Duelist or Gambler? Why Not Both?

I am forever grateful that I'm not stuck with Kurosaki or Yuya's group. If anything, I like to avoid that unstable emo bird or any shenanigans that troublemaker duo (Sawatari and Serena) made. Thank you very much.

Sora has been a spy for quite a time, so he can refrain himself. Chiaki-san is smart enough to know that we're at the world that we unfamiliar with so search for our friends could be dangerous.

Bless me for being stuck with them.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Yugo." I bowed. "We're appreciate it."

"Nah, it's fine. You guys did help me once, so at least this way I can pay back." Yugo grinned. "So, how many you guys are?"

"Hmm...ten others." Us three, Yuya, Yuzu, Gongenzaka, Sawatari, Kurosaki, Yuto, Serena, Tsukikage, Reiji and Reira. "Assuming we are split evenly, there's at least four groups."

If this route is anything like Cultivating Future, Yuto and Yuzu should be on one group, while Yuya's group is same as Canon, and Gongenzaka probably stuck with Kurosaki. Tsukikage however, I believe he's stuck with Reiji at those Council tower or something.

Either way, I hope Yuya could keep his sanity, and god knows I hope he doesn't do that ridiculous debate about smile and food. If that indeed happen, I'll tie him up on the tallest tower in here.

Upside down.

"Hey, Yugo-kun." Chiaki-san addressed the banana. "How bad jail in Synchro can be?"

"It was that bad." Yugo answered as he sitting down on the floor. "Basically, if Security find us commoners misbehaving, even it was just in their imaginations or made-up, we will be thrown there. Don't know how long, but usually people who released from there has brand on their faces."


"Some kind of special tattoo. It was stigma, for any Tops to call Commons as 'Criminal', and it cannot be erased. Once you got it, it will follows you forever."

"And here I thought Academia is fucked up." Sora huffed. "At least Academia didn't brand people like animal."

"Just...don't make a competition of which dimensions is worse. That's just so fucked up, man." I deadpanned.

"Either way, we need a way to gather us all together." Chiaki-san suggested. "Anyone know how?"

I have two options in my mind. First, I can ask Yubel or my monsters to search for them. Or second, waiting for Friendship Cup invitation. The most safe and effective strategy is the second one. Why? It was the event that would happened in the future. So, instead of we come to them, they're come to us instead.

"I think the orphanage director could help us. He has some connections with the higher-ups."

"What makes you think he would?" Sora asked, a bit doubtful that this 'Orphanage Director' willingly help us.

"Well, he often help a fellow commoners or strangers in need." Yugo smiled. "'Attempt of redemption', or at least that's what his step-father said."

"Right. So where's this Orphanage Director?"

"That's the problem. He's out and will not return until night. He's a busy man, mind you."

"How about you call him?" Chiaki-san suggested.

"The phone line is broken, unfortunately."

"Shit." She cursed out. "Since the owner is out until night, then whose in charge?"

"There are older kids who stayed around to take care of younger kids. They usually take care of us when boss is not here." Yugo answered.

"Can I meet them, Yugo-kun?" Chiaki-san asked as she patted her bag. "Judging by your condition, having us as temporary guests definitely will burden this orphanage. As such, I want to give them some necessities. We just can't stay without giving you anything, right guys?"

Indeed. Food and money is such a rarity in satellite. The one thing that stays the same in 5D's and Arc-V is that the society is highly competitive. When you win, you gain everything. When you lose, you lost everything. That way of thinking causing the economy imbalance to sky-rocketed.

Frozen veggies, canned food, instant noodles, as well as coffees from cafe instantly make Chiaki-san popular amongst childrens here. But the way I see it, these orphanage are still lacking food.

That's why I planned to do something for them as my appreciation.

"That's quite a lot of supply you got there." Sora whistled. "Did you forsee this happens?"

"I'm just prepared since we're about going to another dimension we unfamiliar with." Chiaki-san responded. "We are lucky to landed near Yugo-kun's orphanage. What if we landed on unknown wasteland?"

"That's a good point." I commented. "So, Yugo. Can you tell us more about this city? I found the citizens split into two social class a bit...concerning."

