"It's time for a magic lesson yiss" The demonic biology teacher, Stolas Suzy said.

Today they were in the school's green house tower, having their biology lesson.

"Everyone hold your hands above the special seedlings and say kuan kuan!" Stolas-sensei demonstrated and turned the seedling into a rose-like flower that seems to smile at them.

"Now everyone, try to "form" your magic power yourself.vThe trick is to 'visualize' it in your head,  and it'll float to the surface by itself. Do your best everyone!" Stolas-sensei sayd as a chorus of 'yes ma'am's soared through the air.

'I don't have anything like magic so I can't make the flower bloom. For now, I better not stick out and just go along with the atmosphere' Iruma thought then notices a bunch of students observing their class.

Iruma asked Asmodeus about it while Belphie's mind was out of it again.

He didn't know either Sullivan knew about him having a higher magic capacity than most humans or he just gave him some of his mana because it helps him get back on his feet without getting dizzy.

No matter whatever Sullivan did Belphie still couldn't fully understand what the old demon is thinking.

Though having Sullivan share his mana with Belphie did help him expand his reserve quicker so now he has a bigger magic reserve.

And that ring Iruma has....

He looked over to where his brother was chatting with the other students.

This world's form of education is pretty much the same as RAD so he was pretty much bored and slept through most of the other classes.

Not like he didn't do the same thing back at RAD.The only class he actually paid attention to is alchemy and dark magic class since it's actually worth learning about.

"Obviously they came to observe me!"

Belphie's thoughts were cut off by Sabnock's booming voice.

"What kind of flower is that?!"

The flower that Sabnock grew was eating it's pot.

"I grew it in the flower pot myself! Isn't he cool? I call him the "God of destruction"!" Sabnock proudly states.

"Your pot is broken, so it's no good. It's probably gonna die "Jazz said.

"It's only worth a B+" Stolas-sensei said writing on her

"Whaa?! Why?!" Sabnock protested.

"Hmph how barbaric" Asmodeus huffed.


"It's a burning flower!"

"It's an A+"

Their classmates praised Azz for the magnificent flaming flower he grew.

"Flowers need water to grow right?" Sabnock said as he poured water on the flaming plant.

"You bastard! To my family lineage's own flame...I won't forgive you!" Asmodeus summoned flames unto his palms.

"Aren't you hot-tempered, little servant? Alright! Let me do you a favor and cool down that head of yours!" Sabnock prepares a bucket of water in his hands.

"Demolish him!"

"Crush him!"

The other students shouted in encouragement.

Belphie frowned at the ruckus they were making and turned to his flower pot.

"Kuan kuan" He muttered placing his hand above the pot.

The pot glowed for a bit before the flower grew and turned to mist.

Raising an eyebrow,He waved his hand to make the mist disappear.

The flower he conjured was a small purple rose that shimmers with a star like glimmers as mist emitted from around it,making the flowery have a beautiful misty night sky feeling.

"Waaah! What a pretty flower! A+ good job Belphie-kun" The teacher praised him.

He nodded to her and turned towards the others. The others grew all sorts of interesting flowers.

"Hehe......how did you do Clara-" Iruma turned to the girl stopping as he sees the abomination in her hands that she immediately slips it under her shirt.

"Just now what was that?!" Iruma asks as he tries to catch Clara.

"Hey over here something weird came out!" Jazz called the other students.

"What is that?"

"Do you think it's trying to sing?"

Their classmates flocked around the plant thingy.

"What kind of magic did you put into it to make it like that?" Azz asked the girl who was hiding her face behind her hands.

"Well it was kinda like Baam! And then Gyaaa! And the Baang!" She tried to explain.

"I don't understand a single bit of that" Asmodeus sweatdrops.

"So it's not like kablam?" Sabnock tries to communicate in her language.


"Did it went swoosh?" Belphie tried to do the same.

"No it's more like Chiiiiing!"

"It's not making any weird noises like that! And please talk like normal people!" Asmodeus was getting tired over hearing onomatopoeia instead of real words.

'Magic huh' Iruma glances at his flower pot.

'I'm sorry you won't be able to grow big...' He apologizes to the tiny seedling.

'Somehow,if I had magic....It would be nice if my flower was a warm color,and maybe fluffy....' Iruma imagines soft flowers that fall gently for five centimeters per second as the wind carries them.

"Kuan kuan?" Iruma places his hand over the pot and retracts it.

