"W-woah" Iruma let out, looking up to the huge school that looks more like Count Dracula's castle rather than a place for education.

Belphie also looked up at the school and immediately feels a sense of nostalgia but quickly shakes off the feeling.

Devildom doesn't exist in this somewhat another universe but instead, the Netherworld, as they call it, seems to be this world's version of 'hell'.

Their 'grandfather' called for them to take a photograph.

Belphie was at the other side of the post with a sign he could somehow read even without the help of his grandfather's spell.

The language they use here was similar to devildom language, but was a bit more ancient(?) per se.
It had a few terms having different meanings than the other. But he still manages to understand them.

Iruma stood to the left of the post with Sullivan beside him holding his fingers in a pose with looks like this world's equivalent to 'peace signs'.

After the picture was taken by their Grandfather's servant, Opera, which Belphie admits reminded him of Barbatos to a certain extent, they made their way to the entrance.

Iruma was shaking, feeling nervous as he walked. Beside him was Belphie looking around the scenery of the school.

As the demon-turned-human was still glancing at their surroundings, he didn't notice his brother being called over by a student council member and with Iruma's nervousness, he didn't realize that he got separated from his brother and that they were now walking in different directions.

The school campus was huge. There were multiple fields of just plain grass or a dark forest that had an ominous aura in it. Those were not going on his 'visit later' spots.

Belphie, during his walk, suddenly realized Iruma was no longer walking beside him.

This could be a huge problem.

Then he saw a blonde demon, who seemed to be a student as well, wielding an axe and was currently attacking a man with a scar on his left jaw, wearing clothes Belphie has seen teachers in this school wear.

What were they doing fighting before the entrance ceremony?

He decided that he didn't want to get in trouble so he sneakily tried to get away from the scene... tried that is...

After the teacher fainted the blonde shirtless student still took advance toward the fallen body not noticing that the teacher had already fainted.

He did not want to deal with this.

When did he grow a conscience?

Damn Yuki and Iruma for influencing him.

"Hey! The guy already fainted. What are you trying to prove by attacking a teacher anyway?" Belphie said, the blonde immediately took notice of him.

"I was proving my strength! You need strength to get a higher rank so I figured challenging a teacher would get me to rank up faster" The physically bigger of the two said.

He seemed to be about the same height and build Beel had so Belphie had to strain his neck to look up at the blonde. Belphie, who had to restart from a baby to a toddler to a teenager, was a lot shorter than he was in his past life.

"I'm pretty sure that's not how the rules go"

"Is it not?"


In truth, Belphie had no idea how the rules of ranks apply to this world.

Back in devildom, he was given his rank by the Demon King from when he first arrived there with his brothers. He was the 7th most powerful brother. The weakest among his brothers but certainly more powerful than any of the lower-ranked demons in devildom.

"We should get going to wherever they were holding a ceremony or something before we get into more trouble... I meant you, that is"

"Ah! You are right! We definitely should be going!"

The blond suddenly picked him up and carried him under his arm.

Belphie didn't like being carried this way but at least he didn't have to walk to wherever the auditorium is.


"Something smells weird"

"They must be preparing something in the kitchen for the opening ceremony"

Sitting between a red demon with a Mohawk and one that almost resembled to be a bear with horns, Iruma cried deep down. Chanting 'don't stand out' over and over again, keeping his head down, trying not to attract attention his way.

"I hope we're going to be in the same class" A girl in the crowd said

"Right? I'm so nervous!" Answered another female.

'Ah! A normal conversation'

'I-I guess this might be just like a normal school after all' Iruma thought, relieved as he hears in the background, a girl with green hair enthusiastically calling out a list of her family's names.

Oh, how he wished.

"Silence!" A deep booming voice announced, causing everyone to go quiet.

Iruma gulped down the air that hitches at his throat the very moment he had heard the command that came from a dark purple-haired demon.

"Thank you all for waiting! It is 6:06 am let's formally commence the welcome ceremony to babylus" Another teacher with a much softer tone of voice announced before the piano started to play.

"Now all of you rise"

Iruma flinched when he saw everyone standing up and immediately stood up after them.

Humans only exist to be our food~!
Suck them dry, soul, blood, flesh and all~!

'I'm the air. I'm the air. I'm the air. I'm the air. I am nothing but the air' Iruma chanted in his thoughts as the demon students around him sang their school scary anthem. At least, it was scary for a human surrounded by demons.

Tremble at the sound of black wings as we take flight~!
For we are demons~!

'Wahhhhhh Belphie where are you?! Did he get found out and is in a dungeon somewhere?! Am I next?! Why did grandpa have us go to this school?!' Iruma thought as sweat dripped down his forehead.

