"Extra! Extra!"Clara chanted as she threw pieces of paper into the air with Asmodeus trailing behind her holding up a huge poster of what seems to be a larger version of the school newspaper frontpage.

"What's happening?"Allocer asked.The other students behind him just shrugged and voiced out that they also have no idea what's happening as Asmodeus at the front pinned the poster on the board.

"How is it!? The commemorative news extra for Iruma-sama's rank up!"Asmodeus exclaimed making Iruma jumped in shock.

"T-this is..."Iruma stuttered out as he remembers the picture one of the newspaper battler members took.

"Hey one set! Another set! Here you go!"Clara exclaims as she distributes copies of the newspaper extra to the other students.

"Why not get one as a gift for the headmaster?"Asmodeus suggested.

"Thank you but I think he should have one so it's okay"Iruma denied.

"That old man would probably have a whole stack of copies of it"Belphie added as he waves the extra in his hand around to fan his face as he yawns.

"That's awesome~ Iruma-kun.Your article is even bigger than Kuromu-chan's"Leid commented.

"Kuromu...chan?"Iruma repeated the unfamiliar name.

"Eh?! You don't know who Kuromu-chan is!?"Leid exclaimed after it took a full second to fully realize that Iruma had no idea who this 'Kuromu-chan' is.

"Bel-chi!?"Leid turns to Belphie in asking.Apparently the blonde demon started to call him that due to hearing Clara refer to Belphie that way.

"I saw a few of her videos.She's really... sparkly"Belphie said.He went searching for videos online one time when he got bored until he stumbled on a video of an 'akudol' named 'Kuromu-chan'.

"She's more than just sparkly! She's really cute! Look at the article below! 'Akudol Kuromu-chan!Morning,afternoon,night,the opening of the one entire day concert'!A challenge of her holding her first concert at the Makubari Dome!"Leid exclaimed like the hard core idol fan he is.

"Aku...dol?"Iruma repeated in confusion again.

"They're kinda like those Fem-idols I guess"Belphie tried to explain but he really also doesn't know that much.

"Eh? You also don't know about that?"Leid was taken aback as he had never met such an uncultured demon.If a certain Avatar of Envy were here he'd be ranting about just how 'normie can a normie be'.

"There's no helping it! Since young,Iruma-sama has been protected carefully under the wing of the headmaster along with Belphie-sama so he's unfamiliar about the ways of the world!Do you understand!?"Asmodeus defended Iruma in the back sighs in relief of how he now has an excuse to him not knowing much of this world.

"Oh yeah I think Bel-chi said something about that"Leid nodded in understanding.

"'Akudol' comes from 'Remove the evil'.To demons,it's an important position"Asmodeus explains as he writes the terms on the board.

'So 'Akudol' came from 'aku' and 'duro' which means evil and remove' Belphie thought in his head as we reads the written words.

"Demons will have stressful period where they'll have the thoughts of violence and sadism.We call that the 'evil cycle'.In order to suppress the evil cycle there are various entertainment in the netherworld.Like using games and sports to rapidly diffuse the stress"Asmodeus explains.

"And watching Akudol is one of the entertainment.By gathering many demons in one place with a performance their malice will be repainted into excitement and vent it out.Thus,popular Akudol are treated well in the netherworld"He continues as everyone listens intently.

"And amongst them,Kuromu-chan is the ace among the young ones! Good performances! Good songs! And most importantly...She's cute!! And that's everything!"Leid exclaims as he shows Iruma one of her performances.

'If we were to put Leid and Levi in the same room for an hour,would they come out as best friends or enemies that try to rip eachother's throats out defending their beloved idols by slandering eachother's favorite ones'This was the thought that occupied Belphie's mind despite everyone around him was fawning over Kuromu's cuteness as they watch her announce about her afternoon live concert.

"So cute!!"Leid,Garp and Caimu cried out.

"So devi cute!"

"I support her everytime!"

"666 times is way to high an acceptance rate!"

"Devi!~ I wanna go!"

"The tickets are always sold out the moment it's out for sale.The VIP seats are by lottery and it's rumored that you can speak to Kuromu-chan directly"Jazz chimed making them turn to him.

Everyone was soon talking about the concert with most of the fanboys crying about how they can't watch it on stage.

