
Soon we reached the kitchen and there on the counter we saw a beautifully decorated cake on the counter.
Jhope: woah!!! this is huge and so pretty!
Jin: seems yummy too .
Suga: aish! Always hungry. But this is so cool.
Y/n: ig we should cut the cake now.
Nancy: yes yes! What do u think about the cake Minho?
Minho: I'm just speechless babe, it's so beautiful! The decorations the cake , everything is just so special! How do u manage to do everything so special every year!
With that he kissed her forehead and hugged her as he was so happy!
We smiled at them.

Soon we decided to cut the cake .
Felix: ok hyung , here's the knife and cut the cake can't wait to eat .
Taehyung: pfft , ppl are so hungry here.
We all laughed.
Minho: yeah so about cutting the cake , i want Nancy to cut the cake with me.
Nancy: what ? Me?
Minho: we do it every year babe , c'mon.
Nancy: ok if u insist.
Minho was so glad to hear that, they held the knife together and cut the cake as we sang for them and hooted for em. It was an adorable moment as we made eachother eat the cake. We clicked so many pics together and made this moment memorable.
Yeonjun: awsm! Now what's for dinner I'm srsly hungry.
Taehyung: now I am too tho. Lol
We again laughed as we headed towards the dining hall.
Minho: woah!! This is alot!! Honey? Don't tell me u prepared all of this.
Y/n: that's true, she was so busy since morning that she didn't even rest!
Minho hugged her again .
Minho: u didn't have to babe, it's all so much, i don't have words . Thank you so much.
While they were talking to eachother we foodies just took our seats as we started looking at what is there to eat.
Minho was supposed to sit on the head seat today, as Nancy on his left and Jin on his right. I wonder y Taehyung didn't sit where jin was. And then i looked on my side it was an empty seat rn it was of Nancy , i saw both Nancy and Minho coming as they took their seats.
I looked on my other side and saw Taehyung sitting beside me . He was talking to jhope beside him .
Minho: omg! It looks so delicious! Let's start guys .

We nodded and started serving food in our plates by passing different dishes to each other.
I was looking around, thinking where i should start from , then one dish caught my eye and it looked super delicious, i stretched my arms to bring it near me but suddenly Taehyung grabbed my hand and stopped me from taking it .
I looked at him confused.
Taehyung: no not that one , it is for us vampires. It's harmful for you!
Y/n: u-oh okay.
Taehyung: btw why is your plate empty?
Y/n: i was thinking of where i should start from.
Taehyung: oh hm..
He looked straight , looking at the dishes and then he spoke excitedly.
Taehyung: hey, try this first. It's my fav dish of Nancy. Hope you'll like it too.
With that he picked it up and served it to me. That was so genuine and kind of him .
Taehyung: try it with some rice. Wait lemme serve it for u, tell me how much u want.
Y/n: uh Tae i can d-
But he interrupted me again , seems like he srsly wanted to do it for me and not let me do anything.
Soon my plate got filled with different food items and all were served beautifully by him.
Taehyung: um ig i filled alot. Will u be able to eat it all?
Y/n: *chuckled* I'll try my best.
He nodded and smiled at me .
We started eating and tbh his choices were really delicious! It was so tasty!
I never knew I was so hungry that i ate the whole plate.