I asked this for the sake of Chiaki-san and Sora, who clueless about the situation.

"Well, I don't know exactly why...but things are always like this, Tops and Commons, as far as I remember. Tops controls everything. Wealth, resource, everything good. Commons, just leftover, and as if we are lucky." Yugo frowned. "Only tops that can live in the city and commons are not allowed, unless they're specifically given pass. Usually commons who work there, or if something big happens."

"Like?" Sora asked curiously.

"Friendship Cup." Yugo said excitedly, and so am I but for different reason. "Lucky duelist who get invitation to attend the event can enter the city during the duration of the tournament, and those who managed to get far, will given a fortune that can change their entire life and also an attempt to challenge the king."

"And who is this 'King'?" Chiaki-san prodded.

"Jack Atlas. The King of Riding Duel. The undefeated Champion of Riding Duel." If only Yusei is here, this place would turn into a better place. "He is...please don't tell this to anyone...he is my idol."

"Your idol, eh?" Sora whistled. "Why? Because he is undefeated or cool or something?"

"That was the part of the reason." Yugo said, rubbing back of his head. "The main reason is because Jack is originally a commoner who worked really hard to get into the top. So he was some kind of inspiration for me. However, the Commons, mostly the older one, consider him as a traitor."

"Traitor? I guess it's because Commons thinks he was sold himself to the Tops and he forget about his birthplace due to he never visiting this place again?"

"Maybe? I don't really know. The adults keeps saying he is a traitor." Yugo shrugged.

If only the Commons know what kind of shit that Jack needs to deal with. Despite his jerky attitude, I believe he has intention to make things fair to both Tops and Commons, but the Council and the Security Director's existence block his way to achieve that goals.

Welp, I guess I need to wait this 'Orphanage Director' to know more about Neo Domino City. If he truly had a connection to the higher-up (Possibly Council), he must be know what's inside Neo Domino City and its facilities.

After all, I'm curious about one thing.


Dinner was peaceful, thank god.

As a appreciation for Yugo's kindness, Chiaki-san and I helped the kids on the kitchen. We're making egg fried rice with SPAM as toping and hot tea.

Ha...a peaceful night in the middle of insanities, something that everyone needed in situation like this.

"I'm back." An adult male voice greeted us. I turned to see who it is. And-what the fuck? Among all the 5D's cast, Ultimaya gave me him?!

"Ah, boss!" Yugo exclaimed. "You're back!"

"The business concluded faster than I thought." He responded before looking at us. "So, who is this fellow?"

"Ah, this is Matsutani, Matsushita and Sora. They were separated from their groups, so they really need help finding the others. Or at least, know their locations." Yugo introduced us. "Guys, this is the Orphanage Director that I said before. He'll help you."

"Nice to meet you, kids. My name is Kyosuke Kiryu, the owner of Satisfaction Orphanage." Indeed, the man in front of me is the original owner of Void Ogre Dragon and Yusei's best friend: Kyosuke Kiryu. "You said that you are separated from your group, correct? How about you three go into my office and tell me the whole, true story?"

Chiaki-san and Sora flinched at the emphasis while I narrowed my eyes. I see. So he already know that we were not from here. Meaning, that 'business' he attends was meeting with the council and Reiji, which also confirms that he really had an connection with the council.

However, we had just arrived and Reiji already had an discussion with the council and Kiryu-san. He must be arrived faster than us. Time dilation, perhaps?

"Ultimaya's interference creating a time dilation to your arrival, which makes you six hours later than the appropriate time." And that's explain everything.

What makes me surprise is this variant of Kiryu doesn't have brand on his face unlike his 5Ds counterpart.


"I see..." Kiryu-san hummed in understanding after we tell him the story with our own input. "While I indeed have a connection with the council, searching a group of people in the middle of the night is quite difficult, so you need to wait until tomorrow as I'll contact the council I know to search for your friend. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes. Thank you for helping us, Kyosuke-san." I bowed, my friend follows. "We owe you one."

"Helping people in need is always been a pleasure to me, even though they're from another dimension." Kiryu said with a small smile. "Also, no need to be so formal. You can call me Kiryu. Anyway, it was already night, and you three need some proper rest. You can stay here until we know our next move. I believe we still had two rooms to spare."

