Bad Business

Maiami City Airport

Following his superior, Akaba Reiji's orders, Nakajima was awaiting the arrival of the highest ranking person in LDS apart from the President next to a luxurious limo. Although the heat was quite intense, the burly man showed no discomfort whatsoever.

After several minutes, Nakajima spotted the private jet belonging to said person slowly descending to the landing pad, before coming to a complete stop. Immediately afterwards, its side door opened, out of which emerged a woman with magenta, heart-shaped hair and blue eyes clad in a dark pink-colored blouse and skirt. Nakajima rushed to meet her, inclining his head slightly before her.

"It has been some time, Chairwoman Akaba." The woman standing in front of Nakajima was Akaba Himika, mother to Akaba Reiji and Chairwoman of LDS, who smiled at Nakajima's greeting.

"Indeed, it has been some time, Nakajima. I was met with some unexpected delays, but I was able to accomplish my goal successfully in the end and that's all that matters."

"Then, am I correct to assume that the acquisition was successful?" Nakajima asked as she opened the limousine's door for Himika.

"Of course." Himika responded as the car began moving. "Everything is proceeding according to plan. With this, LDS is one step closer in having a presence all around the world. That should allow me and Reiji-san to easily scout the most powerful Duelists in the globe, all in preparation for 'that' day."

"That's very good to hear. However..." Nakajima's hesitation was not lost on Himika.

"What is it? Is something happen while I was away?"

"...I didn't want to bother you since you were busy with the negotiations and everything." Nakajima began explaining. "Truth be told, there have been a number of...incidents over the past week that have caused quite a ripple."

" say? What sort of incidents?" Prompted by Himika, Nakajima gave her a brief summary of everything regarding the sudden emergence of a new form of summoning.

"However, keep in mind that I'm not fully informed about all the details surrounding this case." Nakajima ended his report thus. "For more details, you should speak to the President."

"So it would seem..." Himika muttered, her brow creased into a frown.

Upon arriving at the LDS tower after a few minutes, Himika quickly stepped outside the car and made a beeline for the top floor, ignoring the greetings of the personnel around her. She then quickly stepped inside Reiji's office without bothering to knock. If Reiji was surprised by this sudden intrusion, he didn't show it.

"Welcome home, Mother." Reiji greeted Himika. "You seem to be in an awful hurry."

"Reiji-san, is what I heard from Nakajima true?" Himika immediately questioned her son. "Apart from Fusion, Ritual, Synchro and Xyz, a new summoning method has appeared?"

Reiji fixed his glasses before responding.

"It's true, Mother. Its first recorded used was about a week ago."

Pressing a button on a remote, Reiji showed his mother a playback of Yuya's Duel with Strong Ishijima, where Yuya used Pendulum Summon in order to dominate the match.

"It appears this new summoning method is called Pendulum."


"It involves placing two special Monster cards called Pendulum cards into your Duel Disk." Reiji elaborated. "Then, you can Special Summon multiple high-level Monsters whose Level is within the Pendulum Scale without releasing. It's something that has never been observed before so far."

"Never seen before...don't tell me that man is also involved with it?" She asked.

"I find it highly unlikely." Reiji stated. "If it was some sort of secret weapon of his, he wouldn't flaunt it in front of everyone's eyes like that. It would have probably been kept hidden until the right time."

"That's true." Himika admitted. "In that case, do we have any leads as to where this strange form of Summoning originated from?"

"None whatsoever. It's still under investigation. However, thanks to the data we've gathered so far and our analysis, we have almost completely grasped its mechanics. Furthermore, the first prototype Pendulum cards are ready for testing as well."

"Nothing less expected from you, Reiji-san." Himika commented with a smile. "You're a quick worker as always."

"Thank you. However, our most pressing concern at the moment is the Duelist who ultilize Pendulum Summoning." He pressed another button on his remote, showing Yuya's profile on the screen. "The originator is named Sakaki Yuya, a fourteen-year-old boy in the Junior Youth class who attends You Show Duel School, a small Duel School which focuses on Entertainment Duels."

"It says here his win rate is about fifty percent." Himika commented in astonishment. "How was such an average Duelist belonging to Junior Youth able to create a brand-new summoning method?"

"The important thing is that he's the son of that Sakaki Yusho." Reiji stated in a low tone.

"Sakaki Yusho, you say?" Himika's gaze hardened. "He's the son of that famous Duelist who vanished three years ago and may have joined the enemy?"

"It's still too soon to rush into conclusions about that." Reiji commented. "Now, as for another Duelist..."

After pressing another button, Matsutani Akira's profile appeared on the screen this time, much to Himika's confusion.

"Matsutani Akira? A duelist from Tokyo who just attend to You Show Duel School with 64% winrate. Sounds like a decent duelist. Don't tell me...he's also a Pendulum user?"

"No. He's using Xyz Summon thanks to a Duel he had with Sawatari-sensei's son." Reiji said with a small smile. "You could call it a stroke of good fortune."

"It appears your willtulness has paid dividends after all, Reiji-san." Himika admitted. "So, what's so interesting about this Matsutani Akira?"

"During his Duel with Sawatari Shingo, he utilized Xyz Summoning. And the summoning energy used in this cases was past the normal. Of course, you are aware of what this means, correct?"

"That they might not be from 'here', yes?"

"Indeed." Reiji confirmed Himika's speculation. "And if that's the case, where does he stand? Is he an ally or an enemy? Depending on the answer to that question, things might get...complicated."

"That is troublesome..." Himika admitted with a sigh. "So, what do you plan on doing about it?"

"For now, nothing too drastic." Reiji stated. "It's a simple matter to keep him under surveillance. Meanwhile, I have people running more extensive background checks on him for signs of any discrepancies. If one does surface, we'll consider our next step then."

"I see. That does sound like the most prudent course of action."

"Regarding yesterday night, there's also another issue we must address." Reiji suddenly informed Himika, causing her to look at him in concern.

"Another issue? What do you mean?"

"It appears that mysterious Duelist assaulted Sawatari Shingo and his friends." Reiji informed her. "Furthermore, the attacker was an Xyz user whose summoning energy was also abnormally high."

"Another possible intruder?" Himika put on a thinking expression. "Did the students in question say anything about this mysterious Duelist?"

"Now this is where things get interesting." Reiji commented. "Sawatari Shingo and the other students insist that the perpetrator was none other than Sakaki Yuya."

"Sakaki say? This is indeed interesting..." Himika showed a sly smile at this, prompting Reiji to sigh.

"...I know that expression, Mother. What are you planning?"

"Reiji-san, while it's horrible that our precious students were attacked, there's a golden opportunity here." Himika stated, wearing the same expression. "And I know just the way to capitalize it..."

You Show Duel School

I am currently at You Show Duel School and there's a good thing and bad thing happens here. The good thing is unlike in Canon or fanfics, Yuzu is fully convinced that the person who assaulted Sawatari isn't Yuya, which is turned good because I don't have to waste my breath to convince her.

The bad thing though...I need to be a teacher for these brats. Another cliche moment where the OCs needs to teach the brats how to play a card games.

"Alright, because everyone insist, I'll teach you kids how to play these card games. Pay attention because I won't tell it twice." And in instant, everyone focusing their attention towards me. "Good, since I'm pretty sure you already know how to Tribute Summon, so I'll skip into Ritual Summon."

I write 'Ritual' on the chalkboard.

