied. "Don't worry, you don't need to pay for it. Let's say it was a gift from me. Now chop chop, we had a Deck to rebuild."

And just like that, we started to rebuild Yuya's deck. For Main Deck, I change the brick Performapal cards into the more efficient Performapal cards. Also adding more Odd-Eyes variants and several Pendulum Magician cards.

Anyway, Performapal Kuribohble is a must.

For Extra Deck, Trio Odd-Eyes (Vortex, Meteorburst and Absolute), Trio blabla-Eyes (Rune, Beast and Brave), Metal Claw, Gattlinghoul and Timestar Magician is a must. There's also some addition.

Moving on to Spell/Trap cards, I added more searcher and Pendulum Spells. For traps, I added several battle traps and Pendulum traps.

"Now we are done with your Deck, we will move to dueling practice. We won't using duel disk since it could probably lower your winrate even more."

"Okay...I'm ready." Yuya smiled.

15 Minutes Later

"Geez, I lost again. Two times in a row rightnow." Yuya smiled, which didn't reach his eyes, by the way. "You hide many powerful monsters, Matsutani-san."

"Not a fan of revealing all my tricks since my opponent could learn how to counter it." I looked at him. "Speaking of hiding though, you had no right to talk since you also hiding something."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Your smile." I ate my crispy plum. "Is fake, isn't it?"

"No, it's-ouch."

"Don't lie to me." I flicked his forehead. "I can see your smile didn't reach your eyes. Maybe that's why you wears a goggles so anyone can't tell your real feelings. You may looked smiling, but inside...you didn't smile at all."

His mouth trembles. Okay, time to theraphy session two.

"Yuya, are you feel like smiling rightnow?" I asked.

"...no." His voice was small, almost unheard, even.

"Then don't." I patted his head. "Smile if you want to smile. Cry if you want to cry. Don't hide your feeling behind those smiles. Let them flow, let them show."

If this is Oshi No Ko, Yuya definitely has those star eyes.

"But...I'm a entertainer." Yuya mumbled. "Entertainment Duelist...I need to keep smiling...for the audience."

"That's not good for your mental health. I've seen someone do that and he turned psycho on the other day. Do you want to become like that?"

"But my father-"

"You are not Sakaki Yusho." I cut him off. "You are Sakaki Yuya, a pioneer of Pendulum Summoning. You had no obligation become like him, so choose your own path."

I paused to let my works sinked into his head.

"Yuya, I say this because I care. I'm harsh because I know you can be better and I want to make sure of that. Don't be someone you don't want to be, someone who makes you uncomfortable. You had a right to decide how you want to life. If someone doesn't like it, then they can fuck off. You can't please everyone, after all. Do you understand?"

"...yes." He nodded.

"Good. I know you had a lot of things you must think, so I'll ended our training today." I put back my deck into the holster. "Let me give you two more advices. First, if you can't trust anyone to listen to you, you can talk to your monsters. Last, stop relying on Action Cards."

Thus, session two of theraphy ends.

Three Days Later

After three days of training, Yuya had showed some great progression. Even though he was a bit strunggling during his duel against the quiz boy, he still managed to win that duel. He has no problem when facing the cooking boy or Mieru, the fortune teller girl who obsessive with him.

And to note, he won all his duels with only use one or two Action Cards per duel. Baby step, but still it is very impressive.

I need to hold back my smirks when I overheard the Fortune Tellers there saw Yubel through their magical balls and the said monster throw a middle fingers at them.

During my shift, I received a message from Sora, telling me to come at the docks after my shift, right next to the warehouse where I met the emo boy. I reply with 'K. See ya on 5 PM'. After finishing my shift, I say goodbye to Matsushita-san as I am on my way to the docks.

I arrived at the meeting point, where I've met Yuzu and Sora there.

"Hi, Matsutani."

"Sup." I waved back at them. "So, why did you need me here?"

"I wondered if you could help Yuzu with something." Sora was the one who answer my question. "You see...Yuzu here-"

"Asks you to teach her Fusion Summoning and you want me to test her progress. Is that right?" Again, this pattern is famous in fanfics.

Yuzu and Sora widened their eyes in surprise. Yuzu then asks, "Y-Yeah. How do you know?"