"Ah, about that..." Yugo rubbed his head with troubled look. "That one room was already used by the new kid two days ago, so they're going to share room."

"Ah yes, I forgot about that." Kiryu sighed. "You three unfortunately will share room together. While letting boy and girl share the same room is too...scandalous, I trust you to not doing that here. Understood?"

Sora and I flinched at that emphasis. Can't blame him to feel suspicious at us. After all, teenagers had a tendency to do something stupid, and me is no exception.

Surprisingly, Chiaki-san stepped up to reassure him.

"Don't worry, Kiryu-san. I've spent quite time with both Akira-kun and Sora-kun, and I can assure you they hasn't done anything preverted towards girls whatsoever. I believe they wouldn't do anything towards me. Right guys?"

"Of course." "Absolutely."

Me and Sora responded at the same time.

"If you say so." Kiryu sighed as he turned to Yugo. "Yugo-kun, please guide them to their room. I'll take care the dishes."

"Yes, boss! Follow me, everyone!" We exited Kiryu's office and followed Yugo to our designated room.

I just realize how big this Satisfaction Orphanage is. We need to go through several building block to finally arrived at our room.

"Here's your room, guys! If you need anything, don't hesitate to call boss or me! Good night!" With that last parting word, he goes to his own room.

We opened the room, revealing a simple room with a king sized bed and a couch. No private bathroom-stupid me, water fee and land tax in satellite must be high as fuck. There's no way they can afford private bathroom.

"Could you two wait for a while? I need to change clothes." Chiaki-san asked, and we nodded. Satisfied, she gave us a smile. "Thank you. I promise I won't be long."

Chiaki-san entered the room first, leaving me and Sora outside.

"So you and Matsushita, huh?" Sora asked out of the blue, a smirk appeared on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"She literally called you by your first name, which only Yuya that had access to that." Sora said, "Surely something must happened between you two, right?"

"There's no such an event, Sora..." I remarked with a sigh. "We are not dating. We are just friends."

"Oh cut the crap! You two are acting more like a couple than a friend!" Sora snapped. "I bet you call her by her first name, too."

"And? I called you by your first name, too. Same goes to Yuya and Yuzu."

"So you're REALLY call her by your first name." Are you even listening to me?! "It's useless to deny it, Matsutani. Just tell me how'd you end up with her."

"You are ridiculous." Why he so insisted at I'm dating Chiaki-san?

Don't get me wrong. Chiaki-san is a beautiful girl. I can say she's more beautiful than all Ray's counterpart. Even if our feeling is mutual, dating probably bring more harm than good for both of us.

After all, my contingency plan will ensure the safety of the four dimensions and happiness for everyone, except for the Lancers.

"I'm done, guys! You can enter now." Chiaki-san announced from inside the room.

We entered the room, and saw Chiaki-san had already change her clothes into pajamas. I also saw the king sized bed had divided into two area by a "wall" that made by our bags and pillows.

"Are you guys need to change? I will waiting outside if you two wants to change." Chiaki-san offered.

"Nope." I removed my jacket and hang it at the hanger. "I'm good as it is."

"Same here." Sora also removed his jacket and hang it at the hanger. He then jumped into the couch. "I'll sleep here. After all, I don't want to interrupt your bonding session~"

I throw a pillow at his face.

The Next Day

The bird singing is the sign that it's a morning already. I rubbed my eyes and slowly get up from the bed. I look at the couch and notice that Sora is already gone. Chiaki-san is still here though, and by the look of her, I guess she had just change her pajamas into her proper clothes.

Which is a careless of her. What if I'm awake earlier and she still in the middle of change? While heaven's blessed me, hell's cursed her.

"Good morning, Akira-kun." Chiaki-san greeted and smile warmly at me. "Everyone has gathered at the dining room already. You coming?"

"Morning, Chiaki-san." I greeted with a smile on my own. "Yeah. Let me grab my vest first and we're good to go."

After grabbed my vest and wearing it, we goes straight to the dining room. When we entered there, we saw Yugo, Sora and Kiryu-san had already eating their foods.