"Abnormal Class Iruma-kun,Iruma-kun"A flying speaker sounded making everyone turn to it.

"Please head to the broadcasting room.I repeat Abnormal Class Iruma-kun"It announced.

"I wonder what it is"Iruma said.

"Hn...did you get into trouble lately.....let me rephrase that:Did you get into more trouble lately?"Belphie sent a deadpan stare at his brother.

"N-no?! I dunno!?"Iruma exclaimed.

"Anyway I'll be right back"Iruma excused himself and went out with Clara and Asmodeus as usual trailing behind him.

"See you~"The other misfits said.

"Please look forward to the live broadcast from Makubari dome afterwards!~"Kuromu in the screen said with her hands in a heart shape.

"Ah! Devi-cute.Let's listen to the new song together this time~"Leid said.

"Shall we lend some good speakers with money?"Jazz suggested.

"Let's watch the concert broadcast together!"Caim yelled.

"Me too!"Everyone voiced their agreements.

Belphie just watched the group of hudled demons that looked like they were emitting hearts as they watched the video clip.

'Where the hell is Sabnock when you need him to kidnap you?'

--------Time skip-------
Night time-Makubari dome

At the entrance of the Makubari Dome,stood the student council president,Azazel Ameri.

"So this is it"She spoke.She had been given a ticket by her father earlier that day.As it was her first time watching a akudol concert she didn't quite know what to do as she  follows a line of demons wanting to buy glow sticks.

"Ameri?"A familiar voice sounded from behind.

"Oh Belphie.You're here too?"Ameri asked as she turns to face him.

"Hm yeah.Grandpa said he didn't want me getting left out so he had Opera get a ticket for me so I could watch Kuromu's concert"Belphie stated.

'Tickets were already sold out right? How did Opera even get one?' Was Belphie's thought when Opera gave him a ticket as his grandfather in the back starts singing about how he can't let his precious grandson to miss out on something teenagers liked very much.

"Oh is that so-..Wait! Does that mean Iruma's here?!"Ameri placed her hands on Belphie's shoulder as she asks him that.

"I think.I've heard that the broadcasting batter gave them tickets earlier but that was for the afternoon concert.I don't know if they left or not"Belphie said as Ameri composes herself,coughing into her hand apologizing.

"Yeah sure....you were going to buy glow sticks right?"Belphie asked as he sees that they have strayed from the line.

"Oh right.Why don't you come with me buy one and let's go find our seats after"Ameri suggested.

"Sure"Belphie said as he follows her to the booth where they sell glow sticks.

Belphie took two purple lit ones while Ameri took two pink colored ones.They paid for it and entered through the entrance.

"Loud"Was Belphie's one comment as he hears the cheers and chants of the people in the stadium.

"Let's go find our seats"Ameri said.The tickets they had have seat numbers on them so they didn't have to worry about not getting any seats.Coincidentally,both their seats were beside each other.

"Ku!~ Ro!~ Mu!~"The crowd chanted holding up and waving their glow sticks.

"Why'd did I come here again? I should've just gave Leid my ticket.Atleast he'd be happy surrounded by so many people just to see his favorite idol live"Belphie muttered.Then again what did he expect? It is a concert after all.

"Ku!~ Ro!~ Mu!~"Ameri started to chant along with the crowd making Belphie sigh as he starts holding up with glow sticks and waving them around too.

After a while,Belphie noticed the crowd is getting more and more aggressive with chanting Kuromu's name.

"Hey Ameri.Don't you think it's getting odd?"He turns to Ameri who is also getting a bit puzzled by the restless demands of the demons in the dome.

"How long are we going to wait for!?"

"I'm in my evil cycle and I'm super irritated!"

"Hand out Kuromu-chan!"

The crowd demanded.

"Everyone,sorry to keep you waiting.Now,the opening act shall commence"Announced the speaker.

"Was there ever an opening act in Kuromu's performances?"Belphie asked Ameri who was also confused.

"I don't know.This is my first time watching a live concert"Ameri said.

The dim lit stage opened a spotlight where three figures were shown.A fidgetting pink haired girl,a shy flustered bluenette and a cheerful greenhaired girl.

"We are the bright and cheerful friends!"The greenhaired one exclaimed.

Unfortunately,the trio's appearance weren't welcomed warmly by the crowd as they still demanded to see Kuromu on stage.

