Bench Trio

{A/N: Mmmmm the beloved Bench Trio fusion we've all been waiting for!! I've been eagerly wanting to write out this chapter since the story's beginning! I'm looking forward to writing this one out!!! Anyways, usual credit to Toby_Lossed on TikTok for the art and idea! Enjoy guys!}

Bold Italics: Tommy

Italics: Tubbo

Bold: Ranboo

Italic Underscore: 'Dream' (Ranboo's voice)


{A/N: Small angsty scene ahead. Nothing too terrible, but just a warning.}

     Previously... From Ranboo's perspective...

     Tombee is shaking like a leaf at Wilbur's harsh and blatantly abusive words, the latter clearly trying to scare the fusion into unfusing in order to get at Tommy. Ranboo stares in absolute stunned silence, his eyes faintly flickering between the royal purple known to symbolize his Enderwalk state and their normal emerald green and ruby red, hands held to his head as Dream's voice echoes in his mind.

     "Look at you, Ranboo... You're so pathetic. You can't even protect Tubbo OR Tommy from the abusive grip of their past. You should just leave them to take the blows... Run away... Never look back at them... Maybe blow up the mansion you call home, while you're at it... Kill Michael..." Ranboo's grip tightens on his hair, squeezing his eyes shut to desperately try to block out Dream's voice.

     "N-No... I-I am gonna protect them, darn it! Crap, I can feel myself slipping into an Enderwalk... Crapcrapcrapcrap... L-Let me try controlling it this time... Better now than never..." Ranboo takes a deep breath and tries to calm his racing heartbeat, for once being able to drown out the voice of 'Dream' with his own as he starts slowly slipping into that state... but feeling in control for once.

     "SHUT UP WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU, TOMMY!!! God, you're so fucking annoying with your incessant talking!!!" Ranboo's now purple eyes snap open and shift towards Wilbur, seeing Tombee swiftly unfuse with Tubbo standing protectively over a shaking Tommy, Wilbur's fist raised. An Enderian growl leaves his throat as he pulls out his trident and strides to Tubbo's side, fully aware of everything that's happening now as Tubbo begins shouting at Wilbur.

Present Time...

     Once the bright glowing disappears, a new fusion is sitting in place where the Bench Trio was originally sitting, their skin a colorful array of pale human skin, darker explosion scars, darkened Enderman skin, and the almost neon green scars on the Ender parts. Their outfit, a rather interesting combination of Tommy's trademark red and white tee, the red a nice plaid pattern, combined with Ranboo's nice dress shirt, an Ender Pearl holding a small yellow ribbon to the button up shirt, a pair of tan shorts on their lower half with golden bracers on their ankles, an Ender Pearl imbedded in each one. Two sets of arms slowly open and close the hands as four eyes slowly blink open; a bright reddish-blue eye and a neon green eye across from two purple eyes, a pair of cute fangs poking out from their mouth as one pair of hands run through their rather long brownish-blackish-blond hair.

     A pair of mismatched horns sits on top of their head, a long, fluff tipped tail swaying gently behind them. Their four eyes look towards a nearby window, staring at their own reflection in shocked awe. Their second set of hands gently explores its face, wonder in their eyes as they shakily get into their feet, standing at a towering 15 feet and 4 inches as their horns gently scrape the ceiling, causing the new fusion to slouch slightly due to the building being built with Ranboo's height in mind, not a being taller than him by quite a few feet.

     "Woah..." The voice leaving their lips sounds rather interesting: a shy British accent mixed into a timid, almost scared to speak voice. {A/N: Shy boyyyy}

     "Holy fucking shit, dude! Did... All three of us just fuse...? It seems like it! I honestly thought three person fusions weren't gonna... Be a thing... Well, here I am, I guess!" A gentle, shy laugh leaves their lips as they grin at their reflection, noticing a small pink figure and a small dark gray figure in the window, turning to see Michael and Shroud staring at the new fusion in absolute awe.

     "Papa Dada Tom-Tom?" Michael asks cutely, making grabby hands with his front trotters for uppies as the new fusion, who has decided to go by Ben as a reference to their original three's trio name, smiles and reaches over. They gently grab Michael and Shroud, lifting the two toddlers onto their shoulders. Shroud seems a bit scared and clings to Ben's shoulder while Michael squeals and giggles, gleefully clapping his front trotters together as he touches the ceiling cutely. Ben chuckles softly and smiles at the two toddlers, feeling calm and at peace.

Meanwhile, out in the tundra...

     "Hmm... So Dream sent me a letter... All the way from prison... That somehow got past Sam... Who is notorious for making sure Dream has zero communication with the outside world... Especially with me, since I owe him a favor... Which Dream could use to have me help him escape by calling in that favor I owe him... Hmm... Totally not suspicious at all. And there's totally not a bracket smile instead of a regular parentheses smile... Which is a certain duck's signature... Eh. Hey Phil!!" A certain piglin man shouts towards his home, seeing a certain angel of death step out with a warm smile on his face, tilting his hat upwards and squinting his eyes slightly from the bright sunlight.

     "What's up, Techno?" The blond fallen angel asks, his poor, tattered and broken wings fluttering lightly and loosely in a small breeze as it drifts by.

     "Dream wants me to visit him in the prison. I have a few things for ya." Techno pulls out a book, tied in a red ribbon with the words Techno's Will written on the front in a rather elegant cursive. Philza, who is now standing in front of the piglin, stares at the book in shock. "This is a just-in-case thing, Phil. Now, I want you to try not to read it within three days. Wait a couple days, just in case. I have a feelin' nothing bad will happen, but just in case." Phil nods and takes the book, muttering what Techno said softly to himself to reassure his now startled and nervous mind. The piglin nods his head at the fallen angel of death before turning towards the mysterious spruce forest that randomly sprung up around the anarchist pig's cabin, setting off towards a Nether Portal to travel quickly to the prison.

    There, a certain masked individual sits quietly in a corner of an obsidian box, the crying obsidian placed to prevent any possible Nether portal creation dripping onto the hot black stone with a light hiss from each little drop hitting the same stone. The blond's arms shake slightly, fresh blood dripping from under the mask.

     "Wh-Why would Quackity make me write that note...? I hope Techno doesn't fall for it and notices the stupid Quackity smile I put on there and doesn't fall for it..."


{A/N: Mmmm I love this chapter so much. Especially the part with Techno. Probably my best one so far, imo. Also, prison pog? Lmao anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of "What's Fusion?"! I'm excited to have Ben interact with the other SMP members! Might have a couple self insert characters included too 👀 Maybe Toby's OC will be included! Who knows? I'd also like to apologize if the chapter seems short, I don't normally start the fusion the chapter before, so I didn't fully know how to write this chapter ;w;  Anyways, have an awesome day/night guys!}

{Word Count: 1314}