"To Ritual Summon, you must had three things: A Ritual Spell Card, Ritual Monster in your hand and the appropriates Monsters on your hand or field. First, you need to activate your Ritual Spell Card, and then you send those appropriates Monster to the Graveyard. One thing you should note that the material monsters' levels must be equal or greater than the Levels of Ritual Monster you wanna Summon. Everyone understand here?"

As everyone nodded, I write 'Fusion' on the chalkboard.

"If everyone understand here, let's move on to the forms of Special Summoning from Extra Deck. The first one is Fusion Summon. First thing though-" I throw my chalk at Sora, who paying a little attention as he was busy mixing ice cream and sweets together with an ecstatic expression on his face.

"Ow! Who hit me?" Sora then froze like ice cream when I glared at him. Nice act, though. I bet you imagined that you mercilessly beat me and then carded me like 'Xyz scum' I was.

In your dream.

"Bullseye." I deadpan. "Even if this lecture is boring to you, at least pretend you're paying attention."

"S-sorry, Matsutani." Sora give me an apologetic smile. "I just couldn't wait to try out this new flavour I just discovered."

That just Mcflurry with candies as toppings. Nothing special there. Eh, maybe it's so special because the ice cream machine in Academia always broken like its leader's mind.

"Mou, Sora, misbehaving in class is torbidden." Ayu scolded the cyan-haired boy. "Besides, what Matsutani nii-chan's teaching to us is very interesting, so leave your sweets for later."

"I got it, I got it." Sora responded in a placating tone. "I'll be good until the lesson is over. Now, where were we again?"

"We were about to discuss Fusion Summoning. Since you're a user of said method, I figured you could give us a few pointers, but that won't be happening now."

"What?!" Sora complained with a pout. "But I wanted to explain to everyone just how amazing Fusion Summoning is like we agreed beforehand! That's not fair!"

"Go cry about it." I retorted, causing Sora to puff his cheeks in annoyance. "Anyway, let's continued. In order to conduct a Fusion Summon, there are three things you require. The first one is the Spell Card Polymerization, the second is a Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck and the third is that the Fusion materials written on the Fusion Monster be present on your field and/or hand. If all these conditions are met, you can activate Polymerization, send the materials into the Graveyard and perform Fusion Summon. Any other questions?"

I don't want to explain the advance way of Fusion Summoning. Why? Because it's too tiring. There's so MANY ways to perform Fusion Summon.

I write 'Synchro' on the chalkboard.

"Now we moved to Synchro Summon. To perform Synchro Summon, we need two things: Tuner Monster and Non-Tuner Monsters on your field. If those materials ready, you tune those monsters to perform Synchro Summon. You can only Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster with Level exactly same as the combined Levels of Tuner and Non-Tuner Monsters you used as materials. Remember, you can use more than one Non-Tuner monsters as long as the combined levels is exactly same as the Synchro Monster you wanna Summon. Any questions?"

Tatsuya raised his hand.

"Yes, Tatsuya?"

"Could we use more than one Tuner monsters to perform a Synchro Summon?"

"Usually, no. But I've seen a duelist back in Tokyo that use Two Tuners to Synchro Summon. Only several Synchro Monsters that let you perform Synchro Summon using more than one Tuner." Tatsuya nodded at my explanation. "Alright, we will move to the last Extra Deck Summoning type: Xyz Summoning."

At the mention of Xyz, Sora's expression turned sour. Of course, you Fusion meat-rider.

I write 'Xyz' on the chalkboard.

"To perform Xyz Summon, you need two or more monsters on your field with the same levels. After that, you can Overlay them to Summon an Xyz Monster with a Rank equals to the monsters Level used for Xyz Materials while those Monsters turned to Overlay Units."

"Wait a second." Futoshi said in confusion. "What exactly is Rank and Overlay Units?"

"Xyz monsters doesn't have Levels, instead they had a black stars on their left side called Ranks. This gave Xyz monsters a immune on effect that affecting Levels, which also means Xyz Monsters cannot be used as Synchro Materials for Synchro Summon, but you can use them as Fusion Materials." I explained. "Overlay Units is basically a backbone of  Xyz Monsters. Normally, if Xyz monster wants to use their effect, they must detaching at least one Overlay Unit. But, there are severals Xyz Monsters that don't need to detach Overlay Unit to activate its effect. Any other question?"

"Between all the Summoning Methods that Matsutani nii-chan mentioned, which one is the most powerful?" Ayu asked. "I would also like to know which method you'd recommend."

"Isn't it obvious?" Sora cut in. "It's Fusion of course!"

"Hold your horses, Sora." Hold your fetish for Fusion, Sora. There's a kids here. "That's a tricky question to answer, Ayu. In my opinion, each summoning method has its advantages and disavantages. It depends on what type of strategy you want to employ. After that, it's a matter of personal preference and finding the style that works for you."

"You're so knowledgeable even though you never attended a Duel School, Matsutani nii-chan." Tatsuya stated in wonder.

"Thanks to my mentor for that." I replied. "Alright, class is done. Thank you for paying attention even though it's seemed boring for a certain person."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Everyone laughed at Sora's indignant reply as he himself pouted.

"Alright everyone, settle down." Shuzo requested from his students, although he was grinning as well. "We're still in the middle of a lesson. Now, let's continue with-"
Shuzo's next words were interrupted due to several raised voices that could be heard coming from outside.

Oh, it is time already? Right, time to do some action.

I go to the school's entrance, followed by Shuzo and the students of You Show. In the entrance, we found Gongenzaka glaring at Sawatari's lackies.

"Oh, it's the clowns." I said in dismissive manner. "What are you doing here?"

Of course, the trio outrage at this.

"What do you mean by 'clowns' Matsutani?!" Underling A shouted. "We have names you know!"

"Yeah, and they're Kakimoto, Ootobe and Yamabe!" Underling B cried out. "Remember them properly!"

"Do I get a money if I act like I care?" I asked. "No? Then I won't remember your name at all."

"You..." Underling C grunted. "Act so high and mighty..."

"Gongenzaka, what's going on here?" Shuzo asked.

"Principal! I, the man Gongenzaka, was on the way to You Show when I saw the three goons of this Sawatari. They said that Yuya was ambushed Sawatari! That's unforgivable!" Gongenzaka explained.


"I did?!"

Needless to say, both of them got shocked at this. I can understand their reaction after all. However, the three lackies merely smirked at their reaction.

"Yes! And don't say you forget about it!" Underlings A cried out.

"And it wasn't just us! Six people witnessed the tragedy! Us three, Sawatari-san, Hiragi Yuzu and...Matsutani Akira!" Underlings B added.

Everyone turned to the people in confusion. Yuzu looked uncomfortable at the attention, while I merely rolled my eyes. I admit, Akaba's strategy to framed Yuya and takeover You Show is good, but sadly, my existence just ruined that.

Even in Canon, it failed thanks to Shun hunting LDS people for 'questioning'.

"Is true Yuzu, Matsutani-san? You saw the culprit?" Shuzo asked.

"Of course they did! The culprit is Sakaki Yuya!" Underlings A said.

"That's not true!" Futoshi yelled as he, Ayu, Tatsuya and Sora moved in front of Yuya.

"Yuya-oniichan would never do something like that!" Tatsuya also cried out.

"That's right!" Ayu also spoke up. "Sawatari was the one who attacked first, so Yuzu onee-chan went to confront him!"

"Wait a minute..." Shuzo spoke with a confused expression. "If Yuzu went to duel Sawatari...then that means...Yuzu is the one who assaulted him after all!?"

