Alibert II: 5

He finally stopped in a very tall tree. The tree was tall enough so that any Worshippers who were still possibly pursuing them wouldn't dare to attempt to climb without risking injury. They may be jungle people, but they really didn't like heights that much. Tatina began to climb the tree and after five minutes of struggling she made it to the branch that Bert was sitting on. Bert munched on the roasted pig's leg as she caught her breath. Bert offered her a bite, which she politely declined. "Thanks for the save back there kid" she said, "I thought it was the end of my adventuring days for sure" Bert nodded and continued eating. "So what are you doing out here?" she asked. Bert swallowed his food before he answered. "I've lived here my entire life, he lied, "I'm currently training to be a better fighter" he said before taking another bite, "that way, I can defend myself and protect everything and everyone that I love. Tatina watched him with a confused look. "So... not to sound ungrateful or anything but why did you save me then?" Bert shrugged and took a moment to ponder. "I guess I just wanted an excuse to mess with the worshippers" he said with a laugh. "They're all really high strung when it comes to Master Aria and she doesn't even like them!"

"Hey that reminds me!" Tatina spoke up suddenly, "You were using portal magic weren't you? Are you one of those Eliatropes? Like the ones that live on Mount Zinit?" Bert tossed the rest of the pig leg away and grabbed for another one as Tatina studied him. "No" Bert said, "My master and I are completely different beings than the Eliatropes. We're the last Eliotropes in existence." Tatina scratched her chin. "I see" she said, "Well...can I ask you what your name is?" Bert stood up on the branch and slung the rest of the pig over his shoulder. "Come on," he said "I'll take you back to my master's gate and ask if she'll protect you while I continue my training." He opened a portal and paused. "And my name is Xentari, but you can call me Xen" With that he jumped through and urged Tatina to follow him.
