World info: (With the event of the Omnic Crisis, the government force, Overwatch, was placed to defend humanity. The public admired them, until the task force, Blackwatch, was discovered and caused a panic in the public. During one of their final battles with their enemy, Talon, the base was destroyed. As a result, all operations with Overwatch were shut down, and Overwatch was disbanded. However, all of that is about to change.)

Time in World: 2074

The scene first sets up in nighttime at London where the streets were silent. Arcturus decided to run up to the rooftops to get a better view. Up there, he had a view of a beautiful city for miles.

Arcturus: nice view. Kinda reminds me of home.

Clara: indeed. Ever since the Omnic Crisis, they had to rebuild what they lost. But, looks like things are working.

The moment was then ruined by a gunshot. Arcturus then sees a crowd of people and knew someone was shot. His eyes glowed blue and he was able to recreate the trajectory of the bullet. His sight takes him to two women fighting on the roof.



Tracer: (pins Widowmaker down) why!? Why did you do that?!

The assassin just chuckles and a drop ship appeared. It distracts Tracer enough for Widow to break free and damage her suit. Arcturus's eyes return to normal and he quickly runs over to try and stop Widowmaker. But, she disappears with a smoke bomb, and escapes on the drop ship.

Arcturus: sh**. (Turns back and checks on Tracer) hey, hey, are you ok?

Tracer: (in slight pain) I'm fine...

At that second, Soulless appeared and surround the two.

Arcturus: (summons Keyblade) leave this to me.

He dealt with the Soulless as fast as possible. Tracer looked up and saw how fast he was going. As well as his weapon and combat.

Tracer's Thoughts: never seen him before. And that weapon... who is he?

When it was over. Arc went beck and saw how much damage was on her suit. Clara even did a closer inspection.

Clara: Arc, she's wearing a chrono-accelerator. It's not too damaged, but if it doesn't get fixed, it'll break and she could get lost somewhere in time.

Arcturus: got it. (Crouches by Tracer and uses his gauntlet to pull out a repair tool) ok, I'm gonna fix your accelerator so you can get back on your feet, ok.

Not waiting for an answer, Arc begins his work. The tech was similar to his home world, so repairing this was equivalent to when he had to construct a functioning generator for class.

Arcturus: I'm Arcturus by the way. But, call me Arc for short.

Tracer: name's Tracer. (Beat) where did you learn to fight like that?

Arcturus: my mom.

Tracer: how did you moved so fast in lighting?

Arcturus: an accident. Was in a coma for 3 months, and when I woke up, I could run faster than the speed of sound.

Tracer: had an accident, too. Was a pilot testing out a new jet engine, but it went wrong. Next thing I knew, I could move through time.

Arcturus: ah, that's why you need this. It's keeping you in one place. (Finishes work) alright, you should be good to go. But first (hands a potion) drink this. It'll help with the pain.

The woman was a bit unsure about it, but she knew if he wanted to kill her, he'd have done it by now. She drinks the potion, and sure enough, she felt better. Her health wasn't full, but it was enough to get her back on her feet.

Narrator (mom): Tracer stands up and tests her suit. She then teleported around the area and seemed to be doing ok.

Tracer: (teleported back to Arc) thanks, love. I really owe you one. (Eyes widen in remembering something) the ambassador!

The two looked back at the crowd and people were still confused as to what happened. Arcturus looked at Tracer and saw sadness on her.

Arcturus: you did what you could, it wasn't your fault.

Tracer: still don't get it. Why did she do it?

Arcturus: not sure, but we should go. (Pauses) where do we go?

Tracer: (activates her earpiece) Winston, I'm heading back to base, and I'm bringing someone in. (Turns to Arc) alright, love, follow me. That is (smirks) if you can keep up.

Arcturus: (smirks) funny, was about to say the same thing.

Both then sprinted of in two blue beams (one of light and the other lightning) to meet up where Tracer needed to go.


Widowmaker returned to base where three others were waiting for her.




Widowmaker: mission was a success. Target's been terminated

Reaper: excellent.

Sombra: we also noticed a teenager showed up in blue lightning. Who was that?

Widowmaker: don't know, didn't care.

Moria: still, though. I would very much like to study him.

???: I can help with that.

The four villains suddenly pull their weapons out and were pointing them at Cronos.

Reaper: how did you get here?

Cronos: I entered through the door. I recommend you put the weapons down. I'd like to talk without idiocy.

Sombra attempted to hack his suit, but Cronos retaliated by hacking her tech.

Sombra: (shocked) that impossible! No one can hack my technology!

Cronos: where I'm from, it's second rate. Now, anyone else want to humiliate themselves?

Reaper: (doesn't order immediately) stand down. (Puts guns away) you have balls to face death like this.

Cronos: I met a being of death before, and you're more sane and less ugly than him. (Sits down and puts feet up) now, let's talk.


