
We reached there and settled for food.
We were just discussing something when suddenly a waiter came to us ,
Waiter: good evening sir, mam. What would you like to have?
Y/n: umm we were actually discussing about that only rn, btw what's special here?
Waiter: well basically here we mainly eat fish and chips ours is a bit different than what u normally might be knowing, mostly ppl eat that only here.
Y/n: oh, if it's that unique then we would like to try it out! What do u think Taehyung?
Taehyung: yeah we'll have it.
Waiter: alright so one plate of fish and chips. Don't worry it would be enough for you both.
Y/n: yeah sure
Waiter: I'll get your order in 15mins .
I nodded.
The waiter left and I turned to Taehyung who I guess was amazed by my fluent English (😎).
Y/n: well they said th-
Taehyung: no need , I can understand English .
Y/n: oh! Great !
Y/n: umm btw Taehyung?
He looked up at me.
Y/n: this place is beautiful, but is there any special reason why u chose this instead of that beautiful valley down there?
Taehyung: umm i love cold-dark places more. So maybe by thinking of this Minho booked this hotel for us. Plus i also have some work to handle here so~
Y/n: oh okay.
Taehyung: why u don't like here?
Y/n: what !? No! When did i say that. It's perfect. *Smiles*
He nodded.
We started talking about random stuff , tbh he made me laugh and through his talks I could say that he's not that bad! Maybe coz of his past he changed to a cold person!

A/n's pov
U thought that while looking deep in his eyes as he kept talking about random things while u were lost in your thoughts.
Soon the food arrived and it looked awsm , your mouth was filled with water .
Y/n's pov
I srsly wanted to dig in right away as it came , it's smell was driving me crazy!
When suddenly something got me..
Y/n: umm you'll e-eat it right?
Taehyung: yeah sure why not?
Y/n(mind): ofc he can he's eating other food items too right but is it good for him to eat human food?
He started placing fish and chips in his plate while I too started putting em in my plate.
I waited for him to take the first bite and as he did I took too!
Yumm!! It was so delicious! Ik it was just so awsm but as it was the first food after what I ate in airplane, my stomach hurted a bit, my mind that was drifted already came back to stomach ache thing, but I wanted to eat this it was sooo good!!!!

15 mins later ...
I had eaten ...and was looking at Taehyung's mouth coz he was chewing his last bites..
I gulped,
When suddenly he caught me staring at him .
Taehyung: want more?
Y/n: ye-NO!! NO!
He giggled .
When suddenly he called a waiter I was about to say 'No' when suddenly something inside me stopped which means I wanted to eat so badly!
Taehyung: can we get a half plate of fish and chips pls.
Waiter: sure sir!
I looked at him in shock, bruh he's good at it!
When suddenly he looked at me after talking to the waiter , I looked down as I was embarrassed! Bruh why my stomach can't be happy with this much ! Argh!
Soon it came and Taehyung leaned forward and crossed his arms near his chest on the table, as he asked me to eat!
I was red as strawberry now! Bruh I'll eat and he'll just sit! Ugh!

Y/n: yeah, about that umm will u eat a bit with me?
Taehyung: nah~ I'm full.
He said straightening his back and leaning back on his seat. While crossing his leg one on another.
Y/n: pls just one bite at least , coz I don't feel good like that.
He looked at me for a while and agreed!

20 mins later ..
Tbh ig I shouldn't have ordered it again, Taehyung just ate a bit and after that he started scrolling down his phone, thank God for that otherwise I would have felt really awkward! And coz of that I ate more fast thinking I should finish it up during he's on his phone!
Taehyung: woah! You ate that quick!?
Y/n: hehe I was hungry..
I said looking on the table.

He nodded and after billing which was another awkward moment coz I don't have my money with me he gave from my side too and damn that extra plate too! Why!!!!! Why didn't I think of billing before ordering another plate!!!!!! Argh!!!!! Ouch!
I held my stomach as it started to hurt again, I started feeling heavy coz I ate fast! SRSLY this guy should stay away I'm not comfortable around him at all!
Taehyung: stop overthinking y/n, now let's just go out for a walk.
Y/n(thought): gosh! How could u forget it y/n!
Taehyung: coming or not..
He said while standing up .
Y/n: yeah yeah, coming.

This place was far from the city so ofc wasn't much crowded , we walked back to our hotel as it was getting dark, while walking back we saw that in its garden behind , a party was going on we decided to go there.

The trees were decorated with yellow fairy lights and the garden was decorated beautifully . I loved the vibe there.
We wandered around and saw the garden was huge with different beautiful statues of ancient kings , queens or great artists.

