Battle Royale/Invasion: Opening Act

"New outfits, Akira nii-san?" Yuya grinned at my so-called new outfit when he saw me arrived for opening the third round.

I was wearing a black hoodie with long sleeved white shirt as the innerwear, black pants and black shoes. Oh, and also a mask for some 'midnight' party, but I'm not wear that now.

In summary after I explained the situation to the group, I sleep at Yuya's house before leaving in the morning. I'm not watching the rest of second round duels because I need to prepare for this Battle Royale. Like mineral waters, foods, and crispy plums.

Those are a must.

And I also bumped into LDS to equip the carding technology into my duel disk. Yes, I know it's wrong but hey, it's all fair in war. Beside, my purpose to held them until the war is over before uncarded them again.

Oh, and I also adding underrated handtrap: Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood. Gain LP when opponent Special Summon monsters, useful for a bit recovering. I wonder why Floren didn't add these handtrap into her Aroma Deck.

"Not really, just changed my vest into hoodie, and everything is just as same. Anyway, you two are ready for 'that', right?" The duo's expression become serious as they both nodded. "Good. Don't forget you two to always together. Don't ever go alone, okay?"

"What about you, nii-san?" Yuya asked.

"I'll do my own thing. Like, drawing attention of the cultists." Also, finding the mole and the sadistic emo boy.

"Yuya! Yuzu! Matsutani-san!" Gongenzaka greeted us. "I, the man Gongenzaka, hoped that in this round, we continue to give our best."

"Always." Especially when your life is at stakes. "You seems so fired up, Gongenzaka."

"Because I am!"

"Everyone, thank you for waiting!" Nico announced. "Right now, a Battle Royale between these 16 competitors will begin!"

Nico then explained about the rules, Pendulum cards that scattered towards the city, you used that as betting chips, yada yada yada, you got the gist of it.

It's like Battle City all over again.

3rd POV - LDS Control Room

So this is your 'recruited' duelists to face against Obelisk Force?" Yuto asked Reiji, who nodded in confirmation.

This morning, Kurosaki contacted Yuto to come into LDS and brought Yugo along with him. After their arrivals, they're both greeted by Reiji and Sora as Reiji told the plan to both of them.

"Indeed. Those are the best duelists that qualified to the top 16, including your partner." Reiji explained. "You, Yugo, Shiunin and several duelists would be a back-up duelists to help."

"Still, can we trust him?" Yuto glared at Sora. "He's the Academia's spy, even though Matsutani-san said that he betrayed Academia, there's still a chance-"

"Don't need to worry, Xyz duelist." Sora cut him off. "It's impossible for me to betray the Lancers. The reason is because Academia targeted Yuzu and the world will end if they got her, and last, Matsutani already had me on his palm."

"What the heck does that even mean?" Yugo said in confusion.

"No need to thinking about that." Reiji replied. "What matter is Shiunin wouldn't betray us."

Yuto just nodded as he look at the participants in curious. His eyes then darted at Matsutani Akira. He wonders what kind of plan he prepared for Obelisk Force.

Matsutani POV

"Duel disk on! Duelist locked in a battle! Kicking the earth and dancing in the air with their monsters! They storm through the field! Behold! This is the greatest evolution of dueling! Action-"


With that, the whole city being enveloped by Action Field as every participants began sprinting into the city.

The hunt is on.

A While Later

Right, the first thing I do in this Battle Royale is search for Pendulum cards. Thank god the whole environment literally an Solid Vision so I can order some of my monsters to take the Pendulum cards without need of climbing or swimming or anything that can drain my energy.

Because of this, I had total four Pendulum cards on my hand.

"How lazy of you, Cunning boy." More like work smarter, Yubel. "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, just walk straight and you can meet the cultist that called 'Obelisk' Force."

"Got it." No need to be rush since they would find me themselves so I just walk so casually while listening music on my earphone.

