The gargoyle heads sounded as it signalled the end of the rookie hunt.And all the students were back in their classrooms once more.

"Silence!Although the battler's rookie hunt was held just now.For those who were not invited and those who rejected invitation,the next three days are set up for 'battler study tours'.Everyone take this seriously and decide which Batra you will join"Kalego announced.

"Listen! A battler is an important choice in advancing your rank.So don't choose one randomly,Idiots!"Kalego growled out after seeing that most of the students weren't listening.

Belphie rolled his eyes hearing the word 'rank' once more.Ranks seem to the most important in this world.

Belphie honestly can't relate.From the day they fell,they've been given their ranks by the demon king.Sure they was tons of discrimination from the jealous lower class demons but there was no way they'd go against the demon king's word.

So excuse him if he sometimes acts like a snobby noble child that's been fed by a silver spoon ever since they've been born.

"Hey Belphie"Belphie turned to look at Jazz who had his signature smile on his face.

"Still up for look at the battlers with us?"He asked.

"Hm yeah sure"Belphie confirmed before yawning and placing his head on the table using his hands as a pillow.

"Dude you just said you were going out with us.Don't sleep on us now~"Leid urged him to get up as Belphie grumbles in his sleep.

"Coming with us Sabnock?"Jazz turns to Sabnock asking him.

"Even though I still haven't forgiven you for knocking me out Belphie.I shall come too"Sabnock declared.

"I was trying to stop you from getting me in trouble for being with you who causes the trouble"Belphie yawns and stretches his arms,feeling the satisfying pop.

"Then let's go?"Jazz asked once more.



"Let's go!"

Chorus' of agreement sounded.

"I shall come too!"The voice of their bird like classmate sounded.

"Eh? You wanna come with Caim-kun?"Leid asked.

"Yes! Women are attracted to large groups of attractive men.Who knows someone might see me and be like 'who's that?! I need to know his name!' But she'll be too shy to approach me so she goes to her female friends and try to come up to me as a group and-"

"Anyway let's go now"Jazz cut off Caim's rambling about women fawning and crowding around him.


Upon arriving to where the 'battler tower' is.Belphie visibly cringed at the loud festival like atmosphere.

With tons of demons giving paper slips and trying to persuade thr first years to join their battlers.

'But atleast it's more tamed than the chaos that happened earlier during the rookie hunt' Belphie thought a female demon with a witch's hat on tried to give him a paper slip with the words 'pharmaceutical research battler'.

Humming in thought,he rejected the girl's offer and rejoined their group,finding Sabnock and Jazz missing.

"Where's Sabnock?"He asked.

"Ah we lost him along the way.He mumbled something about finding the 'demon king battler' or whatever"Leid scratched the back of his head.

Belphie sighed and looked around for Jazz.

"And Jazz?"He asked as he slouches more.All this walking around looking at these demons running around is making him sleepy.

"Here~"The said demon sang as he raised his hand waving a paper slip around.

"Oooh~ What's that?"Leid asked about the paper in his hand.

"A paper slip for the Magic Development Battler.I got one for you too Belphie-kun if you ever get interested"

Magic developing does sound interesting.He can learn some of the magical arts here in the netherworld and maybe he can have them evaluate the spells he learned from devildom as well.

Yuki told them once that they took little to no care for magic and took it way for granted.Mammon always teased them that they were just jealous that they have no magic.

Maybe Belphie can get some opinions from the magic development battler.

That is if he decides to join them.He thinks as he pockets the paper slip.

"Oh! It's Iruma's army~"

Belphie heard call out as he looks towards Iruma,Clara and Asmodeus' direction.

"Did everyone come here for flyers too?"Iruma asked as he approached them.

"Pretty much,I have a battler in mind"Leid said.

"I just tagged along with these guys"Belphie stated as he yawns.

"Oh you guys have quite the admirable heart"Asmodeus remarked.

"I'm going for the Gaming battler!"Leid exclaimed.

"You just wanna play don't you?"Asmodeus deadpanned.

"Magic Development Battler for me.I want to learn magic...and alchemy"Jazz said with a sparkle of mischief.

"You just want gold don't you?"

"I want to join the'Onee-san Research Battler!"Caim stated with no shame.

"There's no such battler!"

"Hm I wonder if there's a 'Relaxation sleeping battler' some where...hehe....I'd really like that"Belphie snored out.It looks like he fell asleep while they were talking.