"That's wrong!" The three kids cried out in unison.

I held my face with hand. You Show not only need more students, but more competent adults as well.

"...Shuzo-san, get your facts straight. Have you already forgotten? Yuzu and I went to duel Sawatari at his so called secret base, but some mysterious Duelist defeated these jokers and attacked Sawatari."

"What do you mean by 'mysterious Duelist', Matsutani Akira?" Underling A stated. "We just said it was Sakaki Yuya. You two also saw it with your own eyes, didn't you? He was the one who brutally defeated and attacked Sawatari-san."

"I feel so sorry for poor Sawatari-san." Underling B said with a mournful expression on his face. "We three are one thing, but he got the worst of it. He was so severely injured he had to be hospitalized! His life might even be at risk!"

At that statement, my honest reaction is-

"Hah..." I pull out my crispy plum and ate it. "You three are big liars, aren't you? If Sawatari had truly been injuried as severely as you claim, then Yuya should be at the police station by now. The only thing that was wounded is his overinfanted ego. He probably lounging himself in hospital bed and enjoying himself."

He definitely thought that his non-existent fans worrying his condition. Again, this scene is famous in fanfics.

"If you three are done with your baseless accusations, move along and quit wasting everyone's time." I demanded. However, these clowns seemed unwilling to budge.

"You can try to twist the truth all you want, Matsutani, but the fact remains that Sakaki Yuya was the one who attacked us yesterday." Underling A insisted. "And when word gets out, you'll be in big trouble!"

"Like you twist the truth that Sawatari attacked Yuya first and even endangered his friends' safety just for a piece of cards?" Those three flinches at my words. "Go on, call the police now. We had evidence such as security footages and witnesses while you just had your mouth. In fact, I'll call them now."

As I want to call the police (It was just a bluff, honestly), the Chairwoman of LDS finally take an action herself.

"My, no need to do such a thing. Let's just keep this problem between us." Even Akaba Himika knows that if this case is goes into the trial, they'll lose as they don't have credible proof.

"Hold on...aren't you LDS'-" Shuzo"s words has been cut by Himika.

"Yes. I am the chairwoman of Leo Duel School. My name is Akaba Himika." She introduced herself.

Time to enacted my second plan.

You Show Duel School - Guest Room

"Everything they said was true. LDS student Sawatari Shingo has been assaulted yesterday, and he testified that the culprit was none other than Sakaki Yuya." Himika summarized the case to Shuzo.

"Well Yuya?" Shuzo asked him. "Did you really do that?"

"Of course, I didn't! There's no way I would do that!" Yuya defended himself.

"I, the man Gongenzaka, believe in his friend Yuya!" Gongenzaka supported his best friend as he turned to others. "Just like everyone here, right?"

"Of course!" The kids said in unison.

"I know what I saw, and it definitely wasn't Yuya." It was never him. Yuya was too kind to even pull a stunt like that.

"Yeah, I believe in Yuya. There's no way he would do that to Sawatari." Yuzu smiled at Yuya.

"My, such strong bonds you people share. I guess it's impossible to ask you to hand Yuya-kun to us without a fuss." Himika commented with a sarcastic smile. Even I already seen it in anime 8 years ago, I still want to smack her face. "However, we cannot back down here. If word got out that students from LDS, the number one school in the world, were defeated by Duelists from some backwater school, our reputation would receive an immense blow."

"But we keep telling you that Yuya didn't-"

"That doesn't matter anymore!" Himika interrupted Shuzo's words with a furious expression. "The issue is that the symbol of LDS has been dragged through the mud! As such, the only way to clear this disgrace is through a showdown between schools!"

"A...showdown, you say?" Shuzo said so with an expression of disbelief.

"If your school wins, we will ignore the case concerning Sawatari-kun." Himika stated with a sly smile. "However, if we win, this You Show Duel School will become a part of our Leo Duel School!"

"What did you say?!" Yuzu exclaimed in shock.

"It's not enough to clear your name?! You also want to take You Show Duel School?!" Gongenzaka asked in obvious rage.

"You could just said that you want Sakaki Yuya's Pendulum Cards, Akaba Himika-san. You don't need to write a whole thesis to make an excuse." My statement causing everyone to looked at me.

"Why do you think like that, Matsutani Akira-san?" So Reiji is stalking me.

Great. Wonderful.

"It's simple, actually. The only reason why you notice a 'backwater school' like You Show is because You Show has something that LDS hasn't, and that is the Pendulum Cards. You used Sawatari's accident as an excuse to takeover this school and studied Yuya's Pendulum Cards and mass produce it, which means more profit for you. Am I right?"

You Show's students and Shuzo has 'what the fuck' expression on their faces while Himika had an amused smile on her face.

"My, aren't you smart? Reiji-san's opinion about you isn't unfounded, after all." Himika said. "Yes, it's true that we took a full advantage at Sawatari Shingo's incident. A chance to make Pendulum Summoning as one of our curriculum besides Ritual, Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Summoning really interested us. Besides, there's a couple of Duelists who also want to use Pendulum Summoning as well. Isn't you three want to use it too?"

"Well...we want. But, we can't do it without Yuya nii-chan's Pendulum Cards." Tatsuya answered.

"That won't be the case. With power of Leo Corporation, we can create them. That's the reason we want to unite." Means, a full profit for Leo Corporation as they don't need to pay Yuya a single cent since Yuya is part of them.

Nasty and cunning strategy.

"Dueling-isn't tool for fighting! But I don't want You Show or Pendulum Cards to be taken by someone else! My father created this school to bring entertainment and smiles to everyone! There's no way I'll give it to someone who thinks they can rule everything with money and power!"

Funny, because in reality, you can rule almost everything with money and power. But okay, I admire your spirit and idealism, Yuya.

"Well said, Yuya! I, the man Gongenzaka, will fight alongside you!" Gongenzaka declared with pride.

"But aren't you an outsider?" Sora asked as Gongenzaka freeze in shocked with mouth open. "It would make sense if Yuya, Yuzu, Matsutani and me to fight. Besides, I want to face an LDS student myself."

"To think you would exclude the man Gongenzaka! That's unforgivable!" The bulky man complained.

"Then it's settle Chairwoman Akaba...we won't hand over You Show!" Everyone except me yelled in unison.

The chairwoman sighed but then she grinned. "Very well then, shall we begin?"

15 Minutes Later

At the Solid Vision Arena, Himika introduced Shijima Hokuto, Kotsu Masumi and Todo Yaiba. Dueling skills wise, they are definitely above Sawatari, but we know what happened to them after Standard Arc: being abandoned.

Lore wise, their cards is my nemesis.

"It will be a three vs three matches. The first one to get two wins will emerge victorious. Is that clear?" At least she playing fair play. "Very well, who will go first?"

"Me!" Sora raised his hand but Yuya interrupted him and says, "Sorry, Sora. But I will go first."

"Of course, you are the son of Sakaki Yusho, correct? You seems more competent than the others. It would be a best choice-" Himika's words were being cutted by Sora.

"Hold on! You don't know how strong I am, old granny! I-" I pulled Sora to shut his mouth.

"Are you seriously fell for that cheap taunts? Beside, you can duel in the next match." Sora just pouted as he sit back down.

Good grief, what a troublesome kid.