Time skip
(After dinner)
The empty dishes were taken away and i was wiping my mouth with a tissue.
Everyone was busy talking to eachother and i loved this.
Taehyung: so what are your plans for tmro.
I looked at him.
Y/n: huh?
Taehyung: oh wait, there's still something on your corner of the lips.
Y/n: oh
I started cleaning it with the tissue but seems like i was doing in the wrong direction.
Taehyung: no a lil upwards.
I did as he told but it was getting embarrassing as i wasn't able to find the right place and was scared what if i ruined my light makeup!
Taehyung: a bit left..
I did as he said again.
Taehyung: wait wait.
He took another tissue from the table and i put my hand down as he wiped off the food particle from my corner of the lips.
Taehyung: done! Perfect now.
I hesitated at what just happened rn, ik it was normal but still it was something else and felt hesitation.
He smiled at me and i smiled a lil and quickly looked away. Aish!!! I didn't even thank him!
Nancy: i see someone is turning red like a tomato! *smirks*
I looked at her and then at everyone , they were all looking at us! Shoot! They saw everything.
Felix: aha~ something is in the air .
Tae looked at me smiling but i wasn't looking at him just straight so I saw him from corner of my eyes.
Y/n: uh hehe nope i don't think so, umm s-so M-minho!!
I tried changing the topic.
Minho: hmm?
Y/n: umm so what are your plans for tmro.
I heard a giggle from Taehyung as he caught me changing the topic! This dude never stops embarassing me!
Taehyung: well she's right, why don't we take an off tmro and go somewhere?
Jin: i have thought of a place btw! I have heard firework is going to happen there tmro and it has a beautiful picnic spot around so why don't we go there.
Suga: sounds so relaxing.
Minho: a perfect b'day it would be !!
Yeonjun: so let's go there tmro!!!
Everyone agreed and got excited for the next day.
Minho: alright so as everything is planned now we should go to bed as we all have to go there early as it's a bit far.
Jin: yup he's right, let's go to bed guys.
We all went to our respective rooms.
I walked inside Taehyung's room while he shut the door behind us.
Taehyung: u go and get freshen up till that time I'll make the bed.
I nodded and i walked outside.
I saw Minho was talking to someone on the phone downstairs in the living room. I went to open my old room's door to get the clothes from there but suddenly I stopped as Nancy stopped me.
Nancy: Don't!!
Y/n: what's wrong Nancy?
Nancy: umm don't go in there , i mean not now a-actually i had kept those huge cartons of decorative items in here.. remember i went to give you those items and pictures for the room actually i had kept em in the box in that room and due to which i had to undo the whole cupboard so the room is messy... I mean you'll trip over so lemme bring your night suit for u ...i know the places where I've kept the cartons so I won't fall.....

I just kept listening to her even though i felt something sus and fishy...but i didn't say anything and let her do what she wanted to.
So I nodded and i went away from there...
I came back in our room and saw Taehyung had changed into his nightwear and had made the bed too....
Y/n: woah! You're so fast....
He looked at me as he was looking at his phone and looked around then chuckled and kept the phone away...
I walked over to him while speaking...

Y/n: btw what change do u feel as a vamp. Was it hard for u in the beginning? Like were u forced to drink blood and forget eating normal human food or what?
Taehyung: why are you asking me such questions all of a sudden.
He said chuckling a bit.

Y/n: just tell no, i am curious about it.... Y/n: How did u feel that you're now a vampire and not a human anymore. What was your reaction ?
Taehyung: well i actually felt a huge change in me, i wasn't forced to stop eating human food but i just felt the urge of drinking something , i remember i was in hospital when it all happened, i saw a glass of water beside me and i quickly took it to drink, but it just tasted really bad to me at that time and i spilt it , i remember i even saw some fruits beside me but i just was so aggressive i wanted something else but what? Then i looked on my side at a patient , my eyes fell on his blood bag and i don't know but something inside me just got me that I didn't think twice and ran over to it as I started drinking that blood from the blood bag, i felt my urge getting filled up i wasn't knowing what was wrong with me , until I saw myself in a mirror and saw my eyes were red, skin was pale and fairer than before and i had fangs .. it was night and nurses were all around and one saw me drinking blood that they called the police and i got to know about my abilities when I ran , i was super fast at that time . Tbh I never liked being a vampire , i had heard about em but thinking of them as blood suckers was something that i hated the most. Never knew I have to be one of them someday , (he turned around and walked over to his glass window and spoke while looking outside) I was depressed for a few months then, but when I got back to normal state i mean started adjusting with my new environment and getting back all normal my Grandma left me... I was left all alone , i didn't know what I should do, what my life is, i am not a human anymore, I'm different, no one would like me or understand me , but my grandma had left me with my uncle and aunt, who too are vamps but are mafias , so I started working with them until I became cruel brutal and scary for everyone, i just wanted to be understood , it was my job who made me like that. My grandma's loss was the one who just ate me up from inside , she was my only one . I too sometimes think of my past , how my life changed on my b'day, my mom dad..... Then my grandma , idk but i do miss em so much.

Idk but i heard his voice cracking up a bit , idk bout him coz he has always kept himself strong but here I was , i wiped off my tear as i tried to change the topic...
Y/n: i-i am sorry for the loss Tae.
Tae: nah~ I'm ok .
He looked back at me as i smiled weakly...
Y/n: ooh, btw how was your mission today?
Tae: well we succeeded!!

