If Bowser died...King Boo would become a sidekick

THNX! This merged idea came from: xXgravityfallsXx and pinkandpeachy (Sorry I couldn't put you both in the dedication box!)

(Warning: major tweakage)


(scene: nighttime; King Boo is flying through the air with three of his servants, en route to Bowser's Castle)

King Boo: Oh what joy! I knew nobody could truly kill off that overbearing, spiky-shelled turtle!

Booella: I can't believe this. Bowser's not really dead?

Baxter Boo: I can't believe it either, darling, but we got an official summons from Bowser's Castle, and who could've sent a summons like this but Bowser himself?

Booella: Can we be sure that it's really Bowser? What do you think, Googely Boogely?

Googely Boogely: Heeheeheehee! Ohohoho!

Baxter Boo: Don't ask for his opinion, you know he's crazy.

King Boo: Quiet, minions! We're here!

(Boos land at Bowser's Castle and ghost through the walls, heading towards the throne room)

Booella: It's so quiet in here. Where is everybody?

Baxter Boo: Just be glad there aren't ghosts about.

(They reach the throne room and pass through the walls. Somebody's sitting on the throne)

King Boo: Bowser? Is that you? It's me, your good friend King Boo!

Booella: That's him?

Baxter Boo: My, he's lost weight.

Figure: You have-a come. A-Excellent.

Boos: Huh?

Baxter Boo: Wait, milord! That's not Bowser. It's...

(Green flames erupt around the throne, bathing the figure in an eerie green light)

Boos: Luigi?!

King Boo: Luigi, what's going on? Why are you in Bowser's Castle? Sitting on the throne like you own the place?

Luigi: I-a do own the place! I-a am the-a new King of the-a Koopa Kingdom! I-a am your-a ruler!

Booella: You must be joking. How dare you claim to rule over our king?

King Boo: Hmph, such impudence! Minions! Let us depart!

(The Boos mobilize towards the door)

Luigi: I-a don't-a think so! (Whips back his cape, summoning his Poltergust)

Baxter Boo: Oh no! The Poltergust! The bane of all ghosts!

Luigi: That's-a right! With this, I-a have no problem sending-a you to your-a doom! (Activates it, sucking Googely Boogely into the pipe)

Googely Boogely: Heeheeheehee!

Booella: Googely Boogely!

Luigi: Who's-a next?

King Boo: Please, King Luigi! Mercy!

Baxter Boo: Yes, we're your humble servants! Please don't destroy us!

Luigi: That's-a what I-a thought. And-a as my-a servants, you-a have to-a do as I-a say!

King Boo: Yes, anything! Just spare our miserable lives!

Luigi: Well, a-first...


(the Comet Observatory)

(Rosalina's finishing up some end-of the day paperwork)

Luma: (comes in through the door) Rosie, we're headed home.

Rosalina: All right, be careful on the descent back to Earth, and... (pauses)

Luma: What is it, Rosie?

Rosalina: I sense danger...

(King Boo, Baxter Boo, and Booella ghost through the wall)

Luma: Eep! Ghosts!

King Boo: That's right! (races towards Rosalina) And I've come to-

Rosalina: Luma, star bits!

Luma: (spits star bits at the ghosts)

Booella: Ack, the light! It burns!

King Boo: Retreeeeeeeeeeeat!

(Boos bolt)

Luma: (glancing at Rosalina) What was that all about?


(Peach's castle)

(Peach is in bed, sleeping. She suddenly sits up)

Peach: Who's there?! (looks around wildly)

(Floor creaks)

Peach: (leaps out of bed and grabs her golf club) I know you're there. Be warned: I'm good with this club! (Looks around the room)

(Floor creaks again)

Peach: Aha. Under the bed, are we? (Grabs a flashlight and takes a peek before standing up) Huh, I guess not.

(Turns...straight into King Boo)

Peach: EEEEEEK! (faints) (King Boo catches her)

King Boo: Got you.

Baxter Boo: Well done, sire!

King Boo: Let's hurry before any of her toads come a-running.

(The Boos flee the castle, flying high above the treeline) (After a minute, Peach wakes up)

Peach: Ugh. What happened last... (gasps) Hey! W-why am I- (sees King Boo) YOU!!

King Boo: Yes, me, dearie.

Peach: How dare you?! Let me go this instant!

Booella: Impudent wench! No one commands the King Boo!