"And the Principal will now make his opening speech"

That statement caught Iruma's attention as he looked at the platform.


"The principal!"

"The future demon king!"

'Future demon king? I wonder who that is-'

"Iruma-kun~ Belphie-kun~ Grandpa is here!~"

'E-e-eh!?... he's the... principal... of this school?... that's why he made me and belphie attend this school!!' Iruma thought in realization. Dread and uneasiness suddenly filled a weight in his stomach as he anticipates the worst.

"To tell you the truth my grandsons also attend this school. One of them is a very cute boy with cute chubby cheeks and the other is adorable when he clicks his tongue"

'Saying things like that will definitely get everyone's attention!! And you said we need to stay low!! What happened to that?! Please don't say anything weird!!'

"Who approved of him making a speech?" A certain dark blue-haired boy with white highlights in the base of his hair mumbled under his breath.

"Seems though those boys are very loved by their grandfather! Huh? Uh... eh uh... what was your name again?" Sabnock asked realizing he never got the boy's name.

"Belphegor. Belphie's fine too"

"Well, then Belphegor! I am Sabro Sabnock. You may call me Sabnock. I am quite happy that I managed to make a companion on the first day of school." Sabnock flashed a smile.

"It's just an opening ceremony it's not the first day yet... but I
wanna go home and sleep already" Belphie said with a yawn.

"I can see that, after all, you did fall asleep as we were walking towards the stadium"

"You mean you ran while carrying me but okay"

And then they both looked towards the platform once more where a chibi version of the principal took out a huge poster of the picture Him, Belphie and Iruma took earlier.

"My grandsons and I took a picture together earlier~"

'That blasted old man'

'Now everyone knows who we are!'

"I will distribute copies of it to you later~"


"That's all I want to say, Bye~" The principal then skipped away.

'You just wanted to boast about your grandsons the whole time' Iruma thought, sinking more and more into his seat as he heard all the murmurs and gossip of all the students around him.

'Why is this happening? What should I do? Belphie, where are you? I need help here!'

"And next the freshmen representative, Asmodeus Alice, will now make his speech" The announcer says as a student with pink hair wearing white clothing made his way through the crowd.

All eyes trail him as he goes. Especially gradient purple ones, who watched with curiosity at the sound of his name.

"Ah! There's been a change in the program. The one who will make the speech is one of the honor students Iruma-kun"

'What the-'

"Huh?" Belphie's eyebrows rose in surprise as he heard his brother's name. Iruma's this time, not Asmo's.

He had heard from Sabnock that the Asmodeus family were descendants of the prince of lust so they carried his legacy by making it their family's name.

Even if it isn't exactly him, Belphie could imagine Asmo's reaction if he found out a whole family was named after him. That damned lovable narcissist would probably scream in joy at such devotion.

"Iruma-kun! Please step unto the stage!" The announcer called once again.

'I'm so dead' Iruma thought as he covers his face with his palm.

"It's him"

"Looks just like the picture"

"Who was the other guy in the picture?

"Is he strong?"

"He looks weak"

"He is the principal's grandson. Of course, he must be strong"

Gossip and murmurs we heard from all around.

"Look at him. He is standing in front of such a huge crowd but he still stands straight and tall!"

'What should I do now? I don't have anything to say. I'm too nervous I can't move'

Iruma's blue eyes dart around the auditorium until his eyes meet the form of his brother.

'Belphie! Thank goodness you're alright! But still, what am I gonna do?! We'll get discovered at this point!'

Belphie notices his brother looking at him and does what any brother would do when their sibling is in a dilemma...

He smirks and takes amusement in his brother's suffering. Iruma silently cries inside when he saw the smirk.

He then notices his grandfather with a camera pointing down and saw an envelope at the back of the poster.

Iruma opens it and sees a bunch of words he couldn't understand until the spell his grandpa put on him took place.

'So I only need to read it aloud? I don't understand what's written here...maybe their language?... Anyway, I need to make my speech now!'

Iruma shook his head and shut his eyes closed before taking a deep breath and spoke.


All the demons around the blue-haired boy froze and flinched. Is the scholarship student seriously going to perform a spell like that in front of everyone?

"Tarutodari Iusabebe"

"Risutoru Aburuze"

'Looks like something is wrong?' Iruma took notice of how tense the demons around him looked, however, he still kept going.

'I feel like... The air... Is being distorted...'

"Sutomanu Aberuge"

'Hang on I know this spell' Belphie's eyes widened in realization. It's in another language but he's sure it's the same spell.



"Tzure Zaza"

Iruma finished the incantation.

Nothing happened at first but suddenly the demons started cheering.

"Huh?... Huh!? Why is everyone suddenly so worked up?" Iruma was confused. He looked to where Belphie was and saw him wide-eyed as if in shock by a discovery.


