
I woke up next morning a bit early.

After stretching my body and sitting properly I looked outside , on my left when I noticed my left side of the bed was empty!
Y/n: did I sleep alone last night?
I was a bit confused , thinking if I said alot to him yesterday, I did my morning routine and after taking bath I wore fresh clothes. I walked outside and saw hustle bustle around, Nancy was carrying some clothes to my room which I had earlier, and Minho was talking to some guards , Suga was carrying some papers as he walked to me ,
Suga: good morning!
Y/n: morning :)
Suga: here keep these tickets and boarding passes safe.
Y/n: what?
Nancy: yaah!! Mr. Yoongi! U don't have to give this to her , give em to me.

She snatched em from Suga and ran away back to my room .
Suga: yaah! Be careful those are important!
Y/n: what's going on though?
Suga: y-you'll know, for now I gotta go so bye.
Y/n: bu-
He didn't even let me complete and left already.
I looked at the hustle bustle in confusion , that's when a maid came to me and told me that the breakfast is ready. I nodded and started walking behind her.
On my way to the kitchen , I looked around as I saw Taehyung was sleeping on the couch.
Maid: umm here u go the food is ready on the dining table c'mon let me-
Y/n: can u pls serve it there I'll be back in a second.
Maid nodded as I went to Taehyung.
Y/n(thought): did he sleep here coz I said I'm scared of him! Is it coz of me that he had to sleep here?
I don't know why I felt pity but then I ran back to our room as I brought a blanket with me.
Taehyung's pov
I was laying on the couch thinking about our mission last night, yes we went for our mission , of course how can a mafia just take a leave. It gets even more hard when you're the boss .
Closing my eyes I was thinking about how the things would go when I won't be here for the upcoming few days. When suddenly I felt something warm on me , I opened my eyes and saw Y/n putting a blanket on me!
Taehyung: yaah! What are u doing?
Taehyung's pov ends

Y/n's pov
I spread the blanket over him but suddenly he opened his eyes!
Taehyung: yaah! What are you doing?
Y/n: you're awake?!? I thought you were sleeping.
Taehyung: no I wasn't sleeping! Now leave me alone.
I was pissed by his attitude but nevermind! Why did I feel guilty for him again! Last time also when I helped him it was me who suffered that much and now I don't wanna feel pity for him anymore.
I stood up angrily and went to eat.

15 minutes later...
Nancy: all set?
Minho: yup! All done!
I looked up at them as I saw them talking to eachother by standing on either side of the hallway ,
Y/n: what's going on today? Are we all going somewhere?
Maid: not we all, but u and Taehyung.
Y/n: don't tell me it's what honey bees make and what revolves around our earth!
Maid:. Uhh, well it's that only .
Y/n: ......
I was speechless at that! I can't even imagine spending a few days to some remote area with this, Mr.CIB!
Y/n: but what about my clothes and necessary things and I don't even know where we are going!
Maid: relax everything is done!
I was feeling a bit scared rn , I didn't feel good inside my stomach!
I got up after eating and went to our room where I saw Taehyung was getting ready, and was drying his wet hair with the towel!
He looked at me beside him as I looked away and went to washroom.
Y/n(mind): why do I feel my heartbeat always rising , why the hell am I scared of him that much! Oh ofc coz he's a Vampire!
I pushed my thoughts aside as I looked up in the closet and saw some of my clothes were missing!
Y/n: oh Nancy might have packed em up! She's doing so much for me! Thank you Nancy.
I washed my face and wore clothes properly as I tighed my hair in a ponytail, looking around if there was something else important that I could take I opened the bathroom door and went outside and saw Taehyung wasn't there. I went outside and saw Nancy Minho and Taehyung were standing near the gate while talking to eachother, Taehyung was looking at the papers which looked exactly like how Suga was giving me. Those are the tickets.
Taehyung: you sure you've checked the weather there?
Minho: of course I have, it's gonna be awsm there and it's mountain region so it's gonna be cold too ! So don't worry .
Taehyung smiled and nodded.
I walked down as Nancy came to me.
Nancy: I'm so excited! It's your honeymoon but I'm more excited.
I smiled at her.
Y/n: thanks you for doing all this Nancy!
We hugged each other.
Nancy: no need sis, it was super fun! And yes don't worry about things there enjoy your trip okay?
I nodded
Y/n: I'm just a bit scared or basically nervous.
Nancy: it was with me too! You don't worry okay everything will be alright! Stay strong.
I nodded and that's when Yeonjun came inside .
Yeonjun: hyung we've kept all the suitcases in the car.
Taehyung nodded as he hugged Minho before leaving and I hugged Nancy .