King Boo: That's right, princess. Now just sit tight, there's nothing you can do. Your precious Mario can't save you now.

Peach: (tic)(tic) Who needs saving?! (fishes her flashlight out of her pocket) Sudden Attack: "Sun Blast!" (shines light on King Boo)

King Boo: Eek! The light! It burns! (drops Peach)

Peach: Waaaaaahhhhh! (falls)

Baxter Boo: Sire, are you all right?

King Boo: Do I look all right, cretin?

Baxter Boo: You look sunburned.

King Boo: Blasted Sun Blast. Where's the princess?

Booella: You dropped her. (Points down below, to where Peach is laying in a hay bale, spitting straw out of her mouth) Good thing we were flying over a farm.

Baxter Boo: Should we get her?

King Boo: And get hit by the Sun Blast again? I'd rather die.


(Somewhere in Toad Town)

Random Toad: Wah! Ghosts!!

Random Toad 2: Run for your lives!!

(Toads are running and screaming everywhere as King Boo, Booella, and Baxter boo float down the street)

King Boo: All right, minions, we've got to score somewhere in this town. This is our last chance.

Booella: (shivering) Yes! Or else King Luigi will destroy us with the Poltergust.

Baxter Boo: Er, but perhaps we should've waited to turn visible until we'd located our target? Everyone's running from us now.

King Boo: True...hmm, how're we going to find a good victim if they're all running and screaming for the hills?

Baxter Boo: Oh! Milord! There's a perfect target!

(Points across the street, where Pauline is looking through the windows of a boutique at a red wedding dress)

Pauline: Hmm... It's very frilly. Would DK like frilly? I don't know. He's so...simplistic.

King Boo: Tall.

Baxter Boo: (sighs) Beautiful.

Booella: (smacks Baxter Boo upside the head) And powerless. She's perfect!

Pauline: Maybe something A-line... But I don't like this one, that sash in the middle is so ugly. Hmm, maybe... (turns and sees the Boos flying towards her) Ahhh!!!


(back at Bowser's- oops, Luigi's Castle)

Luigi: So, you've-a returned, servants.

King Boo: Yes, Lord Luigi. We come bearing a gift. (carries a bag)

Luigi: (pleased) You've-a captured her?

Baxter Boo: Yessir. One damsel in distress, as promised. (Opens bag, revealing Pauline inside, bound, gagged, and unconscious)

Luigi: (powers up Poltergust) You-a fools! I-a told you to-a kidnap a-Rosalina!

King Boo: Wah! Wait, sire! Please, hear our plea!

Booella: We tried to kidnap Rosalina but...she was too powerful, with her Luma and his star bits.

Baxter Boo: A-and we tried to kidnap Princess Peach, but she was too strong as well. S-so we saw this girl on the street, and we thought she might be your type.

Luigi: (descends from throne and inspects Pauline) Hmm. She-a is really pretty. Maybe-a enough to make Daisy jealous.

King Boo: To make who what?

Luigi: A-Good work, minions.

Booella: Yes! Freedom!

Luigi: A-wait! You-a may have done well with a-this task, but I-a may have a-other missions for-a you to perform.

Baxter Boo: Uh, what?

Luigi: So-a until that-a time comes... I'll keep you-a safe in here! (fires up Poltergust and sucks ghosts inside)

King Boo: Wait a second!! You said we could go after-

Luigi: I-a said nothing of the-a sort! (sucks ghosts in all the way and powers down Poltergust)

Pauline: (wakes) Ugh... Uh... (blinks and sits up) Huh?! W-wh-where am I?! (sees Luigi) W-who are you?

Luigi: I am-a King Luigi. And-a you are my captive.


Oh, I LOVED writing this piece!

I combined two ideas in this part: @xXgravityfallsXx suggested that the King Boo kidnap Princess Peach (and he tried, the poor guy!), and @pinkandpeachy suggested that Pauline become the main damsel in distress again. So I thought, hey, Luigi's the new Bowser, and he needs a damsel to kidnap. So let's have him recruit the King Boo to do his dirty work!

Again, I had SO much fun writing this! About as much fun as I had writing the "Mario would get a job" piece.

By the way, I'm sure that some of you guys liked Googely Boogely, Booella, and Baxter Boo, but they're my characters, and I'm afraid you can't use them without permission. Thanks for understanding!

As usual, please tell me what you think!
