BeeDuo Aftermath


Italics: Tubbo

Bold: Ranboo


     After a few minutes of the newly fused Ranbee chatting with themselves and Michael, a familiarly loud, rambunctious, and slightly annoying British voice is heard from the mansion's main entryway.

     "AYUP, LADS! YOUR BOY TOMMY'S HERE AND HE'S GOT A SURPRISE TO SHOW YOU LOT!" The voice of the BeeDuo's other best friend, TommyInnit, the third in a trio known as the Bench Trio, echoes throughout the hallways of the large mansion, making Michael's ears press to his head slightly and Ranbee roll their eyes.

     "Be right down, Tommy! We've got a bit of a surprise for you too!" They say, standing up and dusting their slightly thicker dress pants off and slowly wobbling their way towards the door, not quite yet a master at walking as their new fusion.

     "Ranboo, are you tryna pretend to be British, you American fuck? That's actually a really good accent though! You've been hanging around Tubbo for too long, mate." Their loud friend says as he wanders up the stairs towards where he heard the voice, not expecting a 12'1 half Enderman, half goat to poke their head out from Michael's room and shakily step out of the room, practically bending their body in half in order to fit through the smaller doorway, designed with Ranboo's height in mind. The tall being's eyes land on Tommy, who looks paler than normal as he stares back, shakily drawing his axe from his inventory and pointing it at the creature. "Wh-What in the fuck are you AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH RANBOO AND TUBBO!?" He tries to sound intimidating, even with his clearly shaky voice as Ranbee starts shaking their hands frantically, trying to calm the panicked blond down.

     "Tommy! It's us! Something weird happened with Ranboo and Tubbo when they danced and they kinda... merged together to make... well... me, I guess! M-My name's Ranbee, by the way." Tommy stares at the giant being in shock when he notices Michael following behind the creature, clearly not scared of the tall figure next to him.

     "Dada-Papa!" Michael says cutely as he points up at Ranbee, making cute grabby hands as a signal for 'uppies', which Ranbee gladly complies as they scoop their son into their main arms, their second set of hands tickling the piglin and making the 3 year old squeal and giggle. Tommy slowly lowers his axe as he watches the two... three? interact, finally, with a lot of hesitance and skepticism, accepting that the strange being in front of him is, in fact, Ranboo and Tubbo.

     "So, wait... You two... merged... fused... combined??? together and made one person? How in the fuck did that happen?"

     "Well, Tubbo kept insisting Ranboo dance with him, and Ranboo kept saying no because he knew something weird happened every time he ever danced with someone, but he just couldn't remember what. After enough begging from Tubbo- Oi! Piss off! I got you to dance with me, didn't I???" The sudden interruption of a voice that could distinctly be told apart as Tubbo's spilling from Ranbee's lips makes the being and Tommy snort, Michael giggling in his new parent figure's arms at their silly voice.

     "Yes, they can still talk as themselves through me. It's weird and a tad annoying. Anyways, before I was so rudely interrupted, Ranboo finally danced with him. Tubbo tripped, Ranboo caught him, they start laughing and glowing, their forms merged into one, and, well, here we... I am..." With a wave of their second set of hands since Michael is still safely held in their first set of arms, Ranbee gestures to themselves, their outfit consisting of a rather warm looking business suit with an almost excessively fluffy collar, a single ender pearl holding the fluff collar together like a clip with Ranboo's trademark tie around their neck, a couple neon green stripes seen at the bottom of the tie. Tommy ponders for a moment before the sound of a spider is heard nearby, a half spider child walking up slowly to Tommy's side and staring at Ranbee with slight fear and curiosity in his eyes. "Who's this, Tommy?"

     "Oh! That was my news! Meet Shroud, my... son...? I guess we never established if I was adopting you officially or not, eh buddy? If you wanna hear the story of how I found 'im, I can tell it if you want!" Tommy smiles and ruffles the spider boy's hair, his red eyes squinting at his father figure playfully. Ranbee grins gleefully as Tubbo speaks through the fused being.