"But don't ever think that you will win easily." Himika said as she adressed the three students. "They are all Junior Youth Class, just like a lot of you. But they are the aces in each of LDS' courses. The one who face Sakaki Yuya is-"

With a confident smirk on his face, he stepped up. "LDS' Xyz course: Shijima Hokuto."

"Shijima Hokuto..." Tatsuya pressing his duel disk while the other who weren't dueling looked at it. "Here he is! Shijima Hokuto!"

"His record is...58 matches with 53 wins?!" Futoshi said in shocked. "But that means...he had a win ratio of over 90%!"

"Forget about that! It says that he's favored to be one of tournament winners!" Ayu commented with worry.

"You think too much, kids." I responded. "Yuya can handle this."

"But his win ratio-"

"What's the use of looking towards the past?" I cut Tatsuya off. "If past data dictates reality, then we shouldn't even be facing LDS in the first place as no one has bigger win ratio than him."

"Do you really think Yuya could win this, Matsutani?" Sora couldn't help but ask.

"Definitely. I have faith in him, after all." I turned to Yuya and patted his shoulder. "You can do this. I believe in you."

"Thanks, Matsutani-san." Yuya smiled. "I will win this duel no matter what."

Yuya and Hokuto goes into the arena while us goes into the spectator room and in sort, the duel start. Just like in the anime, Yuya has bested Hokuto despite of Hokuto's dirty tactics that could harmed him.

While Hokuto was being scolded by Himika, You Show's students cheered at Yuya's victory.

"Thanks for your faith in me, guys." Yuya rubbed his back hair. "It helped me a lot."

"Could we please continue? Pick your next student please." Himika said in impatient tone. She must be really upset that her students is beaten by 'backwater school' students.

That's MC for ya.

"I'll go next." Yuzu said with determination. "I'll win this duel!"

"Go for it, Yuzu! I know you can do it!" Yuya cheering him, and Yuzu's face is all red as she stormed into the duel arena.

Even though Yuzu is not distracted, the difference between Yuzu and Masumi's skills is huge. Not to mention she's on disavantages thanks to her own father. In the end, Yuzu lost, her regular Melodious can't compete with Masumi's Gem-Knight Fusion Monsters.

"You two are giving quite a show." Masumi smirked as she saw a romance scene between Yuya and Yuzu.

Geez, get a room, will you?

"I'm sorry everyone. This is an important duel and I...couldn't..."

"Now, now, it's okay, Yuzu. Losing isn't something you should be ashamed of. Like Matsutani-san said before, you can learn from your defeat and become stronger than before." Yuya reassuring his best friend/crush. "Beside, we just need to win the next duel."

"'Just need to win the next duel', you say? You make it sounds too easy." Katana boy said, a little offended. "Now, which one of you would be my opponent?"

"Sora, now it's your turn! We are counting on you!" Gongenzaka yelled.

"I think I'll pass. I hate this situation. How about you you go instead Gon-chan?" Sora offered.

"Gon-chan?! To call the man Gongenzaka-wait, what did you say Sora?" Gongenzaka yelled before realized what Sora said.

"If you want to fight instead of me, then go ahead." Sora said as he sucked his lollipop. "Or you want to Duel him, Matsutani?"

While I felt my chances would be far better if I were the one who Duel Yaiba, Gongenzaka looked so excited at the prospect of a Duel that I can't tell him to stand down. Plus, I planned to catch Reiji's attention by dueling him one on one.

"Nah, let Gongenzaka dueled him. He can handle that rip-off Vergil." I held my urge to smirk when saw Yaiba's annoyed expression.

"We're counting on you Gongenzaka!" Yuya said.

"Everyone...thank you for this opportunity. I will protect You Show with all of my power!" Gongenzaka declared firmly as he come to Duel arena and the Duel start.

Not gonna lie, this is the most intense duel I've ever seen since I'm being isekaied to this world. Both Gongenzaka and Yaiba had back & forth duel that ended with a draw. What I need to note is Gongenzaka here just using Superheavy Samurai without its Synchro Monsters.

I couldn't imagine if he has the Synchro and the Pendulum support. Or if someone from my world has reincarnated as Gongenzaka and use Superheavy Samurai in meta way.

"I'm sorry steadfast dueling...isn't enough to save You Show." Gongenzaka bowed his head in shame.

"No worries. At least in ended with a draw." Yuya reassured his best friend with a smile.

But of course, this conclusion isn't the one Akaba Himika wants.

"This can't be a draw! LDS's reputation is at stake! Let's have a tiebreaker!" Himika said in anger.

"But...the Duel is-" Shuzo tried to explain, but she don't want to hear it. "No buts! Let's have a tiebreaker. The duelist from each school that had a win will face each other and settle this score once and for all!"

"It's time." I turned to Himika. "Akaba Himika-san, instead of that, I have a proposal for a more interesting and intense duel."

"Oh?" She seemed curious. "And what it might be?"

"How about I dueled the person who hides behind that corner?" I proposed, which make everyone wondering who I was refering to.

Not long after that, the president of Leo Corporation himself stepped into this very room. His features mostly hidden because of the hood.

"So it was you all along, huh? Akaba Reiji."

"I'm impressed that you know that I'm watching the duels from the shadows." Reiji straightened his glasses.

"Uh, who is that person?" Yuya asked with a curious expression, which was mirrored by the rest of You Show's students.

People can't be more ignorant than these people.

"I can't believe how ignorant you guys are..." I shook my head in exasperation. "This is Akaba Reiji, the current President of Leo Corporation and one of the youngest Duelist ever to obtain the qualifications of a pro. It isn't an exaggeration to say that he currently stands at the top of the professional circuit. How can you not have heard of him before?"

Needless to say, everyone was mightily surprised by this sudden revelation except for Sora, who was eyeing Reiji with newfound interest. First time meet your leader's son and confuse that he was nothing alike his father?


"It looks like I don't need to introduce myself since Matsutani Akira here was so kind to do so in my stead." Reiji then turned to Himika. "Mother, I would appreciate it if you let me handle things from here on."

"Reiji-san...very well, do as you wish."

After Himika consented to Reiji's request, he turned to the students of You Show Duel School.

"It appears we're currently at an impasse regarding the battle between schools." Reiji began. "As such, in order to honor the resolve you demostrated, I'm inclined to honour Matsutani Akira's proposal of duel between me and him. If I win, You Show Duel School, alongside Pendulum Summoning would belong to LDS. If I lose-"

"If you lose-" I cut him off. "-the case of Sawatari Shingo would be dropped immediately and you must grant me one wish. How about that?"

"As you wish." Reiji nodded as we entered the action field.

You Show students, including Shuzo, has cheered on me. I see Sora has curious expression on his face while Akaba Himika had that smug smile on her face. She definitely think that I'll lose horribly because Reiji had already stalked me.

They don't know what's waiting for them.

"Since I am the guest, feel free to choose the Action Field you like." Reiji told me.

"How generous of you." I inserted my Chaos Deck into my duel disk as I turned to Shuzo. "Shuzo-san, I requested for a regular duel instead of action duel."

Everyone was confused at my request. They didn't expect that this duel is turned to be a normal duel instead of an action duel.

"Umm...sure." Shuzo said. "In that case, let's do this!"

The Solid Vision System is activated, but the arena didn't change at all.

"May I asks why you choose a regular duel?" Reiji asked.

"Action duel isn't my thing. Beside, I think we both want a fair duel." I replied.

As expected, Reiji was chuckling. I raised my eyebrows and asks, "What's so funny?"