"Ah, you two are finally awake!" Yugo exclaimed. "Come on sit and eat these teriyaki that boss made! They're so bomb!"

We obliged as we sit at our respective chairs. I tried the teriyaki that Kiryu-san made and Haou, this is delicious as fuck. Definitely one of the best teriyaki that I ever had.

I saw Sora eyeing at me and Chiaki-san with a knowing smirk. It's still too morning for the shits that Sora had in mind, so I shot him a glare that saying 'Shut up or else-', and he finally stop.

Aside of that, the breakfast time is running smoothly, and peacefully.


"Alright. After some brainstorming, I had a plan to help you all." Kiryu-san announced as me, Chiaki-san, Sora and Yugo were sitting at Kiryu-san's office couch. "The plan is simple. You will participate in the Friendship Cup. I've met your leader yesterday, and he has intention to let you, the Lancers, to prove your strength in that competition. That way, you can meet your friends in the competition instead of risking yourselves to be caught by Security. I'll inform the council to handed you four the invitation cards."

See? Just like I thought yesterday. Now, as for my another plan-

"Kiryu-san, may I ask something?" As he made a gesture of approval, I continue, "As a person who have a connection with the council, you must be knows the city's facilities and stuff. I'm curious if there's a gambling place like casino or something similar in the city."

Sora and Chiaki-san look at me with confused look. I just smile at them.

"Yes, I believe there's some gambling places in the city. Why do you ask?" Kiryu-san asked.

"Haha...perfect..." I unintentionally let out a smile of excitement. If I can't help them with necessities, I'll help them with money.

"What the hell is that smile?" I heard Yugo commented. "That's creepy as hell."

"Believe me, I've seen worse..." Sora muttered, slighty shivered. "And it still haunts me..."

"Uh...what are gonna do with that information, Akira-kun?" Chiaki-san asked me.

"Isn't it obvious? To gamble, of course." I smirked as I turned to Kiryu-san. "Kiryu-san, we owe you one for your kindness, so let us pay you back with some financial support."

"Helping our financial with gambling, huh?" Kiryu-san had a doubt look. "You do realize that all gambling games were rigged, right? And yet, you still confident that you can gain some profit?"

"I'm fully aware of that. However, to tell you the truth," I ate my umeboshi with a smirk. "I just love to gamble."

Timeskip - Neo Domino City

After convicing Kiryu-san to let me gamble, he agrees to brought us to the city, but with condition of we're not allowed to create any ruckus on the city. We also need to dress properly at the city in order to blend well with Tops' residents.

I wears an white suit with black shirt underneath, white tie, white pants and black boots. Sora wears the exact same clothes as me but the color is reverse. Black suit, white shirt, black tie, black pants and white shoes. Chiaki-san was already dressed properly so she don't need to change anything.

While Kiryu-san doing his business to registered us to the Friendship Cup, me, Chiaki-san and Sora goes directly to the casino named Caligula. Hm, San Andreas reference?


We entered the casino, and Chiaki-san and Sora were gaped in awe at the luxurious facilities and the comfort feeling inside the building. I, however, noted that there's so many type of gambling games they had. Slots, Pachinko, Blackjack, Poker, Roulette, Craps, and even the japan exclusive like Mahjong.

"This is my first time I entered the casino. I thought inside of it would smell horrible and uncomfortbale. I never thought it would be look fun and comforting." Chiaki-san commented.

"I barely know what casino is, but I can't deny the whole gig looked so fun." Sora added. "So this is the life you live before you moved to Maiami City, Matsutani."

"This is not your first time going to casino, Akira-kun?" Chiaki-san asked me when she heard Sora's words.

"I wouldn't suggested an idea to go to casino if I don't have an experience on it." I answered. "Since this is your first time, let me tell you the sacred rule when you going to casino. Do not be deceived by the comfort of casino. They used the same techniques as animal husbandry to make their cows and sheeps feel comfortable."

"What do you mean by that?" Sora asked in confusion.