"Belphie! Don't sleep while standing!"Iruma shook his brother awake who grumbled and leaned his weight against Iruma in reteliation.

"Hehe Belphie-kun really can sleep while standing up huh?"Jazz remarked.

"Yeah he can walk,talk and respond to people while being asleep too...Is there a reason for that?"Leid asked.

"Uh he's just like that.Some doctors told us it was some disorder but Belphie denied it"Iruma answered.

He remembers that time really well since it was pretty much the only time their parents took them to the doctor because they were worried that Belphie may have some kind of terminal illness and they didn't want a sick child on their hands plus funerals were expensive.

Iruma frowns at the thought before feeling his brother's hand on top of his head in reassurance.

Humans always leaned to logic for everything to the point where it's starting to get boring.Just leave things as it is people.If he wanted to sleep let him sleep not make up a reason to diagnose him with some disorder or something.Tch.

"What about you Iruma-kun?You must have loads of options since you have such a great magic power"Leid said.

"Iruma-kun is always the talk of the town,too"Jazz chimed in.

"Don't you ever get jealous about it,Belphie-kun~"He tried to tease Belphie who snored out a lazy 'nah'.

'To everyone around me,Grandpa's magic must look like my own' Iruma thought in realization.

"Nothing really catches my eye-"Iruma cut himself off as he notices his ring twinkling.

"Eh?! Whaaaat!? Ehhhh!??!"He let out as he was dragged through the air as if the ring was guiding him somewhere.

"Iruma-sama!"Asmodeus exclaimed in worry before he took off running towards the direction Iruma went,Clara following him close behind.

"You going to go with them to check on your brother Belphie-kun?"Jazz asked Belphie who had an unamused expression on his face.

"Nah I'll let him handle it on his own"Belphie answered still maintaing the unamused expression on his face.

He was too used to bizarre scenarios following the people around him to the point where he adopted the habit of 'expect and accept the unexpected'.

Belphie sighed before turning towards Jazz once more.

"Where's that magic development battler again?"He asked.

This aroused a mischevious smirk from Jazz.

"I'll show you~"


"Ah Welcome back Jazz-kun~"A purple haired demon wearing visor glasses as he greeted Jazz and Belphie who entered their battler room.

"Oh you brought a friend this time around too"He remarked.

"Yeah this is Belphie"Jazz intoduced him as Belphie was looking around the room.

"Nice to meet you Belphie-kun~ It's a pleasure to have the headmaster's grandson and the infamous Iruma-kun's brother in our battler room"

"Hm yeah thanks.Nice to meet you to-"Belphie stated before an explosion cut him off.

"Whoops that was loud"The purple haired demon chuckled before going over to the battler members who caused the explosion.

Belphie and Jazz followed behind him.Curious about what that explosion was about.

"Sorry we added a bit too much astral magic to it so it caused an explosion"One of the battler members explained.

Looks like they were trying to make a miniature constellation display using magic but it exploded due to the unstable contrasting magic used on it.

"Try putting less astral magic and have some sort of stability magic to make sure the structure of the miniature constellation display doesn't go unstable and collapse"Belphie suggested.

[I'm no wizard from hogwarts please excuse my patheticness]

"Hm that could work"One of the members said before gesturing to his partners to try it out.

The battler members gathered in a circle and started to place their magic unto the cauldron in front of them.

It cackled and almost exploded for a few times before it let out a huge puff of steam.After a few seconds wonderful astral projection was in front of them.

The room was dimly lit so it made the beautiful sight in front of them more captivating to the eye.

"Woah! Awesome!"The battler head exclaimed.

"You're free to join and stop by anytime at our battler Belphie-kun"He stated.

"Yeah but I'm going to see if there are any more battlers that catch my eye.But as of now this is the only battler that I'm interested in"Belphie said.

"Well I hope it stays that way~"

Belphie and Jazz said there goodbyes soon after and started to look at the different battlers.

They went to the sports field where different kinds of sports battlers were practicing.

All Jazz got from bringing Belphie there was an unamused face.It looked like Jazz just wanted to mess with Belphie by bringing him to where the most active students were trying to get the first years to join their sport battlers.

"Any more battlers around here? If there are they better not be loud"Belphie asked a sour frown still on his face.He just wanted to get this over with and sleep after that stunt the darkhaired demon walking beside him pulled.

