πŸ’Œ | Horror of Horcruxes I : Voldemort's Fantasy

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Horror of Horcruxes. OO1 :
Voldemort's Fantasy
[ Intro and History ]

This chapter contains information based
on the books and/or the movies.
If you haven't read the books or
watched the movies, proceed on
your own risk.

What is an horcrux? History of Horcruxes.

It is an object used to contain a part of one's soul. In other words, until the object is unscathed and kept away from agents that may destroy the soul inside, the witch or wizard who performs the dark art is immortal. The Horcrux was considered to be by far the most terrible of all Dark Magic.

It can only be created by enacting the most vile action - murder. The process for the creation of a Horcrux involved a spell and a horrific act was performed soon after the murder had been committed.

The first known Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul in Ancient Greece. The only other known creator of a Horcrux was Lord Voldemort, who was very likely the only person to have successfully created more than one Horcrux by having seven horcruxes with two living beings instead of inanimate objects.

However, Voldemort only intended for six horcruxes as he was a firm believer of the luck that the number seven [ 7 ] brought.

The entire concept of horcruxes were so terrifying that very few people knew about it. In fact, Hogwarts banned any form of books or information related to horcruxes being in its magnificent library.

A negligible amount of books ever gave information about Horcruxes. For instance, ❛Magick Moste Evile❜ skimmed through the subject very lightly.

The only book that's said to contain information about the same in depth goes by the name of ❛Secrets of the Darkest Art.❜ This book was once available in the Hogwarts Library but was later removed and hidden away in the Headmaster's Chamber by Albus Dumbledore. It is rumoured that before Dumbledore could get a hold on the book, Tom Riddle aka Lord Voldemort read about the subject.

How to create a horcrux?

We hope you don't use this information to create one yourself.

Well, to create a horcrux, one has to commit murder. We know that. But what's the main point here is that the murder you are committing should not give you any regret or remorse later. In other words, killing as a self-defense mechanism won't help you create a horcrux.

By murdering someone, your soul is damaged. Using this damage and a spell, the part of the injured soul is put in a designated container. This container comes to be known as horcrux. Animate as well as inanimate objects can be used as containers but the latter was preferred because of safety reasons.

What would happen should you be injured physically but you have a horcrux?

You won't die until the horcrux is present in full form, housing a piece of your soul even if your body were to take fatal damage. If the maker's body was subjected to fatal conditions, they would continue to exist in the living world in a non-corporeal form, similar to a ghost, but technically still alive. There are methods to revive yourself after receiving fatal injuries if your horcrux is still intact: by using the Philosopher's Stone to produce the Elixir of Life, or by brewing a Rudimentary body potion followed by a Regeneration potion.

How to undo the horcrux?

The maker most feel utmost regret of the actions they have committed. This process is said to be extremely painful, sometimes fatal, to both mind and body.


The word Horcrux may be comprised of "hor" or "hore" (old English/middle-English) meaning "dirt, evil, impurity" and "crux" or "crΓΊce" (old English) meaning "container, pitcher(ful), jar" which would therefore mean "container of evil".

Quiz !

Who quotes the following and in which Harry Potter Book?

❝A Horcrux is the word used for an object in which a person has concealed part of their soul... Well, you split your soul, you see, and hide part of it in an object outside the body. Then, even if one's body is attacked or destroyed, one cannot die, for part of the soul remains earthbound and undamaged.❞

Answer here
in comments! >>>

Credits !
Writer: marina_swampert
Source: Potter Wiki and Wizarding World

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Horror of Horcruxes II πŸ‘‰