     "Oh my God, now Michael has a friend he can go on playdates with!!! Isn't that great, Ranboo? Yeah! That is pretty great! Other than Foolish Jr., who we both know Michael LOVES!" The duo's voices speaking through the same being is more than likely a weird sight, but the duo and Tommy seem to have already adapted to the oddness of the whole scenario. Shroud stares at Michael for a moment, Michael staring right back as the piglin smiles and waves, the spider boy slowly waving one of his 6 hands back, a shy smile on his face. Ranbee's eyes squint slightly from smiling at the sight and Tommy grins, gently patting Shroud on the back.

     "There ya go, bud! Michael's gonna be a great friend for ya! Oh! By the way Ranboo, Techno left me a note to leave with you. Bastard didn't even stop to say hello... considering I kinda betrayed him, I guess I understand why... I couldn't help but read it and it said something about a meeting of some group you're in with him." Tommy idly says as he runs his hand through Shroud's hair, Ranbee's eyes widening as they pull out a book from their coat pocket.

     "Tubbo, what I'm about to read, I need you to either forget immediately or just not read somehow, ok? You got it Boss Man! I can just chill in the backseat if you wanna read what you need to read! I won't even see it, mate. Alright... when did Techno say the meeting was?" Ranbee's eyes grow serious as they speedread the book in their hands, pocketing it immediately and giving Tommy their full attention.

     "In three days, I think. I didn't fully pay attention cuz it seemed boring. Here." The blond rummages through his pockets and hands a crumpled sheet of paper, the Endergoat quickly taking it and reading it speedily, their other arms gently setting Michael down as they neatly fold the note and put it in their pocket, pinching the bridge of their nose.

     "Tommy... the note says the meeting was in three days... from three days ago... You could have gotten it to me quicker! Bruh, now I'm gonna be late! Crap! Surprise playdate with Michael and Shroud! Don't blow up the mansion, Tommy! You know the rules!" The tall being shouts over their shoulder as they sprint down the stairs and out the door, throwing on some slightly smaller Netherite armor and grabbing Ranboo's trident before swiftly 'flying' through the air using a nearby lake to get to the closest Nether Portal.

     "Alright, Tubbo. I'm gonna need you to stay in the back for a bit, ok? You can come back up front once we get to where I need to be. You got it Boss Man! I'm not gonna stick my nose in business I don't need to be involved in and that I know nothing about! Thanks, Tubbo!" Ranbee water buckets in front of a Nether Portal and swiftly bows into the portal, being warped to the Nether and immediately sprinting towards a not-so-easily spotted Nether Portal, hidden behind a large hill of Soul Sand. A few Piglins spot them and raise their swords in hostility due to the lack of gold on the tall being, but before any of the hell pigs can attack, they reach the hidden portal. Ranbee enters the portal and steps out into another snowy biome, a lot more Spruce trees in the area than their home of Snowchester, which had sadly been stripped of most of its trees for the construction of the BeeDuo's mansion. The tall Endergoat looks around and spots a trident spot, entering the water and immediately making their way towards a nearby cabin, smoke calmly billowing from the chimney and gently swaying in the wind, the sound of a faint jazzy song playing in the distance. Once Ranbee safely arrives at the cabin, a soft humming is heard alongside the jazzy tune, a certain cape and crown wearing piglin seen gently bobbing his head to the tune playing on an old time-y radio next to (A/N: For context, they're listening to Syndicate), a green robed blond man wearing a green striped bucket hat with black crow wings on his back next to him being the first to spot the fused duo.

     "What in the fuck is that?!" He shouts, drawing his sword as the Piglin draws an enchanted axe, whirling around and pointing the axe at Ranbee, who immediately raises both sets of hands in clear surrender.

     "Phil! Techno! Its ok! It's Ranboo and Tubbo! I'm not here to fight! I'm here for the meeting. I can explain everything if you just put your weapons away!" They frantically say, the death angel, Phil, raising a blond eyebrow in slight skepticism.

     "Alright. Prove it, mate. What's the name of our secret organization that only 5 people, including Techno and I, know about?"