The same streets, but I'm all alone

The same house, but nobody's home

Stone-cold, and I fade in the afterglow

Caught in the upside down

Careful in the clouds, monsters all around

Can't find my way out

Caught in the upside down

Screaming with no sound

Sinking underground

Can't find my way out

Caught in the upside down

"Oh, look what we found here."

Oh, already? I literally haven't dueled any participants yet instead I dueled these cultists as my first opponent.

"Sup, gentlemen. You seems appears to be the intruder from another dimension, so...looks like you'd first one to be killed by me."

The fact that I let out the same smile that I showed to Sora at the first round make them startled. Seeing that I was a threat, they immediately activate their duel disks.

I merely doing the same and the duel is on.


Obelisk 1: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 2: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 3: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 4000 LP x5

"I'll go first. I Summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound!"

Ancient Gear Hunting Hound (ATK 1000/DEF 1000/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 3)

"When Hunting Hound is Normal Summoned, I can inflict 600 Damage to you."

Matsutani: 4000 LP -> 3400 LP

"I end my turn." He concluded.

Obelisk 1: 4000 LP x4
Obelisk 2: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 3: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 3400 LP x5

"My turn! I Summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound!"

Ancient Gear Hunting Hound (ATK 1000/DEF 1000/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 3)

"When Hunting Hound is Normal Summoned, I can inflict 600 Damage to you."

Matsutani: 3400 LP -> 2800 LP

"I set a card and end my turn." He concluded.

Obelisk 1: 4000 LP x4
Obelisk 2: 4000 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 2800 LP x5

"My turn! I also Summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound!"

Ancient Gear Hunting Hound (ATK 1000/DEF 1000/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 3)

"When Hunting Hound is Normal Summoned, I can inflict 600 Damage to you." It's the third time already. Dude, play something different instead of the same, Hunting Hound pass!

Matsutani: 2800 LP -> 2200 LP

"I set a card and end my turn." He concluded.

Obelisk 1: 4000 LP x4
Obelisk 2: 4000 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 4000 LP x3
Matsutani: 2200 LP x5

"I draw for turn." Perfect. "I activate Spell: Unexpected Dai. Through this, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Normal monster from my deck. Appear, Evilswarm Heliotrope!"

Evilswarm Heliotrope (ATK 1950/DEF 650/Rock/Dark/Normal/LV 4)

"Evilswarm Orochi's effect activate from my hand." I show my card to them. "If I Normal or Special Summoned "lswarm" monster, I can Special Summon it along with one "lswarm" monster on my hand. Appear, Evilswarm Orochi and Evilswarm Kerykeion!"

Evilswarm Orochi (ATK 1550/DEF 1050/Winged-Beast/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

Evilswarm Kerykeion (ATK 1600/DEF 1550/Spellcaster/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"Last, I activate Field Spell: Infestation Hive." Our surrounding turned into some kind of endless ravine with dead forest surrounding it. Definitely not a place you want to visit. "With this, all "lswarm" monsters I control gains 600 Attack Points."

Evilswarm Heliotrope (ATK 1950 - 2550)

Evilswarm Orochi (ATK 1550 - 2150)

Evilswarm Kerykeion (ATK 1600 - 2200)

"Battle. Heliotrope, attack Hunting Hound number one." I also commanded all my monsters to put maximum damage to Obelisk Force.

Obelisk 1: 4000 LP -> 2450 LP

"Orochi, attack Hunting Hound number two."

Obelisk 2: 4000 LP -> 2850 LP

"Kerykeion, attack Hunting Hound number three."

Obelisk 3: 4000 LP -> 2800 LP

"In Main Phase 2, I'll overlay my Level 4 Heliotrope and Orochi. With these two monsters, I'll construct the overlay network!" As Orochi and Heliotrope entered the galaxy portal, I chanted. "The dragon of fimbulwinter! Resonating with these lingerine souls, and become my absolute servant! Rule the world with that cold beak! Xyz Summon! Descend, Rank 4! Evilswarm Ophion!"