"A simple deduction." I nonchalantly answered. "You were with Sora, a Fusion user, and you just lose to Kotsu Masumi, also a Fusion user. No wonder you curious to learn that said method."

"Yes...that's true." Yuzu lowered her head. "When I lost to Masumi, I couldn't help but feel useless at that time. Yuya won against Hokuto, Gongenzaka draw against Yaiba, and you even won against a Pro Duelist like Akaba Reiji! I don't want to burden you all ever again. I want to fight alongside you as your equals."

"It's good that you try to improved." I smiled. "Sure, I'll duel you. Don't expect me to go easy on you, kay?"

"I hope that wasn't the case, either." Yuzu smiled back.

After activating our duel disks and Sora moved to the side, we shouted at the same time.


Yuzu: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 4000 LP x5

"You can go first." I offered.

"Well, thank you." Yuzu smiled. "I Summon Opera the Melodious Diva!"

Opera the Melodious Diva (ATK 2300/DEF 1000/Fairy/Light/Effect/LV 4)

"Opera cannot attack the turn it was Normal Summoned. Since it was my first turn, it doesn't matter at all. I end my turn with this."

2300 Attack Points as a wall? Not bad.

Yuzu: 4000 LP x4
Matsutani: 4000 LP x5

"A Level 4 monster with 2300 Attack Points on the first turn. Has a attack restriction but she took advantage of it since it's still her first turn. Not bad." Sora commented.

"I draw for turn." I draw my cards. "I activate Spell Card: Chaos Space. I can discard one LIGHT or DARK monster in order to add one LIGHT or DARK monster that cannot be Normal Summoned/Set from my deck into my hand. I discard Chaos Witch in order to add Chaos Valkyria into my hand."

"Then by banishing DARK attribute Chaos Witch, I can Special Summon Chaos Valkyria from my hand."

Chaos Valkyria (ATK 1800/DEF 1050/Fairy/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"Mou, I thought you forgetting me, my lord." I actually almost forget you are in my deck so- "Meanie! Hmph!"

I held my urge to smirks, "Chaos Witch's effect activates in my banish zone. If Chaos Witch is banished, I can Special Summon two Light Beast Tokens into my field as Tuner monsters."

Two skeletons with white aura surrounding it emerges on my field.

Light Beast Token (ATK 500/DEF 1000/Fairy/Light/Tuner/Token/LV 2) x2

"I'll tune my Level 2 Light Beast Token with Level 4 Chaos Valkyria." As Light Beast Token turned into two green rings and Valkyria entered in, I chanted. "A mythical creature wandering in chaos realm! From the gate of chaos, descended and take reign into this land! Synchro Summon! Appear, Level 6! Chaos Beast!"

Chaos Beast (ATK 2000/DEF 1800/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 6)

"I'll tune my Level 2 Light Beast Token with Level 6 Chaos Beast. When light overlaps with dark, the gate of chaos will be opened to the door without order! Synchro Summon! Appear, Level 8! Chaos Archfiend!"

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 2500/DEF 1800/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 8)

"You really not holding back against her, huh?" Sora noted.

"If a card is banished this turn, Chaos Archfiend will gains 2000 Attack Points." I looked at her. "I hope you're ready. Battle, I attack Opera with Chaos Archfiend."

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 2500 - 4500)

Chaos Archfiend pierced Opera with its spear, destroying it.

Yuzu: 4000 LP -> 1800 LP

"I set a card and that goes my turn. Chaos Archfiend's effect will ended." A simple Counter Gate.

Yuzu: 1800 LP x4
Matsutani: 4000 LP x3

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 4500 - 2500)

"Geez...this is what I feared." Yuzu mumbles. "My turn! Draw! Alright, since you are kind enough to show me your Synchro Summon, let me return the favour. I activate Spell Card: Polymerization!"

Oh, already? "Let's see how well Sora taught you."

"With pleasure! With this, I can fuse Sonata the Melodious Diva and Aria the Melodious Diva together!" Sonata and Aria began to swirl in a multi-colored vortex as Yuzu began to chant. "Resonant voice! Flowing melody! With the guidance of the baton, gather your power! Fusion Summon! Now, come to the stage, Level 6! Schuberta the Melodious Maestra!"