We went outside as we sat inside the car and waved bye to others.

It was.
Me and.
Him only.

I remembered what all happened yesterday, I never shouted on anyone and now I shouted on him I know he deserves it but I went a bit far ig. Coz even if I didn't I was feeling bad . So to change the mood I asked him.
Y/n: umm Taehyung?
He who was sitting infront of me while looking outside , turned his head towards me and spoke.
Taehyung: hmm
Y/n: umm, are you good at french ?
Taehyung: No.
Y/n: oh , um I thought you were a pro at that!
He looked at me furrowing his brows.
Y/n(mind): shit! Why did I say that?
Taehyung: well how many languages can you speak?
Are you good at English?
Y/n: well I can speak English perfectly though.
He nodded.
And then again we were captured in this awkward silence! Ugh!! What are we talking about ! Gosh this is so hard!
He took out his phone and started checking something.
While I looked outside.
He dialled a number and started calling someone, in some different language. After a while he ended the call .
Y/n: If u don't mind can I ask u something?
Taehyung: hmm
Y/n: what language was that?
He looked at me with one eyebrow up , did I ask something wrong?
Y/n: No I mean, if... u don't want to tell's okay , I j-just wanted to know..
He looked outside as I let out a sigh of relief ,when suddenly he spoke.
Taehyung: it's code language! Which we Mafias normally use in our conversations.
I made and 'O' mouth and nodded.
Taehyung: u seem to be interested in my stuff no?
Y/n: well u never know maybe I am a secret agent too *smirks*
A small smile appeared on his lips
Y/n: j-just kidding!
He then looked outside.
I let out a sigh of relief while smiling a bit at my childishness.

Finally we reached  the airport, we got out of the car as the driver helped us with our luggage.
Driver: enjoy your trip Mr. and Mrs Kim.
With that he left.

Y/n's pov
Okay this is it! Damn! I'm super nervous! I was lost in my thoughts of how I'll spend a week with him over there when I saw him coming with a trolley.
He puts his luggage on it while I was busy in my thoughts and didn't notice I was thinking while looking at him.
He looks at me and caught me staring at him. He looked away and cleared his throat, making me come back to my senses.
He looks back at me and keeps my luggage above his, on the trolley.
With that he starts moving ahead as I followed him.

After 15 mins
After doing our check-in and handing over our luggage, here we were sitting in the waiting area for boarding .
Taehyung: u sit here I'll be back in a second .
Y/n: but where are u going?
Taehyung: why? can't stay without me*smirks*
Y/n: shut up , I can very well! Moreover it's always a good place without u
Taehyung: ha! Fine then .
With that he went away, I rolled my eyes as I sat back .

45 mins later.
Taehyung still didn't come back I saw him going towards snacks store and now people had started to board the plane , it got a bit crowded and I started to get a bit tensed , thinking if everything is okay or not!
I started searching for him but there was no sign of this dude!
When suddenly I heard his voice from behind.
Taehyung: I thought someone said they can live without me .
I quickly turned around as I saw him there. I let out a sigh of relief .
Y/n: stop it! What took u so long , u said you'll be back in a second, so I got worried!
Taehyung: you got worried about me !?
Y/n: ARGH!
With that I held his wrist and dragged him towards the plane who's gates were about to get closed.
I was so done with this dude's attitude which changes like weather, that now I was ahead of him .
I showed our boarding passes to the airhostess and they lead us towards our seat.
To my surprise it wasn't economy class nor business class but first class and that too a private room . Well that was obvious , mafia needs privacy.
We went inside our cabin as the airhostess bowed and left .

We sat down on our seats and buckled up .
It was gonna be a long and tiring flight though, even the thought of that was making me feel tired.
But soon we heard pilots telling us that we were about to take off.
This seat was not like those normal seats it was actually a folded bed.

Soon the plane reached the runway and started speeding up . And now it took off! I was sitting horizontally and not in the direction of the plane which was vertical.
The take off was pushing me on my side that unknowingly I held something on my side to prevent myself from falling .