"Dim lights, soft music, the maze of passages that lead you back to the pens, or in this case the slots." I explained as I look at the surrounding. "There's no clocks or windows so there's no passages of time, low-priced food and alcohol that poured-down by attractive young women, and they pumped oxygen into the place to make you stay awake. Also, you guys heard that?"

Chiaki-san and Sora paid an attention to the sound, which revealed to be some kind of someone had just hit the jackpot.

"It's a simple, but effective trick to deceive the newbies: a constant symphony of bells and sirens that make it seem someone's winning all the time." I ate my umeboshi. "Giving people a false hope of winning. How crafty is that..."

"Right, we get the gigs of this whole dark side of the gambling already. Now my question is how the hell you can gamble if you don't have money?" Sora asked the valid question here. How can I gamble if I don't have a money?

Well, he's right that I don't have money. But if Facility prison arc taught me something, is that rare, shiny cards has value more than money. Good thing that I already prepare for this.

"Don't worry. Just take a look." I smiled as we go to the cashier windows. I greeted the cashier with a smile. "Hi, my name is Matsutani."

"Hi Matsutani." The cashier greeted me back. "What do you have for me?"

"Nothing much." I let out my deck holster and put three rare, shiny cards that I made on the tray. "Could you please trade this with 500,000 yen chips?"

The cashier widened her eyes when seen shiny and rare cards. She nodded and give me the exact 500,000 yen chips to me. As I made my way to my friends, they had dumbfounded look on their faces.

"How?!" Chiaki-san and Sora demands an answer.

"Let's talk about it when we were arrived at home, alright?" I smiled as I made my way to the Blackjack section, with my friends following me. I analyze the table one on one, until I found the perfect table for me to play. It need a minimum 25,000 yen to participate.

I sat and greeted the dealer with a smile, "Hi, my name is Matsutani."

"Hey Matsutani." The dealer greeted me back as he began to shuffle the decks. "I wish you a good luck."

"Same to you."

And with that, my first gamble in this world started.

20 Rounds Later

In my current hand, I hold six of hearts, four of clovers and seven of diamonds. I'm currently on a streak, and the dealer clearly not happy with that.

"Hit me." I tap the table two times as the dealer draw one card, reveal it and turns out it was four of spades. "And that's the sweet sight of 12 games streak."

12 win streak, 5 draws and 3 losses.

"Well done, Matsutani." The dealer said, annoyed.

"Thank you." I take my now 1,9 million yen chips from the table. I give him 100,000 yen chips as my gratitude. At least he play the game fair and square. "Take that as my grstitude. Now if you excuse me, I'll move to another table. Have a pleasant day."

I left the table with a satisfied smile on my face, while Chiaki-san and Sora had a astonished look on their faces. We sat at the bar near Roulette session to take a rest for a bit. Sora ordered a drink (non-alcoholic) to a bartender and Chiaki-san let out her opinion on that game.

"That was quite the game you had there. I was worried when you lose three times in a row, but turns out I was worry for nothing."

"I agree." Sora chimed in after ordering. "That was impressive that you won almost two million yen in one match of gambling. You sure are professional."

"Good to know that all of my experience is paid off." I only smile at them. I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and excitement, but that Blackjack game was only an opening. The real game will start in the Roulette games.

(Roulette is a simple game where a player must guess where the spinning ball will land. A player may choose to be on color, number, odds, evens, or the remote number. If a player bets on an individual number, the payout is 35x the ante. The more the payout amounts to, the lower the probability of winning).

I look around each table to find the 'suitable' target for my plan, and that is the dealer that could precisely aim the ball to the number he seeks. That kind of dealer usually has the gentlest smile, but rotten on the inside. They usually captivating the players, giving them a sugar taste of victory, before slammed them with the shit called defeat.

In short, that kind of dealer is a liar.

And I love to eat the liars.

"This is my last bet! No more bets crossing my fingers!" I heard the voice of desperate man in the table three, I focusing my attention to that table.

"It's red 9. Better luck next time, sir." The dealer on that table said with a gentle smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Dang it all! Screw it! I feeling good for my next spin!"


I give Chiaki-san 1,2 million yen chips, which confused her. I told her that I need help on this gamble as she nodded.

"Let's go."

