If Bowser died...Luigi would use a Final Smash

THNX! This idea came from: SkyWarrior34(Do I need to say it? The idea has been tweaked - extremely.)


(scene: Bowser's Castle, throne room)

(Captain Bro and several Koopas are huddled behind an overturned table, anxiously watching the throne room door, which has been barred shut. Screams and explosions come from beyond)

Koopa General: Stars, I never thought it would end like this.

Captain Bro: You still haven't answered my question! Who's attacking us? How did they get through our defenses?

Koopa General 2: I don't know, sir, but whoever they are, they're extremely powerful: they knocked through the main gate and all of our patrols in seconds flat. (Flinches as a BOOM! comes from somewhere beyond the throne room)

Captain Bro: Grr. I never thought I'd say this, but I wish I hadn't sent the Koopa Kids to camp. They could've pounded this intruder to a pulp with their Clown Cars.

(Throne room door suddenly explodes open. A couple of Hammer Bro guards fly into the room, landing on their noggins and passing out.)

Captain Bro: (to Generals) All right, men. This is it. We might die today, but let them know that we fought with valor and courage!


Captain Bro: (leaping from behind the table, a boomerang in hand) All right! Stop right there, whoever you are! Not one step further! (Koopas fan out behind him)

(Figure steps through the fog, coming into view.)

Captain Bro: (stunned) What the? It's Luigi!

Luigi: That's a-right! It's-a me! Luigi!

Captain Bro:You broke into the castle? But...how? You're a weakling.

Luigi: I'm-a not a weakling!

Koopa General: Captain, what should we do?

Captain Bro: (confounded) Uh... Luigi! Whatever you're doing here, you've trashed Bowser's Castle just when we were starting to repair it! For that, you must die!

Luigi: It's-a not Bowser's-a castle anymore! (moves forward)

Captain Bro: Have it your way! Men! Attack!

(The Koopas fire their Shell Blasters at Luigi. Luigi jumps and flutter-kicks in the air, avoiding the attacks)

Captain Bro: Blast! I forgot he could fly!

Koopa General: Uh, I don't think it's actually flying...

Luigi: (lands) You also a-forgot I could a-do a-this! (Pulls something out of his overalls)

Koopa General 3: Is that a Smash Ball?

Captain Bro: It is! But I thought those were illegal to use outside of the Smash Tournaments? How'd he get one?

Luigi: YAH! (Throws Smash Ball on the ground. It shatters, releasing a tornado of energy that swirls around Luigi)

Captain Bro and Koopas: Uh-oh.

Luigi: HIYAHH! (Summons the Poltergust)

Captain Bro: (confused) Is that a vaccuum? What are you planning on doing, cleaning us? (Turns to Koopas) Men, fire!

(The Koopas fire the Shell Blasters again; Luigi turns on the Poltergust, sucks up the Shell blasts, and spits them back out at the Koopas)

Koopas: Gyahh! (diving for the floor)

Captain Bro: Eep! (ducks and narrowly dodges a flying Shell blast) (When he looks back up, Luigi is standing above him, glaring down at him)

Captain Bro: (sweatdrop)


(Out on the castle rooftop)

(Luigi points the Poltergust's hose towards the horizon. He shifts the button from "Suck" to "Blow")

Luigi: Any a-second now...

(The Poltergust spits out the Captain and the Koopas, sending them flying somewhere on the other side of the rainbow)

Captain Bro: GAHHH!!!!

(Luigi returns to the throne room)

Luigi: Well, a-that was easy. (plops himself down in Bowser's throne) Ah, it's a-good to be a-king. (twists his hands evilly) Just you a-wait, Daisy. Soon, you'll be a-bathing in my-a awesomeness!


Ha! So what do you think?

@SkyWarrior34's original suggestion was that Luigi become the hero. But sometime when I was writing one of the other parts, I thought, "OMG, what if Luigi became not the hero, but the VILLAIN? What if he took Bowser's place, just because he was so determined to show Daisy how great he was?"

I wonder what kind of crazy things Luigi will do now that he's in Bowser's chair? ^__^
