The unexpected happened

Annie POV

The rest of the weekend went by fast, too fast. Today is the first day back at school, I'm not excited. I had a quick shower and got dressed into black ripped jeans, vans and my white hoodie.

As I ran out of the door with my skateboard in hand, I saw a group of people I've never seen. I tried to ignore them, but their voices sounded familiar. I shook my head at the thought and continued to school.

When I got to school I just headed to my first class, which had to be math. I took a seat in the back corner of the classroom, not wanting to get involved with anything.


After about five minutes the bell rang and everybody started to file into the classroom. I noticed a group of people sit near me, they look familiar. Oh, that's right I saw them this morning. Great.

The entire class, the girl with black hair kept staring at me. It doesn't really help that we both have the same classes. The next period we had science, I got to the class before her. The same voices I heard at the park last Saturday travelled into the classroom.

I looked up from my phone to see who they belong to. Of course, it had to be the black haired girl, I'm guessing what I heard her name is Mikasa.

We made eye contact and I quickly looked back down at my phone.

The bell rang, I noticed she had sat beside me. Oh great. This is going to be an awkward class.

"Alright, good morning everyone and welcome back. Today I'm going to assign a project that's due next month." Mrs. Hanji, our teacher, said. The entire class groaned.

" yes, I know. You'll be working with your table partner. Take this period to get started"

I glanced at Mikasa. she just so happened to be looking at me already.

"so I guess we're partners," I said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I guess so" she responded.

"oh yeah, the project is based on whatever disease of your choice" Mrs. Hanji interrupted

Great. I thought. The rest of the class was researching what disease we should do, we chose the shifter disease.

Lunch was actually boring. I just went to the music room with Reiner and Bertholdt and listened to how their mornings went.

On my way to third, which was gym, I heard someone following me. I sped up my pace, so did they. I stopped dead in my tracks and they ran into me.

I turned around, to my surprise it was I'm guessing Eren.

"what do you want," I said harshly.

" I want you to leave my sister alone"

"what are you talking about"

"she told me about you. I know what your father does and you're probably the same so leave her alone"

"first of all, I'm nothing like my father and second of all you should let her live her own life, not the one you want her to live"

I turned around and walked away, not wanting to deal with him anymore. Wait, did I just defend Mikasa? Oh god, what is happening to me?

I got ready for gym, heading out of the locker room.

"Hey, Annie" I heard a voice call my name.

"What," I said a little too harshly, I instantly regretted it. " oh sorry"

" it's ok. Did you happen to get stopped by my brother?"

"if you mean Eren, then yes"

"oh no, I'm so sorry about him"

"you shouldn't have to apologize for him"

She just nodded. Mr. Ackerman, our gym teacher, told us to find a sparring partner and practice our fighting skills.

Mikasa and I sparred together, tieing every round.

Last period was art class, probably the most relaxed class I have. Again I chose a seat in the back, pulling out my sketchbook.

"no Mikasa listen to me she's not the person you think she is"

"just because her father has done bad things doesn't me she has"

I heard an argument in the hallway. I didn't have to look up to know who it was between. Mikasa stormed into the classroom and sat down in the desk next to me.

"is everything ok?"

She sighed.

"yeah. Well not really"

"you want to talk about"

"no, not really. Well at least not right now"

I just nodded, continuing to draw. Soon the bell rang and everyone started to file into the classroom.

The class went by fast. As the bell for the end of school rang I packed up my bag and head towards my locker.

When I stood up I felt someone grab my arm. I went to almost hit them but then I noticed it was Mikasa.

"since we have that science project how about I give you my number," she said with a slight blush on her face.

"uh yeah ok sure" I replied stumbling on my words.

I held out my phone. She took it out of my hand, putting in her number.

" I'll see you around Annie," she said as she handed back my phone.

"Yeah see you around"

Mikasa walked passed me with a small smile on her face. I walked out of the classroom, towards my locker.

I grabbed my skateboard and started to head home, not knowing a surprise was waiting for me.


Yay, I made a longer chapter. I think I'll just upload a chapter when I can. I thought it would take me longer to write but I guess not.

- Connor