Narrator (mom): Arc and Tracer arrived at base where they were greeted by a big gorilla.


Winston: are you alight, Tracer?

Tracer: Yeah, thanks to Arc here.

Arcturus: (looks at Winston) a talking gorilla?

Winston: that's scientist.

Arcturus: cool!

Tracer: but, Talon killed the ambassador.

Winston: it's alright. I'm right now concerned about this new threat we have. Come, the others are waiting for us.

The three went into a room where a few other people were waiting.






After all the introductions, the group got down to business. Turns out, while Tracer was visiting the ambassador in London, the others encountered the Soulless and were just surprised that there weapons did destroy them, but would instantly respawn.

Reinhardt: I've fought many enemies in my day, but none like this.

Mercy: agreed. The Soulless so far are just as bad, if not worse, than Talon.

Tracer: well, that's why we're back. If we're gonna get back in the game, we need to get rid of the Soulless.

Hanzo: how? Our weapons haven't been able to keep them down.

Arcturus: I can. (All look at him) my Keyblade is made to combat against Darkness. So, we can help each other.

Hanzo: look, no offense, kid, but we're not going to leave you to fight them alone. (idea pops in her head) wait! What if we give our gear an upgrade to match his skills?

Winston: (thinks for a second) that might work... wait here.

Narrator (mom): the scientist leaves the room, and after some time, returns with a pair of red and black goggles.

A/N: they're the same ones Sora had when he was with Big Hero 6

Arcturus: what's that?

Winston: AR goggles. Try them on.

Arc follows along and when he actives it, he sees a Soulless in front of him. But, it doesn't attack.

Arcturus: quick question before I confirm something, does anyone else see a Soulless here?

Brigitte: don't see any here.

Tracer: relax, love, it's the goggles.

Winston: Tracer's right. The device will allow us to collect data so we can improve our gear. And, you can learn a thing or two from us.

Arcturus: Augmented Reality... (smirks) now that's my kind of training.

Clara: agreed. Shall we show what you're capable of?

Overwatch then transported Arc to some of most iconic places across the world (Hanamoura, Iekenwall, Rialto, and Paris) and began training him. At first, it was a bit tricky, but as the others learned from Arcturus, he learned from them as well.

Arcturus: (sparring with Genji) I noticed you rarely use your katana. Any particular reason?

Genji: my katana is my strongest weapon. But, it also drains most of my energy. When you're in battle, only use your strongest attack at the right moment. Otherwise, (knocks Arc to the ground) your enemy will defeat you.

Arcturus: (trying to conjure a shield with Brigitte and Reinhardt) So, how long do you keep the shield up?

Brigitte: either before it's destroyed, or when the enemy is defeated.

Reinhardt: but your foes will expect that. Always change your tactics, never rely too much on one skill.

Arcturus: like my speed?

Brigitte: exactly.

Arcturus: (practicing healing with Mercy) you usually stick with healing more than combat. Why choose to stick with defense more than offense?

Mercy: because it's my duty as a teammate and a doctor to help the others.

Arcturus: but, isn't it exhausting being the one who usually has to look out for the others?

Mercy: it is. But, that doesn't mean I was the only one. Other healers are out on the field as well, but remember Arc, don't stay in one place. Always keep moving in battle so you can help your teammates. And (heals a wound on his hand) so that you take less damage.

At the end of the day, the team gain new ideas on how to improve their gear; their shields are stronger and can even shatter and cause damage to the enemy, elemental attacks were added, and many more skills. Arcturus also gained Reflect and Cure magic. The group turned in for the night, but little did they know, tomorrow was going to be full of surprises for them.


People were running for their lives as Soulless had invaded the museum. Reaper and Widowmaker were firing their guns at the security Omics and human guards. Moria was using her dark energy to fuel the Soulless and Sombra hacked all tech in the area so they can reach their goal.

Sombra: all systems have been disabled.

Moria: good. (Observers her darkness) this power is greater than anything I've felt before.

Widowmaker: what's the status on the target?

Reaper: target in sight.

Narrator (mom): Reaper was walking to a display case that contained a golden glove with spikes. Before anything happened, Arc suddenly appeared right next to Widow.

Arcturus: hi! Remember me? (Widowmaker jumps back and fires bullets at him) I'll take that as a yes.

The rest of Overwatch appears next to him.

Tracer: cheers love! The Calvary's here!

Winston: team, look what they're going for.

Brigitte: (sees the gauntlet) DoomFist's gauntlet!

Arcturus: DoomFist?

Mercy: an old enemy of Overwatch. He's in prison, but his gauntlet was taken here for safe keeping.

Genji: I remember that day. Tracer, Winston and I fought him, but we were lucky to make it back with our lives.

Tracer: they get that gauntlet and break him out, no one will be safe.

Winston: alright team, we need to stop Talon from getting that gauntlet.