     "The Syndicate! I-Its the Syndicate! Wait... What's a Syndicate? Tubbo, I said don't listen or pay attention! Sorry, Boss Man!" With a sigh, Ranbee shakes their head and looks at the duo of still hostile, but now confused, people standing in front of them apologetically. "S-Sorry, guys. They're still getting a hold of the whole 'being fused' thing. I-I'm Ranbee, by the way! I'm the fusion of Ranboo and Tubbo." The piglin, Techno, raises an eyebrow in confusion as he and Phil both slowly lower their weapons.

     "So... you're a combination of Ranboo and Tubbo... if they merged... fused...? together...? Huh... that's pretty interesting... could also be useful in the end..." He murmurs to himself, Phil still rather confused as Ranbee nods in agreement.

     "You're so fucking tall, mate! How is it physically possible for anyone to be that fucking tall...?" Phil's bewildered tone is accompanied by one of his trademark laughs

     "I mean, have you seen Bad, Phil? He's 9'6! And do I need to remind you of Foolish? That guy's 23'3! That's true! Foolish is really tall!" The dual voices coming from Ranbee makes Techno raise an eyebrow in slight confusion and intrigue.

     "Ranboo and Tubbo can still speak through you... that's pretty cool, not gonna lie. Could also be useful too..." His right ear perks up slightly, as if someone was whispering in his ear. The Piglin sighs and rolls his eyes. "One sec, guys." He closes his eyes and takes a small breath, his black and white eyes now a blood red as he speaks again. "No, chat. No blood right now. Ranbee actually seems chill, so no blood. We'll get blood for you guys later. Need to talk to the possible new member of the Syndicate." Techno turns back towards the now confused Endergoat, Phil chuckling softly as Techno blinks and his eyes are back to normal.

     "Voices being chaotic little shits again, Techno?" The death angel asks, the Piglin in question nodding his head.

     "Some of the new voices don't know who this is and want their blood cuz they think that Ranbee's a threat." Ranbee's eyes widen at the mention of their blood being spilt, a small sweat breaking out onto their forehead that Techno notices, the Piglin bursting into a fit of chuckles. "You know I'm not gonna kill ya, right Ranbee? I'd only kill ya if you were a threat to me or Phil." Ranbee chuckles nervously.

     "R-Right... anyways... what's this about a new Syndicate member?"

     "Well, considering you're already half of a Syndicate member, I figured it would only make sense to make you a member as well. How do you feel... about anarchy...?" Techno's gaze seems to darken with a strange intent, a mischeivous, yet murderous glint in his eye.

     "Well... I share both Ranboo and Tubbo's thoughts and dilemmas, so I'm a bit conflicted... I'd rather stay neutral, but if being an anarchist means freedom for everyone... then I'm for it." With a grin, Techno holds out one of his trotters, Ranbee taking it hesitantly as a rather aggressive handshake.

     "Welcome to the Syndicate, Ranbee. C'mon. Meeting time. We've kept Niki waiting long enough. Oh, by the way, do you want us to keep the whole 'fusion' thing on the down-low? Or do you not care?"

     "Honestly... I personally don't care, Tubbo and Ranboo share the same opinion, so it's honestly up to you. Who knows? Maybe some other people can do this too!"


{Eyyyy Chapter 2 done! I finally have my motivation to write again, I'm so happy haha! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Future chapters are gonna be formatted the same way: fusion chapter and then the aftermath of said fusion and whatever consequences/results happen. I'm looking forward to seeing how you guys like this one! Anyways, I said in the title I'd include my headcanons for/how I picture Ranbee, so here we go!! Btw, gonna do this at the end of each Aftermath chapter to kinda sum the character up :)

Name: Ranbee
Pronouns: They/It (cuz Ranboo is Genderman lol)
Height: 12 feet 1 inch
Sexual Preference: Asexual

So ye! That's what I picture for Ranbee's pronouns and stuff. If the og creator wants to correct me on any of that, just lemme know and I'll change it :) I'd also like your opinion on which fusion I should do next! The options I have for now are: Allium Duo, Bench Trio, Clingy Duo, Emerald Duo, SkepHalo, and Ranboo + Technoblade. Lemme know which you wanna see next! Anyways, have a great day guys!}

{Word Count: 2366}
