πŸ’Œ | Slytherin: Who Are You?

Monthly Motivation !
Slytherin No. OO2 :
Who Are You?

Ambitious. Power-hungry. Resourceful. Determined. Clever. Cold. Selfish. Self-preserving. That’s what most people think when they think of Slytherin. Oh, and we can’t forget the evil part. But we aren’t all like those stereotypes, Nyx thought sarcastically as she passed by the a group of little Gryffindors cowering from her.Β If only they knew what we are really like… 

When she entered the common room, her friend, with a troubled expression, asked her, "Hey, Nyx? What is Slytherin exactly? What is our Slytherin identity?"

Nyx looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Who are weΒ as Slytherins?"

This caught Nyx off guard. Even after being in Slytherin all these years, she had never really thought about it. His questions had her racking her brain for answers.

Slytherins were complicated. They had their good points and bad points, as well as common attributes that prompted the Sorting Hat to place them in that house. Just like everyone else, they are also capable of love, kindness and bravery too, much to contrary belief. So the question is once again posed: who were they? What exactly defines a Slytherin?

Nyx thought long and hard before she finally said, "To me, Slytherins are like snakes, cunning, sly, and maybe vicious at times. However, most of the time, all these are just to hide the person's real personality. It's a defense mechanism, an armour, to protect the person. It could be trauma, bad experiences, who knows? Slytherins aren't exactly social creatures and prefer to keep things to themselves.

"Slytherins are also known to be ambitious, a common trait that often leads many astray. It's good to have ambitions, but sometimes we need to think whether they are feasible or not. Don’t be discouraged and don’t give up when things go south. Instead, pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes and carry on.

"Look at Draco Malfoy. His story shows us that it is alright to be weak. There will always come a time where you struggle to complete something on your own and would need to seek help from others to finish the task. However, in this case, don’t be like Draco Malfoy and refuse help. Β Instead, learn to lean on your friends and family and let them support you. You are not alone in this world and you never will be. Remember that.” Β 

Her friend looked at her with teary eyes and a watery smile. "Thank you, Nyx. I really needed that."

"You're welcome and know that I'll always be here for you whenever you need me," Nyx reassured, pulling him into her warm embrace.

β€œThanks, I’m always here for you too…but what about Slytherins like Narcissa Black and Severus Snape? They don’t fit into any of the stereotypes?” he asked.

Nyx looked at him with a thoughtful look on her face. β€œYou’ve brought up a good point. ThereΒ areΒ some Slytherins who defy the normal stereotypes. For example, Narcissa Black wasn’t the normal power-hungry rich Slytherin. Instead, she was a loving and brave mother who willingly defied Lord Voldemort. Even though she may have lied for Harry out of her love and concern for her son, there is no denying that the act itself was unlike unusual Slytherin behaviour. If it were her sister, we would all know how differently things would have turned out.

"Another example is Severus Snape. He played double agent for Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort, very unusual for a Slytherin. Many fear and look up to the Dark Lord and would never think or dare to defy him, much less double cross him. He displayed Gryffindor-worthy bravery mixed with Slytherin cunning to pull it off. If you think about it, he doesn't really fit into any Slytherin category.

"However, don’t be afraid to be like them. We're all special in our own way, just like how no two snakes are the same. Be proud of who you are and show everyone what type of Slytherin you are.Β We are Slytherins and have pride in our house. We have our advantages and disadvantages, but that’s what makes us unique.Β That’sΒ whatΒ makes us Slytherin."

Credits !
Writer: Dark_Ghostie

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