"My apologize, it's just are a kind person, Matsutani Akira. Just like students at this school." Reiji then looked at me seriously. "However, that kindness is useless in a battlefield. What do you expect to accomplish with that?"

I sighed as I pull out my crispy plum and ate it. "Looks can be deceiving, Akaba Reiji. As a businessman, you should know that. Now, could we duel already? Time waits for nobody, after all."

Reiji's eyes narrowed at me, but he nodded nonetheless as our duel started.


Matsutani: 4000 LP x5
Reiji: 4000 LP x5

"Since you are a guest, how about you go first?" I offered. Hoping he doesn't go D'Arc and pass.

"Very well." Reiji draw his starter cards. "I do wonder how strong you are for giving me such an opportunity, so I won't hold back. I activate Continuous Spell, Dark Contract with the Hellgate. This card inflicts me 1000 damage during each of my standby phase. But in exchange I can add one D/D monster from my deck to my hand. I add D/D Cerberus." Reiji explained as he add D/D Cerberus from his deck.

"What? The cards who inflict 1000 damage during his Standby Phase?" Yuya said in confusion.

"He played such a risky cards." Ayu commented. "What is he planning?"

"And D/D monster, what kind of monster is that?" Tatsuya asked.

"It stands to Different Dimension it refers to the alternate planes." Sora stated. Wow, you giving too much clue, Sora.

"But why he playing such a risk card just to add one monster?" Yuzu asked, completely confused.

"I activate my second Contract with the Hellgate. Now I add D/D Berfomet to my hand." Now Reiji add D/D Berfomet to his hand. You Show spectator is even more confuse now. "And I activated another Continuous Spell Contract with the Swamp King. I take 1000 damage during my standby phase but in exchange, Once Per Turn during my main phase, I can Fusion Summon without Polymerization, using material from my field or hand."

"What did he say?!" Sora said in shock. "To think that such a Fusion was possible!"

"I Fuse D/D Cerberus and D/D Berfomet. Hellhound which bares it's fangs! Grotesque being of darkness! In a whirlpool of light from the realm of the death! Become one and give birth to a new king! Fusion Summon! Be born! D/D/D Flame King Temujin!"

A fiendish Monster that wears mostly brown, red and blue armor with golden and red sword and shield on it's hand.

D/D/D Flame King Temujin (ATK 2000/DEF 1500/Fiend/Dark/Fusion/Effect/LV 6) 

"So he really can do Fusion Summon." Gongenzaka stated.

"And it's time is D/D/D. There are three D's...what's that means?" Yuya asked.

"I have no idea." Sora said while he observing the Duel with narrowed eyes. "I've never seen such a Monster before...and that Fusion Summon...don't tell me it's actually a real thing...?"

Surprise? You should be.

"There's no record Akaba Reiji can use Fusion Summon." Shuzo said as he checked on his D-Pad. "I hope you ready, Matsutani-san."

"I Summon the Tuner monster, D/D Nighthowl." A Monster who represent a red mouth with eyes and jaws appeared on the field.

D/D Nighthowl (ATK 300/DEF 600/Fiend/Dark/Tuner/Effect/LV 3)

"Tuner?!" Sora said in surprise.

"Does that mean he can do-" Yuzu said in surprise as well.

"I activate D/D Nighthowl's effect! When D/D Nighthowl is Normal Summoned, I can Special Summon a "D/D" monster from my graveyard but it's effect are negated and it's ATK/DEF become 0. I'll Special Summon D/D Berfomet." A orange goat with wings appeared on the field.

D/D Berfomet (ATK 1400 - 0/LV 4)

"I tune my level 3 D/D Nighthowl and level 4 D/D Berfomet. Howls that tear through the night with the swiftness of a gale give birth to new king! Synchro Summon! Be born! Level 7! D/D/D Gust King Alexander!"

A fiendish Monsters who wears an silver armor and green cape also holds a sword appeared on the field.

D/D/D Gust King Alexander (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Fiend/Wind/Synchro/Effect/LV 7)

"He can Synchro too?!" Gongenzaka said in surprise.

"I activate Temujin's effect! When "D/D" monster beside this card is Special Summoned, I can Special Summon one "D/D" monster from my graveyard. I Special Summon D/D Cerberus." A three headed wolf wears chainmail appeared on the field.

D/D Cerberus (ATK 1800/DEF 600/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 6)

"Then I activate Alexander's effect! When "D/D" monster is Summoned, I can Special Summon one "D/D" monster from my graveyard. I Special Summon D/D Berfomet." Berformet back to the field.

D/D Berfomet (ATK 1400/DEF 1800/Fiend/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"2 monster level 4...don't tell me he also can..." Yuya said in amazement.

"I Overlay my level 4 D/D Cerberus and D/D Berfomet. In order to subjugate all that resides within this world, descent now onto the peak of the world! Xyz Summon! Be born! Rank 4! D/D/D Wave King Caesar!"

A fiendish Monsters wears an purple and silver armor and hold a big sword appeared on the field.

D/D/D Wave King Caesar (ATK 2400/DEF 1200/Fiend/Water/Xyz/Rank 4/OVU 2)

"Even Xyz too..." Yuzu said in amazement.

"Fusion, Synchro, Xyz in one Duel...that's something you don't see everyday." Yuya added.

"Akaba Reiji is also mastered different summoning methods?" Gongenzaka commented in surprise. "I, the man Gongenzaka, hate to admit this, but Matsutani-san might be in trouble here."

"D/D/D means Different Dimension Demon. I'm giving you small taste from the power of the kings that subjugate alternate planes, Matsutani Akira." Reiji straightened his glasses. "I set a card facedown and end my turn."

Matsutani: 4000 LP x5
Reiji: 4000 LP x0

"Matsutani-san..." I could heard my friends' voice of worry. I understand their concerned, but this is nothing to be worry about.

"The rumour about you isn't wrong. You are just as strong as they say." I commented with a whistle. "In that case, let me return the favor. It's my turn. I draw! I activate Bystial Lubellion's effect on my hand. I can send this card from my hand into my graveyard in order to add one "Bystial" monster from my deck into my hand."

I add Bystial Magnamhut into my hand.

"Bystial? That's new." Sora commented.

"I activate Bystial Magnamhut's effect from my hand. I can banish LIGHT or DARK monster from either graveyard in order to Special Summon this card from my hand. I'll banish your D/D Berfomet."

Red dragon with some kind of chains on its body descended into my field.

Bystial Magnamhut (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Effect/LV 6)

"I'll tribute my Bystial Magnamhut in order to Special Summon Bystial Lubellion from my graveyard!"

Magnamhut vanished as a Bystial form of Aluber stood in its place.

Bystial Lubellion (ATK 2500/DEF 3000/Dragon/Dark/Effect/LV 8)

"I activate Bystial Lubellion's effect. Once per turn, I can place one "Branded" Continuous Spell/Trap directly from my Deck, face up. I'll activate Continuous Spell: Branded Regained!" I declared. "I Summon Chaos Witch in attack position!"

A beautiful looking woman descended into the field elegantly.

Chaos Witch (ATK 1500/DEF 1500/Spellcaster/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"I'm ready to serve you, my lord." I'm looking forward for your assistance, miss.

"Chaos? Matsutani-san never use that type of card before." Yuya said.

"It's probably one of his lswarm support. Remember that he had a Rabbit on his Deck?" Good theory, Sora, but unfortunately you are wrong.

