Chapter 23

Mikasa POV

Some time has passed, Annie is working full-time with the Military police and I'm going college for a music degree. I'm currently typing away on the computer, writing an essay for my English class, while I wait for Annie to get home from work.

We've been dating for 5 years now and I think I'm going to propose to her tonight. We both agreed on a date at this fancy restaurant, afterwards, we're going to go for a nice walk in the park and at the perfect moment, I will ask her to be my wife.

I hear the jingle of keys then the front door unlocking. I quickly save my work and run downstairs to greet Annie. As Annie was placing her bag down, I tackled her in a hug.

"Welcome home, Babe!" I said, excitedly. She let out a soft chuckle, hugging me back.

"Well, someone's happy to see me." She said, kissing me on the cheek. The sound of nails clicking against the floor could be heard coming from upstairs. Oliver then appeared at the bottom of the stairs, wagging his tail as if it's going to fall off. "There he is!" Annie knelt and opened her arms.

Oliver slid into her arms, giving her kisses all over her face. Annie giggled as she stood up, she then started taping her cheek asking for a kiss.

"I'm not gonna kiss after the dog. you never know where his mouth has been." I said, crossing my arms and leaning my weight to my right leg. Annie then copied me and gave me a pout but I could tell it was hard for her not to smile. A couple of minutes past of us having a stare-off and I finally caved. "fine."

Annie grinned and walked towards me, going on her tippy-toes and giving me a simple kiss on the lips. Soon the simple kiss turned into a heated make-out, then to clothes coming off, then- well, I think you know the rested.

--time skip--

As I'm getting dressed and Annie is finishing her shower, I checked the time and it was 6:15 pm, 15 minutes till our reservation. I had made sure that it was close to home so we won't be in that much of a hurry. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Hey, Annie are you almost done?"

"Yup. Just have to finish putting my clothes on." I don't understand why she changes in the bathroom, I've asked her a million times and it's the same answer, 'because it's an old habit and there's a mirror'.

Annie opened the bathroom door and she looked amazing. She was wearing a black silk button-up shirt, black ripped jeans and black Blundstone boots. I didn't notice her walk up to me until she closed my mouth.

"You look great babe and I'm pretty sure from your reaction, I look great as well." She said softly. A blush spread across my cheeks and she let out a chuckle, kissing me. "Come on, let go before we're late." Annie grabbed my hand and lead me to the restaurant.

When we made it to the restaurant, we still had 5 minutes to spare. We walked in the doors and the restaurant was surprisingly not busy.

"Hi, we have a reservation under Ackerman," Annie said to the hostess. I turned my focus back to Annie when she used my last name. She must have noticed my confusion because once we were seated she asked me what was wrong.

"Why did you use my last name for the reservation?" When we were planing the date Annie said she would take care of the restaurant but I didn't know she put it under my name.

"Why not." She said with a shrug. "Someday everything we own will most likely be under that name anyway." I was not expecting that. Annie reached across the table and held my hands. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah. It's just that I never expected you to take my last name." 

The waiter came over and took our orders, we got our food, Annie paid for it even though I offered. We're now walking in the park, Annie swinging our hands as we walked. I made sure to have a place to walk to for the perfect moment.

"So where are we going?" Annie asked. I smiled, picturing the moment in my head.

"You'll see." In the park, there is this giant tree that looks beautiful in the moonlight, that's where I'm going to propose.

Some people passed us as we walked to the tree. There weren't many trees around it so there was a lot of open space. We approached the tree and I stared up at it, little did I know, Annie was building up the courage to do something.

"Mikasa," She grabbed my hands as I turned to face her. "You are the greatest thing that has happened to me. I can't even begin to explain how much you've done to make me the person I am today."

"I could say that same thing about you." I smiled.

"That's why I wanted to do this." Annie began to get on one knee and grab something from her pocket. This can't be happening. "Mikasa Ackerman, will you marry me?" She opened the box as I covered my mouth in shock.

"You know, I could ask you the same thing." The look of confusion on Annie's face was hilarious. I pulled out the box from my back pocket and opened it, Annie's expression then turned to shocked. As this happened, a small crowd started to form.

"What are the chances. Well, my answer is yes. what about you?" Annie stood back up as she took the ring out of her box and held it up. I just nodded, I was speechless. Annie put the ring on my finger and I did the same to her. Best day of my life.

I jumped into her arms and gave her a long passionate kiss, ignoring the big crowd that had formed. When we pulled away for air, resting our foreheads against each other, we held hands while we walked back to the house.

As soon as we entered the house, I called up Eren to tell him the good news.

"Hey Eren, guess what just happened," I said when he answered. "I  just got engaged! And you won't believe how it happened."

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you. Tell me everything." I told him what happened, not leaving out a single detail. "Wow, that's amazing. I've never heard of that happening before. Well, I'll let you go. I bet you guys have a lot of planning to do."

Eren hung up and I started to get ready for bed. Today is the best day of my life. When I was done getting ready, Annie was falling asleep while reading a book. I smile to myself, grabbing the book and placing it on her nightstand, making sure to mark the page she's on.

I climbed onto the bed and cuddled into Annie. She adjusted herself so she was the big spoon, which I don't mind.

"I love you, Mikasa." She said softly.

"I love you too, Annie." I drifted off to sleep in the arms of the person I love most.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sadly this is the second last chapter. Maybe sometime in the future, I'll write a sequel to it, but for now, I can't think of anything I can write for this story. If you were at any time confused by the timeline, which I bet you were, don't worry about it so was I. I'll attempt to write the wedding for the last chapter but it may suck. Thank you to everyone who read this story, it means a lot to me that people actually like something that  I made.

- Connor