"That blue haired girl....I've seen her somewhere....Belphie do you- Oi Belphie!"Ameri shook Belphie out of his trance.

"That blue haired.......girl"He let out.

"Yeah I feel like I know her from somewhere...Do you know her?"Ameri asked the boy who was staring blankly at trio on the stage,specifically the bluenette on the stage.

"Ameri....that's-"Belphie was cut off by the greenhaired girl's introduction.

"I'm the forest fairy,Clarin!You better give me snacks! If not,I'll eat you up!Rawr!"She said.Instead of fawning over her cuteness the crowd just look at her weirdly.

"I'm the slightly snappy,shy and cool Alice"The pinkhaired girl introduced herself with a flustered blush on her face.

"She's so fidgetty"

"So cute when she's embarrassed"

The crowd cooed.Clarin approached Alice whispered in her ear something that seem to make the pinkhaired girl more flustered.

"I'll melt your hearts with my flaming fire!"Alice conjured pink flames and manipulated them into a shape of a heart before shooting the middle with a finger gun making the crowd cheer.

"If you give me sweets I'll shine happily for you!~"Clarin exclaimed making bubbles come out of her pockets.Alice from behind her kept conjuring flames and shaping them into hearts.The crowd cheered in awe at the spectacular show,their former frustration of not being able to see Kuromu now forgotten.

'Yup that's definitely Clara and Asmodeus....so that bluehaired girl really is....'

The blue haired girl stepped forward as she introduces herself.

"I-I'm the shy Irumi.My weight,height and personal information is a secret!"She fidgetted.

"The akudol full of mysteries,Irumi-chan!"She struck a pose.

"She's quite cute!"

"Do your best Irumi-chan!"

The unwelcomed second-hand embarassment Belphie didn't want to feel again came back.

The last time he felt this was when he and Beel caught Levi crossdressing while cosplaying 'Ruri-chan' and that time Asmo did that too as well as that time Mammon wore a maid outfit.Hell,even he didn't escape that horror as he also cosplayed Ruri-chan once.

To say it simply,Levi was the main cause of them doing so.

But then again the sympathy he felt was there.As he knew why Iruma was doing this.At the cost of his embarassment,Iruma is willing to go through the extremes to help someone.

Even if it meant crossdressing and performing in stage with millions of people watching in the stadium as well as in their homes watching from the live recording.

"Then....I-I....I'm starting!"Irumi in the stage posed as the crowd cheered.

Belphie sighed and clapped his hands for the trio on stage as Ameri beside him is still wide eyed.

And so the trio started their show.Clarin was playing the drums while Alice fired flames at Irumi who dodged every single one.

"Wow!She evaded all of it!"

"I've never seen such a dance before!"

"Hey look up!"

At the mention of looking up,Belphie looked up to rainbow flames spelling Irumi's name in demon's tongue.


"The blue haired girl is cute!"

"A beauty of fire! I wanna get burned by her!"

"That one girl is weird!"

'That blue haired girl...she looks like...No no no it can't be,it can't be' Ameri denies as she looks towards Belphie who was clapping his hands in applause.

'Belphie would immediately notice if she was...'

Clarin brought out more bubbles from her pockets as Alice manipulated her flames to pop them.Candies rained from above as the crowd chanted Irumi's name.

Suddenly,a chill breeze passed through the crowd as a voice sounded

"How long are you going to rampage on my stage?"

The flames of Irumi's name were extinguished as it was replaced with the icy letters of the name Kuromu.An icy stairway formed on the stage with snowflakes gently floating down to the ground as a single spotlight lit showing the appearance of the star of the show.

"The opening act ends here!"Kuromu announced as the crowd cheered as their awaited star had finally arrived.

"Thanks for waiting everyone!"She exclaimed.

Kuromu seemed to have said something to Irumi and her crew

"Kuromu! Irumi! Kuromu! Irumi!"The crowd chanted.

"Here we go!"Kuromu and Irumi clasped there hands together as they started their show.


"Little demon!~ Little demon!~"The Kuromu fanboys sang.The show yesterday was still fresh in their minds.

"Everyone morning!"Clara greeted as cheerful as usual.

Belphie who was sitting next to a seemingly upset Kerori just raised an eyebrow at how Iruma unusually greeted her as this was the first time he's seen them interact before.He doesn't know how those two became friends but it wasn't his bussiness so he'd just stay out of there way.

