World Info: (Since the beginning, the universe has been divided between the power of the Force. The Jedi, who walk the path of light, and the Sith, who walk the path of darkness. In the stories, it was foretold that a Chosen One will rise up, destroy the dark lord, Sidieous, and restore balance to the Force. Currently, that Chosen One is fighting in a war that will change the course of history.)

Time in World: middle of the Clone Wars.

The scene first starts off quite in outer space... until the FireFly is suddenly shown making its way through a battle field with cruiser ships and fighter jets blasting everywhere.

Arcturus: remind me again why the ship decided it would be a good idea to teleport us in the middle of a battle?

Clara: don't blame me. Whatever's causing a ruckus here, the ship decided that this would be the best choice to go.

Arcturus: let's get cover in the asteroid belt.

The ship then took cover by some asteroids. Suddenly, a telephone started ringing. And, this wasn't like a smart phone or a home phone, this was an old school telephone that was bright red.

Arcturus: (confused) that actually works? I thought the thing was a prop.

Clara: apparently not. I guess the ship thought it would be a fun idea to give you a functioning telephone from the 1900s. But, question is, whose calling us?

Arcturus: only one way to find out.

Narrator (mom): Arc then walks over to the phone, pulls the receiver up, and begins to talk.

Arcturus: hello?

???: this is General Kenobi of the Republic. We detected your ship in the area, and we're unable to identify it. Can you provide us as to who you are and why you're here?

Arcturus: certainly, General. My name is Arcturus Farron, and I'm looking for something. You see, I was tracking an unknown energy signal, and somehow managed to find myself in the middle of a war zone.

Kenobi: what sort of energy signal?

Arcturus: you see-

Suddenly, a blurr went past Arc and was heading straight for a Republic Cruise ship. He quickly runs to the controls with the phone cable stretching all the way from the other side of the room.

Arcturus: um, there's currently a ship moving very fast towards one of your cruisers. I can take it down, but I need backup.

Kenobi: we're near your position.

Arcturus: we? (Phone rings again. Arc presses buttons) hello?

???: this is General Skywalker and Commander Tano. We see your ship and we're heading straight for the enemy droid.

Narrator (mom): outside the FireFly, three ships came next to Arc.

Commander Tano: it's giving off a weird signature. I've never seen a droid like it.

Arcturus: I have. We need to take it out before it makes it to the ship.

Kenobi: alright then.

Arcturus then activated a battle mode on his ship. The ship covered itself in a black armor shell, the sides of the ship opened up to show blasters and rocket launchers, the bottom of the ship opened up to a mini-gun, and the windshield has a red visor that had a targeting system.

Arcturus: (hangs up the phone) time for a spaceship fight.

The fight engaged. They took out multiple droid ships, and what turned out to be a Soulless droid known as 'The Serpentine'. They stopped the enemies, but the Serpentine escaped. The generals and commander told Arc to land on one of the Republic cruisers to meet face to face. After landing, Arc was greeted by three people.

Anakin Skywalker

Obi-wan Kenobi

Ashoka Tano

Arcturus: hello Generals, Commander.

Obi-wan: my name is Obi-wan Kenobi. This is Anakin Skywalker, and his padawn, Ashoka Tano.

Arcturus: pleasure to meet you all. I'm Arcturus, Arc for short.

Anakin: (observes the FireFly) I've never seen a ship design like this. Where's it from?

Arcturus: my home world. It's kinda really far way. But, the ship's called 'FireFly'.

Anakin: how fast does it go?

Arcturus: I actually haven't gotten the chance to test it out. All I've been told is that it goes fast. (Turns back to the others) anyway, have you guys dealt with the Soulless before?

Ashoka: no, those things just showed up. What are they? A new king of droid from the Separatist?

Arcturus: no, but they can that the form as such. They're creatures that are born from vengeful spirits.

Anakin: so, what, they're suppose to be ghosts?

Arcturus: in a way.

???: General Kenobi.

The group turns to see a soldier in white and yellow armor approach them. This is Commander Cody.

Cody: we've just received word that Coruscant is under attack by unknown enemies. We've been ordered to return back.

Obi-wan: understood, Commander. Have all the troops prepare for jump speed.

Cody: yes, sir.

Arcturus then followed the group to the bridge of the ship, where he noticed aside from the admiral, the whole crew looked, moved, and sounded exactly the same. The only difference with them were the uniforms and the different hair styles and colors they have. These were the Clone Troopers.