"There's plenty more Belphie-kun but don't worry these are the most quiet battlers around"Jazz said before leading Belphie towards the library.

Seems like they were here to pay the library battler a visit.

"Oh? Iruma-kun~ Azz-kun~ Clarin~"Jazz called out to the familiar trio.

"Jazz-kun?Belphie? You're here to see the library battler too?"Iruma asked.

Jazz didn't seem to be the type to read books much and Belphie would rather sleep inside a library than read a book.

Sure he reads a few times but usually that would just mean he wanted to get information about something and after getting that information he'd just stop and rather sleep.

"Yeah Belphie wanted to find a quiet battler around here so I brought him to the library"Jazz explained.

"Yeah cause this idiot decided to bring me to a sports field of all places"Belphie grumbled in spite making the others sweatdrop.

They were soon approached by a female demon who intoduced herself as the battler president.

She went on explaining to them about what the Library battler does and how they do things.

"It's calming...such a nice environment"Iruma remarked as he looked at the tall bookselves around him.

'That's only until someone gets cursed for opening a forbidden book' Belphie thought.He had his fair share of experiences with those types of incidents.Most of them usually revolve around either Satan,who was the bookworm of the family,and Mammon,who probably wanted to steal the book to sell it.

The probability of someone getting curse for opening a forbidden book inside this huge of a library was very high.

Suddenly,an explosion of purple smoke sounded from the room beside where Iruma was standing.

"Not good! He got cursed by the book and turned into an unimaginable idiot!"One of the battler members exclaimed as they dragged a demon's body away from the book.

"That idiot! I've told him so many times.New books should be opened with one standing two meters and above away!"Another exclaimed before the battler president covered the room with the curtain as if it was a normal occurance.Which it probably was.

'I knew it'

"Do come again~"The battler president waved goodbye as they walked away from the library.

"I didn't know books were delicious~"Clara stated earning a shocked look from Iruma and ignorance from Asmodeus.

That was something that Beel would say.Belphie thought with a small smile.

"Hehe is that so Clarin? I'll be sure to add salt to mine then"Jazz joked along.

"Pardon me!!"A familiar voice boomed.

"Demon king battler! It is a fitting title for me who will be the next Demon king!! Fearless fighter or not just come at me!I'll mow you down!"Sabnock challenged.

Taking a peek inside the room it was filled with multiple students taking notes and reading scripts.

This caught Sabnock off guard before he awkwardly sat in between two students looking so out of place.

Belphie would have laughed if he wasn't experiencing the second handed embarassment just by watching Sabnock squirm uncomfortably while looking terribly confused.

He probably expecting a battle royal of  sorts with some demons who wanted to claim the title of the demon king.

"L-let's leave him be"Iruma stuttered out.

"Hm let's"

And so they slipped away from the scene undetected.


After dinner time in Sullivan's mansion,Iruma approached their grandfather.

They came back from looking at different battlers a few hours.Iruma's group with Belphie and Jazz split up along the way after seeing that they've already went to the battlers the other party haven't gone too.

And least to say Belphie was tired.Seeing how he was sprawled on the sofa in a seemingly uncomfortable manner,but he was the avatar of sloth everyone he can find a way to sleep no matter the situation,as Opera placed a blanket over the boy.

As Belphie was pretending to be asleep he heard his grandfather explain to his brother how the new adjustment to his ring works.

He unconsciously raised an eyebrow when their grandfather told Iruma to use a chant known as pandorula only in emergencies.

Looks like Opera either noticed that he was just pretending to be asleep or they knew that he was pretending from the start as they poke his cheek and offered him hell grey tea.

Letting out a yawn he accepted the hell grey tea and watched their grandfather cover Iruma's mouth after he attempted to say pandorula.

The next day,Belphie just sat out on battler hunting and was now hunting for a quiet place to sleep in.

The halls were bustling and filled with students who were looking out for battlers that caught their interests.

So he walked outside as another route and found himself staring at a window.The inside of the window was covered with a velvet colored curtain so it made it impossible to see what was inside.

Belphie thought that this might be a good place to sleep in so he picked the lock on the window and got in.Picking locks was a technique he learned from watching Mammon.

As he slipped inside the room,he found himself dodging a kick that was sent in his direction.