"Oh! Yesterday's concert made the news!"Leid said as he read the newspaper print as Caimu asked which page.

"T-this is..."Asmodeus trailed off as he sees the frontpage of the newpaper print.

"Oh! Irumi and her cheerful friends!Hahaha!"Clara exclaimed cheerfully.

"It was well received Iru-!"

"Stop it! It'll cause a riot if everyone knows!"Asmodeus whispered/yelled stopping Clara from revealing their secret.

"Me,as a demon of the Asmodeus family to act like this- Don't eat it!"Asmodeus tried to pry the newpaper out of Clara's mouth.

"The mysterious group of three that came out during Kuromu's concert was the best right?"Leid asked as Jazz agreed from behind him.

"So cute and beautiful...but why is my heart not beating for them?"Caim asks himself outloud.

'Probably because that isn't a girl' Belphie deadpans as he sent a secret glance to his brother who was still talking with Kerori.


*Screech screech!*

The hellraiser clock,bought by their grandfather screeched making Belphie groan.

"Tch Iruma...turn that thing off"

'Hearing that thing's screeches in the morning are worse than the alarm clock Satan gave me once' Belphie thought as he covers his head with his famed cow print pillow.

His brother who got out of bed shut the hellraiser clock off and hesded towards the window as he takes a deep breath.

"How pleasant"Iruma said as hr bathed in the sun rays that seeped through the window as the demonic birds outside screeched and squaked.

"Looks like today'll be a good day"He said as he starts to get ready for the day.

Belphie,who heard him,raised an eyebrow at the carefreeness before yawning and eventually falling back asleep.

This caused Iruma who came back from changing his clothes to drag his brother out of bed to get ready for the day.


"Grandpa Goodmorning!"Iruma greeted as he walked in the dinning room with Belphie trailing behind him.

"G'mornin'"Belphie grumbled as he sits on his seat and yawns.

"Good morning Iruma-kun~ Belphie-kun~"Their grandfather greeted them back with sparkles surrounding him.

"Good morning here's your hell grey tea"Opera greeted as he serves them the hot tea as Iruma and Belphie thanks them.

"Thanks for the food!"

"We'll prepare seconds if it's not enough~ There's no need to be shy"Sullivan said like the doting grandfather he was.

"Yes! So delicious"Iruma says as he stops gobbling down on the food for a few moments before resuming.

"Iruma-chi morning morning morning morning"They could hear Clara's voice from outside chant with Asmodeus beside her also sending his greetings.

The stacked food on the table little by little were gobbled down by Iruma as he hurries.

"It's this late already?"

"I dun....no~"Belphie yawned out as he pokes on the unfinished fish on his plate.It was still early by his standards.

"Iruma-kun~ Wanna ride Grandpa's specially made horse carriage after such a long time? Belphie's the only one that enjoys riding it so why don't you ride it to school today?~ Wanna use it? Hm?~"Their doting sausage grandfather suggested as a portal conjured from behind him,the heads of the black mares popping out as if asking Iruma to ride their carriage.

"I-it's okay!"Iruma denies as he stands up from the table.

"I'll be off!"He said as he runs to get his bag.

"Iruma-kun!~"Sullivan wails and gets dejected along wuth the black mares.Belphie patting his back as if to mock the old man.

"Be careful"Opera said.


"Morax-sensei will be resting for a week due to waist aches.Thus,the first lesson of Basic magic will be taken over by Mononoki-sensei.That's it"Kalego announces but no one seems to be listening as everyone did their own thing in the abnormal class' room.

"That's it for Homeroom"He slammed his book shut gathering everyone's attention.

"Head towards your first class.Don't make a racket.Don't trouble other students and teachers.No matter what....Stay silent"Kalego ordered as the class stood up to go to their first lectures' classroom.


"Basic magic lesson will continue off from yesterday's page sixty six.Please open your textbook"Mononoki-sensei said as she stands in front of the board with a book and a wand in hand.

"Okay.Valac-san.Please read it"She requested as Clara stood up reading the line.

Belphie was sitting next to Sabro who was listening intently to the lesson.He yawns placing his head to the table.He then catches a glimps of Leid's switch playing Kuromu's performance who was sitting on the seat below him.