"Just kidding-"

His ring twinkles as the pot glows alerting the students around him who were not paying attention.

*ring ring*

The mobile phone his grandfather gave Iruma earlier rings.

"Heyo~ It's Grandpa!~ Yay! It's our first phone call" A familiar voice sounded through the phone as Iruma answered it.

"You see Iruma-kun Grandpa forgot to tell one thing. You see a while ago I charged your ring with my magic right? So that's why you can now use magic..."

The plant in Iruma's pot began to grow...

"Still you shouldn't use it. You haven't learned how to regulate the output yet!" He warned.

The students started to shriek and run away as the plant grows and grows.....

"If you use it...It could be dangerous.....Iruma-kun?"


"He hung up" The headmaster uttered.

"Chairman" Opera chimed in pointing out the window.

"Oh!~ What a splendid sight!"

And at that instance, A beautiful Sakura tree bloomed.


"Ne Iruma, let's go home already" Belphie said to his brother and yawned.

"The others already left. We have cleaners in the school too ya know" He tried to convince Iruma to go home.

"You can go on ahead without me Belphie. I'll be fine. I just need to get these cleaning tools to the storage room then I'm done" Iruma said holding the bucket full of cleaning supplies.

"Alright alright I'll be going on ahead then" Belphie sighed placing his hand on Iruma's head to pat him and walked away.

It was quite a show that Iruma put up earlier.

Belphie cracks a small smile while walking down the halls of Babyls.


Belphie turned to the voice of Asmodeus who was running towards him.

"Hm? Azz? Weren't you headed home now?" Belphie asked.

"I was but then I realized Iruma-sama was staying behind to clean with the cleaning so I want to help him as well!" Asmodeus smiled.

"Yes...also" Asmodeus looked serious for a second that made Belphie raise an eyebrow waiting for his continuation.

"The student council was looking for Iruma-sama earlier, It seems to be regarding the matter of the tree he grew" Asmodeus said.

"Is that so?"

'So Iruma caught the school student council's eye huh? Well it was a matter of time seeing all the things that happen during our time here'
Belphie thought.

"Yes Belphie-sama" Asmodeus seemed proud that the Student council acknowledged Iruma's greatness however it looks like he was also worried a little bit.

Looking directly at Asmodeus' eyes Belphie stated.

"Asmodeus....thank you for being Iruma's friend"

Belphie walked past him, Asmodeus' eyes were wide as he thought.

'What a peculiar demon you are Belphie-sama'


"Welcome home, Belphegor-sama"

As soon as Belphie step inside the mansion, he was greeted by Opera who took his bag.

He nodded to Opera as a greeting and was about to immediately go to his room and sleep, when his grandfather came out of nowhere and trapped him in his arms.

"Belphie-kun!!~ I was sooo worried! You and Iruma-kun weren't home on time!" The older demon rubbed his cheek against the boy.

"I thought we told you that we were gonna be home late 'cause Iruma wanted to help cleaning up the botanical garden?"

Belphie didn't even bother struggling against the older demon as he has already gotten used to it and sees no point of stopping him as he won't anymore.

"Huh? Iruma's not here?" Sullivan seemed to finally realized that the other twin was not here yet.

"Yeah he stayed back to help with the cleaning and was to stubborn to listen to me about going home" Belphie sighed.

This sort of attitude may be acceptable in the human world since people might think you're nice and friendly but now that they're in the netherworld such attitude may be seen as a sign of weakness.

Thank however you may deem right for gratitude that no one has asked Iruma to do a double suicide with him.

In a distant universe, far different from the others, a man who was known to waste bandages sneezed.

"Ne...Grandpa?" Belphie started as he ate the food he was served at the dinning table.

"Yes Belphie-kun~ Is there something you need? Grandpa would be happy to give you anything you want!" The demon at the head seat cheerfully stated.

"I just want to ask you a question" Belphie said.

"Of course Belphie-kun" Sullivan smiled.

"What exactly does the student council in babyls do?"

"Ah the student council~ The student council in Babyls are the one who keeps every student in line and deals with disciplining them as well" His grandfather said.

'That's not exactly the information I want but atleast I now know that the student council isn't that different from RAD's'

Belphie albeit not liking work and preferring to lay in bed all day, he was once part of RAD's student council that was made up of devildom's most powerful demons.

"Who's the president?" Belphie asked.

"Hm the current student council president is Azazel Ameri" Sullivan answered.

