πŸ’Œ | Death, Crime and a Zodiac Sign: About the Book

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Death, Crime and a Zodiac Sign. OO1 :
About the Book

Book of the Month: Death, Crime and a Zodiac Sign
Author: Life_Under_The_Stars

"The goal of all life is death." - Sigmund Freud.

When the murder of an affluent businessman's daughter kicks of New Year's day, things couldn't get more hectic for the Criminal Investigation Branch. All they find on the victim's corpse is a card with a zodiac sign. And a note stating that this is only one of several crimes that are to mark that year.

Zodiac signs have long since captured the curiosity and imagination of those who seek to decipher mysteries of human destiny. What happens when it morphs into a dangerous game of cat and mouse?

When zodiac signs are used not to observe one's personality, but to predict the next target of a deadly criminal on the run?

The Criminal Investigation Branch must rely on its best agents to solve the mystery of a series of events...
All involving death, crime, and a zodiac sign.

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