(In the beginning of the Clone Wars, Obi-wan was investigating the bounty hunter known as Jango Fett. His search led him to a planet called Kamino. There, he discovered that they have a factory that had a DNA sample of the hunter and used it to create thousands and thousands of soldiers for the Republic. And they're still making more. Their first official fight was the Battle of Geonosis, and have been fighting since.)

Anakin: (gestures to a high ranking officer) Arcturus, this is Captain Rex. Rex, this is Arcturus.

Arcturus: (holds out a hand to shake) pleasure to meet you, Captain.

Rex: (shakes hand) likewise, kid.

Narrator (mom): Arc then noticed a blue droid arrive to them.

R2-D2: (beeps)

Arcturus: nice to meet you, R2. Call me Arc.

Clara: he's kinda cute

Arcturus: (suddenly uncomfortable) ok, um, how do we get to Coruscant?

Bridge worker: we're ready to jump into hyper-space, sir.

Obi-wan: let's head over there.

Narrator (mom): the ship then quickly arrived to a different planet. There, they landed, and quickly went to help the others.

They arrive to see the main council building under attack. The troops fired their weapons and the Jedi activated their lightsabers.

Arcturus: is anyone else in the building?

Clara: hold on. (Scans the structure) there's civilians trapped inside. And, the building's filling up with battle droids. You're gonna need to fast for this one.

Arcturus: (summons Keyblade) time for some fun.

Suddenly, time seemed to have slowed down. Everything was going at a super slow rate, except for Arcturus. He then pulls out his headphones, pulls up his playlist and picks a song.

(Cue Time in a Bottle)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Arcturus: (smiles) I've always wanted to try this.

The boy then moved at super speed inside the building. One by one, he pulled people out to safety, and took care of the battle droids. His fight consisted of throwing objects, getting them to shoot themselves, tossing them up in the air, and actually moving blasts out of the way from people. During this, he stopped for a second and tried some food. He actually found it good.

He also managed to take out a few spider-droids and Soulless. Finally, he found two people and a gold droid. He tossed the droid over his shoulders, grabbed the people, and left the building. When he returned to his original spot, he stops the music, and time returns to normal and everyone is surprised by what happened.

Battle Droid: what happened?

Battle Droid: I think we just lost a few of our troops.

Arcturus: (Takes them out) you know, for droids, they don't exactly have the brightest minds.

Ashoka: true. But, that doesn't mean they aren't tougher in numbers.

Rex: (points to some troops) you men, make sure the people are far enough from the battle field. The rest of you, cover fire.

The battle finally finished up after taking out the last few droids. Obi-wan then noticed the Keyblade in Arc's hand, and was surprised to see it.

Obi-wan's Thoughts: that blade... can it be? I thought they were all killed.

The people were being treated for injuries. Arcturus then noticed the last two people and the droid he got out in time, were talking with Anakin and Ashoka. Clara did a quick scan on the people, and identified them as Padmé Amidala and Chancellor Palpatine.

Arcturus: (walks over) everyone alright?

Padmé: yes, thanks to you.

Arcturus: (bows a little) that's good to hear, Senator. (Turns to the Chancellor) and to you as well, Chancellor.

Palpatine: that was quite the display, young warrior. Allow me to welcome you to the Republic.

Droid: and, thank you for helping me, as well.

Arcturus: didn't want to leave anyone behind. Even droids. What model are you?

C-3PO: I am C-3PO. Human-Cyborg relation.

Anakin: 3PO's a protocal droid. He's able to translate hundreds of languages.

Arcturus: a universal translator. That's handy.

Padmé: but, I'm still confused, how did you get us out of there so fast?

Arcturus: I'm a Speedster.

Ashoka: that does explain the lightning. But, what's that weapon?

Obi-Wan: (walks towards them) it's called the Keyblade. (Arc looks surprised and gets in a fighting stance) stand down, Arcturus, I don't want to fight you.

Arcturus: how do you know about the Keyblade?

Obi-Wan: I promise to explain that to you. But first, we're needed back at the Jedi Temple. The council wishes to speak with you.

Arcturus: the council? But, what about the Soulless. That thing's still out there somewhere.

Anakin: we know. But, if the council wants to meet you, then we can't ignore them. (Turns to Rex and Cody) have your men track it down. Let us know when you found a location.