"I activate Chaos Witch's effect. I can tribute it in order to Special Summon two "Dark Beast Token" as Level 2 DARK monsters."

"As you wish, my lord." Chaos Witch released her energy as she vanished and two skulls with dark aura descended into the field.

Dark Beast Token (ATK 1000/DEF 500/Fiend/Dark/Token/LV 2) x2

"If I control non-effect monster on my field, I can Special Summon this monster from my hand. Come out, Tuner monster: Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred Apples!"

A wood wyvern descended into the field. Damn, this wyvern radiates such a bright light.

Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred Apples (ATK 100/DEF 1100/Wyrm/Light/Tuner/Effect/LV 2)

Let's just say, everyone is shocked at this. Reiji though, he just widened his eyes. Didn't see that coming, did you?

"Tuner?!" Sora was beyond shocked.

"Matsutani-san has Synchro monsters in his deck?!" Yuya was taken aback.

"By banishing DARK attribute Bystial Magnamhut from my Graveyard, I can Special Summon another Tuner monster: Chaos Core from my hand."

Chaos Core (ATK 0/DEF 1600/Thunder/Light/Tuner/Effect/LV 2)

"Branded Regained's effect activates. When LIGHT or DARK attribute monster is banished, I can place that monsters back into the bottom of the deck in order to draw a card." I draw extra card. "I'll tune my Level 2 Ringowurm with two level 2 Dark Beast Tokens!"

As Ringowurm turned into two synchro rings and Dark Beast Tokens entered the rings, I chanted.

"A mythical creature wandering in chaos realm! From the gate of chaos, descended and take reign into this land! Synchro Summon! Appear, Level 6! Chaos Beast!"

A two headed beast, one being horse and one being lion descended into my field.

Chaos Beast (ATK 2000/DEF 1800/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 6)

"Prepare for trouble-" The horse began and the lion finished with, "-and make it double. We are ready to hear your command, my lord."

If I'm being isekaied into RPG world, my class would definitely being Summoner or Tamer.

"He knows Synchro Summon?!" Yaiba was surprised.

"Chaos Beast gains 1000 ATK if card has been banished this turn." I declared. "Then, I'll tune my Level 2 Chaos Core with Level 8 Bystial Lubellion!"

As Chaos Core turned into two synchro rings and Bystial Lubellion entered the portal, I chanted.

"Heaven! Fate! The natural chaos! Descended from chaos realm and here bring things to damnation! Descend here and hear our pray! Synchro Summon! Seraphim of Chaos - Chaos Angel!"

One of the best Synchro in yugioh make its appereances.

Chaos Angel (ATK 3500/DEF 2800/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 10)

Chaos Beast (ATK 2000 - 3000)

"That's...didn't looked like angel at all." Never seen biblically accurate angels? It was more terrifying than this.

But anyway, "Chaos Angel's effect activate. When Synchro Summoned, this angel can banish one card on the field. I choose to banish Gust King Alexander."

"As you wish, my lord." Chaos Angel released some dark energy towards Alexander, banishing it completely from the field.

"Now, let's battle. Chaos Beast, attack Flame King Temujin!" Chaos Beast charges at Temujin, obliterates him into pieces as Reiji shielded himself with his arms.

Reiji: 4000 LP -> 3000 LP

"Chaos Angel will attack your Wave King Caesar! Chaos End!" Chaos Angel released a multiple blast of light towards Wave King Caesar, destroying it.

Reiji: 3000 LP -> 1900 LP

"When D/D/D Wave King Caesar is send into the graveyard, its effect activates! I can add one "Dark Contract" card from my Deck into my hand. I add my third copy of Dark Contract with the Gate." Reiji declared.

He didn't use his Caesar effect to reborn his Temujin and Caesar? Oh, right. He'll not getting any advantage by doing that.

"I set a card facedown and that goes my turn." I concluded by setting Defense Draw. "During End Phase, since I Special Summon Bystial Magnamhut this turn, its effect activates. I can add one Dragon-Type monster from my Deck into my hand. I'll add Bystial Druiswurm."

Matsutani: 4000 LP x3
Reiji: 1900 LP x1

"Matsutani-san managed to damage and destroy two of his monsters." Yuzu said.

"More importantly, that guy will took 3000 damage at his Standby Phase! Matsutani-san would win easily!" Yuya exclaimed.

Oh, you poor, naïve child.

"You still had to set a card? In my next turn, I will take 3000 damage and then giving you a quick victory." Reiji told me.

"Woo, he assumed you as an idiot, cunning boy." Shut up, Yubel. He just testing me, even though I'm a bit annoyed.

"Who do you think I am? Sawatari?" I glared at him. "That set card of yours is your key to avoid the tax of your Contract. Tell me if I wrong."

"...impressive observation." Reiji smirked. "Draw! During my Standby Phase, I took 3000 damage. However...thing such a Contract is a trivial to me. I activate my trap: Lease Laundering! All "Contract" cards on my Spell/Trap zone will be destroyed, and then I can draw a card for every "Contract" that destroyed by this effect and also gains 1000 Life Points for every card I draw."

Basically, Reiji just gains 3000 Life Points and draw three extra cards.

Reiji: 1900 LP -> 4900 LP

"HUH?!" The kids yelled in disbelief.

"He negated those 3000 damage, gains 3000 Life Points and draw three cards in instant..." Yuya was feeling overwhelmed, as well as Sora who didn't say anything.

"I'm impressed, Matsutani Akira. You read my strategy like it was an open book. Can I ask how?" Reiji asked.

"It's quite simple, actually." I pull out my crispy plum and ate it. I have plenty on my pocket. "It's either your monsters or that set card that would protect you from your Contract, but since you didn't even bother to protect your monsters from destruction, I come to conclusion that your set card is your key to protect you from your Contract."

"I see. Not bad, Matsutani. However, I hope you prepare for this." Reiji stated. "I'll activate my third copy of Dark Contract with the Gate. I'll add D/D Lamia. Then, I activate Tuner Monster, D/D Lamia's effect from my hand! I can send Dark Contract with the Gate in order to Special Summon her from my hand!"

D/D Lamia (ATK 100/DEF 1900/Fiend/Dark/Tuner/Effect/LV 1)

"Before you continue, I'll activate Bystial Druiswurm's effect from my hand. I'll banish your DARK attribute D/D Cerberus in order to Special Summon it from my hand." I declared. "And then Branded Regained's effect activates. If LIGHT or DARK monster is banished, I can place it in the bottom of Deck in order to draw a card."

Bystial Druiswurm (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Effect/LV 6)

"He just summon a Level 6 monster and draw a card in Reiji-sama's turn?!" I heard Hokuto yelled. "Just who is this guy?!"

Just a teenager who knows how to play card games.

"Hoh, that Bystial is also can be summoned during opponent's turn. Interesting." As long as that opponent controls a monster. "However, I'm afraid that wasn't enough to stop me. I activate Monster Reborn in order to Special Summon Flame King Temujin from my Graveyard!"

D/D/D Flame King Temujin (ATK 2000/DEF 1500/Fiend/Dark/Fusion/Effect/LV 6) 

"I activate my second copy of Dark Contract with the Swamp King. I'll fuse D/D Nighthowl with D/D/D Wave King Caesar in my graveyard! Chaotic king who watches over this world's fate. Drink the blood washed away by time, and become a dragon slaying hero! Fusion Summon! Be born! Level 8! D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf!"

