ShroudInnit and Michael_Beloved Aftermath

{A/N: Ayup guys! Protective Tommy pog? Hehe anyways, there MIGHT be a TW this chapter depending on how my mind takes this as I write it lol cuz fun fact: I don't plan ANY of these chapters beforehand! :D I just write whatever comes to my mind as I'm writing the chapter! I do use SOME context clues from previous chapters to make it a cohesive story, but other than that, its mostly me just going with the flow and getting in the zone of writing! Anyways, as usual, credit to for the art and idea and enjoy the chapter!}

Italics: Michael/Tubbo

Bold: Ranboo


     "You two need to unfuse. Now." Tommy's serious tone causes the fused toddler's smile to falter almost immediately, Ranbee frowning slightly as well.

     "Why are you making them unfuse, Tommy? They wanted to be like us!" Ranbee questions, their green eyes glowing when Tubbo speaks. Tommy looks at Ranbee with a deadpan expression.

     "That's exactly why I want them to unfuse. They're way younger than we are, and we've all been through enough trauma to last an entire lifetime. Need I remind you two of the whole L'Manberg incident?" At his words, Ranbee's head bows slightly, a deeply saddened expression on their face as the horrendous memories flood their mind. Tubbo being reluctantly executed by a firework launched by Techno (which Tubbo has 100% forgiven Techno for, considering he saw the pure regret and sorrow in Techno's eyes before his first life was taken fully). Ranboo shaking inside an obsidian box as a certain mask wearing menace haunts his mind and makes him feel like a villain. Tommy being exiled not once, but twice, from his home, abused by Dream, and watching Wilbur get stabbed through by a sobbing Philza after the former blew up their home the first time. "That's what I thought. I don't want Michael and Shroud going through what we did in any similar way. We've all been through more trauma with this whole fusing bit we've gotten ourselves into. It'll only cause pain and unneeded trauma to these two if they fuse like us."

     "Except they'll actually have a supportive parental figure to turn to if anything bad were to happen. Unlike us, who were expected to act like adults when we're all just children ourselves. I was FAR from ready to lead L'Manberg. We were both WAY too young and impressionable to be fighting in some stupid war. Especially when Wilbur was the one who started that war and dragged us along with him! Ranboo doesn't deserve the manipulation he goes through because of Dream. Like hell I'm going to let anything bad happen to Michael. That piglin is going to live a safe, happy fucking life if I have anything to say about it... Trust me, Tommy. We're fully aware of the risks. You know as well as I do that Michael is not going through any trauma under our care (A/N: *stares in kidnapped Michael, Ghostboo, and manipulative Sam*), and based off of how I've seen you take care of Shroud... that boy isn't gonna have to worry about much." At those words, Tommy's tense frame relaxes slightly as the blond lets the fused duo's words fully process in his mind. His expression changes quite a few times before a shaky sigh leaves his lips, looking at his fused friends with a reluctant acceptance in his eyes.

     "... Fine. They can stay fused... But only under strict conditions. They're not allowed to leave ANY of our sights when they're fused. They HAVE to stay in the mansion so we can keep a better eye on them. If ANYONE visits the mansion, and I mean ANYBODY, they have to unfuse for their own safety. I don't want these two to be as traumatized as we have been... I would never wish that pain onto anyone... hell, not even a certain fuckin' mask wearing, manipulative abuser who fucking beat me to death with a fucking baked goddamn potato while Sam just fucking let it happen... only for that fucker to revive me and then threaten me with constantly killing me and reviving me if I didn't fucking listen to hi-" Tommy pauses when he realizes how much he's said, his eyes wide and his face going pale as he realizes he just trauma dumped onto his two best friends, who have unfused by now and are staring at the blond Brit with wide, concerned eyes. Tommy quickly clears his throat and looks away, a light pink dusting his cheeks as he goes silent.

     "Tommy..." A certain half Enderman's concerned voice reaches the blond's ears, said blond teen turning away further as the pink spreads to his ears, the tips a deep red from his embarrassment.

     "Tommy... We're not making fun of you... It kinda makes me happy knowing you opened up to us... Even this much helps... Just..." A sigh leaves the half goat's lips as Tubbo gently rests a hand on Tommy's shoulder. "Would you feel better if I shared what happened when I had to exile you...? How awful I felt afterwards...? And some of the... Trauma... I had to go through in that moment...?" Tommy's whole frame freezes momentarily at Tubbo's touch, but at his words, the loud Brit sighs and slowly nods. The brunet Brit smiles sadly as he recalls the memories of what had happened right after he had exiled Tommy during his Presidency of the once great nation of L'Manberg.