Rex and Cody: (salutes) yes sir.

The group then split as the Jedi, Arc, and a few Clones boarded a Gun Ship and headed of to the temple. Along the way, Clara sensed that Arc was lost in thought about something.

Clara: something on your mind?

Arcturus: (whispers) yeah. The Chancellor... something's off about that guy.

Clara: what do you mean?

Arcturus: (whispers) can't fully explain it, but the way how he was speaking, it was like he was putting on a performance as someone else. And, I thought I felt a very strong darkness reeking off him.

Clara: now that you mentioned it, I did detect that the Soulless were gathering darkness from somewhere. And, it would explain why they were converging more where he was. Should we ask the Jedi about it?

Arcturus: (whispers) I don't think that's the best idea for us. If we start making accusations like that, we'll be the ones they don't like. When we're off world and have free time, we can look into him.

Ashoka: Arc. (Arc faces her) you ok? You look like you're mumbling.

Arcturus: sorry, just... a little nervous. The last time I met a council, I didn't know if they were gonna give me a job, or lock me in prison.

Anakin: don't worry. From what Obi-Wan says, they just want to meet with you. But, I am curious, what exactly is the Keyblade?

Arcturus: it's a weapon that opens the doors to other worlds. But, how does Master Kenobi know it?

Anakin: like he said, we'll know when we meet the council.

The Gunship arrived at the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan had gone ahead to meet up with the council, so he was already waiting for them.

Clara: Arc, when we go in there, it'll be just like with the High Council back home. You shouldn't speak unless spoken to, answer honestly and with politeness, and these guys are very strict when it comes to their ways, so definitely don't question that.

Arcturus: no pressure.

The group finally arrived to the High Council chamber. Inside, were seats circled around the room (with a spot open for people to walk to the center) and Jedi Masters in each of them. Aside from Kenobi and a master identified as Mace Windu, the members were aliens of different races. Clara did a quick scan and identified each one of them.

A/N: this was the only photo I could find with all the members. If I missed some, or a few at dead, I apologize.

Anakin: (bows to the council) high council, this is Arcturus.

Arcturus: (walks to the center and bows)

Mace Windu: you are the Keyblade wielder?

Arcturus: yes master.

Yoda: young for a wielder, you are. But strong, the Force is within you. Your Keyblade, may we see?

Arcturus nods and summons the blade. Using the Force, the Keyblade floated around the room for the council to see it. They were amazed at the craftsmanship of the weapon, at least until it magically disappeared and reappeared in Arc's hand.

Arcturus: (a little embarrassed) s-sorry about that. It does that sometimes.

Ki-Aib-Mundi: it's alright. The blade has bonded with you well. How long have you had it?

Arcturus: a few months. After an accident on my home world, I was in a coma for 3 months, and when I came to, the Keyblade appeared. Same with my powers.

Shaak-Ti: I sense the Speed Force within you. It was wise to choose you. But... your heart seems lost. Lost and perturbed. Why is that?

Arcturus: I still don't understand why me out of everyone was given these abilities. I'm pretty much a kid who was there at the right place and time.

Yoda: a reason, your powers have. Reside within you, a strong heart does. All are given a role in life. Discover yours, this journey will take you.

Mace Windu: I agree. You've been chosen for a reason. And, it seems you meant to come here. Do you have any questions for us?

Arcturus: yes, a couple actually. First, have the Soulless showed up before?

Kit-Fisto: not like this. We've had encounters with creatures of darkness like the Heartless, and we knew about the existence of the Soulless. But, they've always been in small groups. Now, they're appearing in larger forms, and causing more havoc than before.

Ki-Adi-Mundi: as Master Windu said, it seems you were meant to come here. Your weapon is the only thing that can truly stop the Soulless. Just as it was for the Heartless.

Arcturus: that's right. How do you all know about the Keyblade in the first place?

Shaak-Ti: we use to be allies with the Keyblade wielders. During the days of the Old Republic, creatures of darkness assaulted us, and we sought out help.

Plo Koon: that was when the Keyblade wielders came. They helped us, and in return we shared an alliance that lasted for years.

Arcturus: wait, you said 'use to'. What happened between both sides?

Obi-Wan: Arcturus, what is your knowledge of the Keyblade War?

Arcturus: the Keyblade War? Well, not a lot. It was a bed time story my family would tell as a kid.