I was happy to hear that as i saw how boys were so worried in the morning about that.

Y/n: Thank God! Congratulations!! U did it again!!!
He giggled and walked over to me..

Taehyung: uk, i was so so so tensed about it , was thinking will my plan work or not. There was a lot of pressure on my head , i felt a very big responsibility today, ppl say I'm at the highest post , it would be so different, but all that doesn't make much sense as with high post the work load becomes high too, i was so worried about everything today , coz my opponents are very strong and I'm happy that we won over em, my uncle was proud of me , seeing these small things i just feel happy, u see if I wasn't able to accomplish all this idk how i would have pushed myself for another mission again, i have another day after tomorrow and I'm happy I'll be able to do with a positive mindset. Y/n, u see if I would've faile-

I quickly shushed him up by keeping my finger on his lips. He seemed so satisfied by speaking to me about his mission which showed how stressed he was before. The way he kept speaking and going on and on and on...
That i couldn't help but give him a hug.
I walked closer to him as i wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him.
Y/n: u will never fail Taehyung! I've seen all the times how you take your missions seriously. I knew u would win again. You're on this position coz u deserve it Tae , you've worked hard for it. (He wrapped his arms around you too hugging you back)Just trust yourself . Ik u can do anything whatever u want to no matter how hard it is. We all are there with u to support u. No matter what the situation is. We all believe in you!
He smiled at your comforting words.
Taehyung: we? So does it include u too?
Y/n: i-
We got interrupted as we heard a knock on the door.
We broke the hug in the speed of light. As we looked towards the door.

I went to open it.
As soon as I opened the door i got a sudden and tight hug from Minho!
I got totally shook by that!
Y/n: oppa!?
Minho: thank you so much y/n! The decor of our room!! It's beautiful!! Reminded me of so many memories of ours! Thank u!! I loved it!!!
I smiled as i hugged him back lightly.
Y/n: I'm glad that you liked it .
Minho: no!!! I loved it sis!! Thank you for this amazing gift!! Thank you!!
He Said as he broke the hug and grabbed my hands thanking me.
Minho: Taehyung did u see how beautifully your wife decorated our room!?
Taehyung: yup I saw, when I went to call her down after she finished decorating it. It was beautiful especially the wall of memories.
He smiled while speaking as if he was proud.
I smiled as i was turning red yet again.
Minho: ikr so beautiful! Thank you again Y/n , thank you!!
Y/n: no need oppa! I just wanted to do something big for u. So I thought~ uk.

He nodded and smiled.

Soon we bid our good byes and i shut the door.
I turned around and looked at Taehyung who was already looking at me.
Y/n: u really liked it?
Taehyung: No.
Y/n: aish ! I knew u were just faking it.
His face became serious and yet cold. I wonder how fast this man changes his expressions and inner feelings too!

Y/n: now don't look at me like that.
Taehyung: what ? I'm telling the truth, the room isn't beautiful ....
I looked at him with confused face as he stopped.
But then he leaned forward towards me as my back hit the door behind me and he kept his hand on the door while other still in his pocket.
As he leaned more closer to me, i shut my eyes close, but then he leaned towards my ear and whispered in his deep husky voice.

Taehyung: as you.

I srsly felt goosebumps rn and why the hell my heart was going crazy rn!

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him...
I wasn't believing what he said rn, i saw him smirking at me and left before winking at me.
He went in washroom while leaving me dumbfounded yet again.

Y/n: has he started taking any flirting pills since a few days.

My thoughts got interrupted as Nancy knocked on the door.
I opened it and took nightsuit from her.
Nancy: sorry for being late , u see the room is all cluttered so that's y got late.
Y/n: ah~ don't worry sis! But thank you I was actually going to pick this one only....
She chuckled and while we were talking we didn't notice Taehyung had already come out so we bid our good byes as i went inside the bathroom to change.

20 mins later....
I came outside and saw Taehyung sleeping while hugging a pillow beside him.
Y/n(thought):So today he has his cuddling partner.

I chuckled to myself and went on other side to sleep.

