The aftermath

Mikasa POV

It's been a month since the meeting with Annie's father. Classes are finally back to normal, which means we're actually learning.

I've been pretty distant from everyone, the fact that Eren's parents died is now just sinking in. Annie has been giving me some space which I'm thankful for.

I was in science when my phone started to ring. Mrs. Hanji had stopped her lesson and told me to answer in the hall. I nodded my head and speed walked into the hall.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"My name is Nile Bok. I am one of the investigators on the case dealing with the car accident of Carla and Girsha Jaeger. I want to inform you that we found out the breaks on the car had been removed "

"wait. Are you saying that they were basically murdered?" my voice shook.

"yes. I'm afraid I am ms. Ackerman. We are launching a full investigation to find out who did this"

I hung up the phone and slowly made my way back to class. Once I entered the classroom I grabbed my bag and told Mrs. Hanji I had to leave. She nodded and continued the lesson.

"Mrs. Hanji may I go to the washroom?" Annie stood up from her seat. Mrs. Hanji turned around with a sigh and said for her to just go. Annie gave the teacher a little smile and left following behind me.

I continued walking, thinking that Annie was actually going to the washroom. I felt someone grab my arm and I almost punched them but it was Annie.

" I thought you were going to the washroom?" I questioned. She just pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly. I softly cry into her shoulder while she rubbed my back soothingly.

After a couple of minutes had passed Annie asked: "are you alright?". I pulled away nodding my head and wiping away the tears. I hate when I get this emotional.

"do you want to tell your brother?" she asked grabbing my hand.

" I'll talk to him about it tonight". Annie nodded.

"are you going home? I can walk with you"

"that would be great," I said with a smile. We walked hand in hand all the way to my house.

"I'll see you later," Annie said but just before she could turn around I grabbed her wrist.

"please stay," I said with a quiet voice. A small smile played on her lips.

"of course"

I unlocked the door and then locked it again behind Annie. We placed our bags by the door and walked upstairs to my room.

Annie laid on the bed first. I then got on and cuddled into Annie, she wrapped her arms around me. We both soon drifted off to sleep.


"what the hell?! MIKASA". I heard someone yelling from downstairs then stomping. The next thing I know Eren's kicking my door open.

"why the hell is she here?!" he yelled. I went to get up but Annie beat me to it.

"I'm guessing you want me to leave. Am I right?" she asked in a calm voice. So calm it was scary.

"YES. I want you gone!"

"and why is that?"

"she almost joined a gang because of you!"

"but she didn't. And now I'm taking the blame. Like I've said before you don't know jack shit about me. All you know is that my father owns a gang" Annie said raising her voice.

Eren was pissed now, he tried to punch Annie but she dodged it. She grabbed his arm, pulling behind his back and pushing him to the ground. He screamed in pain.

"Annie, stop it," I said fighting back tears. She looked up at me and stood up.

"I'm sorry Mika-" she said but was cut off by a punch to the nose. I got off the bed and shoved Eren out of my room and slammed the door.

I helped Annie stand up and sit on the bed. I grabbed a towel that just so happened to be in my room. Her nose was bleeding pretty bad.

I tilted her head back, placing the towel under her nose. She sighed, closing her eyes.

After the bleeding had stopped I tossed the towel into my laundry basket.

"Thanks," Annie said with a smile.

"No problem" I replied returning the smile. "what did you mean by you taking the blame?" I asked

She sighed tilting her head down. "the day after the meeting we had with my father, I decided to join his gang. And because I had turned him down before he had punished me"

I started at her, eyes wide. Annie then stood up and started to lift up her shirt. She had bruises on her stomach.

"he forces me to fight him until I can beat him," she said in a shaky voice.

I stood up and grabbed her hands then pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back as if her life depended on it. I rubbed her back as she cried into my chest, because of our height difference.

I pulled her towards the bed then began to lay down. She followed suit and cuddled into me. A smile played on my lips.

Her breathing slowed as she fell asleep. I kissed the top of her head and fell into a deep sleep.


I guess it wasn't really a sad chapter. Oh wellπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

- Connor