The council then told Arc about the war. That, there use to be thousands, almost millions, of Keyblade wielders like him. But, when the leaders of the unions, the Foretellers, started to have tension between one another, it cause Civil War between them. They then marched into one final clash that lasted for weeks. and when the dust finally cleared, all that remained was a wasteland of lifeless Keyblades.

Kit-Fisto: after that, we hadn't heard from any wielder, and believed the prophecy 'Darkness will prevail, and Light shall expire' came true.

Yoda: hope was not lost, however. A final task, Master Ava was given. Created a union to not fight in the war, she was instructed.

Mace Windu: the Dandelions, as they were called, were to leave into a new world and keep the light safe. It's through them that the worlds were kept in balance.

Arcturus: So, what should we do now?

Plo Koon: our men are still tracking the Soulless. Until then, you are free to explore the temple.

Yoda: Arcturus. (Arc faces him) clouded, your future is. But strong in spirt, you are. Trust your heart, to unlock the answers you seek. May the Force be with you.

Arcturus: (bows) thank you, masters.

After he exits, Obi-Wan noticed Shaak-Ti and Ki-Adi-Mundi lost in thought.

Obi-Wan: is something wrong masters?

Ki-Adi-Mundi: apologies, Obi-wan, but I sensed a familiar presence from him.

Shaak-Ti: as did I. Could he have some connection to...

Yoda: the possibility, it is. Know for certain, we do not.

The rest of the night was used exploring the temple. The Speedster observed Jedi training, interacted with other Jedi, observed the argument between C-3PO and R2-D2 (which he found hilarious), and was now in the library. He found a few entries about Keyblade masters working with the Jedi. One that was quite mentioned was a man named Tyr. Arc asked Clara about him, but strangely, the A.I. couldn't find any info about this man.


Meanwhile, a man in a cloak that covered all but his lover face was siting on a throne with another man with gray hair and a beard, a woman with a shaved head and pale skin with tattoos, and a robot with four arms. The four were speaking to a hologram of Cronos.

Darth Sidious: these Soulless have proven to far stronger than the battle droids.

Cronos: good. Tell me though, how has the search of the holocron been?

Count Douku: our army has located its position, and the Soulless are converging towards it.

Ventress: obviously, they're obsessed with it. But, there still remains on the problem with this so called 'Keyblade wielder'.

Count Douku: agreed. And, with his powers of a Speedster, he's more dangerous.

Grevious: let us destroy him. We shall destroy him, and I will claim his weapon as my greatest trophy.

Darth Sidious: (chuckles) he shall know the true power of the dar-

The four suddenly began choking. Then, they were forced together and were thrown straight towards where a thermal vent was. They couldn't tell because of the helmet, but they knew Cronos was angry.

Cronos: let me be perfectly clear to all of you. I don't care how you feel about the Jedi, and I don't give a s**t about this so called Chosen One. But the Sapphire Speedster is mine. If you kill him, then I'll personally make sure the Sith never exist a second time. Are we clear?

Narrator (mom): the next day, the group found the Soulless on a planet where battle droids were attacking them. Before they left, the Jedi gave Arc a new summon charm for him to use in battles.

Arcturus: (destroys some droids) what's so important that they'd sent an entire armada here?

Ashoka: (deflecting blasters) according to Rex, they found a Holocron that the Soulless are attracted too.

Arcturus: I thought the Holocrons were back at the temple?

Anakin: (deflecting blasters) this isn't a Jedi Holocron. What ever it is, it's very dangerous.

Obi-Wan: (deflecting blasters) which is why we need to get to it before they do. Arcturus, clear a path for us.

Arcturus: you got it!

The Speedster then sprinted through the droids and made a perfect path towards a temple. He then hurried back and grabbed the Jedi and returned back.

Arcturus: Clara, can you scan the temple for the Holocron?

Clara: (scans) the Holocron is coming from the lower levels.

Arcturus: let's head inside.

Obi-Wan: one moment. I sense a dark presence. We're not the first ones here.

Ashoka: I sense it to, but we need to get that Holocron. (Faces Anakin) let's hurry, Sky-Guy.

Anakin: was just thinking the same thing, Snips.

Arcturus: (confused) Sky-Guy? Snips? (Turns to Obi-Wan) what are they talking about?

Obi-Wan: they usually do this. Let's get a move on.

The group journeyed inside where they encountered Soulless with the skill of Sith. They were tougher, but they were defeated. Soon, they entered a chamber where a emerald octagon was floating on a pedestal.