I layed down but to my surprise i noticed he was laying on top of our blanket!
Gosh! I don't want to wake this lil baby up. But it was just too cold now.
I took a deep breath and decided to wake him up.
Y/n: T-Tae?
He didn't respond, so i decided to call him out again .
But he never responded!
Guess i have to pull the blanket towards me.
I slowly grabbed the blanket and started pulling it from under him, after a few pulls i saw he was looking at me with his half opened eyes, as soon as I looked at him he shut em immediately!

Ah! So he's playing around now! Aish!

Y/n: Tae get up i need the blanket !
Tae: ..... (No response, still pretending to be asleep)
Y/n: yaah! I know you're awake!
Soon he gave up and looked at me,
Y/n: get aside i need the blanky. (Pouts)

He gets up but pulls the blanket towards him and turns around. Back facing me!
Y/n: yah!
Tae: go get another one, i love this one and want it all to myself.
Y/n: what? But it's for two ppl, not single bed one!
Tae: idc
Y/n: Tae! It's enough! even i want the same! It's warm and even i like it too!
Tae: nope.
Y/n: *whines* Taehyung~ please! I'm too tired now.
He gets up and sits on the bed while holding the blanky!
Y/n: give it to me!
Taehyung: sure, then try to take it away from me.
Y/n: what? Oh gosh!
He smirks as i reach out my hand while grabbing the blanket. I pulled it to my side, but Tae pulled it towards him too!
Y/n: Tae we can share u know.
Tae: well we'll see.
Y/n: gosh! U-
I pulled it towards me again but he was more stronger, i felt as if i have to sleep without a blanket today, all this pulling was making me more tired, i ended up giving up on it, my pull became weak and slow, but i still want it !
Tae: so you're giving up that easily huh.

Before it could happen that i leave the blanket, giving up , i felt a strong pull as I landed in Taehyung's embrace, my eyes widened in shock, as our faces were just a few inches apart from eachother, but soon my eyes got back to normal as i looked at him smiling mischievously.
Taehyung: perfect. Now...
He pulled me by my waist as we laid down on the bed.
He pulled the blanket over us as i felt it's warmness surrounding my cold body.
Y/n: what was that..
Taehyung: well i just heard someone thinking about my cuddling partner huh?
Y/n: you-
Taehyung: just remember one thing, the softest pillow to cuddle, i would ever find
With that he hugged my waist and closed his eyes.
I was just looking at him, my heartbeat was rapid and idk but i felt so different again. I smiled at him as i covered him with the blanket properly and hugged him back..
It was snowing outside, but being here in his warm embrace just didn't let any cold wind hit me at all, neither the wind nor a cold vibe.

Next morning...
I woke up feeling something heavy on my neck , i slowly looked up just to see Taehyung sleeping while snuggling into my neck ...
His cold breath hitting my neck was tickling me, and on the same hand i felt butterflies in my stomach.
I slowly backed away a lil and turned around, just to get his clear view ....

Watching him sleeping like this just makes me happy for him, i remembered how sadness could be seen in his words when he told me his short story yesterday, maybe it's so heartbreaking for him that's why whenever I ask him he never tells me about his past.. his life was so hard and i just raised his tention and work more. I'm sorry Tae.
I actually got to know that he's not as bad as i thought he is, he's just someone who wants others to understand him and love him like his own family used to. His work and cruel ppl just made him this way , i wonder how much he would miss his family , his one and only.
I smiled at him but suddenly..

Taehyung: take a picture, it would last long...

I got surprised to see that he was awake as he opened his eyes and looked in mine.
Y/n: y-you were awake?
Tae: um hmm just woke up.
Y/n: oh~
Tae: coz i just felt as if someone very close was thinking about me ...
He said as he pulled me closer to him by my waist until our noses touched each others..
Y/n: T-Tae-..
I blinked my eyes a few times, ik he has this habit since the first day he just comes insanely close to my face but it just raises my heartbeat and some damn hope which i don't want to think about .
His playful nature is smthng i adore alot, idk but whenever he is around why my heart starts beating faster.
I just kept staring in his eyes, it was the first time i was looking at em so closely, when suddenly he whispered in his deep husky voice ..

Tae: why? Am i that handsome that u can't pull off your eye from me?