Iruma froze and looked towards where a group of teachers walking towards him.

"Why did you chant those forbidden spells?!" Asked a concerned teacher.

'Forbidden!? Huh?!'

As Iruma was being lectured/praised for accidentally enchanting a forbidden spell as he cries inside for almost dying without even knowing it. Belphie, on the other hand, was still processing what had happened.

Humans can apparently use spells in the netherworld. At least when they have a source of magic to utilize it from.

Belphie can feel the buzz of magic from the spell Iruma casted. The mana energy wasn't Iruma's but instead was their grandfather's.

The demons around them probably thought that the magic came from Iruma as they thought he was the principal's grandchild, therefore having similar magical wave signatures.

Back in the human world where he and Iruma lived, Belphie couldn't access any of his magic.

It frustrated him to no end back then. After all, if that shady human sorcerer, Solomon, can cast high level spells that some demons find difficulty casting, why can't he?

But in the netherworld, he might just be able to regain his magic and be able to go back to his original self. His magic-filled self that is.

But for now, judging by the gossip around him, The Avatar of Sloth could only think of one thing.

"Why is a spell that's supposed to make people not trip for a whole day forbidden?" Belphie muttered. Why were they acting as if it was a spell that may have caused an armageddon?

Those spells in Devildom were easily utilized. Some clumsy demons used them on a daily basis.

"Ahh, you see Belphegor" Sabnock started as he had heard what Belphie murmured.

"When casting forbidden spells, if the user mispronounces even just a single word, the whole spell will backfire and blow the user's four limbs off" The blonde explained. It was common knowledge among demons, Sabnock was confused as to why his dark blue-haired companion didn't know that.

"Ah is that so... Hm thank you" Belphie nodded to Sabnock in thanks.

There were many reasons as to spells backfire. It's true that misprouncing words are one of them.

"Sabnock Sabro and Belphegor"

The two mentioned people turned to look behind them and saw a man wearing a purple suit and a purple fedora resting on his blonde hair.

"I am Orias-sensei. I need you two to come with me and we shall discuss your act of violation against one of our teachers. Witnesses are saying you, Sabro-kun attacked and knocked Buer-sensei out and Belphegor-kun helped him escape the scene" The teacher stated.

"Ah Orias-sensei, I didn't help him escape"

'It's more like he picked me up and ran away with me under his arm'

"Nevertheless, we shall discuss this matter with the principal in his office" Orias-sensei said, giving no room for arguments.

Belphie, noticing the teacher's tone, turned over to Sabnock who merely shrugged his shoulders as if to say he would just go with it. The navy blue-haired boy looked back to where Iruma is at and sees he is surrounded by teachers and decides he seems fine.

During their departure, neither Belphie nor Iruma ever noticed red eyes belonging to a person who is burning with rage as he glares at Iruma's head with gritted teeth.


When they arrived at the principal's office Belphie saw Sullivan there sitting behind his desk with Opera by his side carrying a tray of tea.

"Belphie-kun!~ Have you come to see Grandpa?!" The principal immediately jumps up to hug his grandson as soon as he saw him.

"No, I did not-" Belphie struggled under the man's embrace trying to get away.

"Grandpa?" Sabnock repeated the word as he watched the two.

"Ah! Did you make friends already?! Yay! Opera-kun! Get the camera we must take a picture to remember this moment of when Belphie-kun got his first friend in school!" Sullivan then tugged Sabnock in their direction to pull him close as Opera was ready to take the picture.

"Say devi~"

"D-Devi" Sabnock stuttered, not fully understanding why he is currently having a photo taken with the principal, who is also one of the candidates for the position of the demon king, and his supposed grandson.

"Devi" Belphie sighed once again and stopped struggling, seeing his grandfather won't let go of him.

Opera then took the picture that managed to look great despite the confused face Sabnock had as it was revealed the companion he had was the grandson of the Principal.

"Ahem" Orias-sensei cleared his throat making everyone in the room remember he was there and addressed the situation to the Principal.

"Ahhh So Sabnock-kun knocked out Buer-sensei and Belphie-kun was an accomplice... hmm well it is still the first day of school so we'll not give them that bad of punishment for now like expulsion or suspension" The principal hummed in thought of what he should do.

"They'll have to help the school gardening staff weed out the field in the back that has not been taken care of since last year's school year" Sullivan decided after thinking about it.

"And I'll give Buer-sensei a pay raise... Sabnock-kun, you are dismissed. Belphie-kun, please stay here"

Sabnock then moved out of the room, sparing Belphie a wave of goodbye and a smile, Orias-sensei trailing behind him.