Flashback.. TW: Minor graphic imagery and blood.

     "For once, you fuckin' listened to your Vice President, Tubbo! Good job!" A certain Mexican half duck says with a cocky grin, smacking a stressed out Tubbo's back as the now half goat President stares at the spot where his best friend was moments before said blond had to flee L'Manberg. "Now... For my next 'suggestion'... I feel like we should hold a festival for a certain half Enderman and get rid of him! He seems to be struggling with loyalty, and we don't need tha-"

     "Shut up, Quackity." Tubbo says coldly at Quackity's words, his whole expression and stance stiff as he shoots a venomous glare at his Vice President and advisor. "You want another festival to celebrate? Fine. I'll allow it. But you wanna traumatize Ranboo like I've been traumatized? How about I fucking execute you in the way I was, huh? Trapped in a fucking cage while someone calls out an order to a person who CLEARLY doesn't want to fucking blast your face apart with a fucking firework!!!" As he shouts those words, Tubbo roughly lifts the bangs that hide his new, VERY fresh firework scar. "You WANT to repeat history again? Do you WANT me to turn into another Schlatt?! Hell, I can start fucking abusing you like he did, if you REALLY fucking want me to become another Schlatt!!! Except I'll be WAY fucking worse to you because you just PEER PRESSURED ME INTO EXILING MY OWN BEST FUCKING FRIEND!!!" As he says this, Tubbo pulls out a Netherite Axe from his inventory and hovers it threateningly over his shoulder towards Quackity, whose eyes are now HUGE with stress, panic, and pure fear, the horrible memories of Schlatt verbally and physically abusing him bouncing around in his mind. Tubbo growls in anger as he puts the Axe away, his point made. "I'd rather not have Ranboo unknowingly decorate his own execution, like I did." The President turns away from his VP and advisor, hands behind his back before he winces in pain, holding his head where two small horns had sprouted after all the choices he's made for L'Manberg, the horns growing a tiny bit. The growth causes a small, scared squeak of pain from the child as blood drips down his face from the sudden tearing of his skin. Quackity idly stands by and watches in mild horror, not even offering to help Tubbo after the threats the boy had made.

Flashback and TW over.

     Tommy stares at Tubbo briefly after the half goat finishes his story before wrapping his arms around the poor brunet tightly.

     "So... Quackity had suggested executing me... Like how you were at the Festival... because my loyalty wasn't strong to L'Manberg...?" Ranboo says quietly, his hands shaking lightly. "I've always tried to remain neutral because I just want everyone to be safe and have friends... I was loyal to the people that lived in L'Manberg, not L'Manberg itself, because that would be choosing a side..." Before the half Enderman can say anything else, Tubbo grabs his shoulder and pulls him into the hug, two small pairs of arms coming to join as Michael and Shroud, who had listened to Tommy and unfused once they argument had started, try to comfort their parental figures.

     "No sad Bee an' Boo an' Uncle Tom-Tom!" As the toddler sized zombified piglin struggles to get the words out, the trio can see the adorable amount of effort the little guy is putting into his words to sound cohesive. "Shrow an' I can... can... han... hand..." Tubbo chuckles softly and gently rubs his head as he assists his son, said piglin clearly getting frustrated at not remembering the word. "Handle?" "Mhm! Handle! Oursevs! We big boys like you an' Boo an' Tom-Tom!" At his words, the teens tear up slightly and smile warmly.

     "Alright, Big M... You two can keep fusing. You gotta promise you'll be safe though, ok?" Michael and Shroud eagerly nod before bonking their heads together and fusing again with a cute show of jazz hands. The action gets the teens laughing uproariously, almost like old times... Before wars and betrayal got in the way...

{A/N: FUCKING FUCK WRITER'S BLOCK!!! I LITERALLY HAD 0 INSPIRATION FOR THIS STORY, THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN, AFTER POSTING A NEW FIC, I HAVE INSPIRATION AAAA- anyways, hope you all enjoyed this chapter of "What's Fusion?"! And now, a description of Michroud!

Name: Michroud (pronounced Mitch-rowd)
Age: 5 (baby :0)
Sexuality: Too little to know yet!
Height: 3'5" (smol boi)

Anyways, I'm so fucking glad I finally got this chapter done! I feel so bad for the long wait ;w; I hope the chapters were worth the wait! Anyways, have a great day/night/evening!}

{Word Count: 1723}