With that I go to the designation table of Roulette Game, with Chiaki-san following me behind with Sora.

Matsushita Chiaki's POV

It's unusual for Akira-kun to seek for help. I thought he only want me and Sora-kun to accompanying him, but it seems even the professional needs help, I suppose.

"Ugh! I'm so close!" The man on that table grumble, and Akira-kun tapped that man with smug smile.

"It's hurt to watch you play, guys. You can't win roulette like that! Your tactics are stupid!"

"Ugh! Shut up, brat!" The man retorted in annoyed tone.

"Oh?" The dealer raised his eyebrow at him. "So you've got some trick on your sleeve, boy?"

"Haha! You want to see it, gramps? Fine! I'll show you how to play!" Akira-kun said confidently as I began to bet 1,000 yen on every number on the table except Number 00, which confuse me and everyone else.

"What's he doing? He's just putting 1,000 yen chips on every number expect 00."

"I mean, yeah he'll win, but he'll lose 1,000 yen even if he win because the payout is only 35x time the wager." Another man commented.

"The roulette will begin." The dealer said, an gentle kind of smile plestered on his face. The ball start spinning on the roulette, until it landed at the certain number. It was red 10.

"Akira-kun won, but he used 37,000 yen worth of chips to win 36,000 yen. What's the point on doing that?" I couldn't help but wondered.

"It seemed we will know very soon." Sora-kun commented.

"Good." He nodded with a smug grin. "Now I'll put 36 chips down on every number except 00 and 10."

I may not know Roulette as much as he do, but even I can see this is a ridiculous concept. Akira-kun will take the wager off of the winning number for every round. Meaning he believes that there's no way the ball will land on the same number twice in a row.

A half-witted theory. There's always a chance that the ball will landed on the same number, and I'm sure dealer knows that. What is Akira-kun's thinking?

"The roulette will begin." The ball rolls, and landing on the black 26, which Akira-kun gain another 36,000 yen.

"Oh, I get it now..." Sora-kun muttered while rubbing his chin. "If he excludes 26 and places 35 chips, he'll start gaining profit. Matsutani's gonna start winning, slowly but surely..."

If that ball never landed on the same number, then yes.

"From here on...I'll raising the ante." Akira-kun smirked. "I'm going from 1,000 yen to 10,000 yen chips. I'm setting chips on 35 numbers, all excluding 00, 10 and 26!"

The roulette start again, and my eyes locked at it in anticipation. Please anything beside 00, 10, and 26!

The ball landed on red 30, and he gain 360,000 yen. The people cheered in amazement while I sighed in relief.

Thank god.

"You see, gramps?!" I told the man with a smug smirk. "Now if I take off the ante on 30 and place 34 bets, I'll get 10,000 yen! And so on and so on!"

"Ugh! Seriously, you are an annoying brat!" The man retored in annoyed tone.

"I'm not a brat!"

The roulette start again, and everyone's attention turned to it again. After a few seconds rolling, the thing that I feared happens.

The ball landed on red 10.

"HUH?!" Akira-kun yelled in shock, disbeliefing that his 'theory' fails him.

"No way! Matsutani's theory..." Sora-kun is on the same state as Akira-kun.

"Hehehe, there goes all your effort, boy!" The man on his right laughing. "You had just lost 340,000 yen!"

"Ugh...I still have chips to spare! I'll starting over again! I'll wage my last 37,000 chips on all numbers other than 10!" He desperately putting his chips on the table while bitting his thumb, "It wouldn't be happened third time. It's a safe bet. I'm sure it's a safe bet..."

I look at Akira-kun worriedly. I'm gonna tell him to-wait, isn't that-!

The Dealer's Thoughts

"Sucker that doesn't know when to give up. He still clings into his half-witted theory. In the four rounds he's been playing, 10 has come up twice. He doesn't think it's possible that a 10 would possibly come up for a third time." Still with his smug smile, he continues, "It's my job as a dealer to rob a sucker that foolishly belief in luck, along with their superstitious theories. I'll going to end him this round!"

"The spinning begins." He spins the roulette. "Goodbye, sucker!"

