Alibert II: 2

Bert was awakened by a clawing at his door. He got up from the bed that he had borrowed by the Xelor woman who had appeared before him the night before. The clawing had intensified slightly and Bert began to open a portal to escape when he heard a voice telling him to wait. "Come out little cub," the voice said from behind the door, "I am here to guide you the rest of the way" Bert hesitantly opened the door and saw an enormous brown bear sitting with yellow Eliotrope markings faintly glowing on its underbelly and arms. Bert slowly approached the bear and stood before it. "Before I guide, you any further," it said, "I must test your resolve!" Bert looked confused and he felt uneasy. "What is resolve?" he asked. The bear tilted his head and let out a hearty laugh before getting up on all fours. "Do you wish to be captured again little cub?" Bert jumped back and got ready to open a portal. The bear nodded, and then growled. "Show me what the goddess sees in you!" The bear leapt at him with such speed and ferocity that if Bert hadn't been an Eliatrope, he most definitely would have been eaten. Bert opened a portal in front of him and caused the bear to end up where it had started. It quickly whipped around and took a swing at Bert. He jumped over the bear and tumbled into a portal, narrowly avoiding another swing from the bear. The Bear was relentless and took another swing at him. Bert had quickly rolled forward and avoided another deadly slash from the massive claws. The bear lunged at him again. Bert rolled to the side in order to avoid getting trampled on. He scrambled to his feet and ran away. The bear chased him into the jungle. It was dense and all Bert could see was green foliage. He decided to get some distance so he opened a portal and made his way up into the trees. It was just like navigating his own backyard and the Sadida Kingdom. The Bear was still in hot pursuit as Bert used his portals to hop from tree to tree. "You are quick on your feet little cub." The bear called before jumping and raising its paws. A white portal had appeared before the bear. The young Eliatrope had no time to react and was knocked out of the canopy and onto the ground. "But where will you run if you have nowhere to go?" Bert struggled to move. The breath was knocked out of him, he felt a searing pain along his upper body and the familiar feeling of blood ran down his chest. He heard the bear land somewhere in front of him and he frantically crawled backwards. But it was hopeless. The bear walked slowly through the bushes and cornered the boy against a tree. Bert wanted to flee, but it was just as the bear had said; There was no place to go. Bert gritted his teeth and managed to get to his feet. The bear paused and raised up on its hind legs and let out a bloodcurdling roar. Bert spread his feet shoulder-length apart and relaxed his hands. He recalled his father's teachings about fighting like an Eliatrope. The Bear opened another portal and leapt into it. Bert closed his eyes and felt for the bear's wakfu signature. From the left! Bert jumped away and began to open a portal in front of him. The bear went into Bert's portal and was redirected into the trunk of a nearby tree. With a loud SMACK the bear fell to the ground, dazed. The bear turned and looked Bert in the eyes. Bert had a different look now. He was calm. His eyes were no longer filled with fear, but filled with something else. The Bear paused once again and studied the boy who stood before him. The bear knew that the boy could only run. If the boy had a fighting chance then he would have used something after the bear was stunned. Yet here he was, looking the humongous beast in the face and openly defying him with his eyes. The bear reared up on its hind legs once again. "Ho ho ho!" it laughed, "I can see it now, little cub! That is what She requires! That is the resolve that she wanted you to show me!" The bear slowly got back down on all fours and walked towards Bert. "You still have much to learn young one. But it is time. The world is full of danger and those who want to use their power to destroy you and everything you hold dear. But She will help you realize your full potential" The bear came face to face with Bert and continued, "The boy you were was killed. Captured by the enemy and destroyed. However, the one standing before me is worthy of the Goddess' teachings" The Bear raised its paw and a large white portal appeared. "Come with me now little cub. You are ready to see Her." Bert nodded to himself, took a deep breath, and stepped into the portal after the bear. 