Schuberta the Melodious Maestra (ATK 2400/DEF 2000/Fairy/Light/Fusion/LV 6)!"

"I did it..." Yuzu said with a wide smile. "I actually performed a Fusion Summon successfully!"

"Good going, Yuzu." Sora remarked with a smile of his own. "Of course, it's a given you would succeed since yours truly was the one teaching you all this time."

"Congratulations, Yuzu." I complimented with a smile. "You done well."

"Thank you. However, we're just getting started here, Matsutani-san! Schuberta's effect activates! Once per turn, I can target all cards that were used for a Fusion Summon, banish them and have this card gain 200 attack for each banished card until the End Phase! I will banish Canon, Sonata and Polymerization from my Graveyard to increase my Monster's attack by 600!"

Schuberta the Melodious Maestra (ATK 2400 - 3000)

"When a card is banished, Chaos Archfiend will gains 2000 Attack Points."

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 2500 - 4500)

I had a feeling she had Honest or Score.

"That's not a problem for me!" Yep, she definitely had  one of those. "I activate Equip Spell, Baton of Hope! I can equip it to "Melodious" Monster I Control and that Monster gains 800 ATK also can attack all your Monsters, one each! I equip it to Schuberta!" Schuberta now holding two Batons.

Schuberta the Melodious Maestra (ATK 3000 - 3800)

"Now Battle! Schuberta will attack your Chaos Archfiend!" Yuzu said with confident expression. "On my hand, I activate Score the Melodious Diva's effect! When "Melodious" monster I control battles, I can discard this card in order to change that monster's Attack and Defense points into 0 until the end of this turn!"

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 4500 - 0)


Matsutani: 4000 LP -> 200 LP

"When Chaos Archfiend leaves the field because of my opponent's card, I can Special Summon one "Chaos" Synchro Monster from my Extra Deck, except itself." A gate of chaos emerged as I chanted. "Heaven! Fate! The natural chaos! Descended from chaos realm and here bring things to damnation! Descend here and hear our pray! Seraphim of Chaos - Chaos Angel!"

Chaos Angel (ATK 3500/DEF 2800/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 10)

"What?! It had such effect all this time?!" Yuzu was shocked.

"Why don't you use such effect during your duel against Akaba Reiji?!" Sora asked.

"Well, I already Summon Chaos Angel. Beside, my remaining Chaos monster won't help in that situation." I could actually use its effect to Summon Chaos Goddess as a wall, but again what's the point when you have Defense Draw? "When Chaos Angel is Special Summoned, it can banish one card on the field. In this case, bye bye Schuberta."

Schuberta got yoinked into Chaos Realm.

"Geez, so close." Yuzu pouted. "I end my turn."

Yuzu: 1800 LP x0
Matsutani: 200 LP x3

"I draw for turn." I draw my cards. "Battle. Chaos Angel, direct attack."

Yuzu merely got hit by a shockwave from Chaos Angel.

Yuzu: 1800 LP -> 0 LP

Winner: Matsutani Akira

As the holograms disappeared, I extended my hand to help Yuzu up.

"I can say you are good enough. Don't you think so, Sora?"

"Of course." Sora responded with a proud expression as he crossed his arms behind his head. "All that remains is more practice and you'll wipe the floor with that Masumi girl during the Championship. Actually, now that I think about it, you definetly have to; otherwise, that'll make me look bad as well."

"I'll try to respond to your expectations, Sora." Yuzu said, although her expression changed into a slight pout. "However, even with my new strength, I still lose to Matsutani-san."

"Eh, don't sweat it, Yuzu. Matsutani-san is a person who can beat Akaba Reiji, after all. You pushed him into this far is proved that you are doing good." Sora remarked. "Anyway, I will go get something to eat. Do you want something?"

"A bag of crispy plum."

"I am good."

"Kay. See you soon, guys." After that, Sora leave us to buy a food.

He definitely buy more candies. That sweet-tooth little devil, he'll get diabetes during his 30s.

"Matsutani-san. Can I ask you something?" Yuzu asked me out of the blue.

"Hit me with it." I simply replied.

