Chapter 6: Clara, Chronu, and the Countess

"ARE you actually insane!?" Chronu screamed in Clara's mind. "One moment please, Chronu" Clara said under her breath as she smiled and walked past some Sadida guards. The guards stood firm and did not acknowledge her at all. When she finally reached her living quarters she took off the jeweled necklace and golden bracelets that she was wearing. She caught herself in the mirror and smiled as she admired the way she wore her icy-blue dress. She sat down on her bed and took her heels off. Her feet were relieved once they were set free. "Clara!" Chronu's voice resounded in her head once again. Clara sighed and quickly changed into her nightwear. She opened her door and looked left and right, and once she was sure that no one was there, she closed and locked it. Her room was small but it had all the space she needed. She pulled a mat out from under her bed and sat down on it. After taking a deep breath and crossing her legs, Clara closed her eyes and meditated. Everything became quiet and when Clara opened her eyes, she was standing at the edge of a large clearing with an enormous clock tower in the middle. It was snowing rather hard and sticking to everything. Despite how beautiful it would normally be, it was depressing. All of the trees around her were frozen over and had malicious looking icicles hanging from long dead branches. This was a twisted version of Frigost. In the clearing were frozen brrrblis and other creatures completely encased in ice. Clara was dressed in her normal Xelor gear minus her mask. She heard the crunching of snow behind her and turned to see a rather irritated looking Chronu walking up to her. Clara smiled weakly as her sister approached her. "There's a reason that we never come here Clara!" Chronu said. Chronu was wearing the same type of armor that Clara was wearing, but Chronu's had a dark blue core and she too was not wearing her mask. Her dark blue eyes burned into Clara's soul as they stared at each other. "I don't want to do this any more than you do Chronu, but she has to know something!" Nobody remembers what happened the day the Prince went missing and we haven't been able to find our way back to the isles" Clara turned and began to walk towards the tower. "Now wait a second!" Chronu said, teleporting in front of her, "Have you considered that maybe Aria doesn't want us back home?" Clara walked around her sister and started to pick up the pace. "You do realize that you were trapped in ice for like a thousand years right?" Chronu continued, "Your brother didn't want to share the spotlight and froze you in this very tower! If I didn't find you during that time, you probably would have died!" Clara finally stopped and faced Chronu. "You're right. I would have gone crazy if it weren't for you coming to save me Chronu. I spent so long unable to move, I was trapped alone with my thoughts for years I wanted to die but I couldn't. Then you came along and helped me to not be so lonely. You helped the time pass and you eased my mind" Chronu took a step toward Clara. "But" she said coldly, and stopping Chronu from taking another step. "lets not forget that you also kept us trapped in that state for a very long time as well because you were afraid..." Chronu looked to the side and didn't say anything. Inside her heart, Clara regretted how she had said that. She didn't hate Chronu for protecting her. But now, Chronu was an obstacle once again, and this time, Clara had to be different. Clara held her stern look and once again moved past her sister. "I just didn't want you to lose yourself to that monster!" Chronu yelled. As soon as she said that, everything stopped. The snow was suspended in midair and even the wind stopped blowing. Suddenly, the door to the tower burst open and something shot out of it so fast that nobody had time to react. "Gak!" Chronu strained. Clara whipped around to see Chronu being held by her throat by a slender young woman dressed in a silk purple dress. Her face was just like Clara and Chronu's except she had a human eye and a Xelor eye implanted where her left eye should have been. Both of these eyes glowed purple. "A monster you say?" she said in a seductive tone. "My dear sister...You haven't seen a monster yet" Chronu struggled to free herself but was no match for the brute strength that this woman had. "Enough!" Clara shouted. The woman glanced back and grinned menacingly. "Oh sweet girl" she said tightening her grip, "I love that you think you can give me orders" Chronu began gasping for air and clawing desperately at the woman's arm. Clara fell to her knees and bowed as deeply as she could. "Please Countess Harebourg!" The Countess glanced back and thought for a moment. "Very well" she said as she released a gasping Chronu. She stood over Chronu and put her barefoot in her face. "This is a good look for you, you little demon. On your knees in reverence to your ruler" Chronu swatted her foot away and looked up defiantly. The Countess turned to Clara and folded her arms. "Now then, my pets," she said with a laugh, "What brings you to my domain?"