After 10 minutes...
The plane got straight but the weather wasn't clear outside so we were asked to still put on the seatbelts.
I let out a sigh of relief as it was a rough take off.
I looked at Taehyung who was looking somewhere while smirking, I got confused so I followed his gaze down there and SHIT!!!
The thing I was holding on to prevent myself from falling was nothing else but his hand!
I quickly took it back as I looked away with embarrassment seen on my face.

A/n's pov
He giggled a bit as he saw you taking your hand back.
Soon the airhostess knocked and came inside and broke our awkward moment .
Airhostess: sir, mam now we'll be serving you the food so you have to get up as I'll open your seats to bed and it will be easy to serve the food then.
We agreed as we stood up and she changed our seats to bed.
I was already wearing comfy clothes as I had no idea we'll be in a plane in a few hours so it was all so enjoyable there.
They gave us warm hand towels to wipe our hands before eating and then served the food.
They bowed before leaving as we sat on our bed on either side of the table and started to eat.
I actually am a picky eater but we couldn't do much here so I was hesitating a bit thinking from where to start .
Taehyung: aren't you gonna eat?
Y/n: u-umm no , I mean I'm thinking where to start from.
He nodded and continued eating.

After 30 mins...
Y/n's pov
GOSH!! WHAT DID I JUST EAT!!! 🤢🤢🤢it wasn't good at all idk but after having two bites only I didn't wanted to eat further but I was hungry dude, I had to but my stomach started acting a bit weird , I held it as something was wrong in there.
I didn't wanted to eat any further and wanted to go to bathroom urgently!
I saw Taehyung had already completed, I stood up immediately as he looked at me confused..
Taehyung: what's wrong?
Y/n: I have to go!
Taehyung: where?
Taehyung: wait I'll come with you.
Y/n: to washroom?
He looked at me with a lame face.
I gulped coz I srsly don't want to make him angry!
Y/n: okay okay let's go.
He stood up as he went out a bit and told the airhostess to clean the table and then he came back as he held my hand and dragged me to washroom.
He stood outside as I went in and did my work.
Tbh I srsly feel my stomach is not doing great after what I ate. I came outside.
Taehyung: the washroom smells really bad now!
Y/n: Yaahh!!!
He laughed and we walked back! (Ofc he joked )
I wasn't feeling sleepy at all as I was feeling very cold and my stomach was upset! I didn't wish for this to happen today!
I was looking outside the window while sitting on a chair there , holding my stomach tight and rubbing it time to time. I was literally showing hard that I was okay. Taehyung was watching a drama on the tv while drinking that same vine.

A/n's pov,
Taehyung was enjoying the show while you didn't wanted to show him your problem . U crouched on the sofa and twisting and turning u didn't know your body got tired as u went to sleep while tears collected on the corner of your eyes.

3 hrs later...
U slowly opened your eyes as u felt warm, fluttering your eyes you looked around and found you were on bed with the blankets over you. You looked around confused when u felt cold soft breath hitting your neck , you looked at your side and saw Taehyung sleeping .
His face was so close to yours. You hated to deny that he looked so cute while sleeping. Engrossed in him your thoughts got interrupted by the thought of your stomach pain.
Your stomach felt better now, u slowly reached your hands towards your stomach to massage it but that's when your hands touched Taehyung's which were on your stomach.

Y/n's pov
Was he massaging em before and got tired and slept in the position.
I looked at him with thankful eyes, and smiled a bit at him in order of thanks. When suddenly he opened his eyes.
He caught me staring at him , I started getting nervous as I looked away and his hand that I was holding I pushed it aside.
Taehyung: you thought you won't tell me and I won't understand?
I started stuttering while fidgeting with my fingers..
Y/n: i-i ac-actually..
Taehyung: No need... Are you feeling better now?
I nodded while still looking away.
Taehyung: hmm now here take this.
He sat up and I saw him holding a plate.
I looked at him confused and got up too.
Taehyung: here, it's bread and butter and jam, eat with what's your fav.

I was shook! Is this srsly Mr.CIB!
He giggled , aish!! he read my mind!