"How did you meet your mentor?" Her question actually surprise me. "When you said that you learned about dueling from him, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he/she is. But if you don't want to answer, it's fine-"

"It's fine. It doesn't bother me at all." I cut her off. "First of all, my mentor is not a duelist, he's a gambler."

"Gambler?!" Yuzu gasped. "You learn how to duel...from a gambler?!"

"To be fair, Duel Monsters is a game that not only based on skill, but luck as well. Of course gamblers would be master at it." I shrugged. "How I meet him...let's say he was almost forget his winning price until I come and tell him. He was grateful as he returning a favor by helped me to get money for my sister's surgery. And the rest is history."

"Wow...aside of his bad habits, your mentor is such a good person." Yuzu wondered.

"Yeah, he is." I chuckled. Oh how wrong can you be, Yuzu...

The Lie Eater is not a bad person. However, he is not a good person, either.

"How about your sister?" Yuzu asked again.

"Her name is Matsutani Kei. 16 years old, kind and smart type of girl. She also inherited my colourful mouth. Definitely a girl you don't want to messed with." I explained with a small smile. "Sadly, she was dead because of her disease."

"I'm sorry, Matsutani-san..." She looked at the floor in shame.

"It's okay, you didn't know." I'm sorry for my small lie, Yuzu. In order to kill your curiousity of meeting my-different universe-little sister, I need to do this.

"Did I miss something?" The voice coming behind Yuzu and me, revealing Sora who just arrived after some shopping. He then handed me a bag full of crispy plums. "Also, here's your crispy plum."

"Thanks." I ate one of it. A blessing from the heaven. "Let me guess, you buy more sweets?"

"Yep." Sora unwrapped the lollipop and ate it. "I can't live with it."

Before I mentioned Sora would get diabetes at the age of 30s, a wild Kotsu Masumi appeared behind the container. She seemed searching for her Fusion teacher who she admire so much.

"Kotsu Masumi?" Yuzu addressed her by her name.

"Do you know what has been happening in Maiami City recently?" Masumi asked us. "Several incidents of duelists disappearing because of some mysterious duelist. All of them had connection with LDS but the higher-ups aren't giving any information to us. The only thing we know is the duelist using Xyz Summoning."

Yuzu widened her eyes while Sora narrowing his eyes. I already know who is that so-called mysyerious duelist so I just wear the famous stone face.

"That's the only information I could find." She clenched her fist. Sheesh, she's gonna target me, isn't it? "I learned that Professor Marco was missing and...you!"

"Me?" I knew it.

"I know it was you! Sawatari said that you've meet that mysterious duelist! You must knew where he went! You must tell me now!"

Fuck you, Sawatari.

"As much as I want to help you, I can't. He can be anywhere. Why do you think I knew his location?" But of course, she wasn't buying it.

"Don't lie to me! Professor Marco might be in danger right at the moment we speak! If you don't want to talk..." She activated her duel disk. "...then I'll force the answer out of you!"

"Girl, do you even listening to yourself?" I stared at her. "I just beat your boss, in front of your eyes, and yet you still want to duel me?"

This is why people, don't ever make a decision when you're clouded in anger or confusion.

"I don't care!" She insisted. "I'll show you that LDS is the strongest!"

"You're LDS?" And there he is, the siscon bird guy jumped out to Masumi while pushing Yuzu away, make her drop her cards as it scattered around the floor. "If you're LDS, then your opponent will be mine!"

"Shun, stop this!" Emo boy is also here as he grabbed Siscon's hand and restrain him before he do something stupid. "I've already told you this isn't our battlefield! This people doesn't know anything!"

"Everywhere I go is a battlefield, Yuto! In order to get Ruri back, I must do this! If you dare stand in my way then I'll go through on you as well!" Siscon yelled as he dramatically removed his scarf and glasses.

"Still attacking random civiliants, I see." The moment I spoke that, emo boy and siscon noticed my existence.


"Yep, it's me. The man behind the slaughter." I waved at him.

"Can someone tell me what the hell happened here?!" Yuzu finally had enough and decide to spoke, and siscon finally noticed her.

