Chapter 7: The Scientific Method

BENEATH the waves of the vast sea, a massive underwater facility lie on the seafloor. This structure was a single building with a ring structure around its perimeter. The rings connected to the building via glass tubes. In one of those tubes and on his way to his lab, Professor Joho looked very carefully at his notepad. He was reviewing footage for research. "How unfortunate," he muttered to himself, "it would seem that my cyborgs still require some work" The conveyor belt that he was standing on came to a stop in front of a large white door. Joho quickly entered his credentials into the holopad that appeared at his fingertips and the door opened with a whoosh. Upon entering his lab, he was greeted by a cyborg holding a TV screen with a woman on it. "Ah General" he said slightly annoyed, "I was just about to get started on my newer project. To what do I owe the unexpected pleasure?" General Mofette glared at him through the screen. "Your robots are not performing as well as you promised me Joho!" she said coldly. "With all due respect General," Joho said as he walked over to his work table, "These are cyborgs; part of them is organic, and other parts are mechanical. Really I must've explained it numerous times"

Mofette slammed her fist on her desk and growled, "Don't you dare brush this off Joho! Why is it that our raiding parties keep getting decimated by...children!?" Joho adjusted his glasses and faced Mofette. "General, I assure you that this is all within the margin of error and not unexpected.  Just like any good experiment there is always something that can go right and wrong. These models are new and just like any new lifeform they must be taught so that they can learn"

Mofette tapped her finger on her desk in frustration. "As we speak," Joho continued, "The footage that every cyborg records during battle is uploaded here and sent to every new model. With every defeat, the next one learns. Its only been a few months since we learned that my cyborgs can use both stasis and wakfu. Give them more time" Mofette sighed and glared at him once again. "We do not have that kind of time Joho, we need these 'cyborgs' to be ready soon. As soon as they are, we launch a full assault on the Bontarian capital. Our soldiers are currently engaging them here and there, but we don't have the resources to outlast them" The professor nodded in understanding. "Rest easy, General, I can assure you that my creations will be ready"

Mofette's face disappeared from the screen and the cyborg put the tv on the table. Joho went back to looking at his pad which was now showing the footage from a more recent failed raid. He looked closely and then his lips curled into a hideous smile. On the display was his escaped would-be experiment, Jakial. "So it is you my little friend" he said with a laugh. He pressed a button on the touch screen and the image was sent to a bigger monitor in the room. He pressed a few more buttons and swiped his finger upwards and images of Percy and Elliot also came into view. "And you've made friends. How delightful!" He turned around to his cyborg assistant. It was a male Eniripsa once upon a time. Now its face was half metal, with a large metallic bat wing attached to the right shoulder and a fully cybernetic left arm. Its organic eye was blue and its metal eye was purple. "Upload all of this data to the next batch immediately and do be sure to get ready for our next shipment of subjects" After giving his orders he walked out of his lab and down the hall. He stopped in front of a small glass door and, once again, put in his credentials for entry. A small laser beam came out of the door and scanned his retina as well. With a beep, the door slowly opened. Joho walked inside and the door immediately shut behind him. He slowly approached a columnar specimen tank. A small organism was floating in the tank. It was still developing. Joho looked around at the other failed specimens lying lifelessly in their tanks before turning his attention back to the central one. He smiled once again when he saw them. The head was still being developed but, and he surely checked twice and smiled his hideous smile when he saw two small dragon wings sprouting out of it. 
