The Invasion

Imagine the whole crowd wearing these uniforms.

Annie POV

Today is my fathers funeral. I'm surprised I'm not that upset. I'm mean when someone loses a family member, it's usually very saddening. I guess it's because I didn't consider him family.

I'm getting ready at Mikasa's house. I don't know why but oh well. I have to wear my formal uniform (the picture at the beginning)
Because of a tradition in the gang.

I offered the uniform to Mikasa but she doesn't want to wear it. I don't blame her.

I walk out of the bathroom, straightening my tie a little. Mikasa walked out of her bedroom wearing a gorgeous black dress. She walked over to me with a smile and closed my mouth.

"You're going to catch flies like that." She said with a giggle. I looked away as a blush slowly crept in my face.

I felt her hand on my chin moving my head to face her. When my eyes met with hers, she was smiling but her eyes showed something different. As if she was asking permission for something.

The next thing I know she's slowly closing the distance between us. It was then I realized what the look in her eyes meant.

I felt her soft lips on mine, my hands automatically placed on her hips. She pulled away from the kiss and a small smile played on her lips.

"We should get going" she said, adjusting my tie.

I nodded my head, speechless at what just happened. She just grinned, taking my hand and dragging me along out the door.

—time skip—

Once we got to the warehouse, we met up with Reiner and Bert.

"Finally. You two took forever" Reiner said, turning around. I rolled my eyes at him and punched him in the shoulder.

As a group started to form around my fathers coffin, the realization of my fathers death started to occur to me.


I don't know how a funeral works really so I cut to the good part.


Everyone was paying their respects to my father, I already did earlier.

I was talking with Reiner, Bert and Mikasa when the ground started to rumble. I look around and my eyes widened at the site.

A bunch of titans are running around and eat everyone. I look at Reiner in complete shock, he seemed to have the same reaction.

"Everyone head inside and get your gear on and prepare to fight!" I yelled, causing everyone to run. "Reiner your with me. We can hold them off until everyone is ready" he nodded in response.

"Wait what! Your going out there alone?!" I heard Mikasa say. I turned around to face her.

"Don't worry. I won't be alone I have Reiner with me. Bert can you go inside with Mikasa and take her to the bunker" I said, trying to at least comfort her.

Bert places his hand on her shoulder and gave her a nod. She looked at the ground and started to walk towards the warehouse.

I turned towards Reiner and nodded my head. We started to run in different directions to split up the titans. After we were a safe distance apart I bit my hand and shifted into my titan form, Reiner doing the same.

—couple minutes later—

Reiner and I have been killing the titans in their weak spot for a couple minutes. I heard the sound of the 3D maneuvering gear. I looked behind me to see about a dozen soldiers flying at us.

Finally. I thought. I ran towards the warehouse so I could get my maneuvering gear on.

I got out of the titan and ran into the warehouse with Reiner hot on my heels. When I entered, the last thing I expected to see had to happen.

"Mikasa! What are you doing? I thought I told you to go into the bunker?" I said. I glanced at Bert and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not letting you fight alone." She said in a determined voice.

"There are literally more than a dozen soldiers out there fighting. I'm not alone in this fight." I said, a hint of anger in my voice.

"Annie! I'm not gonna sit down there, not knowing if your dead or not!" She practically yelled.

"Let's think about this a different way. You don't even know how to use the gear. This is a life or death situation. Trust me, I know. If you want after this is all sorted out I can teach you how to use the gear. But until then, I'd rather you stay down here so I know your safe." I said, walking up and grabbing her hands. "I'll come back and check on you, if that makes you fell better."

She sighed, bowing her head. She started to take off the gear and put it aside.

"Fine. If your not back in an hour I'm going out there." She said in a serious tone.

"Alright. I'll come back in an hour." I said. I looked over to Bert and gave him a nod. He nodded back and grabbed Mikasa's shoulder. She turned around and started to walk away.

This time I made sure she went into the bunker. I just don't want her to get herself  killed.

Reiner and I quickly got our gear on, running out the door to join the fight again.

This is going to be a long day.


Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I've been really stressed  about school. Thank god exams are this week. Still stressful though. Next chapter should be up next week.