"Ruri...is that you...?" It's just plain sad when you can't even tell a difference between your sister and not your sister. Can't really blame him since he probably just focused on her face, not anything else.

However, before siscon goes rampage, Yuto punched him in the guts. It was super effective!

"She's not Ruri, Shun..." Yuto carried him in the shoulder.

"I just found the culprit!" Masumi finally snapped out from her shock as she call reinforcement. "Send Hokuto and Yaiba immediately!"

"I'm sorry for Shun's stubborness again." Yuto apologized as he picked you-know-what card. "This card doesn't suit you."

"What do you mean?" Yuzu asked in confusion.

"You can't understand how much malevolence in this card."

"I don't like it when someone trashtalk my favorite card." Sora Fusion fetish kicking again. "How about I show you the true power of this card?"

I smacked him right in the head to stop that. "It's better to keep your mouth shut, Sora. If you try to taunts him again, I won't hesitate to smacked twice."

"That's right! Cut it out!" Yuzu added as she got between Sora and Yuto.

Yuto turned to me. "You don't understand...how it feels like to watched people you care about got taken away from you and you can't do anything to save them."

"Sure." I stared at him. "But are you know how it feels when you see people you care about got his heart ripped apart from him and you cannot do anything to prevent it?"

Yuto widened his eyes as Yuzu, Sora and Masumi immediately turned their attentions towards me. Their faces is all shocked and disbelief.

"Don't boast about your pain as if it's something to be proud of, emo boy." I ate my crispy plum. "You don't know the struggles someone has faced. Who knows, maybe they are experiencing a pain even greater than yours."

After I said that, Yuya, Yaiba and Hokuto's voice could be heared. At the same time, Yuzu's bracelet shone brightly, which send the emo boy and siscon away from here.

"He disappeared again..." Yuzu got the early state of panic attack. "I don't understand any of this! Why that Yuto guy has same face as Yuya?! Why my bracelet shines when Yuya was arrived?! And why that guy keep saying that I'm Ruri?!"

Poor her. She just want to be a normal girl and this universe just say nuh uh.

"Why they are scattered like that?" Yuya wondered as he pick up Yuzu's card and give it to her.

"I suggest we should go before they interogatted us." Sora pointed at LDS's vehicles.

"You had a point." We ran from the docks until we were out of sight.

The Next Day

"So, what did I miss?"

Long story short, I've just arrived at Gongenzaka Dojo to watch Yuya's duel against Gongenzaka. Matsushita-san and I was quite busy at handling a sudden crowded cafe. That's why I was late to come here.

"Nothing much." Sora replied. "Just Gongenzaka's declaration of beating Yuya in this duel."

"I see. Glad I'm not that late." I took my seat at the audience chair. "Let's see how it goes."

Yuya and Gongenzaka yelled at the same time.


Yuya: 4000 LP x5
Gongenzaka: 4000 LP x5

"I take the first turn!" Gongenzaka declared. "I Summon Superheavy Samurai Flutist!"

Superheavy Samurai Flutist (ATK 500/DEF 1000/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 3)

"Kageboshi's effect activates! I can tribute Kageboshi to Special Summon "Superheavy Samurai" Monster from my hand! I Summon Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei in defense position!"

Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei (ATK 1000/DEF 3500/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 8)

"I end my turn. Now face me with your full power, Yuya!"

Yuya: 4000 LP x5
Gongenzaka: 4000 LP x3

"I was planned to do that in the first place, Gongenzaka!" Yuya declared. "My turn! Draw! With the scale 6 Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus and scale 8 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon I set the pendulum scale!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus (ATK 1200/DEF 1600/Beast-Warrior/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 6)

Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon (ATK 2700/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Normal/LV 7/PS 8)

Ho, Level 7 only? You gonna pull out full Odd-Eyes, eh? Let's see how it goes.

"With this, I can Special Summon any Level 7 monsters at the same time! Swing, pendulum of my soul! Draw an arclight across the aether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters!" Two lights burst forth from the portal.

"The wondrous dragon with dichromatic eyes, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Ancient dichromatic eyes that masters the arcane magic, Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon!"