Arcturus: I take it that's the Holocron?

Obi-Wan: obviously. But, something's not right here.

Soon as he said that, Douku, Ventress and Grevious appeared and drew their weapons.

Arcturus: (summons Keyblade) hello, there.

The fight began as Anakin fought Douku, Ashoka and Obi-Wan fought Ventress, and Arc was fast enough to deal with all four of Grevious's arms. The general tried to cut the Keyblade, but the weapon didn't even get scorched.

Arcturus: get there's one thing a lightsaber can't cut through.

While fighting, Arc couldn't help but notice the fight with Kenobi and Ventress.

Arcturus: (looks at Anakin) hey Anakin, are those two in a relationship of some kind?

Anakin: that's what I've been asking for years!

Obi-Wan: shut up!

To finish them off, they formed a limit break called "FORCE UNLEASHED". They first formed together and made fast lightsaber attacks. After the attacks, they lifted them up, along with parts of the ground, with the force, and made powerful strikes against them. When they stopped, the Sith were defeated.

Douku: very clever, Jedi. But, the worst has yet to come.

Right after he said that, there was suddenly a flash of light, and the Serpentine arrived near the Holocron. This time though, it was like a droid ship with a more human like form. With the Holocron, it flashed a strange glow right at everyone.

Arcturus: what's it doing?

Clara: from what I'm scanning, that energy is some kind off magic.

???: Arc, I'm home.

Arcturus was then surprised by the voice. When he looked at the Soulless, he didn't see it, but a girl instead. She had aurban hair, rose pink eyes, headphones with a ribbon on the left side, a uniform with a flannel skirt, and a lollipop in her mouth. Arcturus was wide eyed at the girl.

Arcturus: how... how is this possible.

Clara: Arc? Arc, what's wrong? Who are you talking too?

Arcturus: I don't understand. (Steps forward) you disappeared. You've been gone for years.

Girl: (holds out a hand) it's alright. Everything will be alright. Just take my hand, and we'll go home.

Ashoka: (steps in front of Arc) Arc! Arc! Snap out of it! It's not real.

Arcturus then shakes his head and blinks a few times. When he saw the Soulless again, he then noticed Obi-Wan and Anakin were holding their heads and shaking them.

Arcturus: what happened?

Ashoka: you guys were zoning out. You looked at the Soulless, and Master Kenobi was saying he sees Qui Gon Jin.

Arcturus: who's Qui Gon Jin?

Obi-Wan: my master. He died years ago. (Turns to Anakin) did you see him.

Anakin: ...

Arcturus: Anakin, who did you see?

Anakin: Shmi...

Obi-Wan: (looks at him with sorrow) Anakin, I...

Arcturus: who's Shmi?

Anakin: mother.

Ashoka: master, I don't understand. Why did you both saw different people?

Arcturus: (looks at the Soulless) I don't know how, but that thing somehow showed us someone from our past. Someone we lost who was important to us.

Anakin: (glares hatefully) then let's take it down.

The group fought the boss. It proved to be harder than expected, so Arc decided to bring in some backup.

Arcturus: (pulls out summon charm) Mighty Morphin Legend!

Narrator (mom): in a flash of light, a man with short black hair and normal clothing. In his hand is a gold weapon. This is Tommy Oliver.

Tommy: it Morphin time! (Holds out the Master Morpher) Shift into Turbo!

Arcturus: Street Saber Strike!

The two went back to back and slid across the floor at high speeds while the sword was glowing. Afterwards, Tommy changed into a new form.

Tommy: Dino Thunder, Power Up!

Arcturus: Brachio-Staff, Energy Orb!

The two used their weapons to create a strong energy orb and released it, causing a lot of damage to the enemies.

Tommy: Zeo Ranger 5, Red!

Arcturus: Star Crystal, Fire!

Tommy puts his hands together and creates a star the gave Arc an energy boost. He then fired the energy in the form of blasters.

Tommy: Dragonzord!

Arcturus: Dragon Dagger, Strike!

Tommy then plays the dagger flute that fired green electricity. With remaining electricity, Arcturus starts running in a circle, carrying the electricity with him. Tommy also created an energy orb and both he and Arc fired at the exact same time.

Tommy: Tigerzord!

Arcturus: Saba, Laser slash!