Matsushita Chiaki's POV

Akira-kun ate his umeboshi as he asks the dealer, "Say dealer, you don't think it'll land on 10 for the third time, right?"

"Of course not! The odds of the ball landing on the same number has to be very low." The dealer answered almost too sweet.

"That's true. Unless you can precisely aim the ball to the number you seek, right?" At the dealer's surprised expression, Akira-kun let out a smirk, "Do you really think that I believe in some dumb superstition? I've been looking out for a dealer who had wicked personality and can precisely aim the ball to the number they seek."

I suddenly remember the time before Akira-kun do this gamble match.


"When I start eating my umeboshi, put all the money on the number I'm not waging on." He told me so.

Flashback Ends

I get it!

Akira-kun doesn't care where the ball falls. He's just trying to attract the dealer to where it does fall! That means, the number I need to wager on...is 10!

"I'll put 1,2 million yen chips on the number 10, which is maximum bet!" I abruptly said and placing the chips on the number 10.

And true enough, the ball indeed landed on red 10, which means I just won 42 million yen.

The Dealer's Thoughts

"What have I been doing...?! I let this brat con me! He read my intentions and manipulated all of my movements! His cocky behaviour and his half-witted theory were all fabricated, just to make me aim the ball to precisely where he wants...there's no denying it. This brat, just devour me."

Matsushita Chiaki's POV


In such a short time, Akira-kun designed an amazing strategy. His quick-witted mind, extraordinary judgement, discerning abilities and abnormal vibrancy is the reason why we gain this big victory.

"Yo, dealer. You're-"

Just who-

"A liar."

Just who are you, Matsutani Akira?

Matsutani Akira's POV

Ha. There's no more enjoyement than eating the liars. That dealer's face in the end is so hillarious, I swear.

Now we had forty million and two hundred and sixty nine yen chips. As much as I want to gambling again, there's a high chance that we'll be kicked out, so before that happened, we will leave first.

I go to the cashier and trade all of it into cash. The cashier actually was the same cashier where I trade my cards for chips, and she couldn't hide her shock that I can gain 42 million from 500,000. After being cut by 10% tax, we packed 38 million yen in our bag.

A big victory for us.

Timeskip - Satisfaction Orphanage

"I...honestly can't fathom this at all." Kiryu-san's mouth agape at the sight of 38 million yen on his desk. "And are you sure you gonna give it to us? This is your hardwork, after all."

"Like I said, we owe you for your kindness and we intended to help your financial, so consider this as our thanks." I answered. "Without you and Yugo's help, we're probably locked up in facility rightnow."

"Good to know that I helped a good person." Kiryu-san let out a small smile. "Thank you. Now, let's move on to the matter at hand. I already get your invitation pass, but the council I know demands an request to you three."

"Request? What kind of request?" Chiaki-san asked curiously.

"You three will dueling against us. He wants a preview of what you are capable of. No offense, but he still skeptical about Lancers' strength."

"None taken." I mean, the council has a right to put doubt on us. Aside from we are literally a teenagers, but also we blatanly proclaimed that we will protect this dimension from an entire army. "So, whose duelists we needed to face?"

"It's me, Yugo and the other kid in the orphanage." Kiryu-san replied. This would be interesting. "This duel will also being watched by the other kids. Truth to be told, they're all wants to see you dueling."

"Is that so?" Sora smirked. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's entertain the brats with our dueling!"

"Have you look at the mirror lately? You're also a brat yourself, brat." I scoffed. "You are even barely taller than Ayu."

"Hey!" Sora pouted, I held back my grin.

If that council wants to see how skilled we are, then we need to do our best. My chance at winning? Hm...against the mysterious kid or Yugo, I confidently can win against them. Against Kiryu-san, it would be a tough battle. Infernity handless combo is a damn menace. With Archfiend, Bettle and Launcher combo, he can Summon Several Synchro monsters plus set two powerful Infernity traps: Infernity Barrier and Infernity Break.

Good thing he didn't posses Void Ogre Dragon.

Nevertheless, this duel should be fun.

(Meanwhile somewhere in the Synchro Dimension, a tomato tried his best to not strangle the clown and cat girl.)

To Be Continued.