Taehyung: you stay here I'll bring juice for us .
I nodded and he went away.
I watched him leave thinking if I was doing right. Is it coz of me he's eating human food! He shouldn't! It's not good for him! He doesn't know that i know about his reality.
When suddenly my eyes fell on a statue near which he just went by.
I looked at it deeply and slowly walked towards it ,
Y/n: I've seen her before?
I was lost in there that I didn't realise a girl ran towards me and by mistake we bumped into eachother and her juice fell over my dress!
Girl: oh no ! I'm so sorry for that !! I didn't mean to do that!
Y/n: ah! No worries it's okay, I'll just go change it.
With that I started walking away , it was getting dark and was getting more cold and on top of that I only was wearing a frock and now this juice , that too on my chest, cold air was making me freeze and hitting my chest while making it too cold!
I searched for Taehyung as he had the room keys but this dude was no where to be seen! Yaah!!! I started shivering , while hugging myself to give warmth, I walked ahead.
Y/n: he might be where he asked me to stay.
I slowly ran towards that place but he wasn't there even, infact ppl had started leaving as it was getting cold! I wanted to go back in my room asap! I wasn't feeling well, my stomach was hurting I was feeling cold , I was even shivering so badly!
Y/n: Taehyung! Where are you!!
I spoke to myself looking here and there .
When suddenly,
??: Hey babe!
I turned around to an unfamiliar sound, when I saw a tall man standing in front of me .
I looked at him in shock, his eyes were telling another story and he seemed like he was a bit drunk and flirting with me.
He looked at me from top to bottom and I saw a devilish smirk being formed on his lips.
Bold man: hot *smirks*
I didn't speak a word as I was shivering so much and started searching for Taehyung! When suddenly this guy held my hand and started dragging me somewhere .
I shouted at him and opened my mouth for help when he shuts my mouth by putting his palm over it .
He pushed me behind a statue where no one could see us! My body was already numb coz of cold, he came closer to me , idk but I just hoped not to get weak at this moment , but unfortunately I did , I didn't have energy to push him away from me, the more I tried the more he got closer to me .
Y/n: Get away f-from me!!!
Him: oh what if I don't babygirl!
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me dangerously closer to him!
My hands got locked and I couldn't do even a thing .
I felt his arms tightening the grip on my waist, i kept struggling to get away from him , his arms wrapped around my back while i was trying my best to free myself up from his tight yet dirty grip.
Him: stop struggling baby, you're all mine tonight. Let's have fun.
Y/n: just leave me you bastard! Somebody help me!!!
But no one came , how could anybody come , we were so far from the place plus not many ppl were out now.
Man: no body will come to save u baby.

Soon i felt his hands moving in an unfamiliar way on my back, pulling me more closer to him, i felt his body touching mine, a devil smirk on his lips which just indicated smthng bad was coming, his eyes locked on my lips, i felt how badly he wanted to taste my lips by looking in his eyes.
I felt so disgusted by his moves, i was so weak in front of him that even my strongest pushes were nothing infront of him!
Terror ! Weakness! Everything had to come to me now only! I was scared to think what could happen, as tears started forming in my eyes.

But as always i tried my best and I closed my eyes took a deep breath and tried to calm myself as this would help me to think of something. I opened my eyes and saw him leaning his head towards me , I wasn't ready for this !!

My eyes widened , our lips were just a few inches apart when suddenly I felt a sudden cold breeze going near me and the next thing I knew is ,  he was thrown so harshly on the ground .
I breathed heavily at that and saw Taehyung standing in front of me while back facing me . That man layed on the ground as he looked at Taehyung and then at me with a smirk , before passing off he gave me a , a what!!?? A stupid flying kiss!?

Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked back to me with furious eyes! He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me away!
Y/n: T-Taehyung!! Ah! It hurts, Taehyung listen to me!
When suddenly he turned around and spoke with anger,
Taehyung: Just, Shut it!
His cold scary eyes were enough to raise my heartbeat!
He walked so fast , tightening his grip on my wrist, we finally reached inside our room .
He let go of me and spoke!
Taehyung: why are you like that!!
Y/n: like what!?
Taehyung: why didn't you defend yourself! Infact you closed your eyes when he was about to ki- .....aish! It just shows you were liking it!
Y/n: No Taehyung! not at all!
Taehyung: then why didn't you defend yourself!!!!
Y/n: Tae-
Taehyung: you know if I wasn't there he would have done so bad to you! And you were just standing there!
Y/n: but I tried!
Taehyung: you tried!? Y/n just tell me one thing ! Where is that old you gone! The one who always used to fight with me! Why all of a sudden you've become weak! At least there you should've fought for yourself! You-

I cut him off

Y/n: I WASN'T FEELING GOOD, I WAS SHIVERING WITH COLD AND ON TOP OF THAT SOMEONE SPILT THEIR JUICE ON ME ! AND THEN U WENT AWAY!THE KEYS WERE WITH YOU! I WAS GETTING NUMB FROM COLD! DO U EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH I SEARCHED FOR YOU! AND you know what, even I don't know where I lost my old self ! It's scary to even think of getting that old me back. And pls stop making assumptions when u don't know the truth !