Let's see if you can still use Fusion Summon.

Evilswarm Ophion (ATK 2550/DEF 1650/Dragon/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

Evilswarm Ophion (ATK 2550 - 3150)

"Evilswarm Ophion's effect activates. Once per turn, by detach one overlay unit, I can add one "Infestation" Spell/Trap card from my deck. I add Infestation Ripples. I then set three cards and that goes my turn." I concluded by setting Wonder Xyz, Infestation Ripples and Reckless Greed.

Evilswarm Ophion (OVU 2 - 1)

Obelisk 1: 2450 LP x4
Obelisk 2: 2850 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 2800 LP x3
Matsutani: 2200 LP x0

"My turn! Draw!" Obelisk one declared. "You'll pay for this! I activate Po-what?! Why can't I activate Polymerization?!"

"Oops, I forgot to tell you that as long as I control Evilswarm Ophion, you cannot Special Summon monsters with Level 5 or above." I beamed. "Thus, please enjoy your duel without Fusion."

"Grr...! I set a monster and set a card! Turn end!" Obelisk 1 concludes in frustation.

Obelisk 1: 2450 LP x3
Obelisk 2: 2850 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 2800 LP x3
Matsutani: 2200 LP x0

"My turn! Draw! I activate Continuous Trap: Ancient Gear Reborn! Once per turn, I can Special Summon "Ancient Gear" monster from my graveyard! Appear, Ancient Gear Hunting Hound!"

Ancient Gear Hunting Hound (ATK 1000/DEF 1000/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 3)

"I'll tribute Hunting Hound to Tribute Summon Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera!"

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera (ATK 2300/DEF 1300/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 6)

"Battle! Gadjiltron Chimera, attack Kerykeion!"

"Predictable." Seriously, very predictable. "I activate my first trap: Infestation Ripples. By paying 500 Life Points, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower "lswarm" monster from my graveyard. Revive, Evilswarm Orochi!"

Matsutani: 2200 LP -> 1700 LP

Evilswarm Orochi (ATK 1550/DEF 1050/Winged-Beast/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"How?! You cannot activated spell/trap card when Ancient Gear monster battles!" Obelisk 2 yelled.

"It's sad that you don't even know your own monster's effect." Yugioh player in the nutshell. "Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera is one of the Ancient Gears that doesn't have such effect. In short, it was a failure, just like you three. Next, my second trap: Wonder Xyz. With this, I can immediately Xyz summon using monsters on my field as materials. Kerykeion, Orochi, overlay!"

As both Kerykeion and Orochi entered the galaxy portal, I chanted. "The mighty guardian of the ancient tree! Resonating with these lingering souls, and become my absolute servant! Charge forward and eradicate everything! Xyz Summon! Come forth, Rank 4! Evilswarm Nemea!"

Evilswarm Nemea (ATK 2250/DEF 1750/Beast/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

Evilswarm Nemea (ATK 2250 - 2850)

"When Nemea is Xyz Summoned, I can destroy all Spell/Trap card my opponent control." My opponent's spell/trap zone had been annihilated by Nemea. "Anything else?"

"I-I end my turn." Oh, nervous already? But we had just started.

Obelisk 1: 2450 LP x3
Obelisk 2: 2850 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 2800 LP x3
Matsutani: 1700 LP x0

"My turn! Draw! I set a monster, turn end." Obelisk 3 concluded.

Obelisk 1: 2450 LP x3
Obelisk 2: 2850 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 2800 LP x3
Matsutani: 1700 LP x0

"I draw for turn." I draw my cards. "I activate my last trap: Reckless Greed. I can draw two cards but in cost I must skip my next draw phase two times, but that doesn't matter because you'll be ended by me. I activate Ophion's effect to add "Infestation" Spell/Trap card from my deck into my hand. I add Infestation Reanimation."

