Why now

Mikasa POV

When I woke up I heard yelling from downstairs. I slowly sat up and looked at the time, it was 5:34. Wow. Why are people yelling at this hour? I thought.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Annie and Reiner fighting. About what, I don't know.

I'm guessing Annie was going to run up the stairs but then realized I was in her way.

"how long have you been standing there?" she asked with a surprised look on her face.

"not even a minute," I said stepping to the side of the stairs. I noticed I still had my clothes on from yesterday.

" I should get home. Thank you, Annie, ". I walked back upstairs and grabbed my bag. I noticed when I went upstairs they started to argue. I sighed making my way downstairs again.

I passed by Annie and Reiner not saying a word and walking out the door. Once I got outside I sighed and walked across the street.


I finished getting ready, wearing blue jeans, a white shirt with a leather jacket and my scarf. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and sat beside Eren.

"so mom and dad left on one of dad's trips," Eren said. I looked at him with a surprised look on my face.

He must have noticed the shock on my face.

"they'll be back next week. Don't worry" he said giving me a reassuring smile. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


I'm sitting in the cafeteria beside Annie. My phone starts to ring. I checked who was calling me, it was Carla. She never calls me during school. I thought. I walked away answering the call.

"Hey, Carla what's up?"

"I'm sorry to inform you but Carla and Girsha Yeager got into an accident. They did not make it." a female voice said into the phone.

I started to shake, ending the call. I heard someone open the cafeteria, looking over I saw Annie.

"Mikasa? Hey is everything alright?" Annie said as she rushed towards me. I shook my head.

"no," I said in a small voice. "Eren's parents were killed" she stood there, eyes wide open then immediately pulled me into a tight hug. I cried into her shoulder. She rubbed my back reassuringly.

After a few minutes, I pulled away wiping my eyes. " I should go tell Eren"

Annie nodded walking beside me, holding my hand. I tapped on Eren's shoulder and gestured him to follow me.

I led him into the hall and told him what happened.


The rest of the school day was boring. The only exciting part was seeing Annie. I walked in the door, Eren right behind me.

I went up to my room to lay down, but before I could do that there was a knock at the door. Groaning I walked back downstairs and opened the door.

Annie looked up from the ground, she walked past me. When I turned around after closing the door she had her arms open for a hug.

I smiled walking up to her and accepting the hug. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, when I leaned back Annie wiped I'm guessing tears away from my eyes. I didn't know I had started to cry, I'm never this open with people but Annie is an exception.

"would you, Mikasa, like to go on a date with me?" Annie asked softly her hands rubbing up and down my arms. I nodded a small smile playing on my lips. She grabbed my hand leading me out the door and to a cafe that was close to my house.


We sat in the scouting cafe talking and laughing, taking my mind off of what happened today. After we finished our lattes she took me to the park.

We sat on a bench hand in hand and my head resting on her shoulder. She kissed the top of my head making me smile. We stayed in comfortable silence until Annie spoke up.

"so my dad sent me a letter"

"What did it say?" I said raising my head to look at her.

"it just said when and where to meet." she sighed "it also said to bring you too"

I was shocked. How did he know about Annie and I dating? Not even our friends know.

"how?" I said. She must have known what I meant because she looked away from me and looked in front of her.

"Eren must have told you about his job" I nodded looking down. "well he pretty much has eyes everywhere. It's impossible to hide things from him"

"so when does he want to meet?"

"at his warehouse"

That was the end of that conversation. Maybe I shouldn't tell Eren about this. Annie stood up pulling me with her.

We decided to go home after that, well I went to her house making sure to bring clothes with me this time. We just cuddled, enjoying the presence of each other.


I finally got this chapter done. I'm sorry if things are moving a bit too fast😅

- Connor