"So I suppose this is the part where you drop the all polite act and scold me for something I didn't even do"

Belphie's been here before. Lucifer always did this before but when Yuki came he kind of changed and... became bearable for Belphie.

"No, not at all Belphie-kun~ I know you didn't do anything wrong. So here are some candy and you can sit there while we wait for your brother to come here" Sullivan gestures to him to sit on one of the couches in the office after giving him the candy.

"Hm" Belphie took the candies from their wrappers, and put them on in his mouth and the rest in his pocket.

He always does this even from when he was with Beel. The gluttonous brother of his was always hungry so he always keeps some candies or any other snacks in his pockets so that Beel won't destroy all of devildom in a fit of rage.

Honestly, by now this became a habit. And now it's Iruma that always gets the snacks his brother gives him.

Hm... Iruma and Beel would get along well if they were ever to meet...

Levi and Iruma too. Belphie had seen Iruma multiple times looking at the displays of electronics in stores with interest. But they never got the chance to buy one.

Mammon would probably try and coax Iruma into doing stupid things with him. Not that Iruma needed a lot of convincing.

Mammon did a lot of stupid things that Yuki has him to stop doing them or the human themself feels defiant and joins Mammon. It was always fun to watch Lucifer's face go red with rage whenever he finds out whatever they did.

Satan would've taught Iruma lots of stuff with him being book smart and since Iruma never really got the right education, it really would've helped him.

Asmo would've been someone Belphie needed to keep an eye on whenever he was around Iruma... You know what, no one should leave someone like Asmo near Iruma if they wanted to preserve his innocence.

Lucifer would've had no problems with Iruma unless the blue-haired boy got entangled with Mammon's stunts.

What a life it would have been.


When Lilith got reborn did this happen to her? Probably not... But did she regain her memories? Was she able to remember and still cherish the moments she had with them? He didn't know... he knew that Lord Diavolo made sure she lived a life full of content and happiness but-

Belphie's thoughts were caught off by the sound of the door opening.

There he saw his blue-eyed brother looking disheveled and sweaty.

"What the hell happened to you?"


"Iruma-kun!" Once again the Principal jumped up from his chair and trapped his grandson into his arms.

"I heard you defeated the first-year representative! I'm so proud!" Tears of pride and happiness dropped down the chibi version of the principal's face.

What the hell had happened when he was out of it? He wasn't out that long right? First-year representative? That Asmodeous kid? Huh?

{During the ceremony, Iruma chanted a forbidden spell. He also defeated the top rank first-year student representative on the same day. The honor student, Iruma has a talent for causing trouble indeed.}

Oh, so that's what happened...

Belphie deadpanned as he read the now-framed newspaper page that was hunged up on the wall.

It's nothing special.

Mammon cheated on a popularity contest and Levi summoned Lotan to a 'pet contest' before and chaos ensued at both events resulting in the newspaper club covering these types of stories which caused Lucifer's headaches to multiply.


This is Iruma...

What exactly had happened during the time he let his brother out of his sight?

"Oh, that's my grandson! Iruma-kun, a great future awaits you!" Their grandfather cooed.

"What should I do?!, Everything is spinning out of control. Belphie!! What should I do!?" Iruma turned to his brother.

Belphie opened his mouth to suggest something but was cut off by Iruma who continued to ramble.

"I should apologize to him! I must apologize to him or I-"


The door suddenly opened with a huge bam. And there stood Asmodeous Alice.

"A-Asmodeus-san" Iruma stuttered as the pink-haired boy began to walk closer keeping his head down. Belphie stood nearby Iruma from behind, ready to interfere if needed.

Then suddenly...

"E-eek!" Iruma flinched preparing for a blow but when he opened his eyes he saw Asmodeus kneeling in front of him.

"In the match earlier, I was at an advantage but I still lost, I humbly accept my defeat"

'Ah so that's what's this is about' Belphie thought. 'An act of honor'

"On top of that, you took me to the infirmary. I really appreciate it! According to demon law, the loser must submit to the winner and so...

I submit myself to you Iruma-sama! Together we will rule this school! Let's make all the freshmen kneel and bend their will under our command!" Asmodeus cheerfully states with a smile.

Iruma was completely speechless and cannot process a single thought after that.

"So Iruma-sama! Who is our first target?! Please give me your order!"

"Iruma-kun! I'm going to upload this photo to the school's website home page!"

"Asmodeus-san! No! Grandpa! Stop! No! Don't do it!"


"Don't laugh at me Belphie!!"

And so the two brothers had officially attended demon school.


I hope I channeled the right Obey Me energy of suddenly mentioning Lilith in moments that are supposed to be heartwarming and heart tugging at the same time.

Also to those who don't know who Yuki is. It's the Obey Me's Main character's default name. I used that instead of using MC when mentioning them.