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 7/PS 4)

Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon (ATK 2500/DEF 2500/Dragon/Dark/Effect/LV 7)

"Now Gongenzaka, you'll see the Odd-Eyes evolution!" Yuya declared with a smile on his face. "I can tribute this monster by using one Level 5 or higher monster on my field. I'll tribute Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon in order to Tribute Summon this! The dichromatic eyes dragon with majestic wings, Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!" Odd-Eyes unexpectedly spread his wings.

He finally proved his dragon identity.

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (ATK 3000/DEF 2500/Dragon/Dark/Effect/LV 8)

"Whoa! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon has wings?!" Sora exclaimed.

"No kidding. I never knew that." Yuzu added.

"Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon's effect activates! When tribute summoned, I can destroy one monster on the field and inflict damage to my opponent equals to its original Attack Points!" Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon effect is not targeting effect. That's why Flutist cannot respond it.

"I activate Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit's effect! By discarding it from my hand, my Big Benkei lose 800 Defense Points but can't be destroyed by battle or card effects!"

Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei (DEF 3500 - 2700)

"Why thank you, Gongenzaka. You've just helped me." Yuya beamed. "Battle! Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon, attack Big Benkei! Anyway, Performapal Minitaurus' Pendulum effect give all "Odd-Eyes" and "Peformapal" monster an ability to do piercing damage! So, you will take damage, Gongenzaka!"

"What?! Ugh!"

Gongenzaka: 4000 LP -> 3700 LP

"In Main Phase 2, I activate Quick-Play Magic: Wavering Eyes. I can destroy my Minitaurus in order to giving more 500 damage."

Gongenzaka: 3700 LP -> 3200 LP

"Then, Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon's Pendulum effect will activates! If "Odd-Eyes" cards I control is destroyed, I can Special Summon one "Odd-Eyes" monster from my hand, Deck or Graveyard! The mysterious dragon with dichromatic eyes, Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon!"

He summoned it in defense position.

Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon (ATK 1200/DEF 2400/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 5/PS 1)

"I end my turn with this." Yuya concluded.

Yuya: 4000 LP x0
Gongenzaka: 3200 LP x2

"You indeed have become stronger than before, Yuya." Gongenzaka noted. "However, don't you get ahead of yourself! Because I haven't show you the brand new of Steadfast Dueling! My turn! Draw! Bear witness to this! When I had no spell/trap in my graveyard, I can Special Summon Tuner Monster, Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter!"

Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter (ATK 300/DEF 600/Machine/Earth/Tuner/Effect/LV 2)


"I tune my level 2 Trumpeter with Big Benkei! Raging deity! In unison with the soul of a thousand blades! Come forth in spiralling wave! Synchro Summon! Come before us! Level 10! Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo!"

Superheavy Samurai Warlord Susanowo (ATK 2400/DEF 3800/Machine/Earth/Synchro/LV 10)

Yes, I know Gongenzaka did learn Synchro from Yaiba, but isn't his dad should be shouting? Hmm...probably because I mixed Galaxy Master and Cultivating Future strategy.

Good to know his dad approving a little earlier than Canon.

"I'm not done yet! Now I'll Summon Superheavy Samurai Scales!"

Superheavy Samurai Scales (ATK 800/DEF 1800/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 4)

"When Normal or Special Summon, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower "Superheavy Samurai" monster from my graveyard! Revive, Trumpeter!"

Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter (ATK 300/DEF 600/Machine/Earth/Tuner/Effect/LV 2)

"I tune my level 2 Trumpeter with Scales! Rise your war cry. Divine ogre! Show yourself. On this battlefield of raging ice and storm! Synchro Summon! Now depart for the front! Level 6! Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!"

Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji (ATK 500/DEF 2500/Machine/Earth/Synchro/Effect/LV 6)

"When Shutendoji is Synchro Summoned and I don't have spell/trap in my graveyard, I can destroy all spell/trap cards my opponent controls!"

"I activate Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon's effect! Once per turn, I can target and negate one face-up monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck until the end of this turn!"

"That won't be happening, Yuya! I activate Superheavy Samurai Flutist's effect! When my "Superheavy Samurai" monster is targeted by card effects, I can negate that effect and destroy that card! As such, Shutendoji's effect will still apply!"

Gongenzaka using his Flutist's effect to protect Shutendoji? Nice. I thought he would waste it like usual.