Evilswarm Ophion (OVU 1 - 0)

"I activate Quick-Play Magic: Infestation Reanimation. I can Special Summon one "lswarm" monster from my graveyard and then Special Summon another "lswarm" monster from my deck. Revive, Evilswarm Heliotrope and appear, Evilswarm Mandragora!"

Evilswarm Heliotrope (ATK 1950/DEF 650/Rock/Dark/Normal/LV 4)

Evilswarm Mandragora (ATK 1550/DEF 1450/Plant/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"I overlay my Level 4 Heliotrope with Mandragora. With these two monsters, I'll construct the overlay network! O' the great dragon of immortal winter! Resonating with these lingering souls, and become my absolute servant! Eradicate our assemble foe! Xyz Summon! Descend, Rank 4! Evilswarm Bahamut!"

Evilswarm Bahamut (ATK 2350/DEF 1350/Dragon/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 2)

Evilswarm Bahamut (ATK 2350 - 2950)

"This guy..." "He can't be from Standard!" Obelisk 1 and 3 yelled in fear.

"I'm from Xyz Dimension. I was being ordered by Shiunin Sora to defeat all of you." I ate my crispy plum. "I activate Bahamut's effect. By detach one overlay unit and discard one "lswarm" monster, I can target and take control one monster my opponent control, and I'll take control your Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera."

"What?!" Obelisk 2 could only stared in horror as he saw his monster betrayed him.

Evilswarm Bahamut (OVU 2 -1)

Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera (ATK 2300/DEF 1300/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 6)

"Last, I'll Summon Evilswarm Ketos in attack position."

Evilswarm Ketos (ATK 1750/DEF 1050/Aqua/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

Evilswarm Ketos (ATK 1750 - 2350)

"Battle. Ketos, attack Obelisk one's facedown card. And then Bahamut, attack him directly!" Ketos annihilate facedown card that turns out to be Ancient Gear Frame as Bahamut blasted him with its energy.

Obelisk 1: 2450 LP -> 0 LP

"Evilswarm Nemea, attack Obelisk two directly!"

Obelisk 2: 2850 LP -> 0 LP

"Gadjiltron Chimera, attack Obelisk Force three's facedown. And Evilswarm Ophion, direct attack!"

Obelisk 3: 2800 LP -> 0 LP

Winner: Matsutani Akira

"That's the wrap." I smiled as I approached them while rising my Duel Disk, those three was tremble in fear. "Now, ready to taste your own medicine?"

"W-Wait-" Before those three could plead, a purple light enveloped them and in instant, they turned into cards.

"That's karma for ya. Don't worry though, it's only temporary." I picked the cards and continue walking at the arena. After a few minutes, I met Yuya and Yuzu who had just beat the Ryozanpaku duo in tag team duel.

"Akira nii-san!" "Matsutani-san!" Yuya and Yuzu ran up to me.

"Sup guys." I greeted them with a smile. "I see you had just beat your opponents."

"Yep. So far so good." Yuya nodded. "We had three Pendulum cards ourselves. How about you?"

"Four, and I haven't dueled any participants yet." I answered. "My first duel is facing the invaders. Unlucky me..."

"Wait...they are here already?!" Yuzu gasped.

"Yep, if you turned around-" I pointed at group of Obelisk Force that consist of six people approaching us with that sinister smiles. "-here they are."

"So this is the Academia soldiers...their uniform is definitely like Sora's, but what's up with that mask?" Yuya wondered.

"They are such a bunch of weirdoes for wearing a mask like that, and I am the main target of these weirdoes." Sad to be you, Yuzu. Sad to be you. "Whoever designed that mask need to be fired immediately."

"Hey! Isn't that girl looks like the one professor wants?" He probably refers Serena, but Yuzu is on the list too, so whoever being capture by them, that pedo would be happy either way.

"And that white-haired guy! He's the Xyz scum that worked with that traitor!" Oh, he's the one who I beat with Yuto that night.

"What a luck!"

"Our target and Xyz scum in one place?"