Mercy: shall we than?

The battle began. They took down the Soulless with limit breaks from the party members, and even had to deal with Talon's own specials. A/N: the way how this fight will go will basically be that if Reaper, Sombra, Widowmaker and Moria will be bosses. You as the reader can decide your team (you can have up to 4 members and can swap them out in between) and your limit break is called 'Hero's Ultimate.' The limit is a combination of each of your party member's Ultimates from the game. So, whoever's in your group, you can unleash some powerful combos.

Reaper: (Pulls out new guns) you're definitely something not to be underestimated, boy.

Arcturus: thanks, but quick question. Where do you get so many guns? And where do your previous ones go?

That made him mad. He used his special to push Arc back, but Arcturus uses his Keyblade to deflect all the shots. While he was distracted, Widowmaker fired her sniper rifle at him. Arc just barely dodged the bullet as it flew past his head.

Widowmaker: and I thought Tracer was hard to hit. But it doesn't matter. You'll be my greatest kill, and your weapon will make a fine trophy.

Sombra: focus on the task.

Moria: (blasts the gauntlet) we need a new change. guys, something's happening to the gauntlet.

Narrator (mom): everyone looked and saw the gauntlet was shrouded in darkness. It took form into a Soulless that was similar to a Heartless called the Invisible.

Clara: (sarcastic) well, ain't that lovely.

Arcturus ran the Soulless outside where they fought for a while. The Soulless was about be destroyed, when it was suddenly shot at. As it fades, Arc turns around and see an Man with white hair, a red visor, and a gun smoking from being fired.

Soldier 76

Arcturus: (suddenly salutes) thank you, sir. Why am I saluting? (Breaks salute)

Soldier 76: not bad, kid. I usually would say that the battlefield is no place for a boy like you. But, (hands the gauntlet) it seems you have what it takes to be a soldier.

Arcturus: (takes the gauntlet) who are you?

Soldier 76: just a soldier doing his job.

He then turns and leaves. Arcturus didn't know why, but he could see that there was more to this man than he's letting on. He then turns and runs back inside where the others are waiting for him.

Arcturus: you guys ok?

Reinhardt: don't worry, my friend. It'll take more than that to take Overwatch down.

Arcturus: (Notices Talon gone) where's Talon?

Hanzo: after you took the Soulless outside, the cowards retreated.

Genji: but, we stopped them from getting the gauntlet.

Winston: and, it looks like the Soulless have stopped.

As soon as he said that, the gauntlet started to glow and Arcturus sealed the keyhole.

Arcturus: now the Soulless won't be coming back. so, what now?

Arcturus: I have to move on. There's still more work for me to do, but don't worry, I'll come back if you need me.

Tracer: (hands him a medal) you know, the world could always need more heroes like you.

Hero's Reunion. Form change: Gil-point Smasher (a hammer in the style of Reinhardt, Pharrah, Wreaking Ball, Zenyatta, and

Reinhardt: you're officially Overwatch. You ever need help, don't hesitate to call.

Genji: remember your training.

Mercy: and keep others and yourself safe.

Arcturus: (smiles) I will. (takes a selfie with him) next time we meet, let's make sure we try out some more gaming.

Arcturus: you bet. Well, see you all later.

Arc was about to leave, when Tracer suddenly grabs his shoulder.

Tracer: before you go, there is one thing I want to do.

Narrator (mom): later that day, the group is standing outside of a road where Tracer and Arcturus are walking to the middle of the road.

Mercy: how will we determine the winner? Winston and I got special cameras that will capture them in super slow motion.

Hanzo: this is crazy.

Brigitte: who cares? My money's on Sapphire Speedster.

Reinhardt: in that case, I believe that Tracer will prevail.

Genji: I don't really care. I'm just interested to see the result.

Winston: (holds a pistol) alright, are you two ready?

Tracer and Arcturus: ready!

Winston: remember, no weapons, no cheating, only use your speed.

Tracer and Arcturus get in a ready stance for running. Now, everything is in silence, until the pistol fires and the two heroes disappear in two blue streaks of light.

Author's note: this was more trickery than expected.
I wanted Overwatch in this story, but since the game technically doesn't have a main story mode (I wish it did), it was hard to determine what was going to happen. So, I took some elements from the shorts we've seen and the San Fransoskyo world in KH3.
I also kept going back and forth on who to include. But don't worry, characters like McCree, Phyraa, and others will show up later in the story.
The question Arc asked is a joke I kept saying on Reaper's weapons. Seriously, where does he get so many guns? And what happens to his old guns when he drops them?
The encounter with Cronos showed a little bit about his chapter. I plan to do that in the end of the second Act.
Anyways, sorry if this chapter wasn't too good.
As to who wins the race, I'll leave that to you guys.

Next Chapter: Metroplex Heads the Call of the Keyblade.