He may not be the fastest demon around but mind you he fought a war and was eighth most powerful demon in devildom right after Diavolo and his older brothers.

"Belphegor-kun?"A suprised familiar voice sounded.

It looked like the one who attacked him was the student council president herself.

"Oh hi Ameri and it's Belphie"He greeted and relaxed his form.

"What are you doing here? Why'd you come from the window?"Ameri demanded.

"I saw looking for a place to sleep and this room looked like a nice place to sleep in so I picked the locked and got in before you decided to attack me"Belphie explained and yawned to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

The way Ameri demanded answers with authority lacing her voice as she stood with pride reminded him of  the way Lucifer demanded and barked orders.

"Oh...is that so?"Ameri let out before clearing her throat.

"Well then as I said yesterday you are invited to come here as you please if you ever want to join our student council"Ameri continued as Belphie hummed in thought.

Being in the student council would guarantee his protection so that most demons who don't want to mess with the student council also won't mess with him.

But then again the workload that came with being a member sounds disappealing.

He only did minimal work back in RAD.Just make sure no demons were trying to kill eachother and all that.Lucifer was usually the one who did the paperwork since he was the vice president and Diavolo's right hand man.


"Thanks for the offer but I'd have to decline"He finally said.

This shocked Ameri.
Normally demons would jump straight into the abyss when they hear they were being recruited to the student council.

"Not that it doesn't sound tempting...it's just that...I'm not to keen on doing...work in general"Belphie admitted.

"Why do you want me to join anyway? I'm technically just an average demon"

Yes.An average demon who was one of the grandsons of one of the three greats,who is also the most capable candidate for the title of the demon king,and the brother of the person who was once as the school's rumored menace.

"Ah well I've seen that you have great potential to be a part of our council"

It's totally not that Ameri wanted to use Belphie as an excuse to see his brother so they can read more often.

"Well then......do you know if your brother is willing to join?"Ameri finally asked the multi-million question.

"Who knows? He's still looking for a battler that catches his eye but I haven't seen him find one yet so there's hope"Belphie said as he laid on the couch inside Ameri's office with no shame or what-so-ever

"Is that so...well can you tell me if he's atleast intereste- Hey!"Ameri cut herself off after seeing the boy had slept.

"Oi! Do you have any shame sleeping in front a woman who wasn't even finished speaking!?"Ameri exclaimed.

"Right sorry...as far as I know Iruma hasn't found any battler that suits his taste.But I'll tell you when he does...that is if you let me sleep here since this is probably the only place here that isn't filled with noisy students running amock"Belphie stated.

Even if Ameri's office was filled with decorations,the only people that would probably come here are the student council members that come for reporting.

That is judging from the rumors of the student council just patrolling during battler hunting instead of trying to persuade students to join them.

Iruma was probably an excemption to that....probably Belphie too but what Ameri really was aiming for was to get Iruma under the student council.

Belphie's statement sparked an idea in Ameri's mind.

"How about this.I let you come here anytime for you to...sleep whenever you want to escape from loud crowds.But only if you keep me updated on your brother's well being"Ameri bargained.

She totally just wants to keep an eye on Iruma to make sure he's fine.And she totally isn't using Belphie as a spy to report to her.

She just wants to make sure she isn't assuming wrong about them being human.

She doesn't want more time to read 'Hatsukoi memories' or as Iruma called the forbidden texts.

"Weird that you want to keep an eye on my brother but as long as I get a place to sleep in with no one to bother me then whatever"

Her bargain was a nice one.All he had to do was send her a message atleast once a day letting her know that Iruma was fine and she'd let him sleep in her office.

The only sleeping grounds he had as of now were the abnormal class' room,the roof and now he might just add the student council president's office to that list.

And if the student council members saw a dark blue haired boy who was passed out snoring on the couch on the corner....they didn't question it as Ameri told them to ignore him.


When Belphie met up with Iruma for them to go home.He couldn't help but wonder what made his brother smile that brightly.

When he asked about it,Iruma happily oblighed telling Belphie about how he met this senior and wanted to join his battler.

Iruma and Belphie that night slept peacefully.

Though Belphie feels like he forgot something.

And that something was left forgotten as the newly added number on Belphie's phone that was saved as "Ameri".


It's sort of rushed near the end.....And I don't think the part with Ameri and Belphie made any sense.