"I'll equipping Shutendoji with Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall! With this, Shutendoji will gains 1200 Defense Points!"

Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji (DEF 2500 - 3700)

"Battle! Susanowo, attack Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon! And then Shutendoji, attack Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon!"

"Ugh!" Yuya grunted in pain.

Yuya: 4000 LP -> 3200 LP -> 2000 LP

"I'll activate Action Card: Damage Draw! If I take 2000 damage or more, I can draw two cards!" Yuya draw two more cards. "And then Wizard Dragon's effect activates! When Wizard Dragon is destroyed, I can Special Summon one "Odd-Eyes" monster from deck or graveyard and add Spell Card "Spiral Strike Burst" from my deck into my hand! Appear, Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver (ATK 2000/DEF 2600/Spellcaster/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 8/PS 4)

"In cost of taking damage, Yuya just got himself a +4." I couldn't help but impressed. Damn Yuya, it was worth it to teach you.

"I end my turn here." Gongenzaka proudly declared. "Do you see it, Yuya? This is the new form of Steadfast Dueling!"

Yuya: 2000 LP x3
Gongenzaka: 3200 LP x0

"Heheh, you are getting stronger, Gongenzaka." Yuya grinned. Oh boy, here we go. Our tomato will show the big man who's the protagonist. "But you are not the only one. My turn! Draw! I activate Spell: Spiral Strike Burst! If I control "Odd-Eyes" card, I can destroy one card on the field! I'll destroy your Shutendoji!"

One spell from Odd-Eyes Dissolver, Shutendoji is gone.

"Then with the scale 2 Performapal Odd-Eyes Buttler and scale 8 Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet I set the Pendulum scale!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Buttler (ATK 1000/DEF 2100/Spellcaster/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 5/PS 2)

Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet (ATK 100/DEF 200/Spellcaster/Light/Pendulum/Effect/LV 1/PS 8)

"With this I can Special Summon monsters with Level between 3 and 7 at the same time! Pendulum Summon! Come from extra deck, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon! Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon! And Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus!"

Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 7/PS 4)

Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon (ATK 2700/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Normal/LV 7/PS 8)

Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon (ATK 1200/DEF 2400/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 5/PS 1)

Performapal Odd-Eyes Minitaurus (ATK 1200/DEF 1600/Beast-Warrior/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 6)

"I activate Dissolver's effect! I can perform a Fusion Summon using this card and another material from hand, field or pendulum zone! I'll fuse it with Performapal Odd-Eyes Buttler!" As Dissolver and Buttler sucked into Fusion Vortex, Yuya chanted. "Sorcerer and buttler with dual colored eyes! Become one and revive as a new race! Fusion Summon! Come forth, Level 8! Performapal Gatlinghoul!"

Performapal Gatlinghoul (ATK 2900/DEF 900/Fiend/Dark/Fusion/Effect/LV 8)

"Fusion Summon? You are indeed evolving, Yuya." Gongenzaka shook his head.

"Oh, don't be surprised yet, Gongenzaka~" Yuya perform an imp grin. "This bad boy doesn't even show his effect yet~. When Gatlinghoul is Fusion Summoned, I can inflict 200 damage for each cards on the field! Let's see, you had one and I had five. That's six cards, meaning you take 1200 damage!"

Gatlinghoul cackled that can make every psychopatic crazy antagonist proud before raising his minigun and shooting bullets.

Gongenzaka: 3200 LP -> 2000 LP

"Oh, and also if Gatlinghoul is Fusion Summoned using Pendulum monster as material, I can destroy one monster you control and you take damage equal to its original Attack Points. Since Susanowo has 2400 Attack, that means good game, Gongenzaka."

Gatlinghoul aimed his gun at Susanowo, and the explosion ensues.

Gongenzaka: 2000 LP -> 0 LP

Winner: Sakaki Yuya

I clapped my hands. That was a good duel, but until now Yuya didn't show his capability in performing Synchro and Xyz Summon yet.

Welp, he probably want to show off during the tournament. Now then, let's approached the crowds that already swarms Yuya and Gongenzaka.

"Good match, you two." I praised them both. "You really caught us off guard with your improved skills. Oh, I almost forgot. Gongenzaka, catch."