I quickly came back to my senses as i got red with embarassment and blush, that i blinked my eyes a few times and then looked away .
Tae: you do get butterflies don't u. *Smirks*
Y/n: stop teasing Tae. *Chuckles*
Y/n: no i don't.. *smiling*
Protesting with that i looked up in his eyes just to see him already looking in mine.
My heart had started beating faster again, i wonder how embarassing it would get if he hears it. But this moment was so good that i didn't wanted it to go.
My mind got drifted away as i saw him leaning towards me, we were already so close but now I could feel his breath on my lips, his grip on my waist firmed as we both started shutting our eyes , guess we both wanted to do that.
The world had stopped for us and i, i just wanted to feel the next thing that was going to happen.
But soon as I could feel his lips on mine, i stopped!
By putting my hand on his chest , i maintained distance. I truly wanted to, but it just didn't feel right, have i srsly fallen for him? Even if i did, i know i would never be able to call him mine, coz he belongs to someone else , I'm just temporary, i can't let this feelings of mine play with me, ik it would hurt later, well it does now too tho.
I slowly opened my eyes as he too, he looked a bit confused, his eyes asking me why i stopped.

But that's when it hit him..
Tae: i-i am sorry...
(Looked down)
Y/n: i-its okay.. y-you don't have to b-be..
When i said this he looked up at me slowly ,
And that's when i noticed..
I noticed his eyes, they were totally purple ! Not golden , not red , not green, but a totally different colour! Purple!?

Y/n: T-Tae?
Tae: hmm...
Y/n: y-your eyes..
Tae: what?
(He whispered in his husky voice )
Y/n: a-are purple!
He stopped there.... He just looked at me blankly , he seemed to have been lost in some world when I said that as if it was hard for him to believe...
Tae: p-purple?
Y/n: yeah.
He blinked his eyes a few times
Tae: now?
Y/n: still purple...why? What does it mean?
He said nothing as he left my waist and quickly got up and went to bathroom without saying a word .
I looked at him confused.

Time skip,
I wore my coat and took my cap as i covered my head with it for the warmth.
I heard we were kinda going to a hill station so it was important for me and Nancy to cover up ourselves with layers of clothes so we don't get cold.
I was tying my boots' laces when I saw a mask hanging in front of me , i looked up and saw Taehyung holding it but he wasn't looking at me but somewhere straight while his other hand in the pocket..
Tae: it's important for u to wear this as we don't want any of us to get revealed.

I took the mask from his hand and he walked away without even saying another word or looking at me.

Aish! This guy srsly gets more mood swings than a girl on her period!
I wore the mask and waited for others to come...
I saw Taehyung walked towards the maid and spoke.

Taehyung: here , my coat for tmro, let it dry clean and keep it in Y/n's old room.

Maid nodded and went away before bowing.

I was observing everything.
I saw Tae's phone ringing and he picked it up.
I stood up from living room couch as i walked to the kitchen counter where water was , i heard him talking to someone on the phone while I drank my glass of water.
Tae: no no not today, but how about tomorrow?

Tae: Yeah tomorrow will be great, try to deliver it early in afternoon or so.

Tae: yes , thank you so much!

With that he cut the phone and looked at me who was looking at him already, but then i quickly turned away my head, showing i didn't hear anything, but he just glared at me while keeping his phone inside his pocket as i saw him leaving .

What's wrong with him? Why is he acting like this again?
I don't know how i should deal with him. Srsly! Is it coz of morning? But he said sorry too, or could it be that he didn't mean it?

Time skip....
Tae: ok so everyone ready? Let's go now.. check if u forgot something then take it...
Everyone started walking out , that's when I saw Taehyung forgot his watch on the table...
I quickly picked it up and called him ..
Y/n: Tae!
He turned around..
Y/n: y-your watch..
He looked at the watch and then at me, then he snatched it from my hand and walked away.

Everyone was looking at us..

Nancy was glaring at Taehyung , who walking away. What has gotten into him..why is he behaving like this ?

We all walked outside as we decided who will go with whom.
According to the decision it seemed that three will go with Minho and Nancy and others would take another car , no body else was going with me and Taehyung .
Tae: oh c'mon guys, three can come with us too. Why to take another car.
Jin: no Taehyung, it's alright we'll go in another.
(A/n:Basically all of em can see how he was behaving so they wanted to give u two some time and talk out the things with eachother)
Tae: but! No come with us.

(A/n:And there was this dude who knew what they were planning and didn't wanted to drive alone with u)

I felt how he wanted to get some space, why was he doing this? Have I done something wrong? Again?