Having tears in my eyes I walked towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me!

I walked towards the sink and held its counter while looking down, and crying out my insecurity.
Ik he was right though, I should've fought for myself but just coz my body wasn't willing to, all this happened! I was just so weak and shivering with cold! Plus i was trying my best tho.

Why this happened at the wrong time! I srsly wanted to punch that man! Actually kill him for touching a girl! Using her bad state as your positivity instead of helping!

I wiped away my tears thinking about the wrong timings! I was interrupted by my stomach ache , I was shivering so I decided to take a warm bath, after that I changed my clothes and took a deep breath before facing him outside!
I opened the door slightly coz I was a bit afraid of him rn, I slowly looked up and saw him sitting on the bed while looking outside in front , his arms cross in front of his chest.
When suddenly he looks at me , I gulped and looked away , after shutting the door close, I walked on the opposite side of the bed and layed down in a squeezed way at the edge of the bed as I wanted to be away from him , covering the blankets over me and rubbing my stomach as it was hurting again, I shut my eyes as Taehyung switches off the lights. I let out a scared sigh. And tried to drift my mind away from the stomach ache and shivering body! I don't even know how will I sleep with such pain.

That's when I felt Taehyung wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back near him . He kept his head on the same pillow as mine and spoke,
Taehyung: were you planning to get hurt by falling from the bed at night?
I stuttered , his husky deep voice near my ears were giving me shivers.
Y/n: n-no.
I heard his sigh.
I gulped.
Taehyung: does it still hurt.
He indicated my stomach ache.
I hmm'ed
That's when I felt he starts rubbing it in a massaging way.
Y/n: u don't have to d-do that.
He didn't say a word, but after a pause he spoke...
Taehyung: y/n...
Y/n: .....
Taehyung: i- I'm sorry.
Y/n: s-sorry?
I couldn't believe it! Mr.CIB was apologising!!!!
Taehyung: I'm sorry for scolding you just a few minutes ago. I- i shouldn't have . I should have listened to u first.

I couldn't believe it! But he was making me feel guilty over and over again. I felt bad for him. Aish! What is he doing to me.
I quickly turned towards him.
Our faces close to eachother, He looked down at me as i looked in his golden warm eyes.
Idk but suddenly heat flushed across my cheecks.
I quickly looked down and mustered up courage to spoke..
Y/n: y-you don't have to apologise Taehyung, it's just ...well I'm sorry too, for shouting at you, for today and yesterday too.

Well i let it out, it was eating me up.
Taehyung: yesterday? Oh that! Gosh u still remember, well i totally forgot about that. *He laughed*
Y/n: well i did remember tho..
I said as i quickly turned around while my back facing him. But suddenly I felt a pinning pain in my abdomen. I let out a small weep and held my stomach tightly!
Taehyung: hey! U good?
I didn't say anything as the pain was becoming unbearable.
Taehyung: hey calm down ..
He said as he slowly placed his hand on mine which held my stomach pretty tightly.
Y/n: T-Tae-
Taehyung: shhh...
But soon it stopped, that's how it was hurting me, it stops time to time but when it starts again it just hurted alot.
I let go of my stomach as i breathed with relief. I felt his hand touching my stomach as he started rubbing it.
For some reason i felt different, my heart started to beat in an unfamiliar way , i remembered my neck was insanely close to his mouth, i felt a bit scared but on the same hand i didn't wanted to let it go. He pulled me closer to his chest as he kept massaging my stomach. It was such a pain relief that i started feeling sleepy.

A/n's pov
After a moment of silence he spoke.
Taehyung: y/n.
Taehyung : ik u know about me , and all I would say is please don't be scared of me , don't change yourself coz of me...I won't hurt you...Okay!?
Getting no reply from your side he got a bit confused so he got up a bit to look at you and he found you sleeping. He smiled a bit and continued rubbing .
Taehyung: sweet night.....pabo!
