πŸ’Œ | The Backfired Memory Charm

Magical Fables !
One Shot No. OO4 :
The Backfired Memory Charm
[ Lockhart's take on the climax of the Chamber of Secrets ]

"Lumos," Harry muttered to his wand and it lit up.

Merlin's beard, it's really the chamber of secrets? What have these kids got me into?

They were standing on the cold, wet, stone floor of a tunnel. The light from Harry's wand was just enough to see the petrified expression on Ron's face.

With a nod towards Harry, Ron poked me with his broken wand. "Walk."

I did what was told, but I won't take this behavior. I am professor Gilderoy Lockhart, winner of the Order of Merlin, third class. An Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defence League, the five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-Smile Award. I am a brave adventurer…

"Ahhh!! T-there is s-somthing up there," stammered Ron

As soon as the words left Ron's mouth, I stopped and pressed my cold hands over my eyes. I am not taking the risk of being petrified, here with these idiots. I am brave but not foolish to look at that monster in the eye.

The tunnel was already as silent as a grave, the only sound around us was when Ron stepped on the skull of a dead rat. Harry's wand wasn't doing much of his work either.

My legs were shaking because of the cold atmosphere in this tunnel. The boys might think differently. Harry moved towards the thing, I moved a step away. It's better to prepare for a flight.

I mean, I don't even have a wand, so yeah, flight is the only option for me.

Harry held his wand high, illuminating the six feet long, curled snakeskin lying on the floor and my knees gave up.

"Get up," Ron muttered sharply while pointing his broken wand towards me. He was looking at me like he was disgusted by me. I should be the one looking at him in that way. If only I had my wand here.


Yes, wand.

I could easily overpower him. Should I try that?

"I said get up," said Ron while taking a step towards me.

It's time.

I dived for the wand and knocked Ron out.


I have a wand. Broken but useful. A wand is a wand, after all.

It was blissful to look at the boys' faces. Terrified and scared. It was heard to contain my award winning smile.

"The adventure ends here, boys!" Harry looked petrified at the sight of me with a wand. "I'll take a bit of this skin back up to the school, tell them I was too late to save the girl, and that you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body β€” say good-bye to your memories!”

I would have given them a good speech about morality and foolishness, but I knew the risk of being patient and kind with these boys. I held my wand high up towards them, "Obliviate!"


White, everything is white, like someone just set up a blank canvas inside my head.

"Ow!!" A jolt of unbearable pain surged through my body, with a jerk I sat up and opened my eyes. Darkness.


I turned my head to look, but there was only darkness. What is this place?

"Hello?" As soon as the words left my mouth, a light flickered on towards my right, illuminating the head of a concerned-looking kid.

Red hair, blue eyes, freckled thin face, this kid was handsome, but why was he here?

Why am I here?

Who am I?

"Are you okay, professor?" The kid spoke to me. Professor?

"Hello. Do we know each other?"

"Yes. Is everything okay, professor?"

"Is my name 'Professor'?"

"Merlin's beard!"

"Whose beard?" This kid was either knocked on the head or something. "Kid, do you know why I am here?"




I should run, he is looking weirdly at me, but what is this place? Feels like a grave, and what is this kid doing here with only a light? Wait a minute…

I slowly got up and crouched my way towards the light. The light was dancing on a single, broken but beautiful stick. How is this possible?

"Professor, do you know your name?"

"My name? Isn't my name Professor? You're calling me Professor." This kid is so weird.


"Where is this light coming from? Is it coming from inside you? "

"No, sir-I mean professor, do you remember coming inside this tunnel?"

"No. That's what I am confused about. Why am I here? Who are you? And who am I?"

"You are a… novelist. You were writing a novel about this tunnel."

"This tunnel? Huh?"

That's weird. I don't remember anything. What's wrong with me?

"Ron!" Who is it? "Ginny's OK! I've got her!"

What's going on…?

"You wait here… don't move… okay?" the kid said while not even waiting for my answer and running towards the stone wall, leaving me in darkness.

It's scary, singing would be better. But I don't remember any songs. I used to hear songs? I should make one of my own.

After about five to six minutes, the red-haired kid walked back with two other kids, a boy and a girl.

"Hello," I said politely, "Odd sort of place isn't it? Do you live here?" Why are kids living in this tunnel? Do I live here too?

"No," the red-haired kid answered while looking at the kid with glasses. Odd sort of kids.

The kids started talking about going out of this tunnel by going up, but how will we go up? I was deep in my thoughts when a weird looking bird sat in front of me with his back towards me. Looking intently towards the kid with glasses.

How can a bird look intently towards a kid, silly me.

"He looks like he wants to grab hold…" the red-haired kid said.

How can someone know what a bird wants? Bird. Oh, the bird is beautiful. But scary. Darkness is also scary. Why was I in the dark again?

"Professor Lockhart," the kid with glasses said while looking at me. Why is he looking at me?

"He means you," the red-haired kid said sharply. Ohhh, but why is this kid always in a bad mood?

"Professor, you hold Ginny's hand," said the kid with the glasses. Ginny? That's a nice name.

But why does Ginny look terrified and sick? Is she sick?

"Are you sick, kid?" I asked while holding her hand. She looked at me and smiled sadly.

Just as I was about to ask more, an extraordinary lightness spread throughout my body, it was like, like flying. Am I flying?

The animal bones beneath my feet were getting smaller. As I looked up, the cold jet of air hit my face and it felt awesome. I don't know how this was happening but it was awesome.

"Amazing!" I yelled while tears filled my eyes as the air stung in them, "Amazing! It's just like magic!"

All the others looked at me with concerned-filled eyes, but it didn't bother me. The thing I was experiencing was magical and unbelievable. I don't care who I am and why I am where I was, I just wanted to enjoy the magic.

Credits !
Author: OliviaPotter2010

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