D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf (ATK 3000/DEF 2500/Fiend/Dark/Fusion/Effect/LV 8)

"Temujin's effect activates! When "D/D" monster is Special Summoned into the field, I can Special Summon another "D/D" monster in my graveyard! Reborn, Gust King Alexander!"

D/D/D Gust King Alexander (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Fiend/Wind/Synchro/Effect/LV 7)

"I tune my Level 1 D/D Lamia with Level 7 Gust King Alexander! Climb over the corpses of heroes, carrying your bloodstained blade! Synchro Summon! Be born! Level 8! D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried!"

D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried (ATK 2800/DEF 2200/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 8)

"I activate Continuous Spell: Dark Contract with the War Deity. During each Standby Phase, I take 1000 damage. However, my "D/D/D" monsters will gains 1000 Attack Points and cannot be destroyed by battle."

D/D/D Flame King Temujin (ATK 2000 - 3000)

D/D/D Dragonbane King Beowulf (ATK 3000 - 4000)

D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried (ATK 2800 - 3800)

Uh oh, I might be in trouble. My Defense Draw basically useless because Reiji had Siegfried.

"Battle! I'll attack Chaos Angel with Dragonbane King Beowulf!" Beowulf charges at Chaos Angel, destroying it as I protected myself from the shockwave with my arms.

Since I summoned Chaos Angel with only LIGHT attribute monster, it didn't get cannot be destroyed by battle effect.

Matsutani: 4000 LP -> 3500 LP

"Flame King Temujin, attack Bystial Druiswurm! Fire Stroke!" Unfortunately Reiji, you choose a wrong monster.

Matsutani: 3500 LP -> 3000 LP

"Since Druiswurm is send into graveyard, I can target one Special Summoned monster my opponent controls and then send it into the graveyard. Means, bye bye Siegfried."

Siegfried being dragged by Druiswurm chain as it vanished from the field. Reiji slightly widened his eyes but then he held his hand as he says, "When Siegfried is send into graveyard, I'll gain 1000 Life Points for each "Contract" card I control. Since I control two Contracts, I gains 2000 Life Points."

Reiji: 4900 LP -> 6900 LP

"That guy just gain another Life Points even when he lose his monster." Yuya said, worried about my current condition. "So this is how Pro duels..."

"But at the bright side, Matsutani still has one monster on his field and Akaba Reiji cannot attack him again." Sora said.

No. The real bright side is I successfully summoned a funny number.

"I set a card facedown and end my turn." Reiji concluded as he straightened his glasses.

Matsutani: 3000 LP x4
Reiji: 6900 LP x0

"Hmph. Even though Matsutani Akira knows how to Synchro Summon, he still no match for Reiji." Don't be so sure about that, old hag.

"I draw for turn." I looked at the card I drew. Huh, Pot of Avarice. I was wondering when you showed up. "I activate Ringowurm's effect in my graveyard. I can banish it in order to generate a "Hundred Apples Token" into my field."

A mini version of Ringowurm descended into my field.

Hundred Apples Token (ATK 100/DEF 100/Wyrm/Light/Token/LV 2)

"Branded Regained's effect activate again. I place Ringowurm into the bottom of my deck and then I draw a card." I draw extra card. "By banishing LIGHT attribute Bystial Lubellion from my graveyard, I can Special Summon Shell of Chaos from my hand."

A literal frame of dragon descended into my field.

Shell of Chaos (ATK 1600/DEF 0/Machine/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"When Shell of Chaos is Special Summoned, I can Special Summon "Chaos Core" from my banish zone."

Chaos Core (ATK 0/DEF 1600/Thunder/Light/Tuner/Effect/LV 2)

"I tune my level 2 Chaos Core with level 4 Shell of Chaos and level 2 Hundred Apples Token! When light overlaps with dark, the gate of chaos will be opened to the door without order! Synchro Summon! Appear, Level 8! Chaos Archfiend!"

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 2500/DEF 1800/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 8)

"Chaos Archfiend gains 2000 Attack Points if a card was banished this turn." I declared. "And Chaos Archfiend can attack all monsters my opponent controls, one each."

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 2500 - 4500)

"Now, let's battle! Chaos Archfiend will attack Flame King Temujin and Beowulf!" Chaos Archfiend swung its spear, hitting both Temujin and Beowulf but neither of them were destroyed thanks to his Contract with War Deity.

Reiji: 6900 LP -> 5400 LP -> 4900 LP

"I set two cards facedown and that goes my turn. And both Chaos Beast and Chaos Archfiend's Attack Points returned to normal." Impermanence and Branded Beast. That will come handy for the next turn.

Chaos Archfiend (ATK 4500 - 2500)

Chaos Beast (ATK 3000 - 2000)

"During End Phase, I activate my trap: D/D Termination! I'll destroy all cards on my field in order to draw five cards." Reiji draw five cards as he stared at me. "You are a worthy opponent to be praised, Matsutani Akira. However, it is time for you to face a power that stronger than Fusion, Synchro and Xyz!"

Matsutani: 3000 LP x3
Reiji: 4900 LP x5

You Show students flinched when they heard that claim.

"Is that so? Then bring it." I dared him.

"As you wish. My turn! Draw!" Here goes the big revelation of the century. "With the scale 1 D/D Savant Galilei and scale 10 D/D Savant Kepler I set the Pendulum scale!" Two machine-like monsters with name based of the famous scientists surrounded by pillar of light.

D/D Savant Galilei (ATK 0/DEF 0/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 10/PS 1)

D/D Savant Kepler (ATK 0/DEF 0/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 1/PS 10)

"WHAT?!" Yuya's voice could be heared from Australia.

"Those are..." Yuzu mumbled.

"Pendulum cards!" Finished Gongenzaka.

"Grand power which shakes my very soul! Arise within me and become a new light that rends the darkness! Pendulum Summon! Appear, my monsters!"

Four lights burst out from the portal.

"Three transcendental deities who rules all the kings! D/D/D Doom King Armageddon!"

D/D/D Doom King Armageddon (ATK 3000/DEF 1000/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 8/PS 4) x3

"The supreme deity that passes judgement upon the twilight gods! D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok!"

D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok (ATK 2200/DEF 3000/Fiend/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 8/PS 5)

"Pendulum Summon..." Yuya is in denial. "This can't be...I should be the only one...why does Akaba Reiji also have Pendulum cards?!"

"This is the power of the Leo Corporation." Himika stated with a superior look. "Creating our own Pendulum cards based on data obtained from you was child's play. Or did you perhaps think that Pendulum Summoning would forever remain exclusive to you, Yuya-kun? If that's the case, you're even more foolish than I thought."

In simple sentences, he copied without permission to the said user.

"More importantly, Akaba Reiji just summoned three monsters with 3000 attack." Thanks for pointed the obvious, kids. "How's Matsutani nii-chan going to defeat them?"

"So you can do it, too. Amazing." I whistle. "However, Branded Regained's second effect activates. When my opponent Normal or Special Summoned a monster, I can Special Summon one "Bystial" monster from my graveyard. Revive, Bystial Druiswurm!"

Bystial Druiswurm (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Effect/LV 6)

"Hm, impressive. However, was it enough?" Reiji smirked. "Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok's effect activates! When Normal or Special Summoned, I can Special Summon one "D/D/D" monster from my graveyard. Reborn, Cursed King Siegfried!"

D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried (ATK 2800/DEF 2200/Fiend/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 8)

"He also revived back his Synchro Monster?!" Yuzu yelled in worry.