Conclusion : three were going with Nancy and Minho rest in another car and me and Taehyung ......alone!

Time skip..
It's been 30 mins since we're sitting in car no body talked , infact the environment seemed as if no body wanted to . It was so cold.
I was looking outside the window while Taehyung just drove , idk what I have done now! But ik I haven't done anything though, then why is he being like this! Why always he has to be this stupid! I was tbh actually annoyed by his behaviour but i thought that maybe it's coz of his work again as he said his work changed him alot, i wanted to talk it out with him rather than staying quite!
Y/n: T-Taehyung?
He didn't speak anything just continued to drive...
Y/n: umm how f-far is the p-place though?
Taehyung: very far!
What type of an answer was that dude!
Y/n: umm still~?
Tae: idk
Y/n: srsly? -_-
Tae: can't you see I'm driving !
Y/n: and can't u see I'm trying to talk!

He stopped the car and looked at me!

I got a bit scared by his reaction and serious face as i continued looking at him.
Taehyung: what do u want huh?
I stayed quite and kept looking at him ...
Taehyung: can't u just keep quite, and let me concentrate on my driving .
Y/n: i didn't intend to disturb you, i was just curious to know if everything is ok-

He interrupted me.

Taehyung: keep your curiosity aside for my sake pls! Just shut your mouth .
Y/n: Taehyung, what's gotten into you! Can u tell me the reason behind this mood change of yours! Why are you always like that! I just wanted to listen to your problem coz if something is troubling you we can just solve it together.
Taehyung: you! You'll solve my problem, *scoff* do u even know anything about me , my work and problems.
Y/n: that's coz u never told me about em! I always asked but u ignored!
Taehyung: huh! (Scoff) what do u think , just look at yourself , uk what , even if I'd ask u to save my life u won't be able to do that even, leave apart my job u won't be able to help me any how!
Now just keep quite and let me drive!
Y/n: fine! I won't , i would never be able to , coz you're jealous!
Taehyung: me? Jealous? Of what?
Y/n: that what if I'm better than you! You speak of me! Mr. U don't even know me, you've just seen this weak side of me and that's coz of your rude behaviour! Your rudeness coldness and everything! Don't you dare to judge me like that if u don't know anything bout m-
I stopped as he quickly kept his gun on my forehead, i saw anger in his eyes, but also something else something like as if he was hiding something from me....
Taehyung: don't u dare speak another word woman! Coz if u did i won't hesitate to pull the trigger on you ..... It's just too much! Now zip your mouth and if u spoke another word during this ride I'm telling u I'll shoot u straight , without even thinking twice! Remember that! And killing someone like u is nothing new to me!
His words were just so cruel, it felt like being stabbed in heart, multiple times .

Why was I even feeling sad , as if i didn't expect this from him, i didn't knew but i had started expecting differently from him, i thought after all this he's changing himself , but how come today out of the blue he just made me feel so bad and so sad why? How come he changed in just a blink of an eye....
Why does his words hurt so much .....

I broke the eye contact with him by blinking my eyes a few times getting back to reality from my thoughts and looked away , he kept his gun back in the pocket and started to drive ...

My throat was on the edge of coming out , how could he hurt me like that, and what else did i have to expect from him btw! Why was I feeling so bad , he was like this only still i started getting different expectations from him...
I shouldn't have expected anything .

I bit my lips as i controlled my tears from falling down. My heart ached and i hated it, i am not that weak then why was I going through all of this.
I stopped thinking more as i kept looking outside and didn't speak a word and didn't even look in any other direction other than in which i was looking at rn! That is outside.

The whole car ride was silent and i just wanted to run away from here, I took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

Time skip...
He stopped the car as i came back to my senses again.
He removed his belt and spoke...
Taehyung: now listen, don't act like this out there, don't make em feel as if something happened with us .
I just kept looking away ..
Taehyung: do u hear me!?
I nodded .
He didn't say anything next and opened the door and went out.

I just looked at him. Before anyone could find anything sus between us i also stepped out of the car.

I walked over to them on the way i saw him waiting for me....he held my hand but i didn't as we walked towards them.

Nancy: oohh seems like u guys patched up now...
Minho: haash! That's a relief . I didn't wanted u guys to fight on my b'day atleast.
We both looked at eachother and looked back at them.
Nancy: well c'mon now , let's go in there.
We started following them.

