
I was sick to my stomach , this feeling was driving me crazy! I brought my knees closer to me and I hugged them tight , suddenly I heard footsteps. I'm sure it was the same man.
My body shaking from head to toe i just mumbled one sentence:- "Please someone save me !" I looked slightly on my side and found a shadow appearing, and that shadow suddenly turned two! Then three !! It means there were 3 ppl who were here now! Feeling more terrified I could see their shadows, getting bigger and bigger as they came near me .
They stood beside the dumpster and I was right behind it!! I curled up more as I could, I stopped my breath as I was thinking what if they hear me breathing !
I slightly looked at the direction of the shadow.
Man 1: where did she go?
Man 2: I'm sure she came in this direction.
I heard them , but idk y but one of them's voice seemed familiar to me.
Man 3: let's search over there , she shouldn't go away! Are u sure she wasn't wearing that pearl necklace.
Man 1: yes ! She wasn't..
Being all perplexed, i snapped out of my thoughts as my heart just bursted into pieces as I heard a gun shot !
The man who was standing beside the dumpster (man 3) collapsed on the ground right beside me ! I quickly hid my face in my knees . I was scared to death now!
I heard those remaining two men shouting , ig someone else shooted him! I could hear their footsteps going away not so far away from me but still away, that's when I heard a voice saying
??: RUN!!!!!!
I thought whosoever that person was , he was indicating me, without thinking twice I stood up and ran straight, while I heard one of those two men shouting and howling at me to catch me , but I heard another shot as I looked back!
Now only two of them were standing!  And both were in black hoodies!
Man-2: You!! stop right there!
Y/n(mumbled): M-Mark?
??: Run away!
The other man shouted!
I quickly turned and ran as fast I could without looking back!
I can't believe Mark wanted to kill me now? Is he really my Mark or-

After a few minutes I reached my house, I frantically ran inside and shut the door as I tried catching my breath!
Y/n: calm down y/n! Calm down! They're not here anymore! Shh! It's okay.
I placed my hand on my chest as i calmed down myself.

After a few minutes I felt better so I went in kitchen and drank a glass of water.
Being totally tired i went upstairs in my room as i sat on my bed, while looking outside.
Y/n: why me!? Why is all this happening with me ? Why??? What is going on!!!???
I massaged my temples as I felt a stinging pain there , I layed down while massaging but automatically drifted off to sleep coz I was extremely tired.

After two days I was sitting in my office working on another project , when automatically my mind clicked on to Mark! He has been weird since their last meet and since two days he wasn't coming to office too , neither him nor Stacy!
I remembered about my weird dream and thought maybe our last meet when I felt his cold hands were the reason of that dream , he never was like that before . But then it was him who was trying to kill me that day!
I wonder who that person was who saved me from him.
I sighed deeply, but then I remembered Taehyung.
Y/n: after I met him since then the things are going weird around me! Who is he!? And since that hospital scene I didn't meet him again!
I rolled my eyes and collected my files , and went in my boss' cabin .
I was on my way when I bumped into someone. I looked up and found Stella there!
She's from my office only we work together but she's always jealous of my success! Like why!??
She rolled her eyes at me while I picked up my files from the ground.
Stella: gawd!! I can feel now my day is ruined coz I met you!
Y/n: awww your poor day !
Stella: you!!-
She was about to speak something and I knew we were gonna get into a huge fight as we used to earlier. Yup we hate eachother! she was on a leave for some weeks and now that she's back we're again the same, but suddenly her phone started ringing and before going away she glared at me.
Stella: I won't leave you ! U better watch!
While I just smirked at her !
Y/n: yup! Ba byeee!
I went in the cabin and found boss wasn't there so I kept the files and went outside , everyone started to leave and so did I . I reached to my car when I get a call from Martha!
Y/n: hey gurl~ what's up!
Martha: ceiling!
Y/n: pfft! Okay so what's the plan..
Martha: hey I was saying if you're free would u like to go shopping with me ! Like my birthday is coming so just u and me onlyy!!
Y/n: hmm sounds good! Let's do it! I'll meet you at Mr and Mrs. SONG's café after an hour, just got out of my office so~
Martha: yeah yeah sure just take your time , it's 6 rn I'll meet u at 7 !
Y/n: alright then!!
We hanged up and I drove towards my house .
After freshing up I was sitting in my drawing room watching news and sipping my hot chocolate .
But suddenly the anchor started shouting like no idk what got into him?
The cases of blood bags being missed has got down and we're able to save more ppl! News reporters are still looking for this thief !

Y/n: ah~ thank God, It's going down! But who the hell could be this!? I let out a deep sigh and then switched off the TV as i headed towards my car as I had to go for shopping with Martha.