"Azazel? That sounds familiar" Belphie thought about where he heard the name.

"She's the daughter of Azazel Henri who is part of the thirteen crowns and is also the head of the border police"

'Ah that's where'

Belphie nodded in thanks to the older demon.

He read about the thirteen crowns of the netherworld in the books he brought home.

"May I ask? Why is it that you've found interest in the student council?" Opera chimed as he refilled Sullivan's cup.

"Oh apparently the council was looking for Iruma wanting to ask him about the tree he grew"

Belphie was still stunned about how ignorant demons here are about the human world.

He gets that both worlds have been divided for as long as time could remember but seriously not even knowing what friends are?

Bidding goodbye to Opera and Sullivan after he ate his dinner and then entered his shared room with Iruma.

He laid on his bed that was installed there a few days ago and opened his phone that was given to him earlier that day.

Taking a look at all the apps, he came across the app called devitube.

Opening the app he played the video with the title of peaceful piano playlist.

The gentle tune of a piano lulling him to sleep awoken a memory from him.

Lucifer used to play the piano for him when he got to sulky and couldn't fall asleep but whenever Lucifer placed his fingers on the keys of the piano, Belphie would immediately fall asleep after a few notes were played.

Sighing he sent a message to Iruma asking if he headed coming home now or not.

It was getting dark soon he'd have finished his task by now.

Belphie yawned and welcomed his dear friend that has been with him for all eternity.....sleep.


Waking up to the noise of the door opening,Belphie opened his eyes and saw Iruma coming in.

"Where've you been?" He asked.

"Uh...I uh...got caught up with something?" Iruma said/asked.

Not fully buying it, Belphie decided it was probably just someone asking him to do something that Iruma couldn't refuse.

"Hm...well okay" Belphie turned over his side not seeing the sigh Iruma let out in relief.

*ping* Iruma's phone signalled.

"Who's that?" Belphie asked still keeping his eyes closed.

"Oh it's just Azz-kun. I'll see what he wants" Iruma said as he grabbed his phone and opened the message.

"The student council president?! Oh no will she get mad at me?" Iruma whined.

"Probably not, she'll probably just ask you about the tree and what kind of magic you put into it and....."

"Hey! Belphie don't just doze off in the middle of a sentence!" Iruma went to his brother's bed and shook him.

"Yeah yeah alright I'm awake now geez" Belphie yawned but still faced his back to Iruma.

"By the way.....Belphie?" Iruma looked nervous as he asks his brother.

"How'd you make your flower grow without having magic?"

This question made Belphie turn to Iruma.

"Actually I do have magic" He said.

Iruma blinks once...

Iruma blinks twice....

Iruma blinks thrice.....

"Eeeehhhhh?! Really?! Since when?! How?!" Iruma bombarded his brother with questions.

"Easy on the questions and keep your voice down it's night time...anyway yes really,since probably the day I was born,and how?" Belphie sighed first and motioned Iruma to lay down with him.

"No questions until I'm finished okay?" Iruma nods like the obedient child he is.

"Actually all humans have magic. How? Who knows. Anyway every human has magic it's just that most of them have little to none or have no way to access their magic" Iruma's eyes sparkled with curiousity as his brother explains to him the concept behind magic...if magic even has a concept behind it.

"I was one of those who couldn't access my magic until we came to the netherworld. And unfortunately you're one of those who have little to none" Iruma frowned at this.

"However since Grandpa fueled your ring with his magic you can now use it as your own" Belphie reassured feeling his brother's envy at being left out.

"But I'm just borrowing his magic...it's not my own- ouch! Belphie what was that for!?" Iruma rubbed his forehead that Belphie flicked hard.

"Hm" Belphie smirked and yawned.

"Wait how'd you know about all of this?" Iruma titled his head like a curious puppy.

Belphie gestured to the messily stacked books in the corner as Iruma made an 'oh' sound but then immediately sweatdropping seeing the mess his sloth of a brother made that really needs to be cleaned up.

"I'm sleepy....g'night 'rumaaa......zzz...."

Yawning, Belphie shoved his head under the infamous cow printed pillow and immediately you could hear snores coming out of his mouth.

Iruma continued to sweatdrop at his brother and yawned feeling tired as well.

"Goodnight Belphie"

Sort of rushed but hopefully I'll make the next chapter better than this one.

Honestly,the last part is only there to explain the reason why Belphie has magic sooooo.......