"This must be our lucky day!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's get over it already." I activated my duel disk as I look at Yuya and Yuzu. "Mind giving me some help?"

"Of course." "Let show them the power of Standard Dimension."

And with that, our duel started.


Yuya: 4000 LP x5
Yuzu: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 1: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 2: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 3: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 4: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 5: 4000 LP x5
Obelisk 6: 4000 LP x5

"I'll go first! I Summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound-" Let's just skip until the Obelisk four's turn, alright? Because Obelisk one until three is doing the same damn thing! Hunting Hound, deal 600 damage to me, and set one.

Matsutani: 4000 LP -> 2200 LP

"Seriously, could you do something other than "I Summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound" bullshit? It's started to get tiring, and annoying." Purposely saying it out loud to irritate them.

"You want something new? Fine! I activate Polymerization to fuse three copies of Ancient Gear Hunting Hound on my hand! Mechanical hounds who carry on the ancient spirits, flock together and become one with new power! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Level 7! Ancient Gear Triple Hunting Hound!"

Ancient Gear Triple Hunting Hound (ATK 1800/DEF 1000/Machine/Earth/Fusion/Effect/LV 7)

"I end my turn." Obelisk 4 concluded.

"My turn! Draw! I activate Polymerization to fuse Ancient Gear Frame and Ancient Gear Hunting Hound! Mechanical beings who carry on the ancient spirits, flock together and become one with new power! Fusion Summon! Appear now! Level 8! Ancient Gear Howitzer!"

Ancient Gear Howitzer (ATK 1000/DEF 1800/Machine/Earth/Fusion/Effect/LV 8)

"Ancient Gear Howitzer's effect! This card can inflict 1000 damage to you, Xyz scum! Take this!"


Matsutani: 2200 LP -> 1200 LP

"I set a card and end my turn." Obelisk 5 concluded.

"Before you start your turn, I'll activate Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood's effect on my hand. Now, you can continue." I told the Obelisk 6.

"Fine. Like that move would save you from impending defeat." Obelisk 6 sneered. "Let me show you the ultimate Ancient Gear! I activate Polymerization! I'll fuse three copies of Ancient Gear Hunting Hound with Ancient Geat Golem on my hand! Three mechanical hound, become one with mechanical golem to create a power of chaos! Fusion Summon! Come forth, Level 10! Deity of destruction, return this world to formless chaos! Chaos Ancient Gear Giant!"

Chaos Ancient Gear Giant (ATK 4500/DEF 3800/Machine/Dark/Fusion/LV 10)

"What the hell is that thing?!" Yuzu gasped.

"My, you are so kind, dude." I grinned. "Thanks to Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood's effect, if my opponent Special Summon monsters, I can gain Life Points equal to its Attack Points."

Matsutani: 1200 LP -> 5700 LP

"Tch." Obelisk 6 grumbled. "I end my turn. Now come, you scum. All of you that stand before Academia will fall beneath the might of Chaos Giant!"

Yuya: 4000 LP x5
Yuzu: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 5700 LP x4
Obelisk 1: 4000 LP x3
Obelisk 2: 4000 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 4000 LP x3
Obelisk 4: 4000 LP x1
Obelisk 5: 4000 LP x1
Obelisk 6: 4000 LP x0

"Confident much? Let's see if it isn't just all talk." Wow, seriously. I can't imagine Yuya of all people says that. "My turn! Draw! With the scale 1 Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon and scale 8 Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon I set the Pendulum scale!"

Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon (ATK 1200/DEF 2400/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 5/PS 1)

Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon (ATK 2700/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Normal/LV 7/PS 8)

"With this I can Special Summon monsters with level between 2 and 7 at the same time! Swing, pendulum of my soul! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters!"

Two lights burst forth from the portal.

"Appear, Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon! Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet!"

Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (ATK 2500/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 7/PS 4)

Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet (ATK 100/DEF 200/Spellcaster/Light/Pendulum/Effect/LV 1/PS 8)

"When Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet is Normal or Special Summoned, I can send one "Odd-Eyes" monster from my deck to graveyard and then this card's Level will be the same as that card's level. I'll send my Level 5 Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler."

Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler (LV 1 - 5)

"I can tribute this monster by using one Level 5 or higher monster on my field. I'll tribute Performapal Odd-Eyes Valet in order to Tribute Summon this! The dichromatic eyes dragon with majestic wings, Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon!"

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (ATK 3000/DEF 2500/Dragon/Dark/Effect/LV 8)

"When Advance Dragon is Tribute Summoned, I can destroy a monster on the field and then my opponent will take damage equal to its Attack Points. I'll chose to destroy that so-called mighty Chaos Giant."

"What?! GYAHHHH!"

Odd-Eyes Advance blasted those junk robot as the user were knocked out by the destruction's shockwave.

Obelisk 6: 4000 LP - 0 LP

"So much for that self-glorious junk robot." I scoffed as I turned to Yuya. "Nicely done, Yuya."

"Now, now, Akira nii-san. I'm not done yet." Yes, I know. And what's up with that grin? "I activate Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler's effect from my Graveyard. I can destroy Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon in my Pendulum Zone in order to Special Summon it from my Graveyard."

Performapal Odd-Eyes Butler (ATK 1000/DEF 2100/Spellcaster/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 5/PS 2)

"Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon's Pendulum effect activates. When "Odd-Eyes" monster I control is destroyed, I can Special Summon one "Odd-Eyes monster from my hand, deck or graveyard. Appear, Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver (ATK 2000/DEF 2600/Spellcaster/Dark/Pendulum/Effect/LV 8/PS 4)

"I activate Dissolver's effect! I can perform Fusion Summon by using it along with Odd-Eyes Butler! Entertainer with duality magic! Become with the reliable butler and show us your new form! Fusion Summon! Come forth, Level 8! Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw!"

Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw (ATK 3000/DEF 2000/Dragon/Dark/Fusion/Effect/LV 8)

"Last I set the scale 8 Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn on my Pendulum zone and now, let's battle. Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw, attack Obelisk one's Hunting Hound! At this moment, when Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw attack, all monsters I control gains another 300 Attack Points."

Performapal Odd-Eyes Metal Claw (ATK 3000 - 3300)

Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (ATK 2500 - 2800)

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (ATK 3000 - 3300)


Obelisk 1: 4000 LP -> 1700 LP

"Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon will attack Obelisk three's Hunting Hound! Spiral Strike of Fantasy!"

"Take this, you intruders!" Phantom is sure full of energy, doesn't he?

Obelisk 3: 4000 LP -> 2200 LP

"Phantom Dragon's effect activates. When Phantom inflict a battle damage, my opponent will take 1200 damage for each "Odd-Eyes" card in my Pendulum zone. Since I had two, that means bye-bye to you. Atomic Force!"


Obelisk 3: 2200 LP -> 0 LP

"Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon, attack Obelisk two's Hunting Hound! At this moment, Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn's pendulum effect activates! Odd-Eyes Advance will gain Attack Points equal to Attack Points of "Performapal" monster I control."

Odd-Eyes Advance Dragon (ATK 3300 - 6600)

"6600 Attack?! Guwah!"

Obelisk 2: 4000 LP -> 0 LP

"And with that I end my turn." Yuya concluded with a smile. "Your turn, Yuzu."

Yuya: 4000 LP x5
Yuzu: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 5700 LP x4
Obelisk 1: 0 LP x3
Obelisk 2: 0 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 0 LP x3
Obelisk 4: 4000 LP x1
Obelisk 5: 4000 LP x1
Obelisk 6: 0 LP x0

Geez Yuya, calm down. It's just his first match, and he already break my record of beating 3 Obelisk Force in one scoop.

"My turn. Draw!" Yuzu draw her card. "With the scale 1 Refrain the Melodious Songstress and scale 9 Couplet the Melodious Songstress I set the pendulum scale!"