"Oh man.Kuromu-chan is the best"Leid said to Jazz and Garp who was sitting next to him.

"Her new song took firsr on the Maricon chart you know"Jazz stated.

"Really? Devi-awesome!"Leid exclaimed lowly as to not let Mononoki-sensei catch them.

"I bought sixty-six albums"Garp commented.

"Isn't that a bit too much?"Belphie joined in on their conversation.

"It's all worth it for Kuromu-chan"Garp answered back.

"Ah want some sweets?"Garp offered to them which Belphie denied as he sees Mononoki-sensei had caught them talking to eachother and pretends to be listening to the lesson.

"Over there,Silence!"Mononoki-sensei pointed her wand to them as a light emitted from it.

A poof from behind made Kerori and Elizabetta flinch in shock as they look back to see three jumping frogs with colors and attributes similar to the three demons who were sitting on the seats behind before.

"Ah,oh my.I subconsciously.."Mononoki-sensei stuttered out as she accidentally casted a spell on the three students.

Belphie,who ducked behind the table to save himself from being turned into a frog,sat back down on his seat and started poking the back of the frog who looks like Leid.

Another poof occured as the frogs turned back into studnets with Garp in Elizabetta's arms as he stutters as Jazz and Leid in the back on top of their desk still in a frog position.

"How slyyyyy Gaaaaarrpp!!!"Caimu wailed.Damned pervert sucks for you.

"T-this is a example of the 'transfiguration magic' in basic magic.As shown,magic cast on subjects who resisted can't last long"Mononoki-sensei stated to cover up her previous mistake.

"I see!"Sabnock said as he writes down on his notebook.

And so the day continued on as normal as it could get for a school of demons.


"It was fun today too!"Iruma exclaims as he lays down on his bed.

"The bed is soft and warm too..."He said before he froze in realization.

"What's wrong?"Belphie asked from his place on the carpet.

"I've totally grown accustomed to the Netherworld!"Iruma yelled.

"So? I thought you said you wanted to continue living here"Belphie faces his brother who still had a shocked look in his face.

"I-I do but....I....humans aren't supposed to be here...We aren't supposed to be here....and...."Iruma stuttered completely conflicted with himself.

Belphie could only sigh at his brother as stands up from the floor,heading towards his brother,patting his head in reassurance before heading off towards his own bed.

It would do no good if he pressures Iruma to make up with mind.Since that'll only make his brother ignore his true feelings in favor of Belphie's.

Which in Iruma's mind is that Belphie wants to stay in the Netherworld which isn't wrong.Belphie likes being in the Netherworld it gives him a sense of familiarilty.

But it's Iruma's thoughts that he wants to hear so Belphie leaves his brother to think for himself.




Clara and Asmodeus' voice called out making Belphie turn to them.He was lounging around the school's field when Clara and Asmodeus came.

"What do you two want? And where's Iruma?"Belphie asked.

"Iruma-sama is currently busy with his bussiness with the President but that's not why we're here-"

"What's Iruma-chi's favorite food!?!"Clara cut Asmodeus off by shouting that question.

"Iruma's....favorite food?"Belphie repeated titling his head in confusion.

"Uh yes.Iruma-sama seems dejected about something since this morning so we assumed that he was just tired because there's been no time for him to rest at all because he's been so busy"Asmodeus explained.

"So you want to cook him something to cheer him up?"


"Yup! That's right!"

Asmodeus and Clara confirmed.

"Hm......I don't think Iruma has a favorite food"Belphie admitted.

'He'd be happy if he got any food at all'

Thanks to their deadbeat neglectful parents that is.

"Oh...."Asmodeus and Clara looked down at the ground.

"But"Belphie said making Asmodeus and Clara face him expectantly.

"Iruma would just be happy and content to eat food his two friends cook for him"Belphie stated as the two immediately perk up and declare that they will make Iruma the best food he'll ever taste in the netherworld.

The two left after that leaving Belphie in the peaceful field.

Iruma would be fine with those two with him.


Belphie's reaction to Iruma crossdressing is a bit boring but then again his dude is a millenia old(mentally that is).He's seen more bizzare things in his past life.That includes his other brothers cosplaying and crossdressing as well.

And we're basically done with season 1....the ending was anti-climatic...my mind ran out of ideas near the end of this chapter.

