

Italics: Tubbo

Bold: Ranboo


If you were to find yourself wandering through a certain snowy tundra, you might hear the faintest sound of music playing in the distance. Curious, you'd follow the sound and wind up in front of a rather large mansion, the doors ajar as if to welcome anyone who just so happens to be wandering nearby. A tall figure can be seen in the doorway, his back turned from the door as he hums along to the melody playing in another room. A small purple speck flits near his dark pointed ear, another similar speck flitting near his light ear. After a moment, the tall figure chuckles lightly.

"Come on, chat. My puns are NOT that bad! Make like a tree and leaf me and my puns alone." The half Enderman known as Ranboo cheekily says to the specks dancing around him, glancing at a nearby leaf block to emphasize his pun as a lot more of these purple particles appear around him, his chat, as he calls them, distinctly noticeable to anyone who might be observing now.

"RANBOO!!! COME QUICK!!!" The Enderman's ears perk up at the sound of a British voice calling for him, worry entering his green and red eyes as he drops the duster in his hand and sprints towards his room, where his platonic husband, Tubbo, was hanging out with and keeping a watchful eye on their 3 year old, adopted, zombie piglin son, Michael. The 8'5 half Enderman pokes his head into the room, expecting to see something terrible, instead, thankfully, he's met with the sight of his half goat husband grinning at their 3 year old son, who is clapping along to the tune playing on the jukebox and doing a cute dance, the piglin's dads smiling at the sight, Ranboo taking a noticeable breath of relief, clearly worried something had happened to Michael. "He's dancing to one of our songs by Derivakat (A/N: I'd highly recommend checking her music out, it's so flipping good!!! And I'd imagine it would be Honey, if you wanna listen lol), Boss Man! That's really fucking cool, isn't it?"

"That's really cute, Michael! Looks like you get your dancing skills from your papa Tubbo, huh?" He chuckles softly, beaming at their eager child as his dancing picks up in pace and speed, not noticing Tubbo staring at him with an idea bubbling behind his almost radioactively glowing green eyes.

"Question, Ranboo. Why do you never dance with me when I ask?" The goat boy asks inquisitively, looking up and slightly straining his neck to maintain eye contact with Ranboo, mentally thankful that Ranboo is comfortable enough to maintain eye contact with him at all, but also accepting that it's probably his excessively long and fluffy bangs covering his eyes that make the half Enderman comfortable. "You've only danced once, and that was at our wedding reception." Ranboo laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as slight anxiety pools in his stomach.

"Well... One, I'm not a good dancer-"

"Which I know is bullshit cus you danced amazingly at our wedding reception."

"... Ahem... And two, whenever I dance with someone, something weird ALWAYS happens to my partner and I. I can't quite remember what it is that happens, but I know it's weird..."

"Hmm... Then why don't we try dancing? You didn't even hold my waist when we danced, and now I'm curious to see what this weird thing that happens is!" Tubbo beams at his partner, who shares a smile and chuckles softly.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Tubs..."

"C'mon, Boss Man! Dance with me! It'll be fun!"

"Did I not JUST say something weird happe-"

"C'moooon! Please? You haven't danced with me since our wedding!" The half goat boy asks, eyes wide and pleading as the pair's favorite song comes on the radio, Michael making a cute squeal and clapping his trotters to the beat. Ranboo sighs and smiles, shaking his head lightly as he takes Tubbo's extended hand and twirls him around, the much shorter of the pair bursting into a fit of giggles from the sudden movement.

"Fine. You're lucky that you're my husband, cuz I normally don't dance."

As the song picks up, the duo's movements speed up alongside it, the pair laughing and having a great time. Tubbo, being Tubbo, ends up tripping slightly, stumbling with his footwork and almost hitting the floor when Ranboo catches him, the pair staring at each other for a moment before bursting into wheezing fits of laughter. Neither of them notice a strange glow envelop them, the lights around the two of them merging into one being: a quarter goat, quarter human, quarter Enderman, quarter ???, four armed creature with a strange hybrid of goat-like and Enderian horns on their head, sitting on their behind in severely dazed confusion.

"... what the heck just happened...?" The voice leaving the new being's lips sounds like a strange amalgamation of Ranboo and Tubbo's voices merged together. "Wait... Ranboo... Tubbo...?" As they speak, the strange hybrid voice slowly sounds more and more clear, as if their voices were coming together, just like the BeeDuo did a few moments before. They hold out a left hand, staring at the pale skintone with spots of explosion scars that seem... Strangely darker than when they were on Tubbo's arms, the nails slightly elongated and looking a tad darker than normal, almost claw-like, if you will. A peek at the other hand reveals an Enderman's clawed grip, explosion scars green and almost radioactive compared to the black, void-like skin surrounding them.

"... Papa...? Dada...?" The figure turns to look at their son, said confused zombie piglin staring into the nuclear green and bright red eyes of his parents as he utters his first words in English, the being's eyes welling up slightly with tears from joy.

"You just spoke, Michael! Our baby boy's first words! Papa and Dada are so proud of you!" Their voice sounds MUCH clearer now, a perfect fusion of their voices forming to sound as if someone slapped Ranboo with a British accent heavily similar to Tubbo's and called it a day.

"So... Ranboo... Is this what you meant by something weird happens when you dance?"

"Like I said, I couldn't remember. But I guess this is it. So we... Fused...? I guess...?"

"If that's what you wanna call it, then we fused! Holy shi- cow, Boss Man! We fused! This is so cool! Wait... How tall are we like this...?" With a bit of effort, the fused duo stands up, their tail flicking slightly to help maintain balance and their significantly longer horns almost touching the high vaulted ceiling, which was designed with Ranboo's height in mind. "Holy cow... We're so tall, Ranboo!!!"

"Yeah... We have to be at LEAST 12 feet tall... If not taller!" The fused duo grins as they rest a hand on the ceiling.

"Oh my God, I have an idea! What if, when we're like this, we go by a different name??? Like, uhh... How about Tub- No Tubbo. That just sounds like your name, just longer. How about... Ranbee? I like that! Ranbee! It's got a nice ring to it! HOLY SHI- COW WE HAVE 4 ARMS, RANBOO!!" The fused pair's attempt at a conversation would be hilarious from an outsider's perspective, seeing a four armed half Enderman, half goat talking to themselves and flailing their four arms around. Michael giggles and claps his front trotters at his new parent's silly antics, Ranbee smiling at Michael and scooping the 3 year old into their arms, hugging him gently, a few of the purple particles from before flitting around the fused duo as well as a few bees buzzing around them, the new being looking at their now combined chats and grinning.

"This is gonna change a LOT of things in this server... I wonder if anyone else can do this too... So far, I think we're the only two who can, Tubs."


(Wow, it's been a LONG time since I last wrote a fanfic for... anything tbh lol. I genuinely hope that this flows alright and sounds somewhat cohesive. I mostly wrote this while I was at work and/or laying in bed late at night, heavily sleep deprived haha. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! Please note the update schedule for this story will vary based on the original artist and the speed they produce these fusion pieces on TikTok! Might give my attempt at my version of the drawing as well lol. Anyways, hope you all have a great day/night!)

{Word count: 1493}

(EDIT: As of 9/26/21, the image has been changed since the OG artist has updated the look of Ranbee! If you want me to bring the old one back, lemme know!)