Refrain the Melodious Songstress (ATK 1600/DEF 800/Fairy/Light/Pendulum/Effect/LV 4/PS 1)

Couplet the Melodious Songstress (ATK 1200/DEF 2000/Fairy/Light/Pendulum/Effect/LV 5/PS 9)

"With this, I can Special Summon monsters with level between 2 and 8 at the same time! But first, I'll activate Spell: Ostinato! If I control no monsters, I can perform a Fusion Summon using monsters from my hand or deck as material! I'll fuse Aria the Melodious Diva with Serenade the Melodious Diva from my deck!"

"What?! Standard people can use such technique?!" Obelisk 4 exclaimed in disbelief.

"Echoing melodious voice! Angel's song! With the guidance of the baton, gather your power! Fusion Summon! Make your grand entrance on this stage, Level 7! Bacha the Melodious Maestra!"

Bacha the Melodious Maestra (ATK 2500/DEF 1800/Fairy/Light/Fusion/Effect/LV 7)

I whistle at Yuzu's new support monster. Melodious new support definitely make this deck playable or even become rogue deck.

"When Bacha is Special Summoned, I can Special Summon "Melodious" monster from my Deck. Appear, Mozarta the Melodious Maestra!"

Mozarta the Melodious Maestra (ATK 2600/DEF 2000/Fairy/Light/Effect/LV 8)

"Now I'll continue with Pendulum Summon! Swing, Pendulum of Melodies! Sing a song of heaven and descended into this very earth! Pendulum Summon! Appear, my monsters!"

Two lights burst forth from the portal.

"Welcome to the stage, Sonata the Melodious Diva and Tamtam the Melodious Diva!"

Sonata the Melodious Diva (ATK 1200/DEF 1000/Fairy/Light/Effect/LV 3)

Tamtam the Melodious Diva (ATK 1000/DEF 2000/Fairy/Light/Effect/LV 4)

"When Tamtam is Special Summoned, I can add "Polymerization" from my deck into my hand and I'll immediately activate it! I'll fuse Tamtam with Mozarta! Angel's song! Supreme genius! With the guidance of the baton, gather your power! Fusion Summon! Now come here to the stage! Sing the song of victory! Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir!"

Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir (ATK 1000/DEF 2000/Fairy/Light/Fusion/Effect/LV 6)

"Tamtam's effect activate! When it used as Fusion materials, I can reduce Bloom Diva's Attack Points by 500 and I can give 500 damage into my opponent. Take this!"

Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir (ATK 1000 - 500)

Obelisk 4: 4000 LP - 3500 LP

"Make Bloom Diva attack last, it would be useful in case unexpected interruption happened." I told Yuzu, who nodded.

"Got it. Sonata's effect make all "Melodious" monster I control gains 500 Attack Points. Now, let's battle! Sonata, attack Ancient Gear Howitzer!"

Bacha the Melodious Maestra (ATK 2500 - 3000)

Sonata the Melodious Diva (ATK 1200 - 1700)

Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir (ATK 500 - 1000)

Obelisk 5: 4000 LP -> 3300 LP

"Howitzer's last effect activates! If Howitzer is destroyed, I can Special Summon "Ancient Gear" monster from my deck! Appear, Ancient Gear Golem!"

Ancient Gear Golem (ATK 3000/DEF 3000/Machine/Earth/Effect/LV 8)

"You think your junk robot can stop me? Bloom Diva, attack Ancient Gear Golem!"

"You attacking my 3000 Attack Golem with your 1000 Attack Fusion monster?!" Obelisk 5 said in confusion.

"Bloom Diva cannot be destroyed by battle, and I take no battle damage from battle involving her." Yuzu said in flat tone. "As for you, your junk robot would be destroyed and you'll take damage equal to the Attack difference between your Golem and my Diva, that means 2000 damage."

Obelisk 5: 3300 LP -> 1300 LP

"Tch! I activate trap: Ancient Gear Reborn! I'll revive my Golem and it'll gains 200 Attack Points!"