Suga: hyung?
Jin: hmm..
Suga: do u srsly think they both patched up?
Jin: tbh no, I think something more worse happened b/w em.
Suga: hmm me too.
Jin: let's see .
Suga nodded and they continued walking too..

Soon we reached in a glass room, it was warm and only we all were there as it was booked...i looked around just to see it was a small cozy restaurant with snow covered mountains that could be seen through the windows , there was snow all around and it was beautiful! Ppl were enjoying out there a bit far from us as this area was private.
I saw everyone removing their masks so i removed mine too and kept in my pocket...
I walked towards others as they all removed their jackets and coats i too started feeling warm so I removed my coat too and sat with them on the floor on a warm carpet with them , with a table in front on which stove was there too , i saw Nancy picking up the basket of food and started cooking , we all started serving eachother but accidentally in hurry coz we all were hungry a bowl of hot soup fell on my hand and on clothes ...
Y/n: ahh!
I hissed in pain...
Taehyung: Y/N!
Yeonjun: omo I'm so sorry!
Y/n: i-its ok-okay..ah~
Taehyung: Minho pls pass me the tissues
Minho nodded and passed
Nancy: oh God y/n!!!!

It felt as if i was burning slowly and slowly i started feeling more burning sensation on my skin and especially on chest...
Y/n: ouch!! Taehyung it hurts!!!
Taehyung: shh shh just calm down , take a deep breath..
He said as he was wiping away the excess from my hand and clothes, while blowing air .... With every touch i felt paining heat .
Y/n: Tae~ ....
Tae: just done...okay.. it's okay
Yeonjun: hyung use that..

Everyone seemed worried and tried helping us in some way....
I gripped hard on Tae's sweater...
Y/n: ahh!
Taehyung: easy easy .. it's done okay..
He said as he slowly touched my lower throat , i was sweating by now, but soon i felt a bit cold i looked down and saw that Taehyung was using his powers to get me a bit cold ...soon it felt as if i was on ice , his hand was so cold that i pushed it away.
We looked at eachother and we remembered what had happened b/w us earlier.
He hesitantly looked away and i too and excused myself .

Y/n: excuse me..

With that i stood up and went to washroom.
Nancy: i-i'll go with her.

In the washroom....
I was looking at my reflection in the mirror after washing my hands ...
I remembered what just happened rn, the way he was helping me showed genuine concern , but then why is he acting this way with me, I'm sure he's hiding something, i remembered about his purple eyes , he changed after that.

What's wrong? Why is he more complicated than physics !
I ignored my thoughts as i started wiping my clothes with water.

Soon Nancy came in..
Nancy: hey, are u ok? Does it hurt?
Y/n: n-no it's better.
Nancy: thank god.
She helped me with the clothes when I heard a voice from outside....
??: Nancy?
Nancy: c-coming..
It was Taehyung, outside the washroom.

After a few mins Nancy came back...
Nancy: hash! Thank god! Here wear this Y/n.
Y/n: but it's Taehyung's sweater.
Nancy: yeah he gave it to u , he can stay like this though, but u can't so wear it otherwise you'll catch cold.
I srsly didn't wanted to wear it though but i didn't wanted Nancy to feel something sus so I agreed to wear.

We came out and had our food.

Time skip...
After eating ....
Jin: hey c'mon let's go outside and play in snow!
Suga: sounds exciting to me
Yeonjun: well if it's exciting to Suga hyung then ofc it must be very exciting! Let's go!
Felix: haha yeah!
We all agreed and wore our jackets and coats and headed outside ....

Time skip
We were playing in the snow , we made teams and made a snowman!
I and Nancy made one and looked around at others , they were tiny-cute some were big and amazing but one just made us all burst out laughing...
It was of Taehyung and Jhope!

Minho: don't mind me asking but why your snowman's head is downwards and legs upwards ...
Taehyung: our snowman is an athlete u see.
Jhope: yup unique like us!

Everyone laughed but i just smiled it was funny but idk y i just didn't wanted to laugh...
Y/n's Pov ends

A/n's pov
U continued correcting your snowman while others were laughing , Taehyung looked at you while laughing but automatically he stopped gradually , as he saw your face.