Gongenzaka widened his eyes when he looked at the gift he receive from me: the cards I made for him.

"Matsutani-san...is this-"

"It's my 'thanks' gift from me. Even though you are not a part of You Show Duel School, you still stepped up at the front line to protect You Show." An excuse, but whatever. "I hope you like it."

"Matsutani-san...thank you so much!" Gongenzaka bowed at me. "I, the man Gongenzaka, will repay you one day!"

"Glad you like it. And here's also for you, Yuzu." I also give her the new cards.

"T-Thank you, Matsutani-san." Yuzu replied with a nervous smile on her face.

"Hey, what about me?" Sora asked as he activated the ultimate weapon: puppy eyes.

"My money isn't enough to buy you one. Sorry." You Show crew laugh while Sora pouted.

Sorry Sora, you are an enemy for now so your cards needs to wait. Hmm...I'm 90% sure that Reiji and siscon would make me facing against Sora at the tournament. A so-called proved that I'm not stand with Academia.

What a pain.

3rd Person POV - Leo Corporation

"It seems Sakaki Yuya has won his last qualification match for Maiami Championship, sir." Nakajima told Akaba Reiji.

"Good. Now all duelists I've interested in are joined the Maiami Championship." Reiji noted.

"There's another good news, sir. The incident regarding Kotsu Masumi, Shijima Hokuto and Todo Yaiba has been taken care of." Nakajima added.

"Have you erased their memories regarding Kurosaki Shun?" Reiji asked his assistant, who nodded. "Good work. Now the conditions for Kurosaki Shun's entry in the Maiami Championship are complete. Now, we can see what he's truly capable of."

He examined the list of participants until he stopped at a certain duelist with white hair and blue eyes.

"Same goes with him. I wonder how strong Matsutani Akira really is."

"May I ask something, sir?"

"What is it, Nakajima?"

"Are you sure about Kurosaki's request?"


"Entering this Maiami Championship?" Kurosaki Shun questioned Akaba Reiji, who was standing with several members of LDS. "This is what I must do before dueling you?"

"Indeed." Reiji straightened his glasses. "We will using this tournament to recruit strong duelists to fight Akaba Leo."

"You willing to fight your own father?" Shun narrowed his eyes at him, taken aback at his claim.

"I'm no longer claim that man as my father." Reiji answered coldly. "To put it simply, we share an common enemy. Also, in Maiami Championship, there's two participants that might be interest you. One is a spy from Academia, and the other one is a duelist with white hair and blue eyes."

"White hair and blue eyes..." Shun thought. "Does that duelist's name is Matsutani?"

"Yes, his name is Matsutani Akira." Reiji stated. "You fought him several days ago."

Shun clenched his fist, remembering the humiliation defeat from that said person.

"While we 100% sure that Shiunin Sora is a duelist from Fusion Dimension, Matsutani Akira is a duelist from Standard Dimension. Unlike other duelists, he had two decks on his arsenal. Xyz and Synchro deck."

"Xyz and Synchro, huh?" Shun narrowed his eyes.

"He is a skillful, yet cunning duelist who possesses exceptional analytical and deductive abilities that allows him to predict his opponent's moves. He is also has capability to manipulate his opponent into making moves that he can use to his advantage. Having a duelist like him would be a huge profit for the Lancers."

"If that Matsutani Akira is not an enemy, I requested a proposal for you."

"Oh?" Reiji raised his his eyebrow at Shun's unexpected request.

"Make him dueled that Academia spy. If he's truly innocent, he wouldn't mind dueling against him. If he can prove that he's not with Academia, I'm fine against any backstory he has."

"Very well." Reiji nodded. He's skeptical at first, but to make him fully coorperate, he approved that. "Matsutani Akira will face against Shiunin Sora in the Maiami Championship."

End of Flashback

"I'm sure, and I believe Matsutani Akira himself didn't mind about this at all." Reiji told his assistant.

"I understand." Nakajima then leave the room.

"Even though, after seeing severals actions he pulled during our assault towards You Show Duel School and our momentary partnership, I couldn't help but wonder."  Reiji thought. "What kind of world has he been living in?"

To Be Continued