Taehyung: here..
I took the plate from him and started putting butter on one and jam on one!
Y/n: but from where di-
Taehyung: I asked the airhostess for this, ik the food was a bit upseting for you but this is always delicious.
Y/n: th-thank you.... T-Taehyung!
He nodded and looked away.
I was really thankful to him! My stomach was feeling better than before but still was hurting me. But atleast my stomach was full now!
I looked at him and saw him staring at me . His golden eyes , ik are something very special but ik I can turn em red!
Not wanting to do so i broke our eye contact .
I don't want to be a reason he changes himself and regrets it later thinking about his grandma's teachings.
Taehyung: full now?
I nodded while looking down.
Taehyung: great then. Here~
He gave me apple juice to drink and I drank.
I took its last sip as Taehyung took the cup from me and the plate too as he went outside to return it to the airhostess.
He was so different today! Without knowing I noticed I was smiling to myself , I quickly wiped it off and now as I was full I layed down to sleep. I heard the door closing and then I felt my side of the bed going down, I slightly opened my eyes and saw he was taking his blanket over himself and going to sleep too.
The bed was so comfy, I noticed him switching off the lights and when it became dark, I went to sleep.

Next morning,
I slowly opened my eyes having some pain in my stomach. I looked around and saw Taehyung was taking the breakfast from the staff member.
I stretched my self as I sat up . I looked out but saw the shutters were down!
Oh maybe coz of sunlight he did this.
He sat beside me handing over me a plate of sandwhich with some fruit juice .
Taehyung: here!
Y/n: ah! But T-Taehyung I haven't brushed my teeth.
He looked around as if he was searching for something but finally said ok!
He took me to washroom again where I brushed my teeth and came back to our cabin.
We started eating and I loved the food this time.
After eating we checked on ourselves and cleaned the bedsheet , we folded the bed together and turned it to seats again.
Soon we heard the landing 🛬 command from the pilots , we seated ourselves and tied our seatbelts.
Soon we landed , the bump when the plane landed gave me a lil pain in my stomach and it started hurting again. I didn't wanted to think about it anymore and we reached outside.
We started going outside while Taehyung seemed a bit tensed as he was looking here and there, he had asked me to wear a mask to hide our identity and so I did.
He held my hand and we started going outside.
Y/n: hey, what about our luggage?
Taehyung: our men will take it now don't speak a word okay?
I hmmed
Soon we walked out and I saw a beautiful view of mountains in front of me.
I looked far away and saw foggy mountains when something hit me , idk but a vision went through my head of my terrifying dream that I saw of Mark and at the hospital. I shook my head to remove those thoughts.
Taehyung looked at me and asked.
Taehyung: you okay?
I nodded.
Soon he took me away to a silent place , where I saw a black car in front of us. We sat in there and drove off.
I was breathing heavily as we came here running. I sat down and Taehyung was beside me when suddenly something unexpected happened!
He put off his cap and ran his fingers through his hair!
Why was this scene familiar! His face resmebled someone!
Y/n(thinks): was he the one who saved me that day!?
Can it be that, the guy who always saved me was him only?

1 hr later...
All through the drive I saw the beautiful view of red, green and yellow trees around.

We were going through a forest, the road was surrounded by beautiful trees and a bit far I saw the mountains! I was loving it!

I was enjoying every second here, Taehyung let me roll down the glass window as my face met the wind, blowing my hair back , i was engrossed in the beauty! It smelt fresh and just so different, but in a beautiful way! 
But soon the view started to change, colourful vibes became dark, as we met the fog ahead, warm tress became big conifers. As we started going up on higher altitudes the environment became more cold, as i ended up pulling up the window. Far away my eyes met those foggy mountains again. I ended up shifting closer to Taehyung, who didn't seem to have notice me doing so as he was busy watching outside.
Soon we reached the hotel!
It was far from the airport though and was far from the city too! Can say it was in a remote area and this hotel's colour was also the type it was of the trees outside , it was camouflaged in there.
It was old yet beautiful, the weather was cold but not so cold, it was good vinu tho.
We got out of the car and I got to know that the driver was one of Taehyung's man only.
We went in our room.
The room was beautiful !
I loved the view from there and the bed looked so comfy!

Taehyung: just go and freshen up yourself then we'll go and have lunch okay?
I nodded and took out one of my comfiest wear and went to change. I took a warm water bath and now I felt a bit better.
I came outside and saw Taehyung was ready, and was waiting for me .
He looked at me from top to bottom and stood up.

*your hair are open tho*

I flinched but thank god he was walking outside now.
I walked there and stood beside him .
He interwined  his fingers in mine which gave me goosebumps! And we walked towards the food court!
We sat there when suddenly !!!!!