"I'll overlay my level 8 Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok with one of my Doom King Armageddon! When the two sun rises, the horizon of a new world shall open up! Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 8! D/D/D Duo Dawn King Kali Yuga!"

D/D/D Duo Dawn King Kali Yuga (ATK 3500/DEF 3000/Fiend/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 8/OVU 2)

"No way! From Pendulum into Xyz?!" Yuya was shocked.

"Kali Yuga's effect activates! When Xyz Summoned, it can negate all cards on the field except itself until the end of this turn."

"Then I'll chained with Continuous Trap: Branded Beast!" I declared. "Once per turn, I can tribute Dragon-type monster I control in order to destroy one card on the field. I tribute my Bystial Druiswurm in order to destroy your Doom King Armageddon!"

"Naïve." Reiji coldly replied. "Cursed King Siegfried's effect activates! Once per turn, I can target one face-up Spell/Trap card on the field and negate its effect until the next Standby Phase! As such, your Branded Beast would be irrelevant!"

I grinned.

"Got you." Reiji's eyes slightly widened. "I activate my other trap: Infinite Impermanence! I can target and negate one face-up monster on the field until the end of this turn. As such, your Kali Yuga's effect would be negated."

Kali Yuga being shocked by static electricity, same goes to my Branded Beast.

"Since Druiswurm is send into graveyard, I can send your Kali Yuga into the graveyard." Poor Kali Yuga was being dragged by chain before vanished.

"Not only you stop Kali Yuga's effect, you also managed to dispose it from my field. Truly impressive." Reiji applauded with a small smile. "However, I'm afraid that still wasn't enough to save you. Battle! Doom King Armageddon, attack Chaos Beast! The End of the World!"

I protected myself from the shockwave with my arms.

Matsutani: 3000 LP -> 2000 LP

"Another Doom King Armageddon, attack Chaos Archfiend! The End of the World!" Chaos Archfiend is destroyed, and the shockwave send me skidding backwards.

Matsutani: 2000 LP -> 1700 LP

"Cursed King Siegfried, direct attack! Cursed Slash!"

"Matsutani/Matsutani-san!" You Show students plus Gongenzaka yelled with worry.

"My last trap card: Defense Draw! The battle damage that I took from this battle is reduced to 0!" A rainbow barrier protected me from Siegfried. "Furthermore, I can draw a card."

"So you survived by the skin of your teeth, huh?" Reiji said. "No matter, you're merely prolonging the inevitable. I end my turn."

Matsutani: 1700 LP x4
Reiji: 4900 LP x0

"Phew, I thought for a second that Matsutani nii-chan was a goner there." Ayu let out a relieved sigh. "Talk about a last-minute save."

"However, it doesn't change the fact that he's at a severe disadvantage." Sora pointed out. "Unless he comes up with something during this turn, the duel is over."

Yeah, it's over...for Reiji, that is.

"What's the matter, Matsutani Akira?" Reiji adressed me. "Have you finally realized that resistance is futile and that your only option is to give in to despair and submit to the inescapable fate of your defeat?"

Dude, I just thought 'it's over for Reiji' things. Why he blatantly concludes that I'm hesitate to start my turn?

"Despair? Funny. Considering I'm the one with the upper hand rightnow, I don't know why you are so excited yourself, Akaba Reiji."

Of course my statement confusing everyone, but the LDS sides quickly dismissed it.

"What a joke. You just can't take the fact that you lost." Hokuto said.

"Am I? How about some proof?" I opened my crispy plum and eat it. "My turn! Draw! I activate Spell Card: Pot of Avarice. By shuffling five monsters from my graveyard back into my deck, I can draw two cards."

Please negate it, please negate it, please negate it-aw sucks. He didn't fall for it. Well, it doesn't matter. Negate or not-

He'll lose.

"I Summon Tuner Monster: Chaos Mirage Dragon in attack position."

Chaos Mirage Dragon (ATK 1600/DEF 600/Wyrm/Light/Tuner/Effect/LV 4)

"Chaos Mirage Dragon's effect activates. I can Special Summon my banished LIGHT or DARK monster into my field. Comeback, Shell of Chaos!"

Shell of Chaos (ATK 1600/DEF 0/Machine/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"I'll tune my level 4 Chaos Mirage Dragon with level 4 Shell of Chaos! Warrior with negative chi infused energy! Emerge from river of darkness that flows to the abyss! Synchro Summon! Descend, Level 8! Draco Berserker of the Tenyi!"

Draco Berserker of the Tenyi (ATK 3000/DEF 0/Wyrm/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 8)

"Since I used Chaos Mirage Dragon as material for Synchro Summon, I can banish cards my opponent controls up to the number of other monsters used for that Synchro Summon. Since I used only one, that means bye bye, Armageddon one."

Armageddon vanished from the field.

"By pay 700 Life Points, I can Special Summon Tuner Monster: Assault Synchron from my hand."

Assault Synchron (ATK 700/DEF 0/Machine/Dark/Tuner/Effect/LV 2)

Matsutani: 1700 LP -> 1000 LP

"I tune my Level 2 Assault Synchron with Level 8 Draco Berserker of the Tenyi! Zealots that fallen into the power from another dimension! Devour the power of chaos and show us your infathomable form! Synchro Summon! Appear, Level 10! Bystial Dis Pater!"

Bystial Dis Pater (ATK 3500/DEF 3500/Dragon/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 10)

"What the hell is that thing?!" Sorry guys, you need to see this abomination. Well, you'll see this more often in later time.

Even Reiji is speechless at the form of Dis Pater.

"I activate Bystial Baldrake's effect from my hand. By banishing DARK attribute Draco Berserker of the Tenyi in your graveyard, I can Special Summon it into my field."

Bystial Baldrake (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 6)

"I activate Bystial Dis Pater's effect. Once per turn, I can Special Summon one banished LIGHT or DARK monster back into my field. I Special Summon back Draco Berserker of the Tenyi."

Draco Berserker of the Tenyi (ATK 3000/DEF 0/Wyrm/Dark/Synchro/Effect/LV 8)

"Here I go, Akaba Reiji. Battle! Draco Berserker of the Tenyi will attack your Cursed King Siegfried! Berserker Punch!" Draco Berserker punched the hell out of Siegfried.

Reiji: 4900 LP -> 4700 LP

"It seems your last, desperate attempt is failed." Reiji said confidently. "Doom King Armageddon's effect activates! When my monster destroyed by battle or card effect, Armageddon gains Original Attack of that monster until the end of this turn."

"Oh really?" I pointed at Draco Berserker. "I activate Draco Berserker's effect! Once per turn, if my opponent activate a monster effects, I can banish that monster!"

"What?!" For the first time, I saw the composed and calculated Akaba Reiji yells in surprise.

"Does that mean...Matsutani nii-chan..." Ayu began, smile appeared on her face.

"Will win this duel!" Finished Tatsuya and Futoshi at the same time.

"I can't believe it...Reiji-san...lose to ordinary duelist...?" Shocking, isn't it?


"See? I'm not bluffing at all. This is my victory." I declared with a smile on my face. "Dis Pater, Baldrake, attack him directly!"

Reiji took a hit from both Dis Pater and Baldrake as he send flying to the ground. His small smile didn't go unnoticed by me.

Reiji: 4700 LP -> 1200 LP -> 0 LP

Winner: Matsutani Akira

To Be Continued.

Note: If you're wondering, yes, Matsutani Akira's favorite food is Crispy Plum.