He looked away while smiling at others ...
Soon you decided to play snowball fight .. you made teams and stood on either side , some didn't wanted to play so they went to sit inside the restaurant where y'all were before , and that included Taehyung .

You started playing as you made your snow balls , on your side were Nancy and Felix and on the other side was jhope , Minho and Yeonjun.

You started hitting each other giggling , laughing rolling on the ground laughing as u all hit eachother some looked like a snowman by now, tbh u enjoyed playing with them u totally forgot about Taehyung there and just enjoyed yourself...

Minho: now here taste mine!!!
Y/n: ah!
Nancy: hahaha
Felix: yahh hyung u srsly want me to be a snow man today don't u.
Jhope: get ready for mine!!
Y/n: here u go with mine!!! Be carefull!!!!
U hit it and it landed straight on yeonjun's face
Yeonjun: yaahh!! This is your 20th time hitting my face !
Felix: her snowballs are attracted to your face !!
You all laughed at it..

U played there , enjoying the game but someone , not too far from y'all was enjoying something was Taehyung.
He stood near the window watching you laughing and enjoying not caring about anything at all , he smiled as he saw your beautiful smile.

Jin: why don't u admit it that u like her!

He got a bit startled , he blinked his eyes a few times , coming back to his senses as he looked behind. And there stood Suga and Jin.

Taehyung: what are u talking about.
Suga: look Tae we know something is really wrong b/w u both , idk what happened on the way here b/w u both but it seems like it wasn't right though...
Jin: u both are trying hard not to show it but it's just clearly visible coz none of u r satisfied with it!
Taehyung: stop it guys! I don't want to talk about it at all! Move on!
Suga: We're your Hyungs Tae! How can we move on, when finally we got someone who can understand our younger brother like how we do! Tae i would just say that , just accept the fact that u like her , u love staying with her and I've seen a different side of yours when you're with her...
Jin: moreover look at your eyes , they have started turning purple whenever u look at her , whenever u are with her. Your heart line has started showing its Symptoms Taehyung! Why don't u want to accept it all! Listen to your heart it says that you love he-
Taehyung: I DON'T! I WOULD NEVER! NO! ....Not again hyung! hurts alot! I don't want to go through all those depressing moments again... To save her i have to hate her! She'll hate me too! And do something which will probably make me hate her genuinely. That's all!
Jin: that's wrong Tae , that's totally wrong!
Taehyung: ofc it's wrong! She is wrong! She still wants to go away from all of us after 3 months , idk why do we even like her when she's going to leave us anyway! Just like we don't mean anything to her! I don't think if she is going to miss us! She won't!
Jin: how can u say that! U can't blame her like that! What if she actually wants to stay but your such behaviour doesn't let her!
Taehyung: then why would she have divorce papers in her cupboard!
Suga: what are u saying?
Tae: yes!! I went to take my coat to give it for dry cleaning to Ms.Cassy (their maid)
I remember i removed it before and kept it in her cupboard but today when I went to take it , I saw divorce papers in her cupboard! Do u see that! She doesn't care about us! She will leave us and live happily !
Jin and Suga looked at eachother
Suga: idk Tae but i actually feel she would never ! She's not of the kind you're thinking her as .
Jin: yes! Maybe you're just assuming things so that your heart stops liking her ! But believe me i feel something is going wrong!
Taehyung: i don't want to talk about it , i just don't know , but i don't feel right! Pls leave me alone for sometime coz i don't want to end up hurting someone deeply or just ruining a happy going bond.
Jin and Suga nodded as Taehyung turned around facing the window, watching you smiling and giggling with others.
Taehyung: I just can't afford losing someone again . I don't want any innocent to die .... again .

??: Poor Taehyung, no matter what u do , she has to die anyways!
?? 2: you did great job by putting up the hidden speaker there now come back and give us rest of the information! (On phone)
Cuts the phone and turns to ??.
??: Finally I'll get my Y/n what do u want in return....
?? 2: uk it right, i have everything , but Taehyung is someone that is my need...i need him . Just him.
??: But uk it won't be easy for us rn! U know what we have to do now right...
?? 2: oh yes i do very well!
The laughed evily at their plans 😈

What do u think they're planning to do? Will y/n ever get to know about these deep secrets , will Taehyung and Y/n get back together or its actually their end!
You think about that ....
Don't worry you will get the answers to your questions!
Coz now...
