Heya guys! Rose here! So I just wanted to write this quick little author's note to ask a couple questions! One, if you guys wanna get to know each fusion a bit more, would you read a little 'Q&A' story with the characters where you ask the fusions that are currently in the story questions and they answer? And two, if you DO wanna see a fic like that, would you mind dropping some questions for each fusion in the comments on THIS chapter? (Please note questions on other chapters WILL be ignored, as my attention for the character questions will be on THIS chapter. Thanks!) Anyways, hope you guys are hyped for the next chapter because I am having a blast writing it!!! Can't wait to see how you all react to this adorably wholesome fusion! Anyways, have a great day/evening/night! Love you all platonically!!! (Except Vix, I know you read this story. Love you bby 😘)