Both then started spinning their swords, deflecting projectiles and absorbing them. Then, Tommy threw Saba, and the sword began to fly around the Soulless until it stopped in front of it, and fired lasers out of its eyes. The sword than returned to its master.

Arcturus: (shakes hand) thanks, Tommy.

Tommy: (removes helmet and shakes hand) may the power protect you.

The legendary ranger returned to his world, and Arc and the Jedi finished off the Serpentine. When it faded, the group saw that the Holocron was there. Only now it was no longer glowing.

Arcturus: looks like it's out of power.

Ashoka: but, why did it show people form our past?

Obi-Wan: what ever the reason, I think is might be best if keep this under lock and key till we figure it out.

Anakin: as long as it doesn't happen again. (Beat) Ashoka, if Obi-Wan saw Qui Gon, and I saw my mother, who did you see?

Ashoka: I didn't see anyone.

Obi-Wan: what? You weren't effect by it?

Ashoka: no. I just saw the Soulless, and then when I saw how you guys were reacting to it, I knew that something wasn't right.

Arcturus: but why didn't it work for you?

Ashoka: I guess I haven't lost anyone like that before. (Turns to Arc) but, who did you see?

Arcturus: hmm?

Ashoka: you said 'you disappeared years ago'. Who disappeared?

Arcturus: (pause) I don't know... I don't know.

Obi-Wan: (notices the Sith were gone) where'd the Sith go?

Anakin: must've escaped while we were fighting.

Arcturus: you'll get them. I know you guys will.

Without further questions, the group returned to the Republic and went back to Coursuant. They did confirm that the Holocron is dead, and is now useless (little did they knew, that the power was far from gone). Arcturus then found that Anakin's lightsaber was the keyhole, and sealed it. Before he departs however, he's standing in front of the Jedi and the Senate and receives a medal.

Padme: (places medal on Arc) thank you for your help. You save a lot of lives from the Separatists.

Arcturus: (smiles) my mission was to protect the worlds, and I accomplished it by helping this one.

Obi-Wan: and you'll help plenty of others.

Anakin: do you think your mission altogether will be over?

Arcturus: (looks at the blade) I think... as long as the Keyblade remains with me, I'll have no choice but to keep fighting.

Yoda: strong, you are with the Force. Outnumbered, darkness is. May your heart be your guiding key.

Arcturus: my heart be my guiding key?

Yoda: (chuckles) a saying, Keyblade Masters would tell. Fitting for you, I thought it would be.

Arcturus: (bows in respect) thank you, masters. And, if you all ever need help with the Separatists or the Sith, I'll be there to help.

Ashoka: and, if you need help, we'll back you up.

Rex: she's right. The Republic will be there to help.

Narrator (mom): Arcturus then salutes them and returns to his ship.


In a office like room, Arc places his medal on a display and frames it on the wall.

Clara: that's quite an honor.

Arcturus: Yeah, and the fact that we learned that the Jedi and Keyblade wielders knew each other. (Beat) listen, Clara... about what I saw back the temple...

Clara: I didn't see anyone else.

Arcturus: you didn't someone in front of me? A girl?

Clara: what girl?

The truth was, Clara did see the girl. But, when she saw how Arc reacted to her, and how he didn't tell the others, she saw it was very personal to him, and chose not to pry too much into it.

Arcturus's Thoughts: I can't believe I almost forgot after all these years. (Long pause) I wish I knew what happed to you... sis.

Author's note: this was harder than I thought.
I had trouble writing this, so I rewatched Clone Wars to get an idea on how to write each of the characters (I forgot how much of a troll Obi-Wan can be).
The idea that the Jedi and Keyblade wielders would know each other was inspired by a KH3 fanfic I read once.
Arcturus does suspect that Palatine isn't who he claims to be. Seriously, did no one suspected that something was right with that asshole? Not even a little bit?
Tommy Oliver's summon is based off of Genie's from KH2. Like with that, Tommy can change into all the Ranger forms he's had in the past, and each one had a different finishing move. The next summon will be Wonder Woman
The reason Ashoka didn't see anyone, is because she hasn't lost anyone important yet. The only people I can see her loosing that would really effect her would be Anakin, Plo Koon, Rex, the kid from Death Watch, and Barris. Those people are still alive at this point, so she hasn't experienced that lost yet.
Yes, Arc does have a sister. As to who she is, she'll be revealed towards the end of the second act.

Next chapter: Earth's Mightest Heroes.
