Chapter 2: Birthday Bash

"WHAT took you so long!?" Chronu asked in her usually hostile tone, "You two being late doesn't help the princess feel better and ya hurt Clara's feelings!" Chibi and Grougal looked at each other dumbfounded. "First, we're not late, we're right on time," Chibi corrected, "Second, how did we hurt Clara's feelings?" Chronu's eyes burned like blue flames as she glared at the Eliatrope. "Do you have any idea as to how long Clara's been planning this!? It's the first time she's ever been able to host a party in her life and the odds are stacked against her! Princess Yuna is still super sad that, for the fifth year in a row, her brother is gone! To make matters worse, the King is still locked away in his tower! The party is supposed to be a hit but nothing is happening!" "Okay," Grougal chimed in, "but how is that our—" Chronu shot him a look of pure murderous intent that made the dragon take a step back. "You two are the only ones on the island that Clara has aside from me! Flopin and Elely have basically gone to war and they won't be back for a while and she is freaking out under the pressure!" Chibi scatched the back of his head, "So are you mad for Princess Yuna's sake or Clara's?" he asked before immediately regretting it. "BOTH!!!" she replied as she gave Chibi a swift punch to the head. Chibi rubbed his head and looked around and saw that most of the guests were staring at them. Chronu was making a scene. "alright, alright! Let us talk to Clara so we can apologize!" he said. Chronu exhaled sharply out of her nose before her eyes went from burning blue to a more icy blue color. Tears had formed on her face as Clara's personality had fully emerged. Chibi and Grougal bowed their heads and apologized for being late. Clara wiped her eyes and gave a weak smile, "Apology accepted, but I still have no idea how to appease the princess" The trio glanced at the little girl. Yuna had grown a bit taller these past five years. Today was her 9th birthday. Usually nine year olds are ecstatic when its their birthday and they see that a party had been planned and have a gander at the buffet of food, the crowd of friends, the music, and the mountain of gifts for them. But Yuna, just like the year before, seemed distant. She sat with an uninterested look on her face from atop her little throne of plants with her birthday sash and flower tiara in her curly grass-green hair. Her two friends sat in smaller mini thrones at her left and right hand. The girl on the right was Tayren, a Feca with blue eyes, long purple hair tied into two long ponytails. She wore magenta glasses and had on a white t-shirt, long pink pants, and white shoes. And the girl on the left was Nia, an Eniripsa, who had shoulder-length blonde hair, green eyes, and tan skin. She wore a beautiful white skirt with a red heart across her chest and orange fringes at the bottom and sandals with white straps and a flower on top. They seemed to be having the time of their life playing princess and ordering the royal Sadida servants, that King Armand brought, around. Yuna glanced at Chibi and pouted even more. "Let me go talk to her" Chibi sighed and then a wide grin crept across his face. "Maybe we can cheer her up. Follow my lead!" As Chibi approached the throne he got a questioning look from Amalia. "Happy birthday Princess Yuna" he said with confidence. Yuna glanced at the ground. Her two friends sat on the edge of their seats. "It's a really great party and everything looks magnificent!" He continued. "But I want to add a little something to make it special!" Chibi glanced around the room trying to figure out his next move. There were about fifty or so guests in the room and all eyes were on him before he opened a portal.

Naturally, Yuna had seen Eliatrope portal tricks before. Her dad did them for her when she was still a baby all the time. Same for her brother before he disappeared. But she couldn't help but smile a little bit when she saw Chibi grab a green ball from...somewhere, toss it up, and let it slide along his shoulders and juggle it with his knees for a bit before kicking it into the air. As everyone watched, the band began to play upbeat and lively music to fit the act. She watched as he masterfully jumped into a portal and port after the ball, knocking it further into the air until he reached the ceiling. Then he looked towards the back of the room and reached inside two more portals and grabbed two more balls, a red one and a blue one and threw them into the crowd of onlookers.

Chibi would have to thank Clara for the surprise ballpit under the room after he was done with his little performance. As the red ball floated in front of him and gravity began to take hold, he quickly gave it a spin kicked it towards Yuna's throne before falling into another portal. Hopefully Grougal and Clara got the message. Grougal sprung from the back of the crowd and flew to grab the red and blue ball. After catching them and landing in front of the crowd and somewhat kneeling before Yuna. He looked up and grinned his dragon grin before he felt a heavy foot on the back of his neck. Clara had used Grougal as a springboard and leapt after the green ball that was headed straight for the top of Yuna's head. She made a 'T' with her fingers and time around the green ball slowed to a crawl. She glanced at Yuna's expression as she just now realized the green ball was coming straight or her. She looked shocked but also delighted. Clara finally caught the ball and tossed it back to Chibi ,who had now landed on Grougal's back, and landed in a kneeling position in front of Yuna. Grougal threw the red and blue ball up and Chibi caught them and the green ball that Clara had just tossed, and began to juggle them. Yuna seemed to be impressed and her smile began to widen a bit. Clara bowed to Yuna and walked down the stairs. "It's working" Grougal said, "Keep it up!" Clara suddenly opened her eyes wide and she wore a mischievous grin as she eyed the boy trying to juggle and balance on the dragon's back. Chibi and Grougal gave her a questioning smile as her eyes shifted from icy blue to fiery blue. Chronu had an idea and quickly moved behind Chibi and extended both of her arms straight up in the air.

Yuna watched with her mouth drawn open as a red clock sigil appeared behind the Xelor girl. Chibi began to juggle faster and faster. The girl's right arm also began to move clockwise. The more her hand moved, the faster Chibi would juggle. It looked like Chibi was beginning to tire, and before long he threw all three of the balls into the air. The Xelor put her arms down, grabbed Chibi, and jumped off of Grougal's back. Grougal inhaled sharply and breathed fire at the balls until they got hot enough to explode into colorful yet smelly fireworks.

The trio bowed as they received applause from everyone, even Yuna, who stood up to clap. Chibi walked up to Yuna and put his hand on her shoulder. She was almost as tall as he was now.

"Happy birthday Princess" He said, "We'll find him. Don't you worry" Yuna nodded and hugged him. 