Ancient Gear Golem (ATK 3000 - 3200)

"Then Bacha, attack Triple Hunting Hound!"

Obelisk 4: 3500 LP -> 2300 LP

"Yuzu! Catch!" What the?! Since when Yuya is up there?! He throw an Action card towards Yuzu, who grabbed it with ease.

"Thank you! I activate Action Magic: Second Chance! With this, Bloom Diva can attack again! Bloom Diva, attack that junk robot again! Graceful Wave!"


Obelisk 5: 1300 LP -> 0 LP

"I end my turn with that." Yuzu concluded.

Yuya: 4000 LP x5
Yuzu: 4000 LP x5
Matsutani: 5700 LP x4
Obelisk 1: 0 LP x3
Obelisk 2: 0 LP x3
Obelisk 3: 0 LP x3
Obelisk 4: 2300 LP x1
Obelisk 5: 0 LP x1
Obelisk 6: 0 LP x0

"I draw for turn." I draw my cards. "I'll end this quick. If my opponent control monster more than I do, I can Special Summon Evilswarm Mandragora from my hand. Then, I'll Summon Evilswarm Heliotrope in attack position. After that, if I Normal Summon a monster, I can Special Summon Kagetokage from my hand."

Evilswarm Mandragora (ATK 1550/DEF 1450/Plant/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

Evilswarm Heliotrope (ATK 1950/DEF 650/Rock/Dark/Normal/LV 4)

Kagetokage (ATK 1100/DEF 1500/Reptile/Dark/Effect/LV 4)

"I overlay my Level 4 Mandragora, Heliotrope and Kagetokage. With these three monsters, I'll construct the overlay network. O' the dragon that rules frozen ocean! Resonating with these lingering souls and become my absolute servant! Take reign of the land of life and death! Xyz Summon! Descend, Rank 4! Evilswarm Ouroboros!"

Evilswarm Ouroboros (ATK 2750/DEF 1950/Dragon/Dark/Xyz/Effect/Rank 4/OVU 3)

"I activate Ouroboros' effect. By detach one overlay unit, I can return one card on the field back into the hand. I'll chose to return your Triple Hunting Hound."

Evilswarm Ouroboros (OVU 3 - 2)

"Battle. Direct attack!"

Obelisk 4: 2300 LP -> 0 LP

Winner: Sakaki Yuya, Hiiragi Yuzu and Matsutani Akira

"Phew, now all is done..." I approached them as I raised my duel disk. They knew what I was gonna do, that's why they shivering in fear. " all need a good rest. Good night, bastards."

A purple light enveloped all of them as they turned into a bunch of cards. Yuya and Yuzu were shocked as this is the first time they see people turned into cards.

"I know it was wrong, but this is the only way we can do to prevent them coming again and again." I told the pair. "Don't worry, this is just temporary. They'll back after war ended."

"Right..." Yuya nodded. "It's just...too shocking for me. All of this, it's unreal. To think all of this is just because some weird pedophilia guy try to kidnapped teenage girls with the same face..."

"I feel the same, Yuya." Yuzu patted him on the shoulder. "All of this is unreal, but we need to go through it. We definitely can stop this nonsense, and the peaceful lifes will surely come upon us again."

"Damn, that was smooth." I whistled. "Alright, enough with the sappy shit. It appears we will face the round 2...and this time we will face double than before."

There's 12 Obelisk Force approaching us, but thank god when the situation became tight, reinforcement arrives.

"It appears you guys trapped in some kind of trouble." Yes, it's none other than Sora. "In that case, do you mind if I help you?"

"Not at all." Yuzu said with a smile. "Glad to see you again, Sora. After I heard everything from Yuya, I couldn't help but worry about you."

Yuya nodded in confirmation and Sora is on a edge of crying. I just gave him a 'Told you' look. After that, we focused our attentions back at Obelisk Force as we charges at them.


To Be Continued.