I drove off to Mr and Mrs. Song's café and waited for Martha, good thing she didn't make me wait for too long.
We hugged eachother and went to a mall!

At the mall!
Martha: woah!! Just look at this Gown! Isn't it pretty!!
She grabbed my hand and dragged me inside that shop and we admired that beautiful gown!
Martha: woah!! It would look so beautiful on you !!
Y/n: woah woah! Hold up! It's your birthday not mine , u should buy this and actually I'm not much into gowns how about umm jumpsuits? Or maybe a dress?
Martha: oh! Well that's a nice choice ! Anyways let's just go around and search for more!
Y/n: yup sounds good let's do this!

We wandered around and suddenly our eyes fell on a store!
The posters outside had beautiful dresses our jaws dropped as we looked at them !
We both: I want it!!!!
We giggled at eachother and went inside .
Martha: woah! This is so good ! I'm gonna go try it in now !
I who's every inch was filled with Martha's clothes choices nodded and gave a sigh of relief as she helped me walk towards the changing room . I could tell ppl around me were trying really hard to not to laugh while looking at me.
Soon we reached there and she started changing .
I was outside waiting for her on the bench, I kept the clothes and the bag on the side bench and gave out a sigh of relief.
She came out and asked me how she looked !
Y/n: nah! Try another one..
Martha: ok!!
She came again!
Y/n: nope!
Y/n: nah!
Y/n: eh~
Y/n: u know what leave it !! Try these out!
Martha, who was frustrated already grabbed the clothes and went inside ...
Martha: now!?
Y/n: my choices are always perfect!! U look like a queen!!!
A smile of relief came on her face...
Y/n: now try these!
Martha: ok. -_-
After a while she came .
My jaw dropped as she looked so PRETTY, just like a doll ! It was a gown ! She came out with an exciting smile on her face !
Y/n: Martha , Martha, Martha!!!!!! Girl !!!!! Omg!!!!!!
Martha: it's beautiful !!! Thank you y/n!!!!! I am gonna buy this !
Y/n: yes now let's look for some accesories!
Martha: umm I already have alot ! Well let's just shop for you now! I'm done with mine !
Y/n: you sure?
Martha: yep!
Y/n: umm okay! Then let's go!
We went out while looking out something for me.
I was on one corner and Martha on another .
Y/n: umm will this look good? Or ~
Martha: heyy look what I found! Try this!
She handed me a blue dress sort of like a frock . I went towards the mirror near the shelves to check how it goes .
While Martha was standing checking out other dresses.
I held the hanger while the dress hung down giving me a fair idea how I would go with it!
I was confused in my thoughts when automatically my gaze shifted to a man behind me, with a black mask and a black leather jacket! He was continuously staring at me ! Idk from how long!?
But soon he went away on his phone..I looked at him with a confused look...
Just lost in his thoughts, Martha approached me and handed over a dress to me !
It looked perfect to me ! It was beautiful!! I took it from her and changed into it! Martha was standing outside while waiting for me and I can see she was surprised by how I looked !
Martha: girl~ I can bet for a 1000 dollars that this dress was made for you!
Y/n: OMG! That's a big complement !
Martha: girl you nailed it!!! I'm telling u I'm not at all jealous! It's- it's just- OMG!!
I laughed at her.
Quickly changing back to my clothes, we bought some matching accessories with it!
We then went to pay for our things that we chose .
Rn we were standing in the waiting line while talking but suddenly my phone started ringing and it was from Stacy! I thought I'll call her after we're done with billing and all.
But when I checked my phone, after it stopped ringing i saw that she had called me 18 times!!
I was hella confused and scared at the same time!
Martha: what happened !? U don't seem right!
Y/n: it's one of my friends she called me 18 times !! I guess she needs something!
Martha: then u should talk to her! Go!
Y/n: but what about billing!?
Martha: I'll do it for you.. don't worry!
Y/n: but-
Martha: no buts! You give me back the money later okay! Rn go and help your friend! Calling 18 times just to ask "how r u" doesn't make sense right ! It's something serious , you should Go!
I thanked her and went outside to talk.

Ring ring...
Stacy: hello!?
She spoke in a worried tone!
Y/n: Stacy! Are you okay!!! You called 18 times!!!
Stacy: No!!! *Crying badly*
Y/n: what happened Stacy tell me ! Why are you crying!?
Stacy: Mark! I don't know where he's gone! He's not even picking up his phone! Ig he's in trouble.
Y/n: what!!??
Before I could say something I heard a gun shot behind me and suddenly my eyes fell on the wall just beside me that got a hole in it ! It was a gun shot! Someone tried to kill me !